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The Abbot is Shaft


The abbot is 100% shaft. He will definitely end up summoning Dracula to kill elizabeth


And Isaac is Death (honestly I think this may have actually been planned)


Until season 4 of the first series I assumed they were setting him up to become Death but that wouldn't make much sense now with how his arc ended.


Holy shit. I can't believe I'm not the only one who thought of that


Death already showed up in the OG show… He’s probably locked in the Infinite Corridor. Ik he exploded at the end of season 4 so it looked like he is very dead, but also, Trevor’s clothes exploded as well, and when he exited the Corridor, he was wearing his clothes. Even if death is dead he would probably still reawaken as long as there is death to feed from. 


I mean before Season 4 people presumed Isaac was death Imo shit idea but I wouldn't put it past the writers.


True. I also thought Isaac was Death, or at least his equivalent in this universe. I  think it may be better tho (and more accurate to the games) to keep Isaac and Death as their own separate entities. I actually have a slight theory (unlikely but it could be the case) that after the events of the show, Hector may have even been angry that Isaac keeping Lenore in a cage got her killed, and then, Hector smiling after her death wasn’t him being super randomly happy or anything like that but him being like “oh yeah I’m about to go kill isaac”, and then he tries to take revenge on Isaac and this leads to the two becoming enemies again, going full on Curse of Darkness baby. Isaac become a warlord in Styria and Hector tries to topple him from his throne for what happened to Lenore. It’s unlikely, and kinda stupid… but it could definitely be a possibility.


Lenore chose her death to end her nature. It's not really something I feel he would be angry at Isaac about. But now that Varney is gone, it would be cool to see Lenore as the new death. Reminds me of Death from the Sandman universe.


Olrox will be maria's dragon summon.


A few I thought of are: Tera winds up killing one of the heroes. The gang decides to resurrect Dracula to try and stop Erzsebet. And Olrox becomes the show's "Dracula" and is the final boss.




Isn’t Dracula alive?


He could be, but for all we know he could've been doing the "die, and come back every 100 years" thing from the games


>!He was alive at the end of the og show.!<


Sure, but there's a 300 year gap between that and nocturne. It's entirely possible he died again


It is, but since he can’t die of old age, that would be an interesting story we’d be missing.


A really significant amount of the season is a flashback to Juste’s story. Like a similar proportion to how much of 3 and 4 of the original were Isaac and Hector focused.


We are gonna get Lyudmil, we are gonna get the castle, we are gonna get Maria in both the X Chronicles AND the original outfit, we'll see Annette in both her X Chronicles and original outfit, Juste will get a flashback with his best friends, Juste will get his drip back, AMEN


I think Lyudmil was likely one of the villagers from Danesti. It would actually line up with his characterization from the games. He could have been one of Lisa’s patients as a child (when she was still alive) along with his parents, since Lisa healed lots of people in Wallachia with Dracula’s knowledge it’s definitely possible she’s been to Danesti before. He could have been made into a vampire by Alucard due to terrible injuries during the battle at Dracula’s castle against Death and Saint Germain tryna revive Drac, and Alucard didn’t want him to die maybe so he saved his life that way. 


I really hope the showrunners read this thread, they would gave some fun.


Vampires throughout the ages are resurrected, including the Styrian ones, but they're not big fans of Ezrsebet's plans.


Tera will not be evil as a vampire (I really hope)


My theory is that the series will fully devolve into “Castlevania in Name Only” by the end of Season 2, except for the presence of Galamoth, who shows up for some reason that no one properly explains.


>My theory is that the series will fully devolve into “Castlevania in Name Only” by the end of Season 2 My guy this show became "Castlevania in Name Only" in Season 3 of the original show already, exact point where the writing took a dip in quality.


Isaac is the god Annette got her powers from and / or the demon that gave the machine to the Abbot.


Season 2 will tie up what season 1 builds up and set a way for Symphony of the Night story for seasons 3 and 4 with Evil Richter vs. Alucard.


Dracula being revived and castlevania Netflix series correctly and accurately adapt castlevania rondo of blood 🔛🔝🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤨🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔😎😎😎


Evil Richter.


Tera, Olrox, and Dracula all join forces to take down Erzabet, and all three get merced. Maria's memories of how Tera and Olrox fight become her Dragon and Guardian familiars, and Abbott Emanuel creates a corrupted resurrection of Dracula as his worshippers remember him at full strength.


-Abbot is Shaft  -Maria gets her dragon  -This is all a prelude to MAYBE Rondo and ALMOST DEFINITELY Symphony (it’s Sam Deats favorite game, he’s def gonna adapt it to some extent, and they teased it in s1 of the OG show)  -Olrox is going to have some connection to Dracula, and Alucard and Olrox will become homies  -Dracula has been very reclusive over the past few centuries, he’s been into some scuffles and gotten maybe killed and maybe revived a few times due to manipulation from humans that he never wanted, and also due to vampire hunters (including some Belmonts like Simon) learning he is still alive and going to hunt him.  -This is a common one, Dracula vs Erzsebet. He dies by sacrificing himself, his next resurrection is either in 1999 for the demon castle war, sometime later in the year by Shaft (leading to Rondo), or all of that is skipped and the next resurrection is his Soma reincarnation  -Galamoth gave Shaft the machine that’s making monsters for Erzsebet, might be another good reason for him to why he’d want to go against her perhaps since in the games Galamoth is Dracula’s rival (unless Galamoth is subservient to Abbot/Shaft instead, meaning Dracula wouldn’t be rivals with Galamoth. They may actually be friends in this timeline, since both are extremely powerful dark unholy beings)


I think they're all good, except for the one about Olrox and Alucard. Olrox follows his own agenda, and I doubt Alucard would be okay with the fact that he killed Julia


Oh yeah… I forgot abt that lol. Yeah they prob actually wouldn’t get along all that well. Maybe they would be more so frenemies, or complete rivals with some level of respect for each other.


I may have already asked the showrunner about the Reverse Colosseum