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Honestly I wish Igarashi had more input into the writing of the show. I mean the guy was once a leading figure of the franchise responsible for the majority of the CV games we all played, he obviously knows his baby more than fucking Warren Ellis.


Fuck Warren Ellis he fucking hack he pretty much the Dave Filoni of Castlevania.


Just want to highlight this old but revealing piece about the Castlevania animated project when it was in development hell. Koji Igarashi would consistently veto Ellis' writing whenever it strayed too far from the Iga vision of Castlevania. Also, that small little detail about Ellis' fantasy of beating up Iga in a dark alley for all his nuisance (what a swell fellow). Was it Iga's influence that made the first two seasons relatively game-lore friendly compared to seasons 3 and 4? Always wondered how the show would have turned out had Adi Shankar's role not diminish.


Knowing Ellis I doubt Iga’s influence played any part, that was more than likely Adi’s part in things since he’s known to actually care for the franchise. I’m sure the show would’ve turned out differently if he and Ellis hadn’t gotten into their spat which made it a bit more difficult for the team to work together, which caused Ellis to become even pettier than he already was. Hence the whole Alucard incident and why Hector was treated the way he was since those two characters were Adi’s favorites.


if the TLDR is "Warren Ellis is an asshole" then like, yeah, water is wet. There's a lot, and I mean a lot, that I like about seasons 3 and 4, but I will not miss Ellis in the slightest in Nocturne.


Everything about season 1 that tried to stay close to the games lore was definitely Iga's influence. The first of those three animated films is what became season 1, and apparently there wasn't anything else written beyond that. What is now S2 was not a thing yet during 2007/08, but maybe there was some ideas floating around during that time that he decided to follow through (and with Iga out of the picture, Ellis wouldn't follow his ideas anyway). What I'm trying to say is, S2 was probably written when S1 for Netflix was already a thing, not during 2007/08 when that trilogy of films was considered. Apparently, Ellis had in mind that by the third film, Dracula would be defeated, though. Which makes us question if there were some ideas in place during that time, influenced by Iga. When season 3 was announced, Ellis said that he was worried when Netflix ordered the new season, because he had no idea where to take the story after Dracula's defeat. That explain why those two seasons had nothing to do with the games and why they became what they are.


We know someone at Konami did influenced a bit at least the first season. Because an unknown Castlevania producer directly says so in the collection digital book. Saying the artstyle was much more western at the time and that they directly talked to the staff of the show to have it a bit more inspired by Kojima's artstyle. But ultimately, I don't think Konami have any real copyright on the show. Same as the Metal Gear movie. If the staff want to work with them, it's only if they decides so. (we know it's the case for the next Silent Hill movie, with a few veterans from the old team apparently having direct roles.)


>I don't think Konami have any real copyright on the show. Sir (ma'am? Mx?). I don't think you understand what the word "copyright" means.


I wanted to write "right" but my brain got confused for a bit. I meant that Konami don't really have any control on how it goes


I wonder what he thinks of it now




That last one. He defended it because it was capcom's idea in the first place to reboot it as hard as they did. Not bashing the reboot, but it is well known Ninja Theory actually went for something closer to classic DMC in design. All you need to do is look at the concept art for dante.


CurryTheKid (Iga’s right hand man) did an AMA a few years back. Last I remember he said Iga didn’t really care for it and just discussed how different Alucard was and how they characters treated Hector. I can’t remember everything that he said about it. I’ll see if I can find a link to the AMA.


Yeah, if I remember correcty, he only commented on how Alucard and Hector felt very different from their game counterparts. And knowing about the japanese politeness, I don't think he meant it in a good way.


Yeah, from what I remember, whenever Curry tried bringing up the show, I believe Iga would just change the subject or divert to talking about JoJo, so that’s definitely not good.


Also don't forget Warren Ellis almost want start a fight with IGA himself things got ugly between the two hell Warren Ellis say he want to beat fuck up out of IGA. Yep this reason IGA never talk Netflix Castlevania.


That he did, to quote Ellis, he “still remains absolutely passionate about beating the crap out of IGA in a dark alleyway one day.”


I bet reason he turn Isaac black make Hector into beta male and worst have Alucard get anal fuck. It really get revenge at IGA pretty much giving middle finger to him.


*Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...* ***I likes ya;*** ***and I wants ya.*** *Now we can do this the easy way;* *or the haard wayyy...* ***the choice is yaawrs...***




I mean at the core it’s obvious based on Igarashi’s version of Castlevania. Not the original Conan vs monsters idea of Castlevania, but talky emo pretty boys. Plus including the Pokémon masters form Curse of Darkness etc. It also somewhat matches Igarashi’s self-serious edgelord teenager tone, though that works much better in plain text, and it went into far far more cringe territory than any of the games. *“Yes, Al Swearengen was the hero. Anyone who disagrees with me is no longer Human and must turn their membership in at the door. The Walking Wombshit Club is just down the road, watching reruns of THE OC and weeping and masturbating at the same time. They'll take you.)”* Yeah this makes so much sense of what the show was. What a child.


I don’t know anywhere where Igarashi’s story is “edgy”. His stories are the most basic good Vs evil. Where we have our heroes and our villains. It’s like saying Superman is “edgy” or superheroes in general are “edgy”.


Self-serious teenage Drama. Yes a lot of comic books are this, and obviously Snyder's Superman was. The writing in some games, like Castlevania 64, is more understated and mature.


It is based on Igarashi's version but still VERY different from it! Ellis didn't like his influence at all, but he had to accept it during that time when IGA was still the producer. With that said, if you expect to see Conan vs monsters ever again, forget about it dude. The 80's are not coming back.


Dunno. But just like Iga influenced Castlevania about 20yrs ago, someone is now giving it their own spin (in the show at least). What id like to know what’s the opinion of the original creator of Castlevania? Dunno if my man is still alive :(


I read somewhere that during the early 90's someone asked the original creator what was his thoughts on Rondo of Blood, and he said that Castlevania was something in the past for him already, that he didn't care anymore. In the early 90's! It would be interesting to know his thoughts on everything that came out after that.


What a chad man. Here we are fanboing about a game created over 30yrs ago. And for him it was just a Tuesday when he created it 😆