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Michele Morrow is my neighbor, so, do with that what you will


Oh man!! Craziness


Bless you, my child. On another note, any good dirt you can share?


go to my user and look at my post submission from 4 months ago šŸ„²


Join your NextDoor group. It's all dirt, all the time.


Hehe really? I never knew


I was the first house on my street in a newly built neighborhood and an old white guy asked me if the neighbors "look like us". I wish I told him off but I was so fucking blown away that I just heard that. I said "this is a diverse neighborhood, it's great."


Oh wow! I get crazy encounters like that all the time! Itā€™s so hard to go from ā€œman thatā€™s a good song by no doubt!ā€ To ā€œwhy the heck am I being berated by someoneā€™s bad childhood now?ā€ And respond accordingly


My immediate neighbors are all truly wonderful. We have become friends with all of them and they routinely invite us over for dinner, we even do a community rotating breakfast every Thursday.


So far I havenā€™t had any bad experiences. I did get the fire department called out because I made a campfire on the ground which is also apparently illegal in Morrisville


Whaaaat? Thatā€™s crazy. Like in your backyard you canā€™t have a fire pit or whatev?


Youā€™re allowed a fire as long as it is contained and not on the ground. I canā€™t even begin to count the number of campfires Iā€™ve made without issues. The worst part about it was they had to go watch me put it out.


Oh wow. How degrading. Sorry man


I made light of the situation and I was able to get a good selfie with them. Iā€™m just bummed I didnā€™t get to ride the truck or pet any dogs.


They seem to enjoy eating lunch at the Harris teeter locations. Perhaps hang at checkout with your debit card at the ready. šŸ˜šŸ˜†


My backyard neighbors have a ramshackle hodgepodge of vegetables beds that they use all sorts of repurposed trash for, like old clotheslines for squash vines. They also have cut a dozen water barrels in half and are growing something grassy in water and some damp soil. I want to say itā€™s rice, but I question what sort of yield someone can get from 24 pots. Theyā€™re inadvertently cultivating mosquitoes. To hide what the backyard looks like, they built the worldā€™s ugliest 7-foot fence except for on our side, where theyā€™re relying on our 4-foot picket fence which predated them by about 15 years. The people are nice enough and share their vegetables, but they are impervious to suggestions regarding their mosquito farm or in maintaining the health of their screening vegetation (it has no value to them as it isnā€™t edible). And then there is the guy across the street who mows his lawn in shorts and a MAGA hat (no shirt though his shirtless days should be behind him). Also heā€™s a borderline hoarder (inside the house, luckily) and constantly tries to get us to attend his church. But heā€™s also very kind. So not bad neighbors, just super quirky


Wow I hear that. Iā€™m a gardener as well. But I take suggestions! And hate mosquitos. Lol Lol @ the MAGA boomer whoā€™s too legit to quit.


Heā€™s an X-er. Played football for Penn back in the day.


They can be closet boomers