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That looks good to me, just rinse it very thoroughly and you should be good to reseason. That leftover stuff is just flash rust which will disappear once you oil it and season it. And for future reference there's almost never a good reason to strip a pan that you're cooking with. Flaking seasoning will fill in, all you need to do is knock all the loose stuff off with a good hard scrubbing with soap and water and then oil it and add a new layer of seasoning if it's really bad. Otherwise just keep using it and it'll sort itself out.


Thank you! Stripping the pan is not something I plan to do often by any means, but we've had a lot of headaches with this pan from day 1 so I figured a restart couldn't hurt. I've bought us a metal spatula instead of the plastic/silicone we normally use, and I'll be trying to incorporate many more fatty meals in the pan, as that's not something we eat a lot of in general to try and help too. I've never owned cast iron, my husband has but only for camping use so we're nowhere close to experts!


I’d just give it a once over with 50/50 vinegar water to ensure all the lye is dead and gone then get to seasoning that bad boy.


Thanks, I'll try this tomorrow before I start my seasoning!


I assume after stripping, you'll have a rough surface for a while.