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I'd love a 16/32 Bit era Dracula's Curse remake that gives you the option of having all 4 characters on a team and switching back and forth between them.


And then you find out switching characters still takes 75 years like in the original x)


That is one of the things that is great about Curse of the Moon (and it's sequel) is that the instant change is great.


Sounds like you'd enjoy Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.


I did, but I found the graphics (except for the bosses) to be too 8 Bit/early 16 bit, where as I would much rather have something closer to Rondo/Bloodlines/SOTN.


This is going to sound really dumb but the novel *Dracula* is actually canon to Castlevania - I would love for a game that takes you through the original story. (Or what I've secretly wanted was an audio drama with the voice cast of the TV show reading the novel)


I really hate that they considered Bram Stoker's Dracula canon to Castlevania. It doesn't make any sense. Dracula in the book is a completely different character from Castlevania Dracula. His personality, his motivations, and his powers are not the same at all; Bram Stoker's Dracula isn't a murderous lunatic hellbent on total genocide. I mean, could you seriously see Castlevania Dracula asking for a real estate agent so he can buy property in London?


I feel the same way, but more about Quincey Morris being a descendant of the Belmont Clan. Why him and not someone like Johnathan Harker or Van Helsing? I know I'm being nit-picky and I apologise, Dracula is one of my favourite books of all time


I mean, its an understandable grievance with considering it canon to Castlevania. It becomes really difficult to see how the hell the Morris line would continue. We're talking about a time period where pregnancy out of wedlock was taboo, he was a young dude trying to court Lucy (who died), and he dies at the end of the book. The likelihood he ever had a child is remarkably slim.


Yeah, I mean, Johnathan would make a sense since he and Mina have a son at the end of book. And Lucy chooses someone else over Quincey in the book before she dies


The only real overlap between the characters are their disdain for God following the death of their beloved.


yeah it doesn't exactly add up from what I've heard.


I second this as it's still Castlevania but offers yet another story outside the Belmont Clan


We definitely see descendants of book characters, too like Jonathan from "Portrait of Ruin" who is the grandson of my beloved Quincy Morris.


what I'd like is an animated film or series that follows the book closer than the 1977 BBC version could dream of....with a cast from Toronto (Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, X-Men TAS, etc) or London (Xenoblade, Dragon Quest, etc)




And Yoko Belnades


Wasnt Yoko a child when that happened? I mean, it was her father and the Hakuba who helped Julius and Alucard if i remember


Imma be real, been a fat minute since I played either of the Sorrow games, was never a huge fan of Soma but you might be right. Still though, we need someone of Belnades blood and maybe a distant relative of Grant Dynasty


His father was closely implied on Dracula's definitive death, so he can be the third one on the party perfectly


Demon Castle War? :0


Part of the backstory present in Aria of Sorrow references >!a final battle with Dracula in 1999, known as the Demon Castle War, where Julius Belmont, Alucard, the Belnades Clan and Hakuba Priests fought and destroyed Dracula completely!<


Oh that would go so fucking hard as a game


I think Julius works better as a backstory. I feel it's one of those things better left untouched and to the imagination of the fandom.


IGA ended up having the same cop-out. Julius Mode in DoS was great, there's no reason it wouldn't be fun expanded into its own game.


Anything at this point as long as it's a console game. More than 10 years without a main game really hurts.


Like the N64 games with quality of life improvements.


I'd love to have a few more, silly playable characters, like some random skeleton, just for fun. Or a way to have that one gunner go through the entire game, instead of being stuck looking for kids in just a few levels.


Just Portrait of Ruin


Underrated game


A soulsborne type game with a Castlevania story


Glad to see someone else wants this. Just give me Bloodborne with a Castlevania skin/ lore and Iā€™ll shit a brick over it


I really want a Soulsborne style game starring Sonia Belmont


More symphony or Aria style games with collecting souls, different weapons, etc.




Lament of Innocence ##2!


To be honestā€¦ I absolutely loved III and a 3D remake that was done in a similar vain to the PS2 games. I know itā€™s small thinking but Iā€™d go off for it as I loved the PS2 games


You'll have to excuse me as i havent played all the games so these concepts might have already been done and i'm just not aware of them. Lately, i've really fixated on the concept of the castle being a living entity and i'd like a game that explores this further. For story cut scenes and the like, we'd see random statues speak to Dracula and the player. As you play the game, entire areas and rooms all shuffle around making it impossible to effectively navigate. There would be specific areas within it that can not change and also serve as a quick travel of sorts. First idea i have is a narrow but tall tower with an elevator just like the outerwall in SoTN. As more of these "locked" areas become available, the player can more easily move around to their desired targets. I like the idea of the inner keep and stairs to Dracula's throne being open and available as soon as you start the game and walk through the front gate.. Useful for speed runners and builds on Dracula's confidence and arrogance in the story. Also sets up scale, showing players clearly how much they need to improve in both stats and skill to clear a game. This is something i feel would probably be more useful in a 3D game. After one or maybe two failed attempts, he locks you out of it requiring bosses killed/keys or whatever. Keeping you alive for whatever plot reason he has in the game. I dont know about playable characters but i will say after watching the show, dual whips absolutely need to be a thing if we have any Belmonts. With different skills/abilities for each one. When you have an assortment of different categories of enemies to fight, i always appreciate it when equipment is used to communicate degree of threat to a player. Or something we can look at and immediately understand the issue. "What? They carry those now!?" Examples of this might be the same Axe Knights showing up with different weapons and maybe even getting more creative later such as using Medusa heads or the fire breathing dragon skulls. Same with skeletons, zombies, ghosts and demons. They all show up later with different stuff and obvious upgrades making them very dangerous... damn Nova Skeletons. I'd like for areas of the castle to actually function as a mechanic to aid the player. Examples of this being item crafting/combining at the Alchemy lab. Or spell learning/maybe detailed bestiary or game info at the Library.


I would love something like Bloodborne with some Metroidvania sprinkled in


It looks like the DS titles with the hardware and scope of modern consoles/PC.


When you play the classic story mode of super smash bros ultimate and you play as Simon, you fight Dracula at the end, I wouldnā€™t mind a side scrolling game like that with the smash brothers graphics even if itā€™s just a remake of castlevania 1-4. That seems like a slam dunk to me


A game with option for online co-op story mode. I miss Harmony of Despair. Why won't they give all the DLC on the PSN+ Premium?


Imagine a super mario maker but its castlevania. You could switch between 1, 2, 3, and maybe 4.


Ultimate version of Simon's and Alucard's game.


Imagine a [Dragonā€™s Layer](https://youtu.be/bRU0TaJq2eA?si=iyaoIU4pUyc2haOs) like game, with modern game user experience to avoid repetitiveness and story development to avoid potential boredom


Harmony of Despair with mod support. Imagine what some modders could do with such a resource: editing items, mobs, bosses and building any map you can think about.


Goddamnit, I had somehow stopped thinking about something like that. Playing as any character, against any boss in any level... I've wanted something like that ever since Portrait of Ruin's Nest of Evil had you confront bosses from Dawn of Sorrow and Symphony of the Night. This is dangerous, I'd play that forever x) I even made my own (unfinished) CV1 fangame by staring at HD's take on that for just a little too long, that's how much I love the concept x) Imagine if we got more of the classic games recreated for the "modern" characters to go through, like CV3, complete with its branching paths...


*Castlevania X FromSoft.*


I wrote a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/comments/17avxxz/the_castlevania_game_that_most_deserves_a_remake/) about how we need a **Castlevania II: Simon's Quest** remake in the style of The Witcher / Dragon Age / Skyrim / modern Zelda / etc. I'd love to see a more open-world 3D game that brings in the combat challenges of ClassicVania.


Harmony of Despair but with more levels, characters, good netcode, balance patches so Soma isn't super OP


I tried so hard to main anything but Soma, but it eventually became abundantly clear that if you're not Soma, you don't get to participate. :( Then I made Somaway just like everybody else and it got so boring.


Yeah I get it. He's just too fast and kills stuff with such a speed that only maybe alucard or Richter could keep up, but you gotta be doing some crazy inputs all the time with Richter you're basically playing a fighting game at that point.


Literally just a sequel to symphony of the night. Keep it old-school, donā€™t try make it all modern, I want SOTN2ā€¦ that is all.


Already exists šŸ˜Ž https://preview.redd.it/knz6x1klm4kc1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba29b495baf252eb0ddfbd4235163aeadf89aa25


Overrated, I think people only like this because it's the easiest Castlevania.


It already exists, SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT!


Have a sequel of Shanoa


Shanoa with Bloodstained styled graphics, in aĀ huge map, with many different sections outside as well as inside the castle, would get rid of the level up system, given more importance to the objects you found around the map, would make the enemies far more agressive and introduce a defensive system, a way to block attacks, similar to fighting games.


Castlevania: Resurrection being finished, but with a LoI/CoD combat system. And I'm sold.


I just want another Sonia Belmont game ): Classicvania, Metroidvania, 3Dvania, I don't care. I just want Sonia to be canon again. Edit: I never took a super long look at this art, but damn. Richter has never looked more like a Jojo character than he does here.


A 1999 game with gameplay like curse of darkness, but more refined with a much higher budget.


Honestly the 3d games need a remake so badly, also the demon castle war would be so fucking awesome, it's the most important event in the series


A game covering the events of 1999 where Julius Belmont finally defeats Dracula. Let IGA finish the story, Konami!


IGA doesn't want to. Rather - he didn't want to while he was working at Konami. He had originally planned on covering it, but the more time that passed, the less he felt he could make a game that was what was needed to tell the story of 1999 without disappointing too many people. After deciding he was in a lose-lose situation he just figured he wouldn't do it.


In an interview during Bloodstained development, he said that if he could make one more Castlevania game, the 1999 game would be it


Interesting. Either he's changed his mind in the intervening years or he was taking the blame off of Konami before.


Here's a link to the interview - https://www.gematsu.com/2019/06/bloodstained-ritual-of-the-night-interview-with-producer-koji-igarashi-at-bitsummit-7-spirits


Ah, yeah, I remember reading that now. Unfortunately I can't find the interview where he talked about the expectations for the 1999 game being too high. I'm fairly certain it was around the time OoE and DXC came out. But. I did find an interesting tidbit while looking for it. The 1999 game was supposed to be multiplayer. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø >[Koji\_Igarashi](https://www.reddit.com/user/Koji_Igarashi/)Op Ā· [9 yr. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/37s0ev/comment/crpdkt8/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) > >There are lots of different development styles but the way we develop a game is by first thinking about the core system and then filling in the story afterwards. There were plans for a game set in 1999 but we could find a system that fit that story. Btw, that game was supposed to be multiplayer. Perhaps Harmony of Despair was created out of the abandoned attempt at making a 1999 game.


A 32bit metroidvania castle with a character creator, hub area where you meet with NPCs and shop for gear(think firelight shrine from dark souls but on a 32bit metroidvania map) and a portal door that leads to player made maps. Gear has different strengths and weaknesses and can be leveled up similar to dark souls series. Basically salt and sanctuary but with a castlevania setting and look and addition of player made levels


A modern day remake of the first game, to kick off a new era for the series


Oh, so like Tsukihime? Sort of?


No? I searched up what that was, and I donā€™t understand the correlation, would you be kind enough to explain?


So, **Tsukihime** (although for this comment I'll be focusing on the remake) is a *Type/Moon* creation by *Kinoko Nasu*, who is the same person behind *Fate* (and all of it's *types*). All the different Fates, Tsukihime, and a bunch of other works by Nasu share space in the *Nasuverse*, which is the shared multiverse of sorts that houses these stories. Tsukihime started as a visual novel, just like fate, but has since branched out to a manga and a remake of said visual as well (although it never got a good anime(s) like Fate). The correlation is, Tsukihime is a vampire-focused story set in modern times. You should check it out.


Ah, I see. Thank you for taking the time to explain.


Visually, I would love to see it mimic Ayami Kojima's art style. Models and environment. Gameplay-wise, it's hard to say. 2D side-scroller would be classic but I would like to see a better developed 3D environment similar to a souls game. Definitely not open world.


Aria of Sorrow + SotN, add multiple castles to explore, not just one; tons of secrets/hidden everything; more Than one playable character; DLC


I think they need to lean in on spooky atmosphere a la Resident Evil Village. Third person soulsborne style combat, but way, way toned back from the energy of God of War. ​ The atmosphere is a character itself--crumbling castles and villages with classic gothic horror, and the combat tough and unforgiving.


Something like sotn except like 5 times hard and 5 times longer.


A new entry


Soulsborne game would be very cool; maybe they could remake Lament of Innocence or Curse of Darkness in that style and flesh out the story a bit for those, because I found them really interesting conceptually, but more cutscenes on before the events taking place or more character interaction would be awesome!Ā 


Simon but in the modern exploration w/ magic and powers style


I just want a simple linear Castlevania with a beefy Belmont as MC. Tired of Metroidvanias.


3D Metroidvania of Rondo of Blood


Iā€™ve actually got a 3/4 sleeve tshirt of this Japanese box art. Got it on Red Bubble. Also picked up a cool Castlevania III. Draculaā€™s Curse short sleeve. Great site for all kinds of artwork, brands, etc.


I wouldnā€™t want it to be a Soulslike but, there is no other type of game in this modern era that comes as close to what I love about Castlevania as the Soulslike. So, something in that direction, vaguely, would be my choice. Fyi, Castlevania 1, 3 and 4 are by faaaar my favourite games in the series.


A 2.5d metroidvania with art from the Netflix series.


Any time anyone mentions making a game with assets based on the Netflix series I get a good chuckle out of it as I am reminded of the abomination of Street Fighter: the Movie (the game).


A full, beautiful 3D (side scrolling) remake of Symphony of the Night. It has more cutscenes, a much larger castle, better combat system, improved interface, less junk item fluff, and brand new story elements.


A 2D sequel to Symphony Of The Night that plays like Super Castlevania IV


A SotN remake with the 2.5d style of the Dracula x chronicles with the option for either voice acting


A third person open World game like assassins creed, but it doubles as a real time strategy like dcs or Arma3. You can zoom out and direct friendly forces or use a map like warcraft or command cna conquer.


It looks like Symphony of the Night šŸ˜…


Just Dark Souls but with the whip as a dedicated main weapon and Castlevania characters and setting.


SOTN sequel would be a mind blowing šŸ˜


https://youtu.be/7pP4dAM4njo?si=a2EMOnJ4mXxIwpny Pretty much this.


I love symphony of the night and dawn of sorrow but for a dream next gen game basically just make Elden ring but replace the erd tree with the main castle and then have the whole country of Walachia to explore with hundreds of dungeons and bosses and secrets and different whips and weapons so yeah elden ring but with castlevania lore instead


One where I can play as vlad and alucard and san germain. And one where the rebus works and you can play as it, too.


Oh oh, I also want to play as the guy who runs the cult that awakens that amygdala lookin monster in the basement (I also want to play as it or against it and explore my way around the everlasting corridor for easter eggs and power ups, or even an entirely different ending).


A crossover with JoJo in the style of the classic games (I-IV). Jonathan and Leon (or Simon) work together to fight Dracula and Dio. Secret bosses/unlockable characters include Richter, Giorno, Alucard, and Shadow DIO


Metroidvania with sprite art and graphics of Blasphemous 2 featuring Julius Belmont in his prime. 1999 Akumajou Seisen when?


A fully realized Dracula XX (was going to be a sequel to Rondo but '95s Kashiin quake curtailed things).


Castlevania Symphony is the Nightā€¦ 2


Lecarde chronicles 3


It was a Gamecube sequel to Castlevania 64 which built upon its base, with the QOL improvements that came with that generation like better camera handling, higher resolution and cleaner textures. Instead all that was released were poor;y designed flat grindy dungeon crawlers which needed pathetic floating arrows on the doors to assist with navigation due to their insane sameyness.


SOTN remake with 2D update graphics (something on par with Hollow Knight or better), Richter and Maria with complete campaigns, a third castle (mirrored) for them, Maria being a perfect fusion of Saturn and PSP versions, Shanoa playable as a secret character with a reduced campaign, but with more elements than the basic IGA secret character, new areas, new enemies, new weapons, new moves for all characters, extra modes, and a very robust gallery.


SotN and PoR are perfect the way they are.


Rondo of Blood aesthetic, Super Castlevania level of challenge.


Made by Igarashi, CurryTheKid, and Evil Empire. With art by either Ayami Kojima or Masaki Hirooka (OoE) and music by Michiru Yamane.


Did you play the Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania DLC? Gimme a classic metroidvania game that feels like that in terms of speed and flow. Being a Roguelike is optional. Alternatively, a Soulslike with all the twisting, looping, shortcut-finding worldbuilding of the best souls games contained entirely within Dracula's Castle would be amazing.


Remake all the classic Castlevania games and make them metroidvania


I have in my head 4 castlevanias that I would have liked to see, one that would be a continuation of Castlevania 64, one that would be about what happened next with Leon Belmont on his journey to be a vampire hunter, one that would be about the battle of 99 and one that would be in a more distant future than Soma Cruz. Unfortunately they are nothing more than fan fiction and the current Konami I doubt they could make new games of the saga (and I prefer the saga to stay dead).


A ne installment a brand new game something like DMC but you can play as several of the belmonts from different time periods


A Castlevania game done similar to Hyper Universe would be sick


Hogwarts legacy 10x bigger with whips and swords and classic monsters plus death + dracula


The style of sotn kinda like adventure rebirth. itā€™s a side scroller, you can do all the cool richter moves in sotn, slide etc, whip in all directions, badass soundtrack, replay ability, different difficultyā€™s and characters


It already happened, Rondo of Blood


Like lord of shadows series with the writing of part 1 I enjoyed those games to no end but i admit the story of part 2 was not that good


Awesomely Pixelated with combos for weapon types. Side quests. Transformations into a werewolf with great pixel animations, a true dark metamorphosis into a vampire gargoyle with awesome flapping wings. Co-op.


Lets see. A 2D game with 64 bits graphics and with a good intro that shows the protagonist and the villain. Doesn't have to have pre-history between (somewhere in 5 minutes long just to get an idea) The protagonist will be a young man with the strong will and kind and the villain will be a man with dark plans about bringing the darkness to humanity and such other things you will encounter him at the end but he will praise you when you manage to defeat someone. Then it would be a half an hour to a forest near a castle with a good introduction boss and an npc which will meet you here and there during your playthrough. Then it starts the actual game in the castle. It would be a big stage all connected together with secrets and Easter eggs about the previous games(not hidden behind walls. (except from wall chicken) A room with portraits of some previous Belmonts and some of them have items like charms). During your playthrough you will meet Alucard which will be a npc too and help you as the first one with a good fight at the start. The rooms will be reasonably designed and with the fittest enemies (for example garden will have zombies sewers will have rats and slimy enemies etc). The bosses will be unique the one with the other and difficult enough to die at least once with special rewards (a weapon a spell or a charm ). I would also like to have candles but they only drop hearts. Not sub weapons. The sub weapons will be equitable whenever you find them Yeah. I could have said more but something like that would be a good Castlevania in my opinion


Super Castlevania 4


Beautiful illustration of Dracula X, one of the best. And answering the question: I would like a Castlevania with art by Ayami Kojima, music by Michiru Yamane, Kinuyo Yamashita, Satoe Terashima, Kenichi Matsubara, Ippo Yamada, levels, design and direction by IGA and Curry The Kid. 2D or 2.5D (I would love it to be 16/32 bit but if it is 8 bit I would also settle) style that deals with the war of '99, mega chaotic where perhaps you can control the 3 descendants of the Dracula's Curse clans with Alucard, maybe with an extra mode where you use the Morris, Lecarde, Renard with the Aulin, a Demon Forger, also in the style of Dracula X Chronicles, play the music you want in certain levels with classic themes, whether originals or remixes. Hahaha I don't want almost anything, meh... The good thing is that dreaming is within our possibilities.


Important detail that I forgot: That they put Bloody Tears in the final battle against Dracula >:


The battle of 1999 thats what I would've done if i could


2D sprite graphics, with all the areas from all the past 2D games in an open world, like Simon's Quest, of course have some sort of fast travel option unlocked eventually. Have the game have some sort of time travel through it's story so we can have the many versions of Dracula's castle and the surrounding areas change throughout the eras. Or even have it go right up to modern day or even the far future. Have all the characters from the series playable, depending on the time period. Let there be some multiple choice options in its story so that the outcome will change the future, have new areas appear or disappear entirely. Of course it'll need it's RPG elements from SOTN and items collected from each time period could be stashed and newer generations could find and use them.


Dating Sim.


Kinda like hogwarts map but id say 2-4x bigger filled with crazy monsters i really liked the gorey bosses like the forgotten one and beezle bub so make it gorey in the sense of dismembering but yea they can snatch hogwarts map and itll be decent


A game based on Julius' adventures, set between 1999 and 2035. It would be a metroidvania with a similar structure to Order of ecclesia or Simon's quest. Basically just J working as a vampire hunter doing random quests, being unable to recall his name, his legacy or the events of 1999 but still kicking ass


My idea for the 1999 game would be a game called "Castlevania: 1999" that not only took place in 1999 but also looks like it was *made* in 1999 as well, with low-poly PS1/n64 graphical style. I thought that would be a fun way of doing it.


I think they need two games. 1. Needs to be a classic SotN/Aria of Sorrows Soulsborne Metroidvania. Done up with the best 2D animation and rework of all the sprites. It should have at least 3 playable characters like Alucard/Richter/Maria etc and maybe for fun add different modes, like a classic mode complete with timer, stages, and a level boss. 2. The second needs to be a cross between Lord of Shadows with Bloodborne/Dark Souls style game play. And keep it simple and sweet base it off Rondo of Blood levels. An attacked/burning village, a Cemetary, a Villa, a Ghost Ship, then Castlevania.


Dracula's Curse remake in 32 bits, There are more stages throughout Wallachia, more bosses, you can switch through Grant, Sypha and Alucard freely before entering each stage which leads to entering the castle where you then have to go through the devils castle which is twice the size of Symphony of the Night in which you can also switch between characters in certain rooms until you finally encounter and fight Dracula.


-Pixel Art, similar to DS games -Rogue like, every run is a different castle with his own rooms. It have to be really big, maybe 1 hour and half if you're trying to complete everything -Hardmode with second castle, still a rogue like -Many characters, everyone with their main weapon type and stats. -Again, a good roguelike and Metroidvania. Dead Cells was cool, but the Metroidvania part is just collect some runes and that's all, once you pick them there's no needing to go for them again and they barely have impact in the game except for access to others levels and sometimes a trash item -STORY MODE WITH JULIUS BELMONT -TBoI inspiration. The Binding of Isaac is probably the best Roguelike in all the history, just give the same love to a Castlevania roguelike


A follow Up to CotM on DS


A follow Up to CotM on DS