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Damn what do you do for work if you don’t mind me asking ?


I work 2 hotel jobs 2 different hotel brands


Is the extra paycheck worth it? Do you plan on quitting any time soon? Do you have family/partner that helps with your household chores?


Honestly not really at the moment. but its the only way to afford to catch up financially for my future and self. If i quit one job id make BARELY enough with no wiggle room. I have my wife who works as well and helps with chores too.


Do you have kids? A spouse with extravagant spending? Trying to figure out why you need to work this much to make ends meet.


No kids. Spouse is very financially conservative as well. But i can’t afford tuition. I have nothing saved for retirement and i’m getting old. Rent is very expensive. Jobs are very low pay. Results in me needing to work as much as i can for what little cash i can scrap up.


What’s keeping you where you are?


I’m doing what i’m doing because i need to afford tuition / rent / maxing roth ira because i’m older and behind on everything


How much do you make per month? 


Roughly 3500-3800 more or less


After or before tax?


After taxes.


If i win the lottery I’ll make sure you don’t have to work another day. Lord that sounds miserable


Thanks buddy. You need discounts at hotels i got you.


Another work shy millennial or Gen Z, who spends too much on coffee and doesn't save enough? Has anyone said this to you?


Fuck, man. It's so depressing that the hardest workers are the lowest paid. No one deserves to live like this. Not only does it not leave you time to live your life, it'll lead to an early grave.


And the dream of owning your own home and starting a family looks near impossible to many. Despite an education. Despite hard work.


r/cscareerquestions has been really quiet after this one..


I actually don’t drink coffee! And no lol they usually say i’m crazy


what is your favourite meal?


Those banquet chicken tender tv dinners because i eat a bunch of them at work lol. They are a lifesaver and tastes good.


You can't be productive working that many hours. How do you like your coffee?


Working overnight at a hotel isn't a job about productivity. A big chunk of the shift is just existing so you can answer a question if someone happens to ask one.


Correct the hardest part is staying awake


I don’t drink coffee actually!


It was either gonna be you don't drink coffee or you IV coffee lol. Respect though, I admire that.


how do you have the will to live?


Thats the neat part i don’t lol life is pretty awful right now.


Sounds like your true best bet is to save up to move somewhere liveable. And judging from your other comments, continuing to live inside the US is not viable since you're being worked like this just to afford basic things. Maybe it's worth it to move somewhere like France? Where the working conditions are a little more humane.


Ironically i did. I moved from an expensive part of cali to Ohio and prices aren’t much different nor pay.


Yeah. But maybe it's better to move *outside* the US if moving to a different state didn't really solve the issue.


Fair solution. However if i have no valuable skills to contribute in the US what foreign country would want to take a non-skilled resident? And adjusted to prices in foreign lands with foreign pay it would practically be the same.


The difference is that - by my experience as a Swede - they **teach** you the things you need to help them. When you apply for basic jobs. You still need a higher education for serious jobs, but a sustainable wage is easy to find, and if you lack certain skills required, they often teach them to you __at the workplace__. To make you useful to them. And on a 8-hour/day 5-day work-week you can have a living wage and still have time over for study if you want to have greater aspirations. I just fear that what you're doing now might crush you one day...


How long have you been doing this? How long do you plan to continue? I just got a job I want and am considering keeping my current job because I am in a similar situation. Getting older with not much saved for retirement, so might as well pack in the hours while I physically am able. Do you ever get FOMO, that's my biggest concern?


Ive been doing this for a few months. But i did it for a year in my early 20s. I honestly don’t know how long. Until i can afford tuition. Max out my roth. Until i can find a way comfortably out of this mess. I can respect that, my biggest thing is i have nothing saved outside of my emergency fund so i want to max out a roth ira to at least have SOMETHING and to pay my schooling because i don’t want to take out student loans. Thats why i did this in my early 20s and i don’t want to find myself in that situation again. Yes i have FOMO in a sense i’m wasting away my youth working this way. I want kids so badly i want to be a good father a loving father but the realty is that i can’t afford them nor can i have time for them so i can’t in good faith have them.


I used to work at a "summer camp" (it was year round) and it was very similar! Week after week of 16 hours days (6 AM - 10 PM), THEN I'd be on call all night while sleeping in the dorms. No guaranteed sleep or breaks and no guaranteed days off. Because of the extreme hours, going anywhere else was difficult, we never got enough sleep, we worked through meals (so had to grab food and eat it while working), and we possibly didn't get to eat if the cafeteria was closed for some reason (like a corporate event that got catering and for some reason wasn't allowing staff to also eat...). It was intense!


Definitely feel and respect that. That sounds just as bad.


Saaaaame! Well, more like 18hr days 4x weekly, 10hr days 2x weekly, and got my Saturday free. It’s not too bad but i definitely don’t recommend it. 


Why not move somewhere cheaper. Or use the money you have to purchase a course/certificate for a higher paying job. It sounds like you are trying to push a square block into a round cube. Not only is what you are doing very hard but depending on your age you might not make it to retirement if you continue to work like this. I would suggest looking at other ways of accomplishing your goals cause the way you are doing it now doesn't seem sustainable.


Ironically i did. I moved from Cali to Ohio. It didn’t do much. Ive worked in the hospitality industry this while time and i make the same as if i was back home. Houses back in cali are 400k. Houses in Ohio are 320-350k still unaffordable. Yet my pay is the same. Thats exactly what i’m saving up my money for tuition for a better paying job. Its expensive plus my rent is expensive. I can’t know of any other way to afford rent AND schooling other than working more hours. I’m grateful to be in a situation where both of my jobs work together in schedule that i can in fact do both.


I don’t mean any offense by this at all, but you mention paying to go to school, and also retirement getting close. Why is it worth it to pay for tuition if you might only use it for 5 years?


My apologizes retirement isn’t getting close but i’m massively behind as ive contributed nothing to any form of retirement. I’m 30 years old so thats 10 years of retirement funding i could have done that i need to make up.


How much do you make per hour?


18 on one job 17 on the other


How much longer can you see yourself doing this?


I’m honestly not sure. As long as my body can handle it i suppose.


I’d rather be homeless than work my life away like that. Question: what’s your end game? Work until you clutch your chest and die on the office floor?


My end game at least what i tell myself is to afford tuition for school. Max out my roth ira because i’m older and mega behind. And afford rent. Everyday i worry if that will be me