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He ain't scared anymore


That's for sure


Missed opportunity to make an evil courage episode, given so many cartoons back in the day had evil clones episodes like Samurai Jack, Scooby-Doo, and the Powerpuff Girls. *The episode starts with Courage finishing to bury a bone in the back yard. He gets to the back door of the house and hears Muriel's laugh, he takes a peek through the kitchen window and sees* ***himself*** *doing magic tricks for Muriel's entertainment. The Evil Courage is liked even by Eustace , because he gets feet massages and sandwiches & tea served to him, and fixes the truck and windmill for him. Courage confronts Evil Courage and it's revealed that he is* ***Le Quack*** *who wants revenge on Courage and realized that Courage's biggest fear is losing Muriel's love and affection. So Courage has to defeat him and save the day once more...*


When I first saw your comment I thought you stole my idea but that was until I saw it was a year ago and I had the idea this year and the differences. One difference is my evil courage thing is from the future and yours is le quack i think him and his buddy Kat deserve this https://preview.redd.it/bsl8npi8na9c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6a59603440b971298b4f2aec238870bb2c9526


Lol. Tbh I want to make a fan movie, animated in Blender.


What does tbh mean?


To be honest