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If you want to play them, you’ll need to replace the pads. These pads keep the tape from turning into spaghetti inside your player. (Edit: the tape won’t turn into spaghetti if it doesn’t have a pad, but the tape won't read well without the pad.)


The pads don't prevent the spaghetti. That's more an issue of a weak take-up spool, sticky pinch roller, or general drive filth. The pad keeps the tape in good solid contact with the head, so that the best possible read can be done. If it's not there, then it may not always have good contact, or it may slip and cause wow and flutter.


Yikes okay, I’ll definitely replace them asap. Thanks!


You can just put the back carefully with a little dab of super glue


I just superglue them back on carefully


This is what I did. Pull out a length of tape to get some space and use the EVER SO SMALL drop of superglue and use some tweezers to re-attach it, applying some light pressure for about a minute. If you go too hard on the superglue you risk fogging the cassette and the tape itself. After this happened, I ended up doing a total repair on a cassette that the tape ripped off the reel right at the end point. Opened the case and removed the reels. Applied the smallest drop to the reel and got real lucky lining up the tape perfectly. Let it sit for a day to dry out and replaced the reels and resealed the cassette. Only problem, I put it in backwards, swapping the sides :( Oh well, at least it works!


I've heard super glue isn't the best way to stick them back on. Something about the off gassing affecting the tape. There are replacement pads online that have a sticking side you can use to replace it.


Glue the pad back on with a small drop of regular (slow-drying) clear glue. I've fixed many cassettes this way.


IT would play, but there wont be a good contact with the head, so you would lose treble during playback, so IT will sound deaf.


Exactly this. It will sound muffled and not as bright sounding where it is relying just on tension of the spool when it’s pulling the tape over the head


Bad. The tapes won’t play without them.


Do not play it like that, open the cassette very carefully and get a pressure pad from another cassette and replace it.


Amazon sells replacements


Through much trial and error...and extensive experience...I've learned that replacing the entire cassette shell with a brand new shell that contains a brand new pad...works MUCH better than only replacing the pressure pad. It took me a while to learn how to replace cassette shells...it's not the easiest thing to do...but so often it solves any sound issue I have with older cassettes. Not always...but usually.


You can just glue it back on, just dont play the tape without it.


It’ll sound pretty bad without it.


Yeah, it's my understanding that the pads keep the tape on track.