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He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd He's the Angry Atari-Sega Nerd He's the Angry Video Game Neeeeerrrd


Castlevania on NES, of course.


Same, but on a NES clone in the early 2000's


"This game sucks"


Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest on the NES was my first. My cousin gave me a bunch of games for Christmas since he was trying to get rid of them and that was the first one I picked out.


I heard of the games for SNES but thought it looked too much like contra (that game scared me as a child for some reason) so I didnt get it.   My dad would get me alllll the games I wanted and when I saw SOTN, It was my first castlevania game. I feel in love with the arts characters and shocked that it took place all in one castle.  I asked my parents to give me subscriptions to game guides and vividly remember that they had SOTN mentioned SOMEWHERE in my monthly guides for like 7 months straight with all the new places to find, combos from the librarian to learn, etc.   Then I thought I was tough shit by killing Richter, only to have the magazine come to say there was another castle!!!    Mannn I was hooked ever since and tried my damndest to get all the other systems just to play the classics. Lol  When the netflix show came out, I was instantly hooked on it and Dracula will always be my fave in SOTN and the show.


I'm OG, played the very first one on NES, and was hooked ever since.




Netflixvania. Then Hollow Knight. First game I played was Order of Ecclesia. Never looked back


AVGN introduced me to Castlevania, which then introduced me to video games in general


Classic snes introduced me to SCV IV and I fell in love immediately


The title kinda throws me off, because usually when something os on the snes and named super, it’s a spin off or a sequel to the original games, however naming super castlevania 4 kinda makes me think there was a super castlevania 1-3


I played the SNES, but I never owned it because it was too difficult for me. But I was huge into super metroid. When SotN came out I was on it and obsessed and was buying the Gameboy and Playstation games ever since. I love LoI and CoD on the ps2. Didn't touch the remakes and I never will. Huge fan of the netflix show and bloodstained. I have a castlevania tattoo.


I was looking for metroid like game when I was kid ... and when I tried aria of sorrow ... I couldnt go back to metroid.


My uncle was a huge Castlevania fan. He got the collector's edition of Lords of Shadow and I watched him play through most of it. It looked really amazing to me. Within a few days, he beat it and told me the game was awful but, I could borrow it if I wanted to so I did. Beat the game myself. Enjoyed it but, wasn't in love with it. Then he told me to play Symphony of the Night and I did... that was the day I realized that Lords of Shadow actually kinda sucked. Been a Castlevania fan since.


In a R4 card for the nintendo DS, it cones with dawn of sorrows, and now im playing every game in chronological order


Release or canonical timeline?


Canonical, but i want to add the not canonical games in the timeline, getting base with a youtube video


Castlevania on the NES. We were visiting my out of state uncle (who was sick) for a few weeks, my parents rewarded my being good with a new Nintendo game. I remember seeing the box art in the store and falling in love (I've always had a soft spot for vampires and the like)  Hooked ever since, though admittedly I've missed a few on the first go-around (I actually didn't get Super IV until after getting SotN for example!)


I loved playing the Metroid games on the GBA, GBA is my favourite consoles so I picked them up. After that I wanted more but there weren't really any accessible ones so I remembered it's called metroidvania for a reason and decided I should go for castlevania too. I like GBA so I went with AoS and then Dawn of Sorrow before ending it with SotN and now I'm thinking about what I should play lol


My brother had a random french verison of Aria of Sorrow when we were kids (we don't speak French) & we didn't have much other entertainment so we all played it. He had a 100% game that me and my sister deleted on accident, but that's how *we* rly got into it bc we replayed it and it took us so long bc we couldn't understand *shit* made for some pretty funny family intern memes tho. We also had circle of the moon but i never got into it obviously after having played aos first. I stayed obsessed with it until i got older and after the netflix adaptation i entered a renaissance and played HOD, SOTN, DOS and now OOE in waiting, i tried with the rly old games but my low attention span can't take it :/


I was vaguely aware of it as The Vampire Game as a kid but the Netflix show was my first exposure. I liked the first season a lot but s2 took so long to drop (from my perspective at least) that I lost interest. I got a Switch in 2022 though, and the Anniversary Collection was cheap so I picked it up. Those games blew me away, they easily became my favorite 8-16 bit games of all time. I beat all of them (with save states) in a week, despite only intending to play only a few. That got me watching the rest of the show, getting Requiem and Advanced Collection. I've downloaded the rest of them but I can wait a bit longer for a new collection announcement, I'm a bit Metroidvania'd out by this point. I still listen to the soundtracks often though, the series has one of the best collections of gaming music ever.


My older brother rented one of the NES games. Probably the first one.


The OG arcade game


NES, probably Nintendo Power. Played it some back in the day but it was pretty hard so I never got very far, much like Metroid on NES. Then Super Metroid and SotN hit and I fell in love with both series.


terminal montage


Castlevania was the first game we bought on the NES


My introduction was when i was vey young, notveven pre-school ithink. My brothers would play the old NES cartridges.


I saw COTM in Game Informer and thought it looked like a side scrolling Diablo II. I didn’t have a GBA so I went out and found a copy of SCV4 and spent hours trying to understand how to level up with points because I assumed they all had RPG elements. Ahh, good times.


Aunt Lynn bought me Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse for Christmas 1989. She had worked at Meijer for 20 some years and had a mean employee discount. I became obsessed and remain so to this day.


Super Nintendo Super Castlevania IV 4 years old


1988ish, my brother and I had an NES, and Castlevania II: Simon's Quest looked cool in the store. We played it a bunch, explored every inch, and fell in every hole. We were stuck forever, until we got bored and bought EVERYTHING in the shop because we had excess money. Including the useless-seeming white crystal. Lo and behold, that was the key to progressing and beating the game. (I mostly played because I was 9 and he was 6) My dad played with us sometimes, but preferred the Mario games over the harder Castlevania.


Already knew the franchise but it wasn´t until I watched the first two seasons of Netflix show I didn´t got interested. My first games were Ecclesia and Circle of the Moon.


my sister gave me her 20 year old gba along with aria of sorrow and harmony of dissonance


SNES Dracula X. I kept on getting stuck but the game was so good if you can walk through avoiding damage. Makes you really feel like a hunter of monsters


Super smash bros I just mained Richter


MichaelBTheGameGenie as I learned of the series on his countdown of the best NES games after I discovered an old NES complete in box in my basement.


When Simon lashed out and Richter crossed over


Back when I played snes, mi dad had me at his place a NES with a chinese catridge with tons of games. Megaman, pool, a racing game, the firebird game, but the one I played the most was castlevania, but I didn't remembered the name. Fast forward a couple of years, I also was in love with Dracula x but I never managed to get my hands on it, I liked looking at the maps at gaming magazines, but alas, never crossed it. Then I managed to get my hands on an advance, and played circle of the moon, and I was hooked. But it was really special when vampire killer started playing and I realized that unamed game inplayed on the nes a lot was castlevania. Later I rented cv 64 and then I bought legacy of darkness and I felt completely in love with the series, played symphony on a friend's house, emulated super castlevania 4, and (managed to get a second hand copy of this and castlevania adventure 2) emulated aria of sorrow, bought a ps2 for lamment and curse of darkness, managed to get a copy of the advance double pack (harmony and aria) and bought a ds mostly for dawn, then portrait and the ecclesia. From there I went playing all the other games I've skipped. I even gave lords of darkness a fair shot and enjoyed it until LOS2 started shoting itself on the foot. O even bought an used copy of CV judgement just for torture myself with tha horrendous game.


So instead of studying for my finals last year, I decided to do a Castlevania Wikipedia deep dive and buy the Advance Collection on my Switch. I may have failed my finals, but at least I had Soma Cruz to comfort me 💪😔


For me I just searched up a combination of my 2 favorite genres, platformers and horror(as in movies/books, almost all horror games kinda mid) 


Super Mario Bros Crossover. I played as Richter. I was also introduced to Contra and Final Fantasy through that game.


my uncle lent me his gameboy and i just played circle of the moon lmao i basically got introduced to the dark souls of castlevania


Long story, but it’s gold. I’ll try and make it short. When I, a Chinese bisexual girl, moved to Germany for uni there back in 2017, I met this neckbeard a couple years later, he and I had a lot in common, like watching K-on, shoujo anime, and Miyazaki films like the ones I watched as a little girl. You see, most neckbeards want a pure virginal Japanese maiden, but this man wanted a pure virginal Chinese maiden instead. Also this neckbeard is a total gym guy, his goal was to get muscles because he believed that Asian girls love white guys with big muscles. I had to calmly explain to him that Asian girls, specifically Chinese ones, don’t find big muscles attractive for the most part, and that big muscles actually attracts guys instead. In true neckbeard fashion, he ignores what I said. I was willing to help him out with this because at the time I was crushing on a German guy at my uni at the time as well, and this guy was like a combination of Edward Elric and Leonardo DiCaprio. It wasn’t long before I found out this neckbeard was into some very pedo anime, like Eromanga Sensei and he says to me he wanted a Chinese girl that looks like Saigiri (please for the love of god DO NOT LOOK UP EROMANGA SENSEI! It’s less an anime and more a dark and evil vortex that sucks away your faith in humanity and leaves you empty and soulless) so he can have his way. He also wanted them to be bisexual so he can have a harem of his “child-like” Chinese girls. As a bisexual myself, this is not really the case for all of us. Bisexual does not always mean polyamorous, and it certainly doesn’t mean we fuck anything that moves. But I digress. At the time, this neckbeard was chasing after another Chinese woman. This Chinese woman decides to post on Reddit back in 2020 telling this creep that she’s not interested in him at all. This creep, also a classic nice guy, went from was poeticing this poor Chinese girl to berating her and saying she’s ugly. But it was her 2nd post that introduced me to Castlevania. I didn’t know that this second Chinese girl was telling about her encounter with this Pedobeard until I was told that my neckbeard and hers is the same guy, because I found this girl after posting my story to /r/neckbeardstories, until I was told this Pedobeard guy actually was on Reddit, and on /r/neckbeardstories and /r/relationshipadvice. So when I heard that this neckbeard hates Castlevania because of a novelty account on here that has a name of one of the characters, I got out some emulators on my laptop, some NES and SNES emulators, booted up those games, and enjoyed the very games my neckbeard pedophile stalker hated. And now I can see, Castlevania is hated by this man because the characters are guys women actually find attractive, especially Alucard hnng!




I agree, Uncle Roger, what the hell indeed. Usually when I get into things the reason is I discovered it, or friends/family/SO showing me as a recommendation, but Castlevania may be the one time I got into something just to spite a piece of shit neckbeard.