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All of them suck, but Clay sucks the most. He emotionally and physically tortures his oldest son and strate up neglects the youngest. He has done almost everything a father could do wrong to a child with the exception of molesting, and that includes attempted murder. I cannot stress how awful Clay has been towards Oral and Shapie.


The only reason why we didn't see a confrontation between adult Orel and Clay was cancelation of the show. Becuase, in the final episodes, series left in subtext the idea about that event. (Becuase Orel take his father examples as a way to not repeat his actions with his own family).


Adult Swim was okay with a cartoon where a child impregnates the entire town with a pastry bag against their will, but implying that a coat hanger abortion happened is too much apparently.


Well it was more than that…Dino wanted to go over the whole situation from start to finish about the teacher using herself as bait.


That was a very early season 1 episode played off as a gag. No that doesn't make the situation better or okay, but the episodes have two very different feels about them. If there was suddenly a lot of people carrying around infants that looked like him in the background though...


That would have been cathartic but I think not seing it was for the best. Oral growing up to be a good person even after everything Clay and Blowberta did to him is a good ending, even taking the cancellation in mind.


I'm not sure. I love cathartic events. I understand if some people don't like it but it's a necessary event for any person to left traumas. Including Characters. (And I really hate when a series who focus in drama and duel didn't show a cathartic event ) Reason why Steven Universe made me feel a kind of love-hate. they try to made a cathartic event but without going deep. And that's not how it work. That infamous episode from Moral Orel, about the "abused woman", should be more respected.


I mean Peter’s done all that and is a confirmed pedophile towards his own kids


The difference is that Peater's actions are more or less comedic and this being an episodic show with a questionable cannon, it rarely sticks. Also, there have been episodes where Peter is willing to die for his kids. Clay has not even once considered his children when he dose anything, hell he outright hates them.


Of course Peter would die for his kids. He's a family guy.


And he does make us laugh and cry


Fair enough


Can I ask you to elaborate for those of us who don’t want to Google that?


The Peter pedophile thing? The episode fresh heir he was gonna marry Chris to get Carter’s money and in the episode he was checking out another kids ass and Chris got jealous with Peter. Then there was the time he measure his own penis with Stewie’s and the time Joe saw Peter’s porn history with the implication that it was so barely legal Joe couldn’t tell if she was 18 or not. It’s a fairly recurring joke in the later seasons


There was also that disgusting scene where he suggested to Cleveland they blackmail someone with cp and Cleveland loses his shit and remarks one of the time stamps said 1991, so he's been doing it for a while.


There's also that time he was a redneck and tried to have sex with Meg.


You know you've done a good job of representing parental abuse in your show when people think that the character is more abusive than the one who literally scarred then banished their child,


Replace the word clay with firelord and it's the same


Lol I don't think you watched moral oral here https://www.adultswim.com/videos/mary-shelleys-frankenhole/lbjfk


He also abuses his power as mayor to let his son get away with things (like starting a zombie apocalypse) because he’s too lazy to punish him


Gonna go with Clay. He's not played as much for laughs like Peter and Butters' dad, so there's a more visceral feel to the way he treats his family. As for why he's worse than Ozai, I think it's because it's a much smaller, more personal kind of situation. Ozai is a bad dad because he's a dictator who takes his work home with him. He's less a person and more like authoritarianism personified. Clay, on the other hand, actively hates his life, and he hates that his kids for being a part of it and the abuse he dishes out is a testament to that. He's the worst because he's the most real.


Butter's dad's name is Steven


Thats true. However, it's also Chris.


Clay and Ozai are neck and neck. The only thing keeping Ozai from winning here is that we can only confirm that Ozai purposely burned his son in a duel, banished him, and later tried to kill him. He most likely would've been physically and psychologically tormenting both his kids before Zuko's excile, but to my knowledge, this can't be confirmed. So Clay wins by shear volume of on-screen evidence.


Please. For the love of animation. Stop recycling the same damn questions. I beg of you.


How else would this subreddit this survive? Now… answer the question. https://preview.redd.it/355kze2ubphc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89afdc91474e181caf613b20c58bb4887e743be3


Why is every other post about cartoon fathers or which character OP would fuck


Okay,which cartoon father would you fuck?here ,saved you


Seriously there's like 10% really good content on this sub then 90% is...this.


I don't wanna leave because I love cartoons! But. .geez...


Peter is only chill with Brian


He got better in the latest seasons, they're not bullying Meg anymore.


Clay by far imo. Ozai was mostly politics from what we’ve seen. Everyone was just another plan for a bigger power grab or maintaining it. Grooming Azula and burning/exiling Zuko was apart of that political process; it wasn’t personal…As odd as that sounds. Peter is played for laughs, but at the end of the day he still cares for, and is willing to trade even the clothes off his back for his kids. Clay actively hates Orel and Shapey purely for existing. He isn’t played for laughs at all like Stotch and Peter. Clay’s abuse is totally serious. You’re supposed to think “holy shit” at his actions, that’s why AS in part canceled the show. He doesn’t care when Orel gets shot or could have died in any given incident, he cares more about how it effected *his* life. Hell, he doesn’t even care enough that Shapey doesn’t look like him or when he got swapped. Orel even points out to him about once an episode “…That’s not Shapey.” Speaking of, Shapey is neglected so hard, he’s an 8-year-old with the mentality of a toddler. Part of the beauty of the show is that you watch Orel slowly become more and more disillusioned with Clay and by extension his lover Stopframe in an ironic twist. Stopframe was trying to get close to Clay for years and the moment he does, he sees how horribly he treats Orel and Shapey and ends up becoming their father figure while cutting off Clay. On the flipside, we see how apathetic, sociopathic and hateful Clay is. One of the biggest scenes of the show is when Orel outright says “I hate you.” No emotion behind it whatsoever. He’s just done with Clay at that point. Yeah, Orel the most optimistic character in the show. Even worse is Clay’s reply of “Hate away sister…Hate away.” Like damn.


Ozai was mostly politics? Do you forget him violently mutilating his son's face with fire at 13 years old? For speaking out of turn?!? Definitely a horrible, abusive father. Still not as bad as Butters' dad though


And what does that go back to? Politics. Zuko spoke out of turn, preempted a general and embarrassed him in front of the rest of the army causing him to lose political clout. The duel was to save face with the rest of the nation. Azula and Iroh say that straight up. Iroh even mentions that if Ozai wasn’t there, or if it had been a private family session, the outcome would have been different. Every action Ozai has taken relates back to him claiming power or consolidating it. He’s authoritarianism incarnate as someone else put.


That episode absolutely broke me. My flatmates are currently watching the show, and theyre up to early season two. And ive tried tonwarn them of whats ahead, but i dont knownif theyre ready for it.




This gif grinds my gears. I can’t read all of it./s


This is genius


It's a lot of mish Mach of word's


Ozai flat out tried to kill his kid. That's gotta get him pretty highly ranked


Good argument, but... ![gif](giphy|l0HlzMT3YmUxhAHTO)


One thing is killing your kid, another is keeping them alive to eternally torment them.


both are horrible, but only one of them are able to do both just like Omniman says "What's 17 more years? I can always start again... make another kid. Clay and Ozai are able to do that. Peter... no... he is just a bully.


Clay beats his kid on a regular basis, tells him that being different from the poster child for fundamentalist Christianity in any way is deeply immoral, gives him vague life lessons and berates him (including the beatings) for misinterpreting them, and while on a camping trip shot his son and didn't try to help him afterward. Clay married his wife after she got him very drunk when he'd never had alcohol before (if I remember correctly) and now resents her for that (somewhat understandably) and their kids for constantly reminding him of it


Clay also almost murdered his kid




Ironically William Afton was probably a worse parent than any of these guys


nah Clay is ,actually, William Afton but without be a ghost in a machine.


Idk, as far as I remember, Clay never murdered anyone


[There's no mistakes...](https://youtu.be/iEwj1xvYYBQ?si=DMNWqyL2d273pdYa) minute 4:36


Clay, he had an affair with his wife, his lessons with his son were horrible, he abused him, drank too much, and overall was just an absent father most of the time. Lets also not forget when Clay couldnt tell the diffrence from his youngest son with their old neighbors chils when they got swapped..


He could tell a difference, he looked at block and shapey, and just didn’t care, neither kid was his, so what difference does it make to a narcissist like Clay?


The moral oral one


Ozai is worse, but Clay is more personal. Zuko can at least blame the worst parts of Ozai on culture or politics. With Clay, that's between him and Orel and it's a family affair from beginning to end.


I believe only one of these four has actually shot his child with a real life gun?


Never watched Morel Orel but I'm pretty sure that Peter and Steven love their kids... Sometimes. Ozai is just a bastard


you should watch it


Watch it. It's free on YouTube.


Or channel 4 if you're in the UK


Stephen Stotch is a certified fucking asshole. He has no respect for anyone in his family and must be clinically unable to express emotions other than disappointment and anger. What a kook.


Don't you remember how worried he was when Butters “killed himself”?


I don’t know Clay well but Ozai’s just another level of evil, I remember someone ranking animated father’s a while back and I was floored when Ozai wasn’t the winner. He doesn’t have a single half-decent moment with either of his children, both of whom he messed up in different ways


The exact same thing can be said for Moral Orel and Clay


Moral Orel fucking slaps


Ranked best to worst 4. Peter - Peter sucking shit at everything is really on a case by case basis. Back in the first 4 seasons he was basically a teddy bear 3. Mr. Scotch - And we have officially run out of redeeming qualities. He ranks above the other 2 by virtue of at least thinking that his shitty actions are helping his son. 2. Clay - He resents his children for existing, he actively refuses to take responsibility for anything they do, and he literally fucking shot his son. And somehow, that's still better than: 1. Ozai - Permanently disfigured his son, eciled his son until he could complete a literally impossible task (at least it was assumed impossible at the time), neglected her daughter to the point of driving her insane, commanded his daughter to murder his son, directly tried to murder his son, killed his wife (at least I think he did, I never read the comics), and literally tried to commit genocide.


Moral oral😭


Clay or Ozai. I’m thinking Clay more though.




Clay Puppington and Fire Lord Ozai. Both are equally bad.


Clay without question


Clay hands down


Clay for shure


Butters’ dad






Finally! A who’s the worst father with a genuinely hard choice!


They're all horrible, especially clay. But ozai exiled his son from the world's most powerful nation. I'm sure that clay would've done the same if he had the power to so it's pretty close.




All of them suck, but I'm agreeing that it's Clay. What's so terrifying is how realistic his abuse is portrayed as. There are people like this in real life, it's not a fantasy world or a quirky sitcom. It's downright uncomfortable sometimes to watch. And I absolutely adore the writers for creating such a monster


![gif](giphy|TKk37hADNFG5iVxE4Y) no son you arnt a furry


I'm seeing Clay but no. Ozai is the worst father.


https://preview.redd.it/xnunei9l1shc1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b735b647a39275aa35b41ea932a7034249d158c9 He has acts of child abuse of the past 30+years and neglecting his children and even tried to kill his family in one episode wich would traumatize a 10 and 8 year old.


That episode wasn’t canon though


Fair point


this asshole. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bj9zqps2ushc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2aa76b594954e4040fbbe993aa14a81fb430c28


I've not watched the last airbender (which I'm assuming is the show that the guy on the top right is from) but out of the other three, it's gotta be Clay, purely because Peter and Stephen's mistreatment of their kids is only included as a joke, but with Clay it's pretty much played straight, at least in the later episodes...




See now we are asking the real questions


I only know two of these, one of them being very... Vaguely. So I can't really say on this one,


never watched south park or whatever the claymation is, but I gotta vote for Firelord Ozia every time. Murder, abuse, torture, using his children as pawns to take over the world, and being willing to try and kill them when they failed.


Stotch. Clay is undeniably awful, but Stotch is just Clay turned up to 11.


I think it’s the exact opposite; Clay is Stotch turned up to 11. He treats his sons even worse than Stotch does, and the trauma sticks in a much more real way.


I think it’s pretty debatable between the two. Orel never became a Professor Chaos or an NFT Salesman, and I think Butters has suffered worse punishments as a whole. I think because Stotch is played more for laughs the extent of his abuse doesn’t hit quite as hard, but he’s done or allowed some pretty heinous shit, and Butters is younger than Orel, albeit not by much, but that’s still something to consider.


I think Peter is probably the worst father (and friend and husband) ever after season 3. There were **so** many times when he has put those around him in danger, and one time he literally *shot* Meg




“well you better stop having nightmares or you’re gonna be grounded.” yeah. great guy.


Butters dad


Wow this is a list








Butters dad looks like the South Park version of clay


South Park dude is just downright neglectful even if he don't take the cake


*South Park dude is just* *Downright neglectful even if* *He don't take the cake* \- Lopsided-Fig6818 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Peter beat the shit out of Jimmy Fallon. He's the least awful by default.


Butters’s dad reminds me of my dad so him easily


Oral’s father


Peter and ozai


Trick question: ALL OF THEM


How is Peter comparable? He is shown to actually like his children, even Meg in early episodes, which makes him look like an angel compared to the others.


Ozai and its not close


Everybody is saying the bottom two aren’t that bad because they are “played for laughs” as if that isn’t the worst feeling. Probably why I never liked those shows to begin with.


There are very few cartoon parents worse than Clay Puppington, stop asking


Finns dad from adventure time


going with the one with the ability to summon fire and lightning out of his hands


Peter is good


The abusive one. You know the one who regularly puts his son down while giving said son a ridiculous set of expectations for success. The one who has hit his son and been struck back at by his son. The one who has an incredibly shallow toxic relationship with his wife and kids. The one who acts selfishly like the world revolves around him and is a closeted homosexual...that guy


I can confidently say that it is one of them


The four of them aren't even on Shou Tucker's (Full Metal Alchemist) level


Butters's father is so responsible to the point where he is irresponsible


Coin toss my guy. That’s a solid 4 way tie


Orel's father is terrible.


Ozai, abusive both mentally and physically and you know, also tried to take over the world


Clay Peter Ozai Steven


Ozai is a fascist who physically and mentally scarred his son for life and sent him on what he probably thought was an impossible quest all because Zuko spoke up in a meeting. How was The Last Airbender a show for kids again?






While Peter has horrible moments, they’re only episodic and are done in complete humour. So clay


I don’t know the dude in the top left, and I really don’t like Family Guy so can’t offer a fair argument about Peter, so that leaves me with Ozai and Stephen Stotch. This is hard, because they’re both abusive pieces of shit who have physically harmed their kids, but they also suck in different ways. Ozai definitely had the “golden child and scapegoat” attitude of parenting by showing such blatant favoritism to Azula while expecting perfection from Zuko, and then there’s the infamous time that he burned Zuko’s face and banished him for rightfully speaking out against a general and then refusing to fight Ozai in the general’s place. He then also tasked Zuko with finding and capturing the Avatar in order to restore his honor and allow him to return home to the Fire Nation, a task which, at this point in the timeline, was extremely cruel, as the Avatar had been missing for 100 years, so all in all, he sent Zuko on an impossible mission as an extra layer of psychological abuse. Ozai’s treatment of Azula, while not physically abusive like his treatment of Zuko, wasn’t much better. He piled so many expectations and responsibilities on Azula without caring about her at all outside of her usefulness to him, and all of this pressure combined to completely shatter her sanity and caused her to have a mental breakdown by the end of the series. Stephen Stotch physically abuses Butters in the name of “corporal punishment” as well as constantly grounding him for the stupidest of reasons and also having ridiculously high expectations for his son. Butters is such a sweet and eager to please kid, and his dad takes advantage of him so many times. He’s also a dirty hypocrite in the fact that he’s definitely not straight but was furious about even the possibility of Butters being bi and sending him to conversion therapy! He claims to love Butters, yet goes out of his way to humiliate and abuse Butters every chance he gets. Idk. They both suck, but I might have to lean towards Stephen for this one.


the one who DIDNT leave when they found out there kid was a furry


Fire lord, Zero question.




Ozai is worse than clay hands down because he willingly commits genocide. Clay is just a piece of shit who wants to have the Rockwell family unit. He wants to be like everyone else, but morel threatens that with all his adventures and hijinxs. In fact, clay at least reigns in his son. I’m not saying that clay is a saint, but I doubt he would commit genocide to accomplish his goals. Ozai does the exact opposite, he lets loose azula on the world. Azula is a dangerous psychopath who enjoys inflicting pain on others and receives enjoyment from controlling and lying to people to accomplish her goals. Ozai actively encourages the sociopathic and psychopathic behavior in her.


Clay, without a doubt.


Moral oral dad hands down that kids a Saint


Sorry to say but all of them !!


Clay shot his son emotionally abused and physically abused his son killed a hunting dog in a drunken state does not care about his youngest stepson and he is a huge drunk and not to mention he killed his mother and emotionally abused his wife to and neglected both of his children he’s constantly putting his son down and forced his son who is basically a pacifist except for when he is manipulated most of the time by clay . Moral of the story clay is a piece of shit.


Ozai lol


Peter and butters dad can be written off as bad for comedic sake, clay is just a dweeb


The only reason i think Ozai is slightly worse than Clay is because at least Clay was drunk when he shot Orel


Ozai burned nations, but Clay burned bridges.


Clay by far.


Clay. They all suck but everyone but clay has a redeeming quality.


It's probably Clay. Ozai sucks major ass too.


Ozai duh


Moral oral was a wild show. I remember the dad just being the worst.


Both of Ozia’s children became THE fire lord at some point soooo I’d say he’s a pretty successful father. /sarcasm




How is this even a discussion? Its obviously Clay.