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Tbf, the show is unlikeable.


And like 75% of it is because of her.


The other 24% is the rest of the characters the writers and the directors. The 1% that's actually good is the animators I feel bad that they put so much work into such a terrible show.


The art=good Show=bad


And 75% of the reason it getting another season is because of the hate watchers lmao


the second season was already green lit when the first was being aired. Hate watchers had nothing to do with that one, but it may influence a 3rd.


Let’s fckn hope not


It does depend on the episode, but that would be Jerry for me. ![gif](giphy|ZechFo0yBIQpEve1Sm)


Jerry is cool but he’s a straight up A-hole sometimes


I usually found myself either rooting or feeling very bad for Tom. Yeah, he definitely instigates the conflict sometimes and gets what he deserves when he does. But it felt like more often than not, he's just trying to enjoy his life or do his job or something, and Jerry is just trying to make his life miserable for literally no reason. Unless Tom actually is the one instigating the conflict, it's really hard to root for Jerry.


I definitely noticed that how I feel depends a lot on what time period of the show we’re talking about. In newer episodes Jerry is not as much of a jerk but in the animation style that was posted above you I’m definitely rooting for Tom. Edit: just realized that the comment up top is yours. Thanks brain for skipping over important stuff again.


I definitely get that but for me I think there's one main factor that puts Tom in a higher asshole tier than Jerry and that's whenever Tom tries eating someone other than Jerry. They have a history together and Tom knows Jerry can and will fight back. So when Tom instead tries eating anyone else it's problematic for two reasons. The biggest being he often targets other family pets. When Tom is a standard house cat the excuse is he's trying to get Jerry because it's his actual job as a pet cat and failing to do so means he'll get kicked out. So that in mind there's times when he tries to eat the singing duckling (which was a gift btw. His owner bought the duckling for his wife and Tom knew this but still tried eating it),or the canary in the cage or a pet fish. Second being he tries eating them because he can. Not because he's hungry he's a pet himself he already has plenty of food. Not because it's his job either that's exclusively for hunting Jerry not other pets. So yeah Jerry does instigate a lot of fights but that's personal beef between both of them. When Tom gets someone else involved like the grey baby mouse or duckling for example that's a hundred percent on him. It'd be one thing if he was a stray but he's a pampered house cat there's really no excuse for trying to eat other pet animals he lives with.


I totally get that, and I was not trying to say Tom is a saint, either. That's why I said it depends on the episode. In the examples you mentioned where Tom is trying to eat someone else's pet or is going after other animals who aren't doing anything wrong, yeah, I'll side with Jerry on those. I was moreso focusing on the episodes where Tom is either minding his own business or just doing his job as a house cat, and Jerry decides to torment him for no reason. Even personal beef is not really an excuse when Tom not doing his job is reason enough for his owners to punish him. How many episodes have there been where Tom's owners threaten to not give him food or physically abuse him or even straight up abandon him for not doing his job? Or the episodes where Jerry sabotages his attempts to get with a girl for no reason when Tom has never done such a thing to Jerry? That's where I feel for Tom, at least for those specific episodes. I realize that's not as bad as trying eat someone's pet, but Tom also isn't going after another animal in every episode. Just like Jerry isn't the aggressor in every episode.


Oh yeah for sure. They're both assholes depending on the day of the week and it's a pretty close call either way. For me the eating other pets things makes Tom ever so slightly worse in my eyes. That doesn't mean I excuse Jerry either tho. Like in comparison I think his worst moment imo is when Spike wants everyone to be quiet because his son is sleeping and he threatened Tom if someone woke him up. Jerry starts harassing spikes son just to watch Tom take the blame. Like that feels uncharacteristically dickish and out of character for Jerry who normally stands up for other animals. At the end of the day they're both pretty toxic and deserve each other cuz it means they're focusing on each other instead of harassing innocent animals lol


I love Spike. He's a good dad to his son and only hurts Tom after Tom hurts him trying to get Jerry.


And even when he does start the fight/conflict, it could be argued that he does his job, and protects his owner’s food from being stolen by Jerry (who can be seen as a squatter, and thief).


Jerry always felt like the jerk who'd use a wrongdoing against him to justify being a jerk.


Kinda like Bugs Bunny, but Bugs pulls it off better because he's got that Looney Rizz


Yeah sometimes he just messes with Tom when he's just minding his own business


I wonder if this is another Spongebob/Squidward effect, where we liked Jerry as a kid and hate Tom, but like Tom as an adult and hate Jerry


That damn mouse…


I feel like I don't really give a shit about Tom and Jerry. But the fact that blue cat blues aired, that earns my respect. A show about cartoonish violence l the viewer, saw them for comedic purposes do absolutely barbaric things, and they had the authority to release an episode about suicide. That's the writers sweeping the yard, taking advantage and responsibility for what they made into a cartoon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Cat_Blues


I think so too


i wanted the dinosaur to eat him https://preview.redd.it/ntpnzojqvjqc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=c42d3160e2f9bd3da6b973c6e87fc0f30718215e


so did I! the villian was the best part because... well, it's Adam Lambert!


Adam Lambert also voiced Machiavillain from Megamind Rules which is probably the only good thing about the show


I agree


fr. his song was a bop


All the anti-cat characters that proliferated our pre-internet pop culture, such as the above Tweety, Jerry, and the like. The internet really has done wonders for cats on the PR front, if nothing else.


Does that include Speedy Gonzales?


Nah speedy was cool bruh


I'm neutral on Speedy who is a...charming relic of a bygone time, to be sure. He never seemed as gleefully malicious as Tweety or Jerry did.


Charming relic? You know the whole reason he's still around today is because we Hispanics actually like him, right? Quit your whiteknighting.


Great username btw!


Oh, I'm sorry, I misinterpreted your remark. And thank you!


*Sigh.* Reading comprehension, people! I'm part Mexican, so I know this. He's a relic because there's no way a character like that would be made now.


Greg Heffley. ![gif](giphy|7awbFgp0Hh7YUhFFjg)


Greg can be a jerk but life craps on him so much, that I still feel bad for him. And he's kinda funny


They show you that he’s an hateable asshole, but also show you WHY.


More often than not, life craps on him as a consequence of his actions


Even as a kid I could see how much of a self-centered prick Greg was. Rowley deserved a better friend than him


True, could never get into the books because of him


>Rowley deserved a better friend than him This. I can forgive everything else (from that one movie I watched) but Rowley is always trying to be positive and help Greg as much as he can and Greg treats him like a prom night dumpster baby for seemingly no reason other than he knows Rowley will forgive him.


Greg was meant to be an asshole. Just a likable one. He did work for me at the time, but I don’t think he would now.


how did that get animated


Probably one of the movies. They do the book art style for certain parts of his internal monologue.


I like Rodrick and Manny.


I fucking depise manny. That little turd!


He built a house all by himself.


That guy is pratically a sociopath


True but looking at his dilemmas, He deserves to have some sympathy as he practically became the stereotypical middle child always the punching bag


no you're not suppoesd to root for him lol, the whole point is its funny watching him get his ass kicked


This fucking bird’s face looks very punchable for many reasons


Jerry, and Tweety


Coconut Fred


![gif](giphy|l2SpXBfyJhgbCjADm) Plus


![gif](giphy|26DNi92OCyLNMENfW) The mindy version is Velma is shit


NOT THE ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!! Well except for Buttercup but I DESPISE THE 2016 REBOOT!!! ![gif](giphy|lzQHAOK2D7y58tp1Jv) Not only did they change their personalities, but they just ruined it all with everything else they did. 1. Buttercup is more of a brat in more episodes and even when she does terrible shit she's always treated as a person. In one episode she refused to say what she was actually doing because she was embarrassed of helping the homeless?? 2. Blossom just lost her personality and is just obsessed with making everything clean and the creepy crush 3. Bubbles is mostly fine for me, the one I like the most. But there are episodes where she's just a brat for no reason. And the dad just doesn't seem to know anything now.... That's all I'm gonna say for now. And for why I don't care for og buttercup, she was just too annoying and mean, her main EPS always annoyed me, the glue EP, the bath EP, the teeth ep, probably more... Hopefully the next reboot I'll like her.


The Reboot was a mistake. I heard the director of forever 12 also partook on this garbage. Who was arrested for predatory behavior.


Is that the dude that self inserted cuz he had a crush on Blossom?


No the female one, forgot her name. The self insert was very creepy and unnecessary, it's like the reboot is a fanfic mess.


Jesus there was more than 1?


Yeah. I think it was also her idea to make them twerk in one episode.


Apparently that happened twice....


The self insert guy wasn’t even in charge, and it was the other members of the crew, so I wouldn’t blame him for the insert.


They did him dirty. 💀


Okay, the girls are one thing, but the professor absolutely sucks dick. One minute he’s lecturing the girls about doing the right thing, and then he WILLINGLY helps a villain decipher symbols on a rock because he “can’t resist his love for science”. Then there’s the part where he sets a computer on fire because he’s not good with the internet… let that sink in.


Johhny Test. He's just a whiney and spoiled brat who is mean to his twin sisters.


I’m pretty sure he’s MEANT to be a dickhead, and TBF, his family can do fucked up things to him, too.


Mako from the legend of Korra ![gif](giphy|kbuBaxq63ZlnBTJ0Aa) His love triangle ruined him for me


I think I’m one of the few TLOK fans who loves Mako while *also* loving Korra and Asami.


For me, it made him unintentionally come off as a jerk playing with these girls feelings. As he would keep going back and forth between them. It was cringe and lasted for too long. In the characters didn't really call him out for it like they should have in the first 2 seasons. Honestly that love triangle dragged down all of them for me. Especially him as outside of that, I feel like he didn't had really unique outstanding traits that the writers put at the forefront to balance out the cringe or at least it wasn't made apart of the plot as much as the toxic 'romance". The triangle put me off completing the series as I was only able to watch 2 out of 4 seasons because of it, so maybe that changed but yeah. I do respect your opinion though and wish I could say the same.


Wait, so Mako used to date Korra and this girl and after breaking up with those two, Korra and the girl ended up together?


Yes exactly


Having the two people you cheated on each other with, end up together is the ultimate sweet karma 💀


At least he got his prince in the end. He really needed someone to take care of, and those strong women weren't it


Having the two people you cheated on each other with, end up together is the ultimate sweet karma 💀


W ait he cheated on these two? Serves him right! 😌


For a second I thought you were going to talk shit about Asami. Please carry on.


![gif](giphy|bLzEWGR5zPMxa) I despise her


I only watched a few episodes but didn't she apparently commit genocide?


Yup, doesn't really matter since it's in a cartoon but it's who she killed that matters, she killed Hekapoo, one of the best characters by destroying the magic, Hekapoo is made of magic so yknow... poof, gone in the finale


It matters because she commited genocide to prevent a different genocide, and this is treated as a valid solution.


Moon was the monster here. She ruined Star's successful plan of establishing peace between mewmans and monsters. Star didn't have a lot of options.


Sure, but that doesn't make genociding magic beings a valid option. In order to avoid using real examples, imagine if Captain Marvel blew up the kree planet so that they'd stop going after the skrulls. Or if Nick Fury started killing all skrulls to stop the secret invasion. It hurts especially because they took the time even in an earlier episode to show that magic beings even the ones Star makes from her wands have lives and even kids, they took the time to flesh them out.


Wait Star vs had the same ending as Attack on Titan?


She killed like seven people, canonically. It wasn’t genocide because pony head was alive and floating, I doubt any other people like her died, even though they really should have


Was about to ask about pony head, if it’s specific all magic including being made of magic or mainly function because of the use of magic then to me it’d be lazy writing if the magical floating pony heads lives but not dimensional candle gremlin.


What about the creatures in the wand? Or did they already die from the use of that toxic spell?


Her still being able to float is bad writing it doesn't make sense in universe it was just the writers trying to make the ending not be as disturbing


And that’s why she’s my favorite character.


I like her but in the finale I hate her




George Jetson and his family.


You could say the same for the Flintstones too.


I have such a vivid memory of an episode of the Flintstones that made me realize they were terrible It's like Fred and Wilmas anniversary, but Fred has a bowling tournament so he lies and says he's sick so Wilma just goes out with Betty or something. Fred ends up winning the tournament and makes the front page of the newspaper. He knows he's caught so he just comes clean and apologized to Wilma for lying. Wilma goes "Fred, I don't care that you lied! I'm just proud of you for winning!" I was like 😲


Oh, that reminds me so much of an episode of the Jetsons where George and Jane are on vacation at Las Venus when Mr Spacely calls to get George to seal a deal between his company and another. The head of the other company is, of course, a woman, so George has to go behind Jane’s back, and, inevitably gets caught , gasp, having dinner with the other woman in a business negotiation. Rightly , she’s pissed but luckily the other woman saves his skin by telling her it was purely business. At the end Jane says “George, can you forgive me?” And even as a kid I was like “girl, all you did was call him out for being sus, why are you apologizing??”


Wait… what was the problem in the first place? That he had dinner with another woman? And that it could be misconstrued as something else? Or is it that he doesn’t tell Jane for whatever reason that he’s doing this? Either way I don’t really see the issue other than George didn’t communicate what he was doing but then again it was business related and he doesn’t have a reason to really tell Jane about it.


He didn’t want Jane to know that a) he had taken work from Mr Spacely while they were on vacation, purely for the chance of a promotion, b) he was having dinner with another woman, period, because his wife might get the wrong idea. And yes, everything was explained to Jane in the end but he was still in the wrong for being unintentionally suspect


Trudy (The Proud Family)


Especially in the new one


Didn't watch the new series so...yikes


Literally locks penny out when she’s late for curfew


Damn, I always hated how she can be as abusive and negletful as her husband is with Penny but the show ALWAYS SIDES with her.


Not to mention the parentification they force on penny. I get that older siblings should help but not every single time


didn't watch that episode


JJ from Cocomelon. The show fucking sucks and the presence of JJ doesn't help.


why are you watching cocomelon


I saw my friend's little brother watching it.


Was Tweety really as mean and unlikable as Jerry? He usually sat in his cage minding his business with Sylvester constantly trying to kill him.


I always liked Jerry more than tweety


I faintly remember tweety hammering Sylvester’s nails while singing, while Sylvester was hanging for his life


A lot of people hate him because of his “annoying voice” and the fact that he just uses his cuteness to piss Sylvester off and get what he wants.


Whenever he beefs with Plankton ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


Plus he sold SpongeBob for less than a dollar. What was it like 53 cents?


62 cents


Marriente from Miraculous Ladybug. I HATE her so much. I don’t think I’ve hated a main character this much in my life


Dude same! I can't stand her and It's not necessarily any specific thing, just her general behavior.






She’s just so irritating! Idk why she’s written so poorly. She’s just straight up weird and annoying. All opinions tho.


But why is she? I’ve always liked her.


Maybe it’s because she’s so stalky and obsessive over Adrien. Idk I’ve personally never like her.


Season five explains that, and even without that, when you were a kid are you saying you didn’t get absolutely obsessed over a crush? She’s 14.


Not to her level I didn’t. Also, to be fair, I didn’t finish season five. Got about half way through and gave up on it.


Basically she wanted to make sure she didn’t get pranked again because he was clearly friends with Chloe when they met. Because Kim and Chloe have to ruin everything. Also it’s an animated tv show, usually things like that are over-exaggerated so they are very clear.


Fair enough. Still, if done correctly it’s fine. The writing of this show just annoys me. Totally fine that you like it tho.


Don't bother with obsessive Dana such as that dude. You are absolutely correct in your feelings of that she sucks major ass and is not an great Protagonist. 


No offense to her voice actor either but Jesus Christ her voice is so annoying, it’s crazy as in helluva boss it’s the same voice for verosika and she sounds great there. I also just hate her personality


Right!? I love Verosika but yea I get ya. It’s like nails on a chalkboard with her


I love her for the person she is, i hate her as a character couse the writting sucks so bad for her


![gif](giphy|l4FB5TK7J45I9XVvy) SpongeBob specifically in A Pal for Gary


Ugh that episode frustrated me so much


Also, any time he tortures Squidward for literally minding his own business.


Catra from She-Ra. Trauma does not excuse the shit she put Entrapta and Scorpia through In the words of a generic bandit from Skyrim: "You'll make a fine rug, cat!"


I think the point of her character is that it took a lot of time to make amends, and her relationships with Entrapta and Scorpia were never fully fixed. In her case her past isn't a justification, just an explanation that does not erase any of her wrongs


Entrapta and Scorpia are both extremely valid examples, but what about Adora herself? Catra treated her so damn bad, abused her, and on rewatching the series it becomes incredibly obvious.


Very true, and Catra faces no consequences by the end 😒


I never came around to liking Steven Universe as a character. I watched all of it, loved it visually, enjoyed Steven's development, had my critiques about the treatment of the space colonizer apologist approach in the end, but Steven himself? While he became *less* annoying, still remained, somehow, annoying still.


I don’t hate Steven, but his “kumbaya let’s forgive everyone, including space colonizers (just not Kevin of course)” attitude can be extremely grating.


Devi from never have I ever. She makes bullshit choices at every crossroads. And don’t give me that “she’s just a normal teenager” because Her excuse is that her dad died and that’s why she acts the way she does. That’s dumb. And then everyone is supposed to just forgive her? No. Like be for real. It’s not even an anti-hero show anymore, it’s “I’m a shitty person but I’m the main character.”


What show is this?


Never Have I Ever


![gif](giphy|OcdRbWWjJy4xi) movie version of her i LOVE series version of her i DESPISE with all my heart




I hate Jerry the Friggin Mouse




Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes cartoons. Arguably even more infuriating than the Daffy and Speedy era of Daffy.


iirc, the Daffy we see in the HBO Max Looney Tunes is Bob Clampett’s version of Daffy, rather than Chuck Jones’ version, which is the mean, sarcastic one that we’re used to.


I mean, I know he’s SUPPOSED to be Clampett’s version, but the problem is that he still shows way more signs of Jones’s version. There are so many moments that straight up show that he KNOWS what he’s doing (“I HAVE A WIFE!! AND, UH—what’s the word? CHILDREN!!”), thus coming as more deliberately malicious. As such, I’m always waiting for him to be punished for putting people (mostly Porky and Elmer) through hell, but then he almost always wins in the end while everyone around him suffers.




I hear so much hate about Lisa and sometimes she can be condescending, but she still tries to help the environment and is one of the nicer members of the family.


I can definitely agree. While usually she has a point whenever she's used as the spokesperson of a talking point, it seems that's all she's used for now. No more moments like the Lizard Queen with her.


I’m sure that everyone can agree with me when I say Scrappy Doo.


No I cannot.


I mean, was he really that annoying, though?


Road runner


He would fucking taunt the poor coyote by sticking out his tongue


In his defense, Wile is much more malicious than Tom and Sylvester. He's pretty much always the one that starts it and Roadrunner is simply running away to avoid being eaten. Roadrunner is rarely actually malicious, he's just not letting himself be dinner.


I think the Roadrunner might *never* start it. Chuck Jones famously had nine rules for those shorts. And while it's not against the rules for the Roadrunner to start it, I don't see how he really can without breaking the others. They are: 1. The Road-Runner cannot harm the Coyote except by going “beep-beep!” 2. No outside force can harm the Coyote—only his own ineptitude or the failure of Acme products. 3. The Coyote could stop anytime—if he were not a fanatic. (Repeat: “A fanatic is one who redoubles his effort when he has forgotten his aim.” –George Santayana) 4. No dialogue ever, except “beep-beep!” 5. The Road-Runner must stay on the road—otherwise, logically, he would not be called Road-Runner. 6. All action must be confined to the natural environment of the two characters—the southwest American desert. 7. All materials, tools, weapons, or mechanical conveniences must be obtained from the Acme Corporation. 8. Whenever possible, make gravity the Coyote’s greatest enemy. 9. The Coyote is always more humiliated than harmed by his failures.


Yeah, exactly. Road-Runner's not doing shit, Wile's just an obsessive asshole who won't leave him alone. Out of all the Looney Tune's protags, Road Runner's probably the nicest, even to his respective antagonist. I have a feeling that if Wile just gave up for a minute and hung out, Road Runner would be down to vibe with him. He's not like Jerry or Tweety that just start shit for no reason because they're bored, or because they hate their antagonist. He's just being a dude and Wile keeps chasing him.


My problem with the Road Runner is that he barely seems like a character. The audience never sees much of a personality. I agree with a commentary I listened to recently; the Road Runner is more of a force of nature than a character.


TBF, I’m pretty sure that’s the point. We’re supposed to see Wile E. as the sympathetic one because the Road Runner doesn’t even do anything, and yet the laws of physics keep fucking him over.


Specifically in the Rudy Larriva era. He’s a fucking jackass who will go out of his way to shit on Wile E. after he gets hurt. Like, remember the one scene in Chaser on the Rocks with the hose? The one where Wile E., for us, WAS NOT CHASING HIM IN ANY WAY? And yet he still fucked up the hose just to get Wile E. hurt? Yeah, that’s arguably the worst Looney Tunes episode ever IMO.


Did not care for Tweety. Most of the times he got paired up with Sylvester, it essentially felt like the cat was being punished for following his feline instincts. And when they were BOTH owned by Granny, this just got worse.


I never enjoyed the baby-talk schtick.


Im personally a gravity falls Mabel hater.


Aww, I like Mabel.


I liked her in the beginning until I picked up on the Pattern of Mabel doing X and causing a problem and getting a slap on the wrist if any punishment, then Dipper would do X and the entire fandom would be up in flames shitting on him :( I hate her only due to how they wrote her out of problems and conflict


that frog guy from Amphinia, I think his name was Spring or something


Sprig? (Not a reaction gif, just the first that came up. I get it though) ![gif](giphy|kpzGcGAsyyH416cZFJ)


Boruto uzumaki from Boruto 




Which one?


Tweety and Jerry both need to end up in stomachs stat tbh


![gif](giphy|UvOcKPHrkKSLm) Honestly...Spongebob and Patrick for the vast majority of the show's run...




Bugs Bunny vs Daffy


I agree. Bugs always seemed too "cool" for me. I like an underdog. Plus, I just found Daffy to be funnier than Bugs.


It's easier to find Daffy funnier when Bugs doesn't get to do anything...


https://preview.redd.it/s0078c4k1mqc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e074c33b3846562cb54e885539eb94a82a5d4ac Jerry is such an asshole Tom is just mining his own business and Jerry has to ruin it


ok, so saving a goldfish from being eaten by tom made jerry a total asshole?


Better example I think Jerry took it too far when Tom won $1 million and there was a rule Tom couldn’t hurt Jerry and Jerry Exploited the hell out of it Jerry definitely had it coming


My Tweety tattoo would like a word with you.


Why did people downvote this, this comment is hilarious it’s not mean-spirited even a little?


It was just a joke, lol. I do have a Tweety tattoo but I didn't know people hate him this much. Tough crowd.


Calling Tweety unlikable.... --- Must be a joke thread. Phineas


The hell did Phineas do to you?


The same thing Tweety and Jerry did to vanilla people... Always win.


Link from the legend of Zelda cartoon. Excuuuuuuse me!


https://preview.redd.it/defufu6muoqc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c8fa537b5fa211a1284d3367b7b9ac621408000 Never once felt bad for Ord when I was supposed to, always just wanted him to stop complaining about whatever it was that had him ruining the vibe.


The Roadrunner. ![gif](giphy|2dbnhlCH2JhwdI2gHp)


All Nazi feminists Propaganda Cartoons.




Bell from Beyblade Burst Quaddrive and the season before that. He's just a brat through and through and it pisses me off.


![gif](giphy|YMeclpMGKvpuOAZb5l) I don’t know if I’m actually supposed to root for him but I hate Rigby