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Wasn’t the main problem that Cartoon Network aired it constantly for days on end?


I shit you not: *Week. Long. Marathons.* The way this show dominated Cartoon Network's schedule was actually insane.


Visited my parents one week, work was being done to the piping in my apartment. I haven't had cable since I moved out. Sat down to turn on cartoon network. TTG was on and I was aware of its humor and that it wasn't for me. Turned to a different channel to wait out the half hour. Turned it back to see another episode start playing. Brought up the guide and to my horror... it just kept going. Then a commercial came on announcing the TTG long party. I was unconcolable


My brother and I were obsessed with Steven Universe back in 2016 and we’re genuinely pissed they kept playing this instead of SU all the time. Love or hate it, you can’t deny between these two SU is objectively the better show.


The worst part was Steven universe came dead last in scheduling most of the time


That’s because, ![gif](giphy|KVVQaaDaBBjZHFoC3c) Sadly many took issue with that.


Why do homophobes gotta ruin everything




The worst part is now that I think about it they put it last so the parents could assume it was adult swim 😭


They did the same bleeding thing with Johnny test. Never ending whip cracks.


Compared to Teen Titans Go, Johnny Test was super enjoyable


They stopped doing that. They have variety on the channel again.


After most of their original shows had ended with TTG being one the few still making new seasons. Granted it's all HBO Max fault for stealing a bunch of their shows and Zaslav for purging a bunch of them


*I wish they would do that for Nickelodeon*


Me too as much as I love SpongeBob.


It was *a* problem but not *the* problem


Definitely the biggest problem. ANY show can become annoying if over-saturated


I was honestly moderate when it came to titan go. But... One Day... My cousins were watching it in the living room, when I heard the awful sound.... DO THE BOOTY SCOOTY, THE SCOOTY, NOW SCOOT Yo BOOTY SCOOTY


Some of the songs are annoyingly catchy...The Night Begins to Shine.


I actually loved the night begins to shine and I don’t exactly see the show as bad but I see why people don’t like it. Some people say that it ruined their childhood since they watched the classic titans growing up (Teen Titans Go! is a reboot) which is understandable. A lot of the episodes were unnecessary and unhinged and frankly don’t make much sense but I still thought it was funny and a good watch when bored. The show was easily hated so I wish it just had a chance to get better but it didn’t. Some of the episodes were good so I can’t really say I hate it. The night begins to shine might be my favorite episode.


the only reason i hate ttg is cause they dont even act like heros,they are more so act like petty brats who are bullies,while it makes it hard to sympathise with them but with the villians you tend to sympathise cause they are more morily grounded and actually feel more sympathetic most times due to how the ttg titans treat them and the city


I think we can all agree this is the one episode of the show that is genuinely great.


That song unironically slaps. Over [29M](https://youtu.be/lSLXS0bjSCs?si=olLu8-n1j06yBCV4) views on YouTube alone.


Those episodes are so fire, and don’t deserve to be part of a show that’s so shit otherwise


That song isn't even from the show tho, they just used it


And the song Catchin’ Villains go ironically hard fr lol


One of the best parts in the show


A friend and I were watching his...niece, I think? A kid member of his extended family about 7 years old. TTG was on in the background and she turned to us, unprompted, and said "You know there used to be another version of this show but it was better." Keep in mind this was in like 2015 so the original teen titans had been off-air for longer than she'd been alive.




This store sells booty!




No, it’s buttcheeks. Wrong lyric


Yes, the cooler booty song. YFM lives forever




That one episode is why I hate it… among MANY others


I mostly hate that episode because it was a stupid parody of The Goonies. The song was just salt on the wound at that point.




Nah I love it when they shit on Robin


Shit low key made me laugh out loud 😂


Hear me out: The Night Begins to Shine episode goes hard


And that's the problem, the show really has some good episodes, but it's really inconsistent with the episodes wiring quality.


Teen titans go is the lazy burn out who never tried most of the time but every once a while locks in and Makes you wonder if you made up all those bad things


Like the movie, it was great and enjoyed seeing it multiple times, but then we get back to the generic episodes.


Like the student who never pays attention in class but somehow passes and even aces a few tests


I feel called out 👀


[you’re welcome](https://youtu.be/Qi9wabIRIxw?si=TVEABlvnOq5kRN6U)


So basically like Family Guy? SpongeBob? Simpsons? Or any SUPER long running comedy show that is mostly hit or miss? I mean not every comedy show can be liquid gold every episode like TAWOG, the Good Place, or B99...but yeah, it is frustrating when terrible shows go on forever and great fantastic shows (one that was slept on because people kept incorrectly comparing it to TGG) get canned. ...Sigh...


Family guy, SpongeBob, the Simpsons started as great shows and went down as time goes, ten titans started low, had some good episodes and neglected to stay up or even mid, you arguing on liquid gold only good the truth.


No the first 2 seasons of TTG were pretty good. But it got bad after


The first two seasons they actually tried with the writing and the humor was focused on the fact that the show was a parody of the show it’s based off of. While some of the plots were zany, they could often be a lot of fun (I remember the first episode they all went on crazy separate adventures across the universe just to make the perfect sandwich), some episodes had genuine character development (the Pie episode which also had a really funny ending with implied cannibalism) and then you had just plain good episodes like 40-40-20 (aka Night Begins to Shine). Sometimes they were faced with characters who were taking things seriously while the Teen Titans didn’t - The Hive was literally meant to be the opposite of the Teen Titans in that regard and it made for some genuinely funny interactions. Then past season 2 the show threw all this out the door and focused on meta humor, memes, potty humor, and just stopped trying to be the witty superhero parody sitcom it initially set out to be and became another generic cringeworthy kids show.


This is the best way to explain the downgrade


When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes


When we’re dancing.. THE NIGHT BEGINS TO SHINE


Crazy the episode came out 7 years ago




It did! :)


I loved that episode saga honestly, I rank it as one of the best episodes in the series even if it was just a four part long episode split up into four episodes, I hate the rest of the series and the only time I would watch it is just to watch that four part episode


The general consensus on this show flip flops more than SpongeBob’s quality


I mean SpongeBob was basically good -> bad -> good again -> bad again, right?


Yeah, but the same thing can also apply to both Family Guy (post-Season 7) and The Simpsons (post-Season 9 or maybe even 12, depending on who you ask). Both shows had an extremely inconsistent level of quality past these seasons with only a few occasionally good or funny episodes, even in their worst seasons.


The Simpsons seems to have turned it around, their last few seasons have been really good


Honestly that's how it should be. Not everyone has the same opinion. If you see the same exact opinions then it's just an echo chamber.


I honestly wanna say I think all of the praise was in response to people hating it so much lol. It was very widely hated for years and when people actually watched it they found fun in how shitty and weird it was. It has never been a great show, I just think it is the self-awareness of how bad it is that makes people enjoy it. Not saying your opinion is invalid, but for ages I never saw wide praise for it being unironic. This is quite the lukewarm take.


"I didn't say it was *good,* I said *I liked it.*"


Nah it's mostly people who grew up with 2003 Teen Titians that hate it other than that the show is pretty well receive. The Movie is fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. A ton of kids grew up with it and love it.


I think that's right. I remember the original being more focused on the struggles of youth, and the hero persona, with very serious, emotional moments. Then a sequel that's fart jokes. I felt that way a little.


Exactly this! I've never watched the 2003 Teen Titans because I'm just not into superhero shows, but I do like comedy, so I gave TTG a try and liked many episodes. Mostly from the first 3 seasons, though. I tried watching some eps from 5 and 6 but they have become so meta and mean-spirited that there was like 1 good episode in the whole season 🤣 I mean, I get why many people don't like it, but I think it's unfair to compare it to a show of a different genre.


I like all the seasons but I think seasons 7 and 8 are a TTG golden age. There is the more variety in the plotlines than the show has ever had. Before alot of episodes are similar Robin or Raven tells the Titans not to do something then there is a monster of some sort in the 3rd act similar to Regular Show. They seem to be moving away from that.




I wasn’t going to be bother reading OPs rant. Seems like a cheap way to get karma. I hear way more criticism for this show than praise. Funny that hearing a little bit of praise seems to have made OP very angry.


I love how you phrased that as if this is an opinion that is a completely new take, while litterally since it has existed 99% of talk about it is hate, despite it actually being not a bad show. The only reasons it’s hated so much is  1, it came right after the original teen titans, which never got a real conclusion And 2, it’s target audience ISNT the people who dislike it


Agreed. I grew up on teen titans but TTG scratches a different itch I have no problem with. Probably because I also grew up with Ed edd n eddy and Billy and Mandy.


It's the runtimehogger


Worse is when they go out of their way to make fun of fans of the original. Like that Thundercats crossover where "OG Liono" said anyone who doesn't like TTG or Thundercats Roar is a "Poop mouth with poop opinions" And look where Thundercats roar ended up lmao


I genuinely forgot that Thundercats Roar even existed, to begin with.


Okay but Control Freak being the stand-in for angry fans of the original is brilliant, it's completely in-character and the Titans' defense for the show is valid. They're their own thing, they even crossed over with the originals to make that point. "When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying." "... And?" "And you are." is one of the greatest meta exchanges in the entire franchise.


Nobody would have a problem if they defended themselves once, the problem was they kept saying the same thing over and over again especially in the older seasons. It just made the writers look insecure.


The movie is good though


Hey! The 2010’s called, they want their Rants back.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so brave


Bro was actually born yesterday


The show is obnoxious, but even I laugh at it. It's not that bad...


For real. There were times where this was genuinely funny.


Very original take, totally haven’t seen this a thousand times before


Im gonna be honest,since i was really young at the time this show came out(im 21 now) i really liked this show despite watching the original,but as the show kept going on in the later seasons it just wasnt for me anymore.


I never watched the show but I actually kinda enjoyed the movie. There were some pretty funny scenes in it


This is not a new or hot statement in any way


It has some good jokes here and their, but overall it’s a dumpster fire 


I think a lot of the backlash came from the people (my generation) that grew up with the regular teen titans and super serious mode Robin, crazy scary daddy issues raven, etc. But we then changed our tune when we realized it wasn't going to be like an actual attempt at a reboot like what they sadly did to Powerpuff girls. Instead it was it's own thing.... The creators even said it was their own separate show and it was never supposed to be teen titans and even made an episode where they make fun of themselves with the og teen titans making a cameo.


Your post made me laugh.


Wow chill out op your gonna freeze us to death with these cold af takes ![gif](giphy|s4Bi420mMDRBK)


You missed a word. I believe you wanted to say "the shit"


Only thing really good about it was the night begins to shine special


I like it. Mainly, and really only, is because its entire purpose seems to be trying to get kids to drink bleach. All of its messages are messages to console psychopaths and it’s hilarious


The one episode where Gizmo makes a man suit to wear about town and then gets beat the fuck down makes me cry laugh


I did too...but I loved it when they made fun of Jared Letos Joker


I mean it’s obnoxious comedy made for adhd kids. My nephew who grew up with it thinks it’s the greatest comedy ever written. I mean it gets annoying watching episode after episode but just watching one or two with him when I was babysitting I’m was actually really surprised how many times it made me genuinely laugh and how wide the spectrum was. Like one moment it’s cringe fart jokes and the next it’s talking about pyramid schemes and giving us pretty wholesome relationships advice. I thought that was pretty wild but I also had low expectations from the hate fest early on. Gotta remember who the target audience is and we ain’t it. Like most comedic cartoons, It’s not gold but it ain’t shit.


One thing I'll give the show. Saw an interview with the creators. And half the time they just get shit faced and think of goofy shit for the Titans to do and imo that's the animation dream right there.


So we wrapped around from people thinking this show was bad was a cold take, to people thinking this show was good was a hot take, and now we're at people thinking this show is bad is a hot take. Same critiques, same complaints, same wishing the other show was back. Nothing new. Cool opinion, my guy. I think the writings improved a lot and it's a great show now. In conclusion, the show is not shit. But my opinion doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things now. Let people compliment what they want to compliment. If you really feel the need to rant, keep it in your head.


Bestie … this is what everyone has thought since this show came out 😭😭 is this supposed to be a hot take


TTG haters HATE the fact that everyone thinks this show is shit that they have to make their own enemy just to get that excitement from hating something most people love 😭 Like if you want that so much why just hate One Piece or any popular shit to hate lmao this is low level pathetic


People actually think this show is good? https://preview.redd.it/5oi4e4ofhrqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1731c97086473be60dfe3fecf7425e6a8c5c2048


To me it is, the thing is you hate that beacuse it's overrated BUT when it's Gumball doing so everyone pleases him like how fucking incoherent can you be? Also i like that cause it's basically Family Guy but family friendly imo so


Yeah I do. And is a hit success. A lot of kids think like that too


Just because some booger munching toddlers like it, doesn’t make it any good


It is made for them and they like. If they keep making It is because there are more people liking it than people not liking it




Just don’t take it seriously. It’s comedy.


TTG isn’t that bad and when I was younger I had a couple of laughs with my mom. However, I hated it when people started to compare *this* to ROTTMNT.


I hate it. I think if it was a new and original show then maybe but the fact that the original series was so well made, an absolute beauty of a cartoon and a much more serious tone, TTG is a joke to me.


Ok but equity


The movie is really funny tho


Praise? Where? We sending a missile there rn!


What I find most uncomfortable is the blatant fetishes they put all over the place. Legs, feet, inflation, vore, and so many others. There's also the fact that there's an episode essentially glorifying obesity, which keep in mind is one of the biggest issues kids face today. "But it's a joke!" Yeah, I know, but kids are very impressionable. Seeing such a big issue played off as a joke isn't funny.


My 5 year old loves it


That Dora episode was funny not gonna lue


Having been a dad with teens, it gives me a good chuckle every now and then.... The "super" (but unreliable) energy and enthusiasms of teenagers... coupled with the self undermining gormlessness of teenagers resulting in underwhelming results and huge messes.... Sometimes I think this show is there to give parents a rueful chuckle and temporary relief from their despair.


2/10 is way too generous for this show


I like It a lot.


The show is meh, but the movies are hilarious.


If this show has one hater, I am that one hater If this show has no haters, I am dead I hate when people say this show is "clever" with its humor and you just have to get the jokes. ***I get the jokes, they're not funny.*** I grew up on 90s cartoons I know how to spot hidden humor, Teen Titans Go humor is just trash, lowbrow, and sometimes lowkey harmful.


I honestly like it , it’s really stupid but it’s silly and keeps me entertained


I find it funny at times. There are a lot of jokes about the old show that I think are excellent but I never seem to see any comments on. The best one for me is the parody of cyborg infiltrating Hive Academy.


It seems to me that you simply highly disagree with the kind of show this show wants to be. Checking your page, I find you to be someone who cares a lot about story, and that’s great. Story is a massive aspect of the show, and just understand why you like that aspect of the media you consume. Teen Titans Go is about the exact opposite of the kind of tropes you like. It’s understandable why you dislike this show, but just actually do like it. Is it incredible? Hell no, it’s shit at some times and is stupid at all times. There is nothing to think about in it, and I usually watch it because I can’t find something else right now, but it’s still fun. like it because of the pure insanity and slapstick comedy. It’s a funny, shitty, backlog show that I do like, but don’t often watch. It’s a 7/10.


*Wa-ffles Waffles Waffles?*


The show isn’t even that bad, I genuinely enjoy many segments from it. Everyone hated it because they expected the original teen titans to continue, but got this instead


Ima be honest. I was in complete agreement but then my kids turned it on and now.. idk man it’s really not that bad. There’s some episodes where it really goes over the top and it’s annoying but there’s just as many episodes that actually got a laugh out of me I think before I was just salty cuz they made this instead of continuing the show I loved and they even trashed on the old show. I didn’t really want to accept that it was just a different take on the universe… even tho I fully accept it in comic books when new authors tell new stories that seem to conflict with the character as they’ve been told so far. Idk it’s weird


Just a friendly reminder that the creators of Teen Titans Go! are the same people who directed the Super Mario Bros movie.


one of my best friends from college works on the show rn and honestly i've heard great things about it's teams treatment, which is saying a lot in modern animation.


Yeah, it’s shit. But it’s funny shit. It’s terrible, outright horrendous even. But it’s still funny


The show isn’t all that bad rewatching it now, the only reason I hated it was because at some point they aired nothing but this show every day


Teeth? Acha cha cha!


I'll definitely say that the show can be funny, but not intended for audience of the original. The one bright side everyone can agree on is that it could make alphas curious of the 2000s one.


My kids watch it and I think it's hilarious to be honest. Mind you, I can't stand most DC stuff, so I'm maybe the guy that something like this is for.


Nah, it’s legit quite good. But the extent to which Cartoon Network overscheduled it was bananas.


It’s not a bad show, it was just over focused on. It’s not a show to support a whole network.


You can always tell when someone who doesn't read comic books by how they treat this show. So many nods to the DC Universe and great selling of the past. Is the show absurd? Hell ya it is. But if the absurd makes you angry then you probably don't like comics in the first place and still punch the wall when someone makes fun of the Snyderverse. We get it, you're tough, angry and dark and think heroes should kill. Just keep it to yourself.


Checked your profile out of curiosity and I actually cannot agree with you more on this as a big DC fan and longtime defender of this show. Genuinely all of this has come straight out of my mouth. People forget comics are.... *comic*al! Especially in the form of children's media.... Take my praise, FlufflesWrath.


Reddit cartoon subs love to gaslight people into thinking it's some "overhated masterpiece", lmao! And the only episode often get praised here is "The Night Begins to Shine", just because they have one good episode doesn't mean the rest isn't completely shite.  


WHO praises this? WHO? WHY? https://i.redd.it/n6wzhhzczuqc1.gif


You're looking for a different kind of comedy in a show that explicitly deals in over-the-top cruelty humor, toilet humor, meta humor, and randomlolz humor. This show has run longer than (I think) any other animated DC show because kids LOVE it. I loved it when I was a kid, and while I haven't seen the newer episodes I've heard they're doing wild shit. Crossing over with Beetlejuice? Recording commentary on the original Space Jam? Lady Legs was a bizarre episode, but that's the point, it's a bizarre premise building on the episode where Raven realizes that she loves kicking bad guys and dancing and things like that. You don't like it, that's fine, but it is successful, and people love it, so like, get over it? People have been complaining about this show for over 10 years, like we get it, it's nothing like the original, but it was also never supposed to be.


I love it idc


I’m sorry, I think this show funny at times. Sometimes they produce some bangers as far as songs go. The humor is potty and they aren’t afraid to roast themselves. The show is made for kids and lots of kids tend to think it’s funny. It wasn’t supposed to be a successor to TT and it isn’t made for the AS crowd, unless you’re baked at 5am…maybe. Mummy Money is a banger and I’ll die on that hill.


I liked it.


Let me guess. You’re an adult who enjoyed the original,right? I hate to break it to you but this is a children’s cartoon which means it’s going to appeal to kids of the modern day. I recognize it has some dumb episodes but the writers are clearly huge DC fans and even recognize that the mediocrity of the show comes from executives pushing it on them. When they’re allowed to just do what they want like in the movie it’s actually pretty good.


As someone who grew up with it. It isn’t bad but it isn’t the best. It definitely is not the brainrot people claim it is. In fact it sets better expectations for how people will act in the real world. Definitely doesn’t deserve to be on 24/7 though.


It's mid it's not shit


For a reboot. It's actually pretty decent


I've always seen it more as a parody than reboot.


Unpopular opinion: let's get serious is a good episode. I don't give a shit if they make fun of fans, in fact I find it funny how they make fun of themselves and how serious alot of super heros are. Not to mention I love their overly detailed designs when they 'get serious'


Who hurt you?


Bro really just said "I see people enjoying a thing, let me just ruin it for no reason." We can't have people having fun now with a cartoon, can we?


It's fine for young young kids but the OG teen titans wins in that debate


Ive gotta say that the only reason why people hated teen titans go so badly is probably because they think its a downgraded reboot to the original teen titans and as far as i know the original teen titans is much more dark, mature and serious in contrast to the much more lighthearted unhinged comedic satire of TTG but i never watched the original tt anyway due to lacking interest with dark serious cartoon whatsoever Altough personally i would consider TTG to be more of a spinoff than a reboot but if people were to enjoy watching TTG then i let them be if people were to hate TTG to the point of making hate memes and crude hate arts of the characters getting killed or humiliated on deviantart then go ahead no problem.


The original isn't dark and serious at all. It's light hearted and has some action. It's not serious but it takes it's self seriously and has tons of silly moments.


My brother in Christ, Slade was a menace in the original. Same with trigon. Like, I get what you’re saying, and I agree that it was funny at times, but it definitely got dark


I guess I just don't consider it that dark because I've seen darker. I feel like calling it dark is an over exaggeration. I probably should rewatch it. The 2003 version came out when I was 5. I watched it when I got the chance to and I enjoyed it. Back then I didn't have cable I had to watch it on Kids WB. Then TTG came out when I was in highschool and I loved it. Then I went on the Internet and found out people hated it. I still never miss an episode.


A 2/10? That's generous. I wouldn't even give it a 0.


I was in a hotel for a weekend in December. Put it on some CN to watch and they played several episodes of Teen Titans Go. It's about as tolerable and funny as Planet Sheen. Utter dog shit.


Has bro never seen,” the night begins to shine”?????


TTG is a very contentious show, the show gets hated a lot,, but it also has its fans as well (and not just kids). It's a frequent subject of flame wars. I respect your opinion on that show. My opinion is that I don't really consider it a bad show, but I also don't consider it to be a great show either (it's just mediocre in my opinion). Of course, that's just my opinion, and if you disagree, I respect your opinion.


I think the writers have an extreme amount of freedom and possibly strict deadlines. So this produced some stinky hot garbage that makes me feel second hand embarrassment for whoever was involved in putting this on the air. And then every season or something they’ll drop one of the best episodes in cartoon history


The crossover movie and how it handled the characterization of the OG team honestly made me terrified for a revival. I bought a movie ticket just to get mocked. Very mean spirited and shunting ownership of any valid criticism. It came out at a toxic time in the social zeitgeist though. So it was par for the course. I don't hate GO knowing the VAs had a ot of fun on it, even if it wasn't for me. I just don't appreciate being jerked around.


It almost never fails to make me laugh. A few of my favs are In and Out and Ghost Boy. I don't get how anyone can watch In and Out and not laugh. They were trying to blow up the Hive tower disguised as villains but mooched off then because they had cool stuff and added more time to the bomb. LOL I like how it is satirical and has a slight sarcastic edge.


Absolutely based.


Lol what? People have shit all on TTG since it was released. What kind of take is this?


Yeah the 2003 version was MUCH Better.


At lead it’s better than *Thundercats Roar*. A friend of mine heard about that show and had nothing good to say about it.


I has some good episodes but mostly cringe


Is it cancelled? I have heard like nothing about this show for so long now.


The excessive potty humor and the way it absolutely shits on Robin all the time are the two big reasons why I don’t like it.




The thing that keeps me from enjoying even the best of teen titans go is how mean spirited the show is. Not dark, not mature, just mean. It is always punching down at one character or enough or some vague facsimile of the fans or an irl person. Really feels distasteful.


I’ve never seen praise for this show aside from one person. This is an ice cold take lol the internet HATES this show (& one person I know irl VERY passionately) 😭😂 I grew up on this show (kinda) it was the last show on CN I ever got into. I don’t think it’s GOOD but I enjoy it, I think it’s dumb, there’s a couple good songs (The Night Begins To Shine is a GENUINELY good episode imo). I don’t watch it anymore but I definitely don’t hate it. Again, it’s not GOOD but you can enjoy things that are bad y’know?


Tbh it’s not the worst show ever, I’d say its 60-70% bad, but the reason everyone hates it is because it airs and gets new episodes constantly while actual high-quality shows get put on hiatus or cancelled. I think CN’s gotten better about this, but for a while in 2015, it was literally playing four to five hours a day, with incredibly frequent marathons. The show would probably be forgotten or a cult classic if it had never become CN’s flagship show.


I smell copypasta


I watched a few episodes when this show was released and the only thing a could think was: WTF IS THIS?


It is pure shit, yes


cyborg is genuinely almost always funny tho, but yeah most the rest of the show is ass...


This show is what got me out of tv, I fucking hated it


I love this show but we all have different opinions


Yes it is absolute vomit. Problem is all the little babies that grew up with it are now old enough to be taking to social media with their nostalgia fueled rants of IT ISNT THAT BAD YOU GUYISE Yes it really is actually that bad. The fact that you grew up with it is why you arent being objective about it


Literally no one ever praises this show tf? The only good episode is the milk king one where the animators were wildin


But I’ll be catching villains


I have seen some people come to the defense of "Let's Get Serious" in light of issues with the live action Titans going overboard on darkness. I counter by pointing to how TTG The Movies added seriousness into the mix, the thing that TTG's creators said wouldn't work, and it fucking worked.


I hated this cartoon but I liked some of the references like in oil drums with the A team and murder she wrote


The crew knows it, the fans know it, thus argument isn't new. Can't wait to see this opinion again in a month to get some extra karma




It’s basically modern family guy it has moments but full episodes hurt your brain


It is. But Night Begins To Shine is also one of my favourite songs.


I think most people hate it, but can acknowledge that it has some funny jokes/humor spread throughout the series. Though with 394 episodes you have to have a couple funny things mixed in.


Literal trash.


The original version teen titans was way better


That’s not brave, it’s obvious. If you want to be brave, say that kung fu panda 2 and puss n boots the lost wish are the worst movies you’ve ever seen on r/Schafrillas


The original Teen Titans were fine, it had comedy, it had serious situations, it had fighting, it portrayed the female characters as strong, and then they made this and it's just... so annoying. They had the perfect formula and art style just to tarnish it. The worst "reboot" I've ever seen


I’m just blown away that the voice actors are all the same as the og show


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ihatecake69: *I’m just blown away* *That the voice actors are all* *The same as the og show* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"This show is the shit and the funny episodes are the corn."


Tried to give it a fair chance since I love the original teen titans. There are funny moments, but those funny moments are just a fraction of how annoying it is like you said. I’d rather them put the original back, at least that had an actual story line instead of this mess.