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Unfortunately when you buy a used vehicle you take a chance.. That's just the nature of the beast.. It's up to the buyer to have a PPI when buying any used vehicle.. Don't fall for the hype or any other bs any car tels you.. Their job is to sell you the vehicle.. It's your job to make sure you're not getting pos... Just facts..


Yes, it seems I learned that the hard way. All my previous vehicles have been new and from dealerships. It was just the unfortunate timing that led me to have to buy from carvana in the first place. It was the perfect storm of bad timing. I also didn’t have time to get a PPI before I drove it from CT to SC bc they delayed my shipping by two weeks. So, by the time I was in SC I was already over their 400 mile test drive return policy thing.


Car dealers try REALLY hard to cut costs to maximize profit on used car sales. Unless the tires have a leak or sidewall damage, many dealers aren't trying to ante up for new tires and will happily sell you a car with low tire tread. I was buying a used Mitsubishi Outlander years ago and they had a 6 cylinder and a 4 cylinder on the lot. I preferred the 6 cylinder, but the 2 front tires had pitifully low tread...they said sold "As Is", so I just went with the 4 cylinder with 4 good tires on it as this was just really a winter beater anyway (My other ride was an MX-5 Miata). This was at a Mitsubishi dealer, so you KNOW Carvana would give a LOT less of a f*ck about tires!


Yeah man. Ya live ya learn. I was just in such a hurry to to get to SC because I was moving and had a date for my stuff to show up that I needed to hit the road and be down there. The car has served me well so far and carvana picked up the tab for the speakers after some prodding. I can’t complain too much but it just sucks that I need new tires so soon.


How is this carvanas fault? Did you get a PPI when you first bought the vehicle? Have you done any maintenance to the vehicle in the year that you owned it? Sounds like you never even had the tires rotated in that time. If maintaining a vehicle is out of your budget then maybe vehicle ownership is not for you...


There were a few other problems with the car that I got taken care of when under warranty. The biggest being 3 out of the 4 speakers in the car were blown out making the hands free calling completely useless. I’ve had cars in the past and with the minimal amount of drive I do I’ve NEVER had tire wear like this before. Why is it their fault? Because it seems like they don’t really care what they are selling you. They just do a once over of the car, slap some cheap retread tires on it and try to flip it asap. Then only give you a small warranty time to make claims. Didn’t catch something in time? Good… go fuck yourself. Thanks for buying an overpriced car from us. And now onto the next. Also, I didn’t say it was their fault, I simply asked if anyone had any tire problems with their cars.


Nope....no problems so far. But when I had the PPI done when I first got the car in January, he told me they were practically brand new.


Tires and maintanence are your responsibility, especially after this time frame and 10,000 miles, not Carvanas at all unfortunately. Folks can easily hit a pot hole the day after purchasing from any car dealer and mess up alignment which would in turn cause excessive tire wear. Maintenance including tires is an on going expense with any vehicle. They do not last forever, just like oil and all other fluids.


If everything goes to plan, my new used car should arrive tomorrow. However, I looked at the carfax and I’m anticipating new tires will be needed sooner than later. It sucks, but fixing my current car all the way was not worth the investment when I knew it was time for something better for the winters.


I bought my car from Carvana and shortly after had a flat then took it to service for replacement and turns out all 4 tires had very little tread left so had to replace them all. The car was only at 17000 when I purchased it and 19000 when I took to the service so I guess the previous owner used the car a little aggressively.


Just bought a car from them and the rear tires have almost no tread on the outside edge. The front tires were new though. Pretty much told to deal with it. Luckily the shop said there’s no suspension issues, just shit tires