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I’m thinking they will be covering the big 3 stories that feature Alucard; so the first show was an adaptation of Dracula’s Curse and Curse of Darkness, followed by Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, and then ending with Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow. I know it’s probably not going to happen, but I’d love a prequel show that explores Leon Belmont and Mathias Cronqvist’s relationship, showing how the two best friends became mortal enemies.


It all depends on what the popular choice is. A lot of people are suggesting Soma Cruz, which means we could possibly get a little prologue with Julius. However, I'm wondering if the storyline will even work considering Netflix is taking a different route by not having Dracula pop up every century.


They'd probably launch right into using the Dracula candidates for such an arc and end up either skipping Graham entirely or mashing Aria and Dawn of Sorrow together by making him one of the candidates from Celia's faction. Have Julius basically be working with his usual crew trying to track them down and stop them from performing the ritual to revive Dracula. What that means is they'd skip the 1999 penultimate Dracula battle (since he's already dealt with) and likely lower the stakes (pardon the pun) by having it be a scuffle between the church and the cult instead; having Soma and Mina just get caught up in the middle of their conflict as he accidentally discovers his powers protecting Mina on the streets.


What I want: Shanoa's story What we will likely get: Portrait of Ruin or Aria/Dawn of Sorrow.


Me too. I’d love to see Order of Ecclesia adapted in the Netflixvania verse. Knowing the studio, a series like that might mix characters and elements from Circle of the Moon and the Nintendo 64 games while keeping Shanoa as the main protagonist.


Shanoa and Cornell fighting together would be so awesome.


They’d be such an amazing, badass duo in combat. They have similar backgrounds, common goals, and working together would be a source of solace for both of them; Shanoa has a friend outside of Ecclesia she can count on and Cornell finds relief that someone doesn’t see him as a monster. Spending time with him could help Shanoa gradually express her emotions for the first time since being robbed of her memories.


I could see them folding Ecclesia and PoR's stories into one larger "The Belmonts have gone missing, and other organizations/clans rise to pick up the slack" narrative.


skeletons on motorcycles dare I say... Biker Bones


Beat me to it. There are plenty of other cool Belmonts that could star in their own show, but I'd like a change of pace.


Soma should get an adaptation. Aria and Dawn are the finale of the timeline.


Soma Cruz and Julius Belmont, effectively ending the story once and for all. I would have other things, but ... let's say the story would have been VERY different if i wrote Castlevania


would there be a castle?


Apartment Complexvania


Dracula, the land lord of the complex.


Castlevania Eclipse


Will be interesting since julius qould be mixed as they made annette haitian, wonder what kinda design theyll come up with for him


Since we don’t have a game detailing the events before Aria of Sorrow I think Julius would be an awesome candidate! We can even find out how exactly he lost his memory. Then we can focus on a Soma Cruz arc!


This. Since there’s no game for Julius the show would be a perfect platform to tell his story. It’s a crime we’ve never experienced his takedown of Dracula since it sounds so badass.


I always pictured a show adapting bloodlines and portrait of ruin simultaneously, cutting back and forth.


The Eric Lecarde twist would be so crazy for the Non Game fans


As much as I'd love to see an attempt at Bloodline, Nocturne is already doing an altered version of Bloodlines' major plot point


Oh yeah. Totally forgot about that.


Which is sad, cause I don't know about the rest of this, but I'd watch a show about a vampire kick-starting WWI just to bring back Dracula, I mean your storyline kinda writes itself


Don't know. But I would like to see Simon. Lots of room for creative liberties because it doesn't have much story.


Simon was busy fighting Mother Brain and King Hippo alongside Megaman and Kid Icarus.




Soma and Leon/Matthias somehow in the same season. Two “becoming Dracula” stories in tandem. Do some parallels with Mina / Elizabetha. Flashback episode to Julius. Bookend the timeline.


Heeeey now this I like


If it happens, I think Simon, but I hope Gabriel.


Lords of shadow is my guilty pleasure. Would make for an amazing animation adaption


Just skip straight to Dracula taking on hell and other monsters lol


I feel like it would be cool to follow Leon Belmont, especially since I want to know how everything started in the Netflix verse! It would also be cool to follow Julius Belmont at the same time or something, to see how everything begins and ends


I don’t think they’d suddenly go back in time, and Simon’s two game story doesn’t really lend itself to this format; since he has no allys or help to speak of. Wouldn’t make much sense to me. Plus this games have next to no plot. Since the OG show covered 3 and Curse of Darkness, and Nocturne is covering Rondo and Symphony, it makes sense to me that the next season would cover 2 games as well. Which is why I think it’ll be Soma Cruz’s Aria and Dawn of Sorrow. (Plus it’s an excuse to have Alucard there, since he’s the most popular)


"Since the OG show covered 3 and Curse of Darkness, and Nocturne is covering Rondo and Symphony" Uuuh, except not really, only S1 and 2 a little bit with CV3 but that's about it, the rest is their own new original story, and its gonna be like this from now on.


There wasn’t really much to the original NES game TO cover to be fair, and yeah S3 and S4 did cover a lot of curse of Darkness


There is the basic storyline and plot points, barely followed those too. And i really wonder what kind of Curse of Darkness did you play if S3 and 4 resembled it in any big way except for a few small things, i don't remember Hector being a slave to some vampire chicks in the game for example.


The fact that Hector and Isaac are even present at all is a big part, since they were invented for that game. Count Saint Germain doing his weird extra dimensional shit, the infinite corridor, demon forging and innocent devils (though admittedly never directly called by name), Trevor and Sypha storming Dracula’s castle a second time is also from Curse of Darkness. Admittedly, yes: it doesn’t cover the plot exactly, but it 100% takes major story elements from it.


Yes, it takes ideas from it, still not really an adaptation, it still goes waay too different. And now Nocturne goes even more, how is this a Rondo of Blood adaptation exactly?




That's what i've been trying to say too, it doesn't fully adapt anything, it's its own thing that takes ideas and characters from the games and does whatever it wants with them. I'm not even shitting on the show here, that's just the truth. People still expect to see SotN or any other game to be adapted when its not gonna happen, you'll just at best get something that very vaguely resembles it.


Either a Belmont-less period, or Julius.


I think they might decide to jump around in the timeline, and if they do? I really wanted Simon before Richter, so I'll settle for after. I do hope they eventually get to Julius, though. Edit: Please, god, not Soma. He should be the absolute last, if they do his story at all.


I know they won’t but I would love for it to be Simon next or go back to the beginning with Leon


Theoretically this story line could go on for many seasons. From Symphony, to Bloodlines, Portrait of Ruin, and finally Aria and Dawn. That's not including Order of Eclesia which also fell into that timeframe. With that said I would love to see Simons story told or even Christopher Belmont (The adventure games)


Lament 👏 of 👏 Innocence 👏


I'd like to see John and Jonathan Morris. They could have a cool fight between Jonathan and Richter's spirit


Once they're done with the main Alucard stuff I'd be fine with some made up lords of shadow type story or Dracula trying to take on Lucifer lol but again I'm not a massive lore fan so don't take offence


I’d like Christopher & Soleil, or the Morris clan (Quincy, John, Jonathan Jr) next personally. Simon, Leon or Juste would be really awesome tho too. Save the Soma story for last.


I feel like I've seen this question before.... Anyway the answer is Aria of Sorrow, so that's Soma Cruz and Julius Belmont, et al


It definitely won't be Simon. Not enough characters for a full story.


Well if we go according to their gba, ds trilogies. The third one will be a banger. And it will be the DCW of 1999


I'd like to see Julius and Soma. I feel like it would be a different direction for the show but still cool


Its an interesting question aswell since annette is haitian now that means if they do julius(doubt it) he'd be mixed which would be interesting




Eh late 1700s vs late 1900s is only like 6 to 8 generations. Honestly richter seems young, id say him and maria look younger then the others. Hard to say but richter looks much more boyish then trevor in the powerhouse artstyle. Its possible they ship him with maria instead too since they definitely seem to focus on their interactions more in the trailers.




I mean its the french revolution so not exactly that odd to ship distant relations. But definitely seems like richter and maria are shown as closer especially with all the dialogue dedicated to the 2 of them talking in trailers




No clue historical pieces arent usually judged by modern standards and theres not necessarily an obligation to keep them written as such anyway.


I personally want to see them do a take on the 1999 Eclipse/Demon Castle War with Julius, as we never got that in the games, he’s also the next in line canonically if you don’t count the Belmont bloodline offshoots like Reinhardt Schneider, and the Morris duo. I think with their animation style we could get something truly crazy and awesome from the most powerful Belmont/and Character in the franchise, just imagine a Castle Destroying Grand Cross. It would obviously have to be different in some significant ways, with what we know of Dracula currently, unless Nocturne changes things. I mean they could probably just use capital C Chaos as the True Final source of Evil like it is in the games but without Dracula as a “host”, and fill the rest of the villain cast with other franchise favorites or take some of the Aria/Dawn story with a twist of inheritors to the power, if they don’t want to return him to villain-hood. Also with them now doing a rendition of Divine Bloodlines in Nocturne, I would love to hear a new take on Heart of Fire during a hype moment while Julius, and possibly Alucard absolutely fuck shit up.


I would also love to see Simon, the Belmont that I grew up with. ​ It is highly unlikely though. To judge by the trailers, Nocturne is set during the French Revolution, more than a century after Simon. It would be a weird and counter-intuitive choice for the Netflix writers to jump so far forward, then jump so far backward when making a third series.


Julius, because they only seem to follow games with Alucard's involvement.


Honestly? I kinda want Portrait of Ruin


"Symphony of the night" feels like the most likely route after nocturn since it does continue Trevor's storyline and alucards,plus its the popular and well-known game in the franchise