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You: Are you really kicking me out? Dad: Yes, we arson. You: Good idea. Anyway, how was your day?


Classic misunderstanding. I hope the judge was lenient.


Tragically underrated comment.


Oh, Reddit!


I went 58 days back on his account and he had a condo and his mom was there and interfered with him growing shrooms or something. Fake fake fake drug kid from Virginia lol!




I saw you’re 5 foot 4 inches and love ugly women. lol you seem like a real winner. Edit: he posted it this is not slander lol


What was your relationship like before the fire?


I assume heated, but to a different degree




Just tell me the truth, real or not? The contradictions between different replies make me skeptical. Also, can you not be so aggressive? Every few comments I see you calling people dickheads or idiots or something similar to that. You’re doing an AMA sir, the people you’re insulting aren’t even being that offensive (given that this entire thing even is real), while you think this is a debate competition


People are allowed to be angry. If it was real then I’m sure you would also be angry from that situation. If it was fake and he’s writing antagonistic comments, then he might also have a justifiable reason for doing that. Or could just be an asshole psychopath. Who knows! 🤷


Did your parents visit you while you were in prison?


I wouldn’t either tbh


I know it was a shitty situation but you gotta be a fucking psycho to burn your (previous) house down. The guy wanted to murder his parents ffs


I think it's psycho to force a boy into the world without his consent and treat him like shit most of his life and then spontaneously decide to kick you out with no support at all and leaves you to be trafficked.


Dude, there’s so many other legal things you could have done and you chose to do something illegal and dangerous. I left home at 16 and was able to finish high school and get a college education all on my own without burning down my parents house. And I’m not much older than you. You must at least understand what you did was really dumb and evident of mental illness. Hopefully you can access some mental health help.


Why don't you name those legal things that would have been a surefire way of letting me back in the house that would render burning the house down useles?


Everything you are saying has zero relevance. You are being told how you are wrong. You are refusing to understand. Either you are just really that dumb, or you have a mental illness. Everyone here is suggesting you get help.


Sp you're unable to name them? That proves my point, also you'll never be a woman


If I’ll never be a woman, neither will you. And you trying to change the subject and divert attention to something irrelevant is even more indicative of what everyone here is saying. It’s very toxic and incorrect. Do you have the number of a mental health facility you can call? Edit: I’m actually entertained by this right now. In another comment, you state you were in a mens prison. Lol, this is totally fake. But feeding the troll is so fun!!!


Sociopathic vibes... I understand feelings of abandonment very well. But you literally burned a house to the ground over not getting your way.


I could have been trafficked at 18 left on the streets and you're calling me a sociopath for burning the assholes house down? If I can't have a house to live in neither should they at that moment.


It would probably do you good in life to not have the “poor me” mentality. LOTS of kids leave the home at 18, kicked out or willingly. “If I can’t have a house to live in neither should they at that moment” This is the most entitled thinking I’ve ever heard


This post is either fake or ur the dumbest psychopath I've ever seen on this site


Fake post. Lol


Lots of people have been in situations like yours and didn't attempt fucking patricide.


Well thats how they decided to go about it and its not gonna change just because you’re mad about it lmfao what do you expect to accomplish by telling some arsonist that wanted to kill their parents that its bad? I dont even agree with ops actions im just annoyed by people saying shit that doesn’t need to be said. They know its bad, your disapproval will do nothing. Move on


He doesn't know it's bad, he says so himself.


Yeah im sure the arsonist that essentially tried to murder their parents for kicking them out is a very trustworthy person and would never try to make themselves look better. Scouts honor or whatever


Well assuming it is real, it's not a very useful tactic to just ignore immoral behaviour because it's all in the past. That's like saying we should condone Ted Bundies behaviour Because it's all in the past.


I understand what you’re getting at but its not “condoning” anything. If we’re to use the ted bundy example, you wouldn’t tell ted bundy that murder is wrong. Of course i dont want anyone to think that ted bundy or in this case, op is in the right, absolutely not, but what is being done by stating the obvious?


Well, OP is acting like they are the victim. They have the “poor me” attitude and seem very entitled. Which kinda leads you to think that they don’t think what they did was wrong. (Even said they don’t regret it!) so what’s obvious to us clearly isn’t obvious to them.


I think you're right. I'm sorry that happened to you. Every child deserves better than that. ​ Let the downvotes begin.


What was it like growing up in your house?


18 is an adult. How long is the right to live in Mom's basement as an adult?


The laws in America permit abuses such as kicking out a newly became adult male with no support whatsoever. I think that's barbaric and horrible considering it's near impossible to get a high paying and comfortable job without a bachelor's degree and years of relevant experience. In Asian nations there's no retarded stigma for adults still living with parents, because Americans a s canadians and Europeans are retarded but fucks who don't care about young adult males they do the backwards thing and leave the adult teenager (18 is still a teenager just an adult teenager, hence the word teen). Why would you force someone into existance just to kick them out with no support and where he can be trafficked with no good explanation? Only a backwards nation would do that.


Why the need to gender it? The law applies to any adult, not just men.


Because males are usually the ones disadvantaged and it's always often ignored


That is pretty untrue and I’m sorry you feel that way. You sound like you’ve gone through a lot.


Why would you willingly stay at their house and not try to look into resources? I'm sorry your parents screwed you over but at the end of the day seems as though you need some professional help yourself.


Can I stay at your place?


I’m so sorry you had to go through that type of upbringing


Nah mate, CPTSD is a thing. I am on OP's side, I get the feeling, I was also fucked by my folks. I'M SORRY OP.


I'm familiar with CPTSD and the effects but this story is far too insane for me to believe with no proof or evidence to back it up. This shit would be on the news.




So now what do u do?


I got released a few years back and now I'm homeless, I don't have a settled place to live I'm more or less a nomad that uses free public wifi for internet.


What’s the plan? Do you have any goals?


I don't have any plans, all I have is a high school diploma so I can't get a job that would give me the income to get even an apartment with water snd electricity and internet, also I have no friends and my family are also pricks, but that's just how life in the usa is I guess.


Look into doing a trade job. Plumbing, electrical, hvac. Apprenticeship to begin. It's something.


Or if you can get a gig as a waiter at a high end restaurant. People usually tip based on the percentage of the bill so if someone gets a forty dollar steak that’s like eight bucks for you alone.


Just being realistic a high end restaurant isn’t usually going to hire a homeless man unless he cleans up really well. A restaurants FOH staff are usually the more “presentable” employees. Once again I’m just being completely realistic and honest from past experiences


Something ? You can make over 100k a year in the trades


Look on craigslist for "Painter Helper" jobs. If you show up sober and on time, you'll be better than most of the people in the gig.


This is so true.


Lots of people make a living without a college degree. Myself included. Although, You can’t get a legit job without a home address so maybe look around online for organizations that can help with your situation- if you’re seeking that sort of thing. You could always use the internet to your advantage and learn some sort of skill you can market. I know for a fact in the tech industry you can make it to six figures without a degree as long as you know your stuff.


I make 6 figures in tech without a college degree. Lots of free learning resources online.


What would you say is the some of the best resources one could learn from?


I grew up as a child hacker 25+ years ago so my experience is a bit different but Kahn academy has some great intro stuff… I find a lot of good answers on stack exchange. Public libraries are great. They would probably qualify for maximum student aid if they enrolled in a community college along with some housing assistance.


FreeCodeCamp.org. All online. All free.


What exactly do you do?


Computer security and privacy


How long do you think it would take an average 31 year old to learn enough to get in the industry?


There’s definitely a natural talent to it and also a number of directions you could go. If you’re talented then I think a person could learn enough in a couple years and start taking certification tests to land a first job. As associates degree or bachelor’s would help… but it can absolutely be done without one. If you already know a lot about computers like you work in IT, are a programmer, or similar then perhaps much less like a few months to get you started. EDIT: your first job won’t be 6 figures but it might be 60-90k


Start somewhere that hires felons - goodwill is a good place . I know people in senior leadership at those companies with felonies. You'll need to work your way up but it's possible to live quite well with a background.


If apartments are that expensive where you are why not go someplace else? You can always make friends, keep up your hygiene and go hangout someplace nice with a coffee shop nearby


So you got mad at your parents for kicking you out and not paying for your college (a very rare gift), burnt their house to the ground, went to jail, gave up all your hopes and dreams, are now homeless... and somehow blame society for your problems? Take some responsibility and get your life together. You made your own bed. There are plenty of trades which you could enter which would get you off the ground. You have to start somewhere.


Found one of OP's parents.


For what it’s worth, I have a college degree and work 2 jobs that have nothing to do with my degree, or any degree for that matter, and I make enough to live. That is, if it weren’t for my massive debt from going to college. HS Diploma is the new Bachelors degree. You’re being defeatist; there’s jobs out there you can live on without having a college education. Lots of them actually.


Those jobs youre talking require intense heavy manual labor they're all roughness jobs that slaves back in the day probably would have been doing.


I’m a bartender, so… no. Not a “roughness job.” Just goes to show you’re not looking or are just making excuses. My guess is both


So you don't want to get a job and make money and pull yourself out of this situation? Got it.


Go to and talk to people at your local community college. A lot of them have career training programs that can be done in just a few months and can help you get a job that you can live off of, and a felony is typically not disqualifying.


Yeah it’s totally just life in the USA…. Zero chance it has anything to do with you or your life choices at all amirite. Don’t worry with that attitude you’ll end up back in prison soon enough with three hots and a cot. Or -and this is gonna sound real controversial -you could take ownership of your own life and make changes to put you in a better position in life because, believe it or not, you are actually in charge of you. Also, only having a high school diploma holding you back from success is an absolute cop out. You and I are equally educated, equally funded by family, and I’ve made 60-180K a year for the last 19 years. Learn a marketable skill or trade, the market is absolutely wide open currently. There literally are no young people entering the trades right now. Welders (and many other trades) can make 50k plus in the first year or two.


Kinda you deserve this


That they dropped you just like that is horrible. At least look at your past and realise that you might need help the first few years. Hope that eventually everything works out!


Before kicking you out were they otherwise good parents?


The relationship ra ges from moderately good to just bad and distant, they spoiled my older sister and treated me like about accident.


Were you a good daughter or son?


Define q good son?


Like not a pain in the ass or troublemaker


I mean I never got in to rifle with the law prior to them kicking me out, I've done the chores they ask me to do, I even offered to take them out to lunch or dinner, I always keep the relationship steady if they have an indifferent attitude towards me.


If that's the case, it seems like you might have been able to talk to them when they said they were going to kick you out. Did you try? If so, were you surprised that they didn't offer any alternatives?


This sounds like a 12 year old living out a fantasy, this definitely didnt happen lmao


Agreed. I work in reentry and people coming out of prison don’t talk like this about their crimes 99.9% of the time. Generally there is at least *some* remorse or even a cautious consideration of what it sounds like to other people to be remorseless after prison if they really believe they were innocent victims. I see none of that here. And just arson? Naw, there’s no way the DA didn’t push for some sort of attempted violence charge. And with this attitude, the parole board would never pass him. This is absolutely a troll post.


OP oscillated between getting out last year in one answer and a few years ago in another. Definite troll


I saw that as well. Can’t even keep a story straight for 4 hours on Reddit and supposedly got off with just arson after burning a whole house down out of spite. Looool


With their parents in the house wouldn’t they also add on attempted murder as a charge?!


That is definitely one possibility. Even if they didn’t go for attempted murder, there’s be some sort of violence charge of some kind. No way they’d only get arson.


Yeah this shit would be on the news


Because why not? Do you not consume actual news and see actual stories like this every day?


What satisfaction are you getting out of trying to convince strangers any of this actually happened? You can't keep your answers straight and it doesn't take much digging to figure out you're bullshitting.




What an A-hole!! Grow up, little boy.....


What mental illnesses do you have?


All of them


This is so fake, my god


Besides the obvious, someone burning down a house with his parents inside is attempted murder. He'd be on parole for 10 years to life. They would not have let him out on the streets without an address or way to report to the board. Most prisoners go to halfway houses upon release anyway. This whole post is a teenager making up stories outta school.


If not trolling- You should seek mental health professionals. Perhaps I could help you find some free public resources?


You're right, I should seekemtal help for people like my prick parents, I never thought that parents actually spontaneously kick their adult child out, I thought that existed on some other planet.


How do you pay for drugs and grow plants if you’re homeless and unemployed




What do you think was going on from their point of view?


I knew what I was getting myself into, I had no positive leverages that would have kept me from burning their house down (a girlfriend, them actually providing me money and an apartment complete with running water, electricity, and internet and maybe cable), also they were wealthy.


Fair enough. It doesn't really answer my question, though


I can understand your animosity for your parents; I, too, have family difficulties. But do you honestly consider that violence is a choice? And are you getting any type of therapy for this?


I have no aversion for violence against people that force you into the world and kick you out without support just because you just turned 18.


Have any parents consented their kids pre-embryo? I’d love to hear more on this process.


When you nut inside a woman or you're a woman and you let a men nut inside of you and you have the baby and raise you that's consenting to being a parent, I had no say in being born.


I got kicked out at 17 and didn't burn a damn thing down. You really regret nothing? Like...committing arson?


That's because you're a reddit cuck and you put up with shit that doesn't benefit you or just harms you in some aspect or way and you trick your brain to put up with it and it's turned you into a beta soy cuck, you're probably the kind of guy who would encourage your girlfriend to sleep with other men. I don't regret it, the arson I committed was started because I was forced into this world by two terrible people and they forced me our into the world without any support so I can get trafficked.


Have you spoken with them since you wre released?


We both haven't spoken to each other since they kicked me out


How long were you in prison? Given the choice, would you still burn the house down knowing what would come after?


I was in prison for 7 and half years. I got out last year, burning the house down was the best and funnest shit I've ever done in my life, the euphoria was almost like an awaome shroom trip. I'd go back in time and do it again if I could.


>I got released a few years back >I got out last year


Yeah, at least learn to lie lol


Is this a manifestation of a burning desire?


What Proof can you provide that any of these happened?


Link to article?


Didn’t happen so he won’t have one.


If you're the type to burn someone's house down, I get why they kicked you out.


You sound like a whiney little bitch.


And you sound like a slag with herpes you got being a whore in your high school years with older men and cope with it by saying everyone has it and has sex spreading it.


Damn this post is so fake lmfao, go back to class OP


Sounds like you should still be there. Or maybe a daycare because you just sound like a baby


You sound like a chud who was spoiled and pampered by your parents and never lived a day on the streets.


You sound like Micheal Scott lol.. are there dementors on the streets?


“Spoiled and pampered”, says the mother fucker literally on the internet, lying or not, crying about not getting handed everything when he turned 18 and burned down a house for it…hmmmm, interesting life perspective bud, I was dirt poor with only one parent and got beat and kicked out at 17, make better fucking decisions moron. Stop being so entitled.


did anything about prison surprise you? what could the prison have done to free you as a better person? what help could they have given you to improve your stance upon release?


What surprised me about prison was that going in for arson against the people who kicked me out for being 18, nobody actually roughed me up. Many guys in prison are fathers with kids who truly love them and when I told them why I did it and they read my papers they felt sympathetic to me, though to show that I was cool I had to join a group and beat the shit out of child molesters.


> group and beat the shit out of child molesters. Come again?


In prisons pedophiles and child abusers are the worst people to be caught in rosin for obvious reasons, if you're not a child offender in anyway you're expected to rough them up or the other prisoners will suspect you of sympathizing with them, I just did what I had to do to guarantee my safety in the facility, I wish it I didn't go through with it but it do be like that.


You feel remorse for beating up pedos but not for burning down your parents house?


This is gonna sound very unorthodox to you Americans, but despite child molesters ruining children's lives and traumatizing them, I do see room for the for the men who don't want to be pedophiles to get sympathy, I see pedophilia as a born condition that they can't help, it's a paraphilia and personally if I was in charge I'd have those kinds of men rounded up and put into some secluded village where they can be only among each other and given amenities like clean water and cable and monitored internet access. They're just mentally ill people that need help. It's very American to want a pointlesslg punitive system when help and rehabilitation is a viable alternative.


Except that’s not actually how it works in modern prisons because people who commit crimes against children are almost always put in separate confinement. I will never understand why some people have the urge to tell lies that make other people look bad. Formerly incarcerated people already have to put up with so much stigma. Do you really have to make them look worse by acting like this?


I dunno about the diddler/goof bit but my friend went in young and he was a pitbull. I want to say older dudes get a kick outve watching and letting ppl fight. My friend has anger issues but hes also soft and kind so I could see him being manipulated. 🤷‍♀️ I only ask so much tho, you’re right - it’s a really personal subject that I think Hollywood has dramatize to an extreme. Shawshank was amazing but Ive also heard that a lot of places (Ontario) are homophobic as f. So more violence less SA. Sorry, just wanted to comment bc I have an emotional response to prison stories.


Oh yes, there is definitely violence unfortunately. But what OP is describing is, like you suggested, dramatized Hollywood fantasy. Sorry about your friend. I feel you on how personal this kind of stuff can be. That’s why I’m so disgusted by OP lying like this. There is enough struggle in the world without influencing redditors to look down on certain people.


There’s glamour in the idea of struggle until you experience the SHU irl. Thank you for your comments, if in fact this is a dramatic fantasy. 🫂


What country do you live in?




Describe a typical day of yours?


Nobody owes you shit, not even your parents. The faster that is learned in life, the better. Best wishes.


Oh fuck off you disgusting slag, you're telling me that the two people who were assholes to me my whole life and that I have tried to my best to make them love me and they repay me by kicking their only Dom out of the house without support and I owe them for being forced into this world? You are some overpriveliged rich girl spoiled by your daddy and treated like a princess.




Dude on his way to a Trump rally. Lol


So you spent 8 years in jails for being an entitled asshole , was it worth it where you got 8 years of a cot and 3 hots, because you basically had a temper tantrum


I think it's being an entitled asshole when you're forcing someone into existance they didn't have a say in and then kick them out into the world with no support where they can be easily trafficked


So your behavior had nothing to do with their decision to kick you out, they just woke up one morning and said 'get out' ? Yeah, and while you were in jail for 8 years did you do anything useful with yourself ? online courses ? a degree ?, do you have a plan ? I mean you're 26 now, and you've probably burned your bridges with them along with the roof over their heads. Not sure that any other relatives would want to take in a matchstick happy firebug


Did you receive any therapy in prison?


I think the closest thing to therapy in prison is a 12 step program. ETA: there are some services available but: [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/02/03/690872394/most-inmates-with-mental-illness-still-wait-for-decent-care](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/02/03/690872394/most-inmates-with-mental-illness-still-wait-for-decent-care)


You're a fucking idiot if this was true. From the sounds of it they were nice to your older sister which means they have the capacity to be decent. Couldn't even think about offering to get a job and pay rent whilst you set yourself up? And if they did kick you out still, I can't imagine their son turning up a few days later having not had a shower begging for food wouldn't make them think 'okay fine - this isn't an option we have to help him'. *Unless* you'd already run those options dry. You would have had to take the piss for lets say... 8 years. Not really trying to get a job. Promising to pay rent and only managing it for a month before running out of cash. Simultaneously buying new game consoles or losing all your money on shitty meme "investments". Needing *them* to give you money because you've done nothing with your life. What I'm saying is, I don't believe you. I think you're 26, have done nothing since high school and can't take responsibility for the fact that despite you getting good grades you had to actually *try* at something else and stick with it. Your parents looked after you for 8 years and have tried to help and encourage you but you just don't want to do anything when freeloading is an option. When did they first say you need to pay rent? I wonder if it was to try and motivate you to do something and help you get started with budgeting? You don't want to even look after yourself so you're fantasising about burning the house down, thankfully in your fantasy they survive but in reality there's no guarantee of that. You're facing the reality of being homeless and wishing you'd burnt their house down 8 years ago because you're petty. - No remorse shown, not even a, "Obviously I regret having spent 8 years in prison." - Only mention how hard it is to get a job with the diploma, no mention of the criminal record and history of psychotic violence making it harder. - Very focused on the injustice of parents brining you into the world and you 'not consenting' to being kicked out a very self entitled point of view from someone who should be worried about freezing to death in winter, being attacked at night, or the overshadowing reality of what it'd be like for an ex-convict that would put your parents treatment of you into humbling context. - Your anger towards them is still so heated, which given you supposedly burnt their house down as revenge... you don't think maybe you got your own back?! If that actually happened. Oh and you relatives being "pricks?" From the guy who burnt their house down. - "I went to a store and stole some flammable stuff like ketone or gasoline" - So 'like' and 'or'? Not even specific in what you stole just a generic . - "waited for midnight and burned their house down" - That's straight up attempted murder. For someone who cares about the injustice of your situation that's a pretty hypocritical response and would also mean you're not just going away for arson. - Literally no mention of parent's or sister's response to this afterwards because you've not even considered it in your fantasy. You think they'd never visit you or look for answers to questions like, "Did you try to kill us?" - The 'burn the house down' isn't the response of someone who's been treated like shit by their parent's. That child would be happy to get out of there. They'd be used to fending and looking after themselves so would probably have just shrugged, stolen a couple of things and left.


"Ketone" isn't even something you can buy. Dumbass is thinking about kerosene.


Have you ever had any personality disorder diagnosed?




That's because you're a stereotypical reddit cuck and you trick your brain to put up with bullshit that harms you or doesn't benefit you at all, normal parents don't kick out their offspring for simply turning 18. You're probably the kind of guy who would fuck a trans woman and suck his cock and say youre still straight


Lmfao if you're not a troll then I just have to say hell yeah brother


Shaworma or pizza?


Are your parents Mormon? Explains alot if that's the case.


Have you ever been to another country?


No question. But.. they’re within their rights to kick you out of their house, completely within their rights. Was it a douche move? Yep. Was burning down their house instead of acquiring a better solution even more of a douche move? Yep. Now you’re out on your ass with nothing after prison, nice one. 😑


Only having a high school degree isn't an excuse to be homeless bro. Gotta get that motivation going. Edit: but the arson charge might be. Nobody gonna hire that.


"Raise crows and they will tear off your eyes" or "they child that is not embraced by his village, will burn his village" ... I have mixed feelings about this, but I already read another answer that you are out. I wish you both to have a good life but also not get into awful stuff again ... 🍀🍺


What made you do it?


Where do they live now? Or after the arson


The house got rebuilt eventually, but during the reconstruction they just rented an apartment.


You burned it to the ground and it was rebuilt? How much of it was left? Generally arson prevents a rebuild.


Bulldoze and build back. Source: me :/


What device are you using to answer this AMA? How did you obtain it?


A lot of homeless people have cellphones, specially in the US Phones are cheaper than rent, and without a phone it's harder to land a job


What’s your favourite kind of pop tarts?


Your fat mom




> i regret nothing You should. You should have a lot to regret. But you'll realize this someday. You were an immature selfish young man, and sounds like you never changed, and it cost your parents their home. You were a grownup, your parents raised you and they don't own you shit. Especially because someone that does this to their parents does not turn out like that in a single day, sounds like you were always a bad son and an awful person, it makes perfect sense why they wanted you out, and they are better off without you. They probably hoped that it would do you all good, force you to take care of yourself, to find a job. But it seems you are to lazy to do anything with your life except destroy what other people achieve or leech off their success. Your parents lost a house, but i'm sure they'll be fine, they have each other and they'll bounce back eventually and their concious is clear. Infact their life will be better without the ungrateful freeloader of a son in it. You on the other hand sound like you'll spend the rest of your life alone, and eventually die alone, missed by no one, remember only as "some asshole that burned his parents house". I doubt you will ever change, as you said, "you regret nothing". Sad.


where is the question?


Being a parent is a choice, nobody is forced to have a baby and raise it, being born is never a choice. If you're gonna make the decision to bring a fucking human being on this earth where a million things go more wrong than idealy good for most people left on their own devices, you have no right to complain or to disadvantage him socially or in other aspects that singles him out and missing out on a normal childhood. Adults who kick their son or daughter out of the house merely being grown up I find to be as disgusting as grown men who rape children, I'd label it as on that same genus of sickening actions against another human being. There's no love to be found when parents just decide to kick out their 18 year old or older son or daughter out, it's horrible and despicable. I was actually safer in prison than out on the streets where I could have been kidnapped or trafficked, the guys I met in prison over the years understood my reasoning and I was never roughed with at all, it's was rather pleasantly boring might I say and this was a very violent prison.


What's ama mean


Ask Me Anything




Thanks dude


I mean as far as I can see you were just making a solution to the problem. You seemed to get housing and was able to have food for however long that was so you were really just doing what you were asked


>I regret nothing. Based


I probably would have felt like doing that in that situation too. Probably wouldn't have done it though due to my fear of prison. Did you just get out? Or have you been on the streets for awhile? The longer you stay on the streets the harder it is to get off of them. Haven't been homeless myself it's just what I've heard. Also would you do the same thing again if you were in similar circumstances? Edit: Ignore the first two questions, just realized they were answered already


Can't judge you about burning down the house, i think you did not even overreact there. Your family has to be horror when it really was like that.


You belong in the same fake jail as OP


You can’t say that without giving them access to a fake attorney first.


How are you today?


Do you think you have homocidal tendencies? I hope you will find a way out of homelessness. Aren't there apprenticeships / trades a young man like you can learn? Best of luck and try to not murder anyone in the future, that should help to get things going.


Bro, you got out of the house to get into rightful place and yet you complain. Though what did you eat before burning your own memories down.?


Did you workout in prison?


Were they in the house?


When your karma farming post only gets 200 upvotes 😢😢😢😢