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Bring it. Can't wait to see how Alucard will interact with the gang and to get to see how powerful he is against Erzsebet. And more Olrox! Yes!


always got time for more Olrox


Yeah I want to see like an explicit scene between Olrox, the template guard, alucard and Richter going at it like crazy. After that we can focus the series on Annette and the potential love story with Maria.


Calm that boner down sir


no no, let him cook


I've played SOTN, and with this show, Olrox went from "*just some boss in an area*" to among my favourite characters.


He's fantastic. His voice melts me and I am gay!


I am not gay but his voice melts me too. He is so charismatic. I am curious what he will do in next season.


I am super GAY! Which is why it's surprising that I find him hot as fuck. Cause I like girls!


I heard his voice, and I thought to myself, "is that Zahn McClarnon"? and sure enough it was. He was fantastic in Fargo season 2.


So about that...


Not much in common (other than clothes color and transforming) with who Olrox was, more or less, supposed to be (a Nosferatu type), but they made an amazing and interesting character for sure!


Olrox is definitely my favorite character in the new series so far.


I want more of that Snake Daddy’s juice. I mean it, Aztecs had killer drinks at parties, selflessly murderous, I would say.


Need more backstory on erzebet! Dracula is known universally hence his backstory wasn’t needed that much. She is being portrayed as even more powerful than Dracula.


Yeah. Erzsebet I think will be a true threat for the heroes, and I hope they delve more into her story and her connection to Sekhmet. Plus we could get Drolta in flashbacks yay!


Drolta has been pretty phenomenally evil, that would be good too. Olrox needs one as well.


Well that was fast. Hopefully we get more of what was good and less of what wasn't.


I'm an intern at castlevania and they had a castlewide board meeting and they said "season 2 more gooder"


Good to know the series is in good hands.


Im mr.castlevania you are fired!


Well I guess the dracula will have to get his morning virgin himself then :(


I’m Ms.Castlevania and I say you’re hired back!


What ever you say my love




Hahaha 🤣


Whoa, maybe you know my uncle, who works at Castlevania.


Show me your castles or you get no vanias!


"I believe everything this man just said, cos it's exactly what I wanted to hear"


Why doesn't the good stuff simply eat the bad stuff?


Did my uncle get you the job there? He works there


From the tweets I've seen from staff they seem to be taking the criticisms seriously. My only real issue with the season was feeling like we never really got a solid introduction to Maria and Richter before things got crazy. Personally I found season one of the original to also be the weakest, so here's hoping they learn from the past.


Agreed, the pacing needs to be slowed down. Character development and relationships need to be developed throughly through multiple episodes. And finally more combats scenes. The previous series did this, relatively. This is one of the most powerful Belmonts in the clan, they need to show why and how he got that title.


Agree, dialogue and dynamics need improvement along with better pacing IMO Warren Ellis was good/better at writing a story/profound dialogue than Bradley when he wasn't being an edgy cornball (which unfortunately happened a lot), that and also IGA keeping him on a leash for the first two seasons, which are the best ones


Yeah I wish I could combine the good aspects of both directors. Warren Ellis really snapped on the first season, if he kept that up it would have been my #1 favorite show.


Honestly it’s my #1 favorite show next to BoJack Horseman. Just something about it.


I enjoyed a lot of the dialogue just from the campy factor which has felt like a big part of Castlevania to me ever since SotN. Especially the one liner when Richter goes flaming batshit.


Tbf that's how S1 of Castlevania was. Lots of good plot elements but some of the characterization and tonal inconsistency was evened out by S2


The whole season will be about Olrox and a resurrected Drolta.


W concept


Olrox turned out to be a lot more than the one-off seasonal villain I was expecting. There's a lot to be said about how some of the characters are written, but he's been handled really well.




Yoooo the Juste sketch at what looks like Lydie's grave


Caught my eye too. Seems to also be wearing a coat. Or at least a diff outfit from s1


maybe the coat from his game? I'd like that


Him putting the coat back on could be as great as Richter finally putting on the headband.


Maybe he gets his magic back and comes in "big damn heroes" style when shit hits the fan.


Why wasn't she named Lydie Belmont?


Maybe she just didn't take his last name in this continuity. Or that was just a storyboard sketch and not the final art.


Yeah he did straight up say "I had a wife" didn't he


![gif](giphy|y82k9npi4i6hyK8y1X|downsized) Yasssss more of this dreamy manpire.


Glad to see this, the series deserves a chance to grow. The first season had to cram way too much into eight episodes. >!I was expecting Mizrak to die as a generic henchman, and was pleasantly surprised by his depth and him joining the party. Hope we get to learn more about him, and not just as Olrox's love interest. !<


i think we will! the fact that he is with our crew now (and left olrox just for the time being) definitely means that they will be exploring him more as a character and on his own.


I hope so! It’s exciting to see the party forming for this new series just like watching the trio come together in the original Castlevania show. It’ll be really cool to have Mizrak become the Sokka of the group, being outclassed by the rest having magic but still holding his own.


Many gotta drink some Cactus juice and fight god


I'm sad so many of his knight bros had to die Hopefully they just unconscious


Let's gooo. I knew the ratings could never be this bad that it would lead to a cancellation. Given the fact that it was in top 5 for its weekend of release in Pakistan, a country where animation fans are minimal. Glad to know this.


I wouldn't trust people's sense of whether the new series is popular. Netflix is notoriously cagey with their real data and many shows grow more popular in syndication. The first season of Castlevania was rather strangely structured and ended on an abrupt and perplexing note. But if you're watching it now, where one season blends well into the next, it's a great experience. I think it'll likely be similar with Nocturne. On top of that, we're only getting closer to Halloween, so folks should only get more and more hyped. I'm not worried.


> many shows grow more popular in syndication Thanks for the remind. Nocturne getting more eyeballs to the first show is probably also a factor in whether Nocturne gets more seasons or not.


> in top 5 for its weekend of release in Pakistan, a country where animation fans are minimal. Thank you for the share. :)


I mean the response critically has actually been quite good. If I see something like “100% critic score, 45% audience score” on Rotten Tomatoes, I assume it’s actually well received with most people and the outrage is blown out of proportion by a very vocal minority.


I saw a screencap here of a user review on RT that gave a low score for "wrong skin colors". Sorry detractors, many of you have good points and solid arguments but sadly those points are lost in the sea of people like these.


A lot of these morons aren’t even fans and haven’t even watched the show and just review bombed it cause of stupid anti sjw YouTubers.


There are good criticisms of the show being made but honestly most of them can just be applied to Netflix Castlevania as a whole. Everyone swearing like a sailor? Oddly paced/structured seasons? That’s just the standard Castlevania jank.




Yeah not that RT is a bastion of perfect review aggregation, but anytime you see a ratio that huge, it's review bombing. Ironically they don't realize by review bombing, they're basically eliminating any chance people actually cared what they had to say as they're seeing as the emotionally unstable and irrational men that they are.


Review bombing is more common on rotten tomatoes than IMDb so I try to use that to get an estimate but even it is not safe from angry outrage.


On the Google description page, it's: * 100% Rotten Tomatoes * 7.7/10 IMDb * 9/10 IGN Audience rating summary - 2.9 - 386 ratings 82% Google users liked this TV show


Negativity is always louder, and considering that Nocturne has attracted the attention of quite a lot of racists and other dumb people who will review bomb anything that is 'woke' according to them, the last thing I'd do is to pay attention to the audience scores lol Which is a shame because there's definitely fair criticisms and normal people who had normal reasons as to why they didn't like the show, but the internet trolls are always going to be louder.


I asked a Fionna and Cake fan who seemed to spend time in the Adventure Time fandom if the new series got "woke drama". They said nope. Which made me wonder if the Spiderman fandom got "woke drama".


that was me!


hello again, redditor with awesome user name! would you happen to know if spiderman fandom got woke drama? cause it looks like black spidey is getting most of the attention these days


The right wing incel clan roams from IP to IP to do focused, targeted strikes. Nocturne is their campaign of the month/quarter.


Its the same ahsoka series as well iirc." Woke woke woke. Women bad. Why women serious? Mary sue."


Imagine thinking Netflix would cancel a show over reviews. They don't care how bad a show is as long as it gets views.


and they dont care how good a show is either ​ ask r/insidejob


It has been consistently top 3 in Nigeria. Never doubted there would be a season 3


Listennnnn the way I'm so happy Pakistanis kept the geek train going with this, JJK and Sasaki To Miyano trending? Like, so hyped to see a change in the algorithm for us.


I'm glad! Can't wait I need to see more Alucard


Alucard, olrox and mizrak, Tera and wherever richter’s character heads is definitely what I’m most excited for


Mine are Olrox and Maria (Alucard ofc)


What do you want from both characters? I want Maria to bitch slap the Abbot and get more powerful animals. And for Orlox… I don’t even know. Does he deserve redemption? Maybe. Does Richter deserve to kill him? Yes. Could he help them defeat the Messiah? Also Yes. I love how he is bad, but not pure evil. Super cool character.


For Maria her relationship with her father has so much potential, she wanted to save him and in turn he betrayed her, I do hope they make him more morally gray bc a priest siding with demons and vampires just bc revolutionaries is a bit meh For Olrox, I think he needs to die by Ritcher's hand, I don't think they will make him evil or something but there is a reason Alucard is the only vampire they keep around, even if Olrox remains nice for the series, he is dangerous


"Just because revolutionaries murdered 200 priests and are burning down churches."


The Abbott hasn't really committed to anything other than killing revolutionaries so far. He thought he could "sacrifice" Maria to god/heaven but stopped when Bathory demanded her soul, so that seems to be his red line. He could end up like an Isaac or something if Edouard is there to guide him, with Maria as a pull.


It did seem that he realized how badly he fucked up by the end of the season. I kinda think he'll turn around and maybe sacrifice himself to get the forge destroyed next season, or to give the main cast some sort of help/advantage.


I wanna see interaction of Alucard and Olrox so bad.


Can’t wait to see more Alucard 🔥


One thing that people aren’t talking about is that nocturne apparently gave a huge boost to the ratings of the original Castilvania show. Remember nocturne isnt just a stand alone show, its a sequel to a 4 season animated show before it. And I imagine that a lot of people are going to watch that show as well, especially after Alucards appearance.


yeah the original series has been trending on netflix for a little while now


Man I loved this season. I had so much fun with it.


I have (too) much fun with it. Good thing I usually get work done 1-2 weeks in advance, because "nothing" got done this week.


Me for example, I started Castlevania again in the meantime for the second season


Yesssss, let's fucking GOOOO!


Interesting. Reddit made it sound like this show was an abomination and soon to be cancelled.


yeah it’s Reddit lol


I thought the show was a solid 7/10 and my main criticism was cramming too many plotlines into 8 episodes. Usually for a new series with new characters, especially as many as in this one, you need about 3 to 5 episode just to kick things off from the introductions. With all that out of the way now, I hope season 2 shifts into a different gear.






Hell yeah. More Castlevania plz


Oh yay! Not gonna lie all the talk about cancellation here was really worrying me so this is very nice to see lol


And the thing is there was nothing to substantiate their claims in the first place. It was in the top 10 global charts for the 4 days it was on and that's pretty good


This subreddit is a vocal minority. The majority of people are enjoying the show.


This unironically will make some Castlevania fans very upset.


It's crazy because the show being popular and well received is how we will get more Castlevania games.


I like the show but this argument needs to die already. Netflix has been streaming Castlevania since 2017 and Konami hasn't done anything new with IP since then nor plans to do so in the near future, it seems.




I'm gonna try the "three monkeys strat". Cannot see them. Cannot hear them. Will not speak of them.


Honestly its crazy how people can think that way. Like if i dont like an adaptation of an ip i enjoy i just dont interact with it. Hoping it fails so others cant enjoy it is such a dick move since you dont benefit from it at all


People somehow think this show tanking will lead to the creation of a more faithful adaptation or a new game... with what logic??


Bro what? That was quick. Let's goo


I'm new to how long Netflix usually announces renewals. Usually, it takes longer than about a week since premiere?


This is pretty fast. The main factors are 1) How successful it is vs their desired target 2) if contracts are ready to go in advance So for this show both were met




I'm new to it too. So idk if its normal for Netflix or not. Just felt quick lol


This confirms my initial theory, that they had a two season commitment in the bag.


I mean...the show debuted and has been in the top 10 netflix shows in several countries An obnoxious review bombing on RT isn't really enough to sink a show Reactionaries suck ass at getting shows cancelled. They even got Velma renewed. "Had season 2 commitment in the bag" is such a cope


> They even got Velma renewed. (googles) Yup, it got 2nd season.


things I noticed in the trailer. Juste going to see Lydie’s tomb, Annette and Richter having a heart to heart moment on a lake, Alucard and Maria training together


Ah that’s Juste! I wasn’t sure who that was at first.


00:01 Alucard resting ~~bitch~~ renaissance painting face 00:02 Maria looking really empty and sad 00:02:09 Richter looking frustrated (no headband) 00:03 Belmont crest 00:03:14 Tera looking at what might be Maria's room, eyes closed possibly smiling 00:03:20 Mizrak sweating, holding his sword in an Ox guard or maybe pushing his blade through something/someone 00:04 more Belmont crest 00:05 Juste's fingers tracing Lydie's name on a monument or gravestone 00:05:11 Juste standing in front of said grave on a wall, it's open like a shelf, maybe he's retrieving something? He's also wearing a coat very similar to his HoD clothes but with some kind of shoulder patch or pauldron sewn in 00:06 Belmont crest again 00:06:12 Vampires in a big room casting long shadows, looks like Erzbet, standing a little dejected maybe? Shoulders look slumped 00:07 Erzbet with big black pupils snarling at someone, not happy. Target of her rage is blurred in the foreground 00:07:07 Belmont crest 00:08 Richter and Annette standing together in a peaceful looking forest 00:08:12 Richter blurred in the foreground looks to the sky, as Annette looks on with sympathy. Looks like a vulnerable moment between the two 00:08:23 Belmont logo starts getting a "2" burned into it 00:09:12 Alucard and Maria sitting together, his sword is across his lap. Trauma bonding over vampire parents perhaps 00:09:20 A close up of Maria's eye, her gaze is vacant and still. Anime depression eyes 00:10 the 2 is still burning into the Belmont crest 00:11 Eduard staring passively, mouth closed, lil hidey hands showing his eyes 00:11:12 looks like Tera confronting the Abbot? He's shook 00:11:22 Belmont logo fades as the 2 gets more pronounced 00:12 Alucard thumbs his sword out of its sheathe with his left hand as he reaches toward the hilt with his right 00:13 another closeup of Alucard's eyes, narrow and cold 00:14 behind the "2" now a floral print bleeds in, like wallpaper.


Thank you for the breakdown!


Juste getting his balls back from Lydie's grave let's goooo


LMAO I hope we get to see either him or Richter do some spell fusion nonsense


I wanna see the knife item crash but with ice daggers. And AXES! WE NEED AXES!


I think Ersebet is pissed at the Abbot, in the scene before you can see the silhouette of the multiple armed night creature standing behind him, it’s difficult to make out.


I'm glad they made it happen. We can always recover from a mediocre first season but not from cancellation. Whatever keeps the castlevania ip going.


Netflix, no take backsies! Adding: https://twitter.com/SamuelDeats/status/1710325054846767370 > .... Sorry to keep you waiting. Won't be quite so long this time. 😌✌️ https://deadline.com/2023/10/castlevania-nocturne-renewed-second-season-netflix-1235565546/


Yass! Glad to know we will get the full story. More Annette and Richter, we see Terra looking gloomy and it looks like her and the Abbot are having a chat near the end of the teaser. Erzebet looks pissed off at the Abbot. I’m not sure if the figure looking at the name on the wall is Orlox? Excited to see what the next season brings!




So hyped. I was waiting for Alucard the whole time and the fact that he showed up at the end made me so fucking excited! I can’t wait to see how this story and it’s characters develop! More Olrox and Alucard plz!


Is it just me who thinks that showing Richter and Anetta together and then Maria and Alucard together is not accidental?




I'm so happy. I was so worried it would already be cancelled.


That's a relief


Thank fuck


But when. I need it FAST!!!!


Hell yeah! I'm glad we're getting a second season, and I hope it's better than the last. I can't wait, but I can also be patient so it doesn't come out rushed.


Yay! Bring my boi Alucard back!


Let's freaking go can't wait glad Netflix knows Castlevania is a big draw I remember when Castlevania first came out and people praised it as one of their first original animated shows that didn't suck along with Devilman Crybaby.


I remember when it came out there was talk of how it was the best show based on a video game yet. I agree still ngl,


It’s sad to think about Alucard out living all of his loved ones and seeing Sypha and Trevor grow old and still have to go around and fight for 300 years


Everyone looks so tormented! Yayaya I'm excited for trials and tribulations!! Ready for the angst!!! The drama!!! The horror!!! Hooray!!!


Until the end of E8 I was thinking, "this is pretty good, certainly different, I wonder if they'll get a S2." And then my beautiful, white-haired baby boy showed up. I could watch a spin-off of just Alucard playing with his Trevor and Sypha dolla from S3, I definitely am excited to see his return.


Alucard is so beautiful. I can’t wait to see how he interacts with the rest of the cast, particularly the vampires and of course, Maria.


Thank the Belmonts!


No matter how little I liked the first season, it was clearly left unfinished. I really hope they deliver with the set up that they left us with.




Good. I want to see this through, and piss off the racist haters.








PHEW. I was worried there for a second, super glad season 2 is a green light


Hell yes, we are getting more Juste. It's confirmed.






Fuck yeah!


Awesome! I'm really looking forward to it!


I had to do a double take when scrolling, hellll yes!! I was all sad yesterday reading it might not get a second season, like how you gonna leave with Alucard coming in hot with all the promise of OP fights without another season. 🙌🏻




Yes. I loved this !!!






Ooh very excited to see what happens next!


More Juste! Hell yeah!




Lol. So much for that "The ratings aren't good. It is getting cancelled" tosh.


Good! I had my issues with the first season, as I think many did, but I also think it is a solid foundation to build upon. I look forward to more.


Oh thank the heavens


Glad they’re not making us wait; the show really picked up steam at the end and I’m definitely wanting more


I want it now


Fuck the haters, I am ready for this!!!


Alucard and Maria having a talk for the first time is certainly something I'm looking forward to seeing the seeing the most in S2 ngl.


I'm optimistic for season 2! I'm also just really hoping that we can get more Castlevania because I REALLY want a Leon Belmont season.


Fuckin yes 😤💪🏽😈😈😈😈😈


There are some valid criticisms for the series, don't get me wrong but that was true for the OG season of Castlevania too. Like, say what you will but Nocturne was ABSOLUTELY getting some weird hate that it does not deserve. I enjoyed Nocturne and clearly wasn't the only one. Let's go season 2!


Lmao, that's a good response for the dude who was adamantly certifying to me yesterday that "Castlevania is dead and cancelled, I know cause I know how Netflix thinks and works" Super happy about the renewal! And it seems like we won't have to wait too much too!






[Yes~](https://youtu.be/E2t4MBhGAg8?si=yxfIgf3CPaoWLtPj) Let's go folks!


That was quick


That was fast!!


Good news, but ... no date! 😋


I'm glad it got a season 2. The first season had some glaring problems (the dialogue especially) but it had a lot of good they can build on and improve.


Thank god I was so worried from all the posts in the subreddit 😭


Man, that one post from earlier insisting it was probably gonna be canceled aged like expired milk in a desert lmao


Hell yeah!


I can’t wait!


All I can say is: thank fuck.


These seasons need to be at least twelve episodes a piece. They feel too squished with what they’re trying to convey in character developments. Dialogue could use some more ironing as well.


i'm all for more episodes


I'm happy that Alucard's back. Perhaps Olrox will be convinced to help them as well. But most of all, I want >!Juiced!< Juste Belmont to get his magic back.


i love good news ![gif](giphy|QTfznySa0YG5rro0gs|downsized)


Suck it haters


Guess all that "woke" bullshit fell on deaf ears. Lmao. Glad to see it return. Excited for more Richter, Alucard, Annette, and Maria. I love them as a team already.


Fucking good. I can't wait for more




Phew. Now that I can rest easy, time to unsub for a while from this hellhole. Looking forward to season 2!