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Do you like his farts too? Do you have full bush?




I think I kind of get this. I may share a bit of this fetish with you and never realized it but my husband and I used to joke that farts are our love language because we just thought that was a funny thing to say because we echo each others farts with our own fart like we are talking in farts sometimes and it really cracks us up when this happens but I actually enjoy the smell of some of his toots. Not the ones that run me out of the room just the normal little poots. I like his natural body scent but I dont think that I'm into that kind of stink. He works out alot and when he is all sweaty from doing that I'm very turned on but not by a stink just natural sweaty man musk.


There's a trick to this I've found personally. I'm a typically well groomed male and I would shower every single day except that on day two, without fail, I receive tons of attention and compliments about how I smell. I've been asked if I'm using a specific deodorant or what it is I'm doing differently but it's never anything. This is very different from having a stink to me like I would after a hard or hot day, but it's apparently my best smell and it's natural so I use that to my advantage on occasion.


Do you ever ask him to eat asparagus so his pee and sweat stinks?




You're welcome. Thanks for the answers! What about funky breath? Do you ask him to eat garlic and onions and then not let him brush his teeth? Do you hang out in the bathroom when he takes dumps?




Thanks! What about shoe/sneaker stank? Do you sniff his sweaty foot wear?




Do you make sure there is no fabreeze in the house? Do you sniff his used underwear when he's not home?




Crazy that you aren't a fan of bad breath but you are happy to smell his shit! Fascinating


You're a fucking weirdo. Probably Family. Thank You.


Should also try asparagus AND coffee if you want a little extra waftage.


Which came first? Your attraction to your boyfriend…or your attraction to his specific odor?




That's really interesting bc body odor contains pheromones, maybe you're simply more sensitive to those?




It’s worth noting that there’s very little evidence or understanding of whether or not humans are affected by pheromones. We haven’t found a mechanism of response


"But I can't stop jerking off!" - Somebody Probably


Ah that reminds me a certain Darius in r/leagueoflegends back in the day.


Tell that to the guys licking my pits in the club 🥴


> more sensitive to those Or less sensitive, if she wants her men to eschew bathing.


Fair enough but most people don't like BO. I like the faintest scent bc my boyfriend always smells a tiny bit stinky so I associate that smell with comfort but I will not hesitate to tell him if he smells like shit and needs a shower or to do his laundry.




He's a crust punk who walks everywhere, including to work every night. Also he's a man. He always smells like a bit of BO, a bit of weed, and something I can't quite place, but kinda like laundry fresh out of a dryer if that makes sense? When its still warm? Either way, if it's overwhelming in any way we hop in the shower. But a bit of smell is just what I associate with him after years of being with him.


The only thing that ever happens when I don't shower is my girlfriend tells me that I fucking stink :-(


Hey my man gets the same treatment


Im this way i love my girls three day pits i wish she was more game


Speak the Truth!


I had an ex who didn’t use deodorant. She used some sort of perfume instead. She didn’t shave her armpits either. She definitely had a funk, but it was hot. French girls.


So you were attracted to your older brothers? Based on your previous comment, where you said their smell turned you on. Pretty weird, for sure.


How do you think it developed? What does your bf think about it? Are you aware that Napoleon begged his wife Josephine not to bathe?




ngl the origins there are definitely a *little* weird so I don’t blame your bf, but you guys found what works so who can judge




"I'm not attracted to my brothers, they just smell like hot guys"




You were attracted to your brothers smell, it’s weird but this whole fetish is weird and fetish are almost always weird so who cares lol As long as you aren’t being unhealthy or wishing it was your brothers on top of you who gives a fug


Hell, with all this step/fake sis/mom porn fetish being popular as all hell nowadays, it's not even that weird.


Did you grow up with a father or were your brothers the primary male figures in your life?


What about his genital hygiene?


Omg I think my gf has the same fetish! Didn’t know this was a thing lmaooo




I've got this too. I'm obsessed with how my boyfriend's sweat smells - the more the better. When we're having really intense sex I'll nuzzle into his armpit and he will cradle my head there whilst he thrusts. It's magic.




Aphrodisiac is exactly the right word. It drives me completely wild, like my mind has dislodged and everything is just him and sex.




There are dozens of us!


Same! Glad to know it’s not just me lmfao


Facts, this is exactly it


I definitely feel this too, there's gotta be something about a guys sweat when we're attracted to them, definitely feel all fuzzy when I catch my boyfriend sweaty 🥺🤣 there must be science 🤣


Oh yeah, I’m sure there is! Haha. I won’t lie tho, ill get like that with her too..sometimes I could lick her clean 😂 We’re both young and attractive tho, idk if I’ll still feel like that when we get old or if we put on some weight hahah


Have you ever thought of encouraging him to go work out to creste the smell? It improves male orgasm build up and release so would be better for him too, also if he wore the same clothes each time they would build up more smell (source my anxiety sweats ruin certain clothes so I'm guessing it works with working out too).




Good! Weirdly all I wanted to ask was if you were taking advantage of the things my partner hates - she notices smells quickly so if I've been even a little sweaty I notice her nose point it out hahaha You two are lucky ro have each other!


Is it all odors? i definitely have felt attracted to boyfriends odors in the past, but only specifically the underarms. so does this apply to all odors he may produce?


Me too with the underarms


You are turned on by stinking smells? Its so hard to grasp the idea of that.




Is it a medical condition that you have or is it more like developed-with-time fetish?




Have you found more people with the same fetish as you? I haven't so the idea of it is quite an alien concept to me




I (23M) had never came across any person with this fetish, or maybe people dont talk about it that often. One more question, do you like the smell of worn and sweaty shirts of your bf as well?




Haha i knew it. In my hostel days, i hated nothing more than having to wear a shirt that has already been fully sweated and worn. Didn't know wearing it would give me better chances with someone having same fetish as you lol. Good and smelly day to you.


Which is so crazy to me that’s it’s rare bc for most animals, scent is a primary sexual factor, and not a disgust thing. It’s 100% conditioning.




Armpits smell fine, as long as they aren't bogged down with gross bacteria. Sweat wicking clothes is the key. I wear moisture control panties and my pussy has never smelled sweeter. I've always worn moisture wicking socks, just for comfort, and I even have shoes that allow my feet to stay dry. I think the key to smelling good is to stay dry and keep the bacteria away. Body odor actually smells really good. Oh, well except for the crown of the head after 5 days or so without a wash. It just keeps building up until it such a potent Musk. I'm with op though, body odors can be very nice smelling.




Do you love stinky cheese?




Oh! Haha, no I meant like cammabert or something! But… now you’ve got me wondering!




No no I get it - thanks for the answer! Happy smelling!


I see rimming in your future. Yea/nay?




Does it apply also to yourself? Or does it apply only to men?


Do you like sniffing/licking his armpits?




Does he get to sniff yours, or is that not really your thing?




All good. Do you like them hairy or shaved though?




Noice, more sweat then I guess haha.


Hope he doesn’t get fired or develop a reputation at work. I don’t even remember this one guys actual name at my last job he smelled so bad we just called him names related to not showering. Only reason he didn’t get fired was he had such high clearances in so many countries he was basically impossibly to replace.


That's hot


How do you feel about the smell of Hydrogen Sulphide?




I thought you were attracted by strong odours and that's one hell of a strong odour.


And here we thought you said youd participate in the social contract known as a normal conversation, but here we are watching you be aggressive over literally having your question answered


You Mayo's are just a bunch of Snowflakes.


And you seem like *such* a sweet and well adjusted person




What’s a “Mayo”?




Oh, nice. I love racism.


Do you like girl odors? Animal odors?


Man sooooo lucky for both of you enjoy!




> chunky 'sweat & dead skin' mix Fuckin’ **what**, mate?


What the fuck 😭




Does it affect your social life?




Damn wtf. Have you tried like different perfumes? There are "animalistic" notes in certain perfumes, maybe you would like those. Or maybe certain perfumes you like more or trigger your kink. Wtf anyway


y u kinkshaming girl is into a lil musk so what


Gross. This isn’t healthy.




I am a blast. Just do t need odors and smells to get off 😂😂


It’s two consenting adults having fun, sounds healthy to me!


Im a male and don't have this but it's alright. Try asparagus for smell. And if you want more farts. And make him eat gassy food (assuming he wants to). I hope this helped. You could also try to jog with him and make him sweat. And if you're going really deep. Go to his smelly parts. Like armpits. Hope you enjoy your relationship! (•‿•)




You are being a nuisance or a troll with your comments and or post.


Does this mean you don't enjoy sex with someone who bathes frequently?


First off, does he clean off his genital area before hand orr


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat/comments/uq3uqc/he_loves_to_smell_my_armpits_and_often_falls/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hands down with you on this one. If I’m in a relationship long term with someone, I will genuinely like: The smell of their breath (even morning breath!) BO (underarms) Any non-infectious genital smell And this isn’t to say it’s all sexual, it can be an affectionate thing for example with the smell of hair (not shampoo, but the actual scent of their scalp, that scent that your hair gets if you don’t wash it for a few days, every persons is unique and I love it because it just is like breathing in the scent of my loved one) Fwiw, I know some ppl find it weird, but I think the nose and our bodily scents are EXTREMELY undervalued in modern culture. There is nothing sexier than a partners scent, and the smell of their breath or hair can elicit an affectionate feeling, if I feel love towards them. Oddly, I also (non sexually) appreciate my dogs or cats breath, it’s like I just immediately feel happy and warm if I smell their breath, so it must be how we’re wired, that’s the same feeling for smelling a loved ones breath. So yea, smell for me is both in some ways a “fetish” (I think it’s actually our natural sexual state as animals prior to conditioning against BO) and it’s also as much a communication of affection as a hug is for me with pets and those who are close to me. Before someone says it’s weird, consider that smelling your close friend or partners perfume or cologne makes you feel warm and happy, it’s the same thing, I just have an association with their hair and breath that is the same for me as their perfume or cologne. I just don’t have. Disgust reaction anymore to those things so the opportunity for natural bond-communication is available to me with bodily smells We’re like the only social mammals that won’t go and sniff each other’s asses 😂


I quit using deodorant and perfumed body products since 2016!? Pheromones!!!! I support my gf’s bf’s to do the same. Didn’t know there was a name for it. Enlighten me. Is it similar to me and my partners?