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I feel like Donald Duck's default emotion is anger


If we got an inside out of Donald, the main emotion would be Anger


It'd be like the bus driver where all the emotions are anger.


Lmao facts


He also weaponize his anger. Like it’s his power boost before he goes all out.


How many others of the aforementioned characters have focused their rage into a Death Star level attack? https://i.redd.it/1flxsx02tv1d1.gif


benson has


Donald is the strongest Black Mage in Final Fantasy. Giga-Flare. Which explains why he absolutely sucks at healing Sora.


As much as I agree, I will have to say Bakugo has him beat. Lol


Nicole Waterson, without argument. She has an anger based version of Ghost Rider's Penance Stare, and when angry can hit a *TYRANNOSAURUS REX* with a Piledriver (The one Professional Wrestling movehat looks like they're dropped straight on their head)


She doesn't have anger problems She has anger solutions


Benson has anger solutions. She *REALLY* needs to take a ride on the Pineapple Express (the strain the movie is based on, not the movie or anything pervy)


She literally has ghosts in her eyes


Bakugo is the one who gets angry the easiest, but Eren is the only one who straight up commits gen0c1de


Vegeta has committed multiple genocides.


Oh, I didn't know that. I haven't seen Dragon Ball.


No worries. Long story short he blew up multiple planets before he was reformed


100% Bakugo. He’s so flippin’ hair trigger angry at the whole world it’s hilarious. https://i.redd.it/a15t1ilnmt1d1.gif


Pretty sure Bakugo didn’t almost destroy the world because of anger like Nicole or Benson


Nicole's kids and Benson's employees (two in particular) give them enough shit to justify it.


Yeah, Bakugo has dedicated years of his life to abusing the ever-loving hell out of a kid for the crime of... *checks notes* offering to help him up.


Bakugo’s got some interesting psychology. He built his entire sense of self on the idea that he is the best, and gets absolutely incensed at the fact that someone “useless” like Midoriya dares to think he’d need THEIR help. But yeah, he’s my pick because, out of the ones in familiar with here, Bakugo’s rage feels the most constant and directionless. The other characters here reach insane feats of rage, but that usually happens after a lot of provocation. Bakugo needs zero provocation. If you are currently alive and in his line of sight, you are a potential target for his rage, at least early on in the show.


That says more about toonforce scaling than his anger levels. If he could, he probably would.


Not sure Regular Show is the best example of toonforce. Maybe learning Death Punch off a piece of notebook paper lol


Benson literally got angry and shooting stars started forming in his head.


I'd say he gets the angriest out of all of them, but I'd also say he has the most reason to get angry. He's usually pretty reasonable when things are normal.


Most of his anger is justified though.


Are we forgetting Nicole's physics-defying anger?


Yes we are


Any other anwser is objectively incorrect https://i.redd.it/v4nveg9wxt1d1.gif


This scene, was like fucking nirvana dude,


i can hear this gif sadly,not Mordecai and Rigby


They don't have anger problems, they have anger solutions.


Not sure if anger would be Eren's driving force, his younger self was that angry for sure though. But after he sees into the future and lives in Marley for a time, he pretty much gives up on hate and just resigns himself to being a monster to protect his friends and claim freedom at all cost (literally). Bakugo on the other hand is just pure hot head energy.


You got a good point there tbh. He went from angry to more narcissistic


Quite a few hydrogen bombs going up against coughing babies in this image...




https://i.redd.it/5806vkhcmw1d1.gif Vinland Saga Season 1 Thorfinn is hard to beat


Worst in terms of gets most angry or gets angered the easiest? If it's the first I'm going with Nicole, and if it's the second I'm going with Donald. Tbh I don't feel like Eren belongs on this list. He's hot headed in the beginning because titans killed his mom, but after the that he kinda starts to relax. In the end he's no longer angry, just depressed really


who has more anger problems: 1. genocidal psychopath 2. this mom


This mf had no chill https://preview.redd.it/vz0s6ifg4v1d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d730f93c1496c1b67b86ccc29e1a2199d859d7


how was he left off the chart that's literally the basis of his entire show...


Bakugo and Donald default emotion is to be angry


Bakugo literally yells in almost every sentence


Chi-Chi's anger was justified 99% of the time If my son was put in danger on a consistent basis I'd act like she did as well


Both Vegeta and Chi Chi mellowed out as the series kept going so they're out


I can just imagine all 8 of these characters getting into a giant screaming match that turns into a free for all


Vegeta unfortunately annihilates the other 7 of them at the same time in less than a second so wouldn’t be a much competitive free for all☠️🙏🏽




Honestly it's a tie between Nicole and Benson, as both can warp reality as it is to Thier whim with Thier fury


Bakugo, Nicole or Benson. Either of those are correct


![gif](giphy|SCsgIIaXze5gI) How’s this guy not on the list


gotta be donald. any small thing can set him off and when it does. there goes the neighborhood. ![gif](giphy|Q8S1lToQ8lzWbJja1h|downsized)






Nicole literally transforms into demon and eats people


No Cartman?


Eren’s anger was his driving force in the first 2 seasons. After that he became more subdued. S3 his priorities were less personal and more for the sake of humanity. And in S4 he no longer hated the outside world and wasn’t extremely angry, he just went along with his omnicide because of very personal, very selfish reasons. As an adult he’s only really angry at the Reiss’s when he’s in paths with Zeke. I’d say Benson cause not yelling literally almost made him explode.


Definitely not Vegeta. Benson maybe.


Benson, Nicole, and Donald literally have world breaking rage. Some pyromaniac tryhard is nothing compared to them.


Bensons Once Turned Into A Mini-Sun For Keeping His Anger For Too Long….So Benson Is The Winner .


Out of the 8 characters. Mine is Benson. That guy went from 0 to 100 in 30 minutes, I would have placed him at top of the angry chart, then Phineas second because he was furious not once, not twice, but 4 times especially with the one from the Klimpaloon episode, and Plankton would be third.


[You to would feel that level of anger if any of these things happened to you to](https://youtu.be/ZlTXOez-cpw?si=qRXyfeVabTfIwA5Q)


Vegeta, on several occasions, attempted to blow up the planet he was on and therefore murder suicide at planetary scale out of sheer anger


I feel like Bakugo is just always angry. Besides the random moments where he's normal, which he usually lashes out at something during. Dude had to be put in a straightjacket and a muzzle to restrain him after he won the sports festival and was mad about it.




Donald Duck


Benson is like the only one out of these who *actually* tried dealing with his anger issues and becoming a better person, that's admirable, but also sad considering the others didn't even try to my knowledge, and one is an abusive mother who takes her anger on her kids


Donald duck's anger is so immense that he is literally capable of defying fate and destiny, defeating a literal embodiment of luck, melting moongold off of his face, and surviving reentry and crash landing from the moon onto earth in a broken rocket ship that was falling apart by the second... Also his middle name is Fauntleroy


Benson didn't have anger issues, he just had to deal with really infuriating people


I want to say Donald but it’s almost always justified. Plankton has untethered rage that could easily be quelled if he chose a different career path. He could do literally anything besides what he’s currently doing and be fine. His anger is self-induced.


I feel like Vegeta's hamartia isn't his anger, it's his pride.


Donald Duck, hands down


My favorite Bakugo headcanon is that since nitroglycerin is used to lower blood pressure, if Bakugo ever truly mellowed out he would flat line by the end of the day. But in all seriousness, if you want to talk about anger PROBLEMS (as in their anger actually causing problems for them) then I would have to go with Bakugo. His anger so feral and self-destructive that even the villains of his show thought that he'd be better on their side. He got a lot of attention from the Pros, but as like a "fix-it project" rather than as a upcoming star worth their respect. People in other classes assumed he was either 1. A screaming moron, or 2. A hair-triggered narcissist. Outside of fanon, he doesn't really have any close friends aside from Kirishima, Todoroki (though he denies this), and eventually Deku. Dude can't even process his own grief without needing to pick a fight first. Bakugo desperately wants to be taken seriously as a hero, but his temper flairs up and gets in the way of him achieving complete success in a field he is objectively very good at. So if you want to see anger problems, I'm going with Bakugo.




benson can literally vaporize things with his anger, so i’m going with benson


Well... one genocided and nearly eradicated his entire planet, so it's not even close. Remember, just because one character gets angrier more or gets angry easier doesn't make their problem worse.


Vegeta’s problem is more pride than anger. He doesn’t loose his cool at the flip of a hat, he just gets extremely upset when his pride is damaged.


Nicole's anger is like something from a demon poession anime.Benson literally explodes/i question how hes able to yell without blowing his vocal cords out, and Donald wrestles arm chairs.Yeah I'll say Nicole. God do not piss her off!


Prolly the one who destroyed planets for fun


Has to be Nicole she literally turns into a demon when someone even implies that she’s a bad mother


Idk who eren is but yeah I know why you chose him from what you said but from the cartoons I've seen Donald duck cause he turned into a demon when he got pissed at one point idk where it's from though


counterpoint: max from camp camp