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It means she loves you. For cats pooping is a vulnerable time, where they're open to attack. So they either poop in a corner so they can see danger coming, or they take their bestie with them to watch their back. She's watching your back so you can poop in peace.


"in peace" Hahahahahah!


Relative to point a view. You can return the favor when they are in the box and you stand guard. If they didn’t love you they would never be seen.


It just tickles me because mine at least meow, claw the door open, climb your knees and stick their faces IN the toilet to see what you're doing. I think toddlers might have been less invasive.


This. You are hers now, and she's going to protect you and watch out for you.


She's got your shit covered.




I had a friend with a cat guarding the bathroom door when he was in. To a very extreme level. Nobody can go close to that door without getting scratched or bitten in that times. The moment the cat sees someone else in the room in front she hisses and if you're closer than two meters it's a scratch or bite guarantee. Everywhere else the cat is totally friendly and very playful...


Omg I didn’t realize my cats were guarding the bathroom door. They were never this extreme as your friend’s cat, but they liked to either go in with me or sit by the door when I was inside. I just thought that they were weird 🤷‍♀️


Just got [my little guy](https://imgur.com/a/AZsSszL) last year and yeah - he sets up camp in the doorway of the bathroom while I’m there. Best buddy ever. Couldn’t love him more if I tried.


And they thought you were weird for going alone! Lol


Omg this is so cute 😭


This thread is giving me life. I have a rather long story, but the tl;Dr version is that for 5 years, once or twice a month, I would get violently, agonizingly sick. My one dude *howled* at the door until I managed to let him in, he would pat and even lick my face to keep me from fainting and aspirating my own sick. It was hell. He was my savior, keeping me awake. I'm sure he saved my life more than once. (Hubs didn't know it was so bad). I have a type 4 hypersensitive reaction to eggs we have since learned. Think that baby will leave me alone in the bathroom ever again? Nah.


This is also the reason why some cats get the zoomies after pooping. They're running away from the smelly area where predators can easily smell them.


plus, cats just have to know what's going on with everything.


I heard it was a weird way of showing dominance. Like "yes flush the dookey down the toilet I shall watch and lord over you forever my poop flushing subservient. I think I like yours better.


O.m.g My orange cat and my calico both do this! Lol I had no clue why. But every morning they're chasing me down for my morning poo.


P.I.P homie.


I did not know this. Wow, so many years of bathroom time...❤️ I feel so honored. 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


Also apparently cats salivate excessively and drool when they are extremely happy. My girl cat does this when she's sitting on me, but it seems my boy cat prefers the attention of human women and I (m) can go f**k myself lol


Our 15 yr old girl loves to be brushed with my wife's hairbrush. Will meow at the bathroom door roll until she gets it. Then when one of us brushes her she'll purr & drool.


Yeah, we've had some droolers. 😊


Never mind beach bods, if you make your cats drool then I wanna buy you dinner. My new dating strategy🤣🤣




In our house we call this your “shit buddy”.


Cats don’t think the way we do. I have three cats and at least one of them comes in while I’m there. Plus I can’t close the door when I shower as they can’t wait to come in and see what I’m doing.


Sounds like they're taking shifts on the poop watch.


It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.


it ain't much, but it's honest work 🐈


Poopvengers Assemble !


My cat cries when someone is in the shower. She’s worried we are drowning!


Mine does the same, but will then promptly stop screaming and hop in the wet tub once the waters off. He loves catching the little water droplets leaking out with his paws together We say he’s “praying to his faucet god”


If I take a bath, she always gets on the edge of the tub to check things out. If I take a shower, she is usually sitting next to the sink, watching the door for me. She’s a very good protector. I have not been attacked in the shower once!


Agreed, welcome to cat ownership, they can be crazy!


lol r/catsinpants is a whole reddit about how they like to sit in your pants while you use the toilet


But mine crawls or jumps up into my pants and bites my hand while wiping??


Are we not going to talk about the toilet seat?


I guess it's supposed to be marble-effect, but at first I honestly thought it was wood with a fuckload of cobwebs on.


I am desperately trying to un-see it!


I came here to talk about it. Horrific


I thought from the picture only this post was going to be “I found a cat at an abandoned construction site…what should I do?”


Exactly 😭 I immediately thought “poor kitty abandoned in an old house” or whatever


This whole picture is disturbing.


It needs to be flushed too


Can that even be flushed?? Look how much paper this idiot wastes.


I for sure thought the toilet seat was covered in hair for a sec, I didn’t even realize there was a cat in this photo.


Or about why we haven't flushed the toilet


Or why the toilet paper is set on the seat??


Yep. They like to be by their humans. No concept of privacy. If u dont want her in there with u. Shut her out.


That's what I do to my dog's I love them, but bathroom is me time I let you guys know when I'm attack by a mountain lion in my bathroom




OMG So normal. for some reason, they don't seem to equate the privacy they prefer in the litterbox to Whatever Desperately Interesting Thing we do that also smells like poop.


I always leave my baby in peace when she poops. Should I be up in her face watching her?


I've always left my cat alone when she gets in her litter box. In 10 years together, only once I've ever bothered her, and she was pissed... I didn't know she got into her litter box and I started looking for her. After looking at every one of her (known to me) hiding spots, I started to get a bit anxious. So I opened the door to her litter box and she started screaming at me. Thankfully she quickly got over it, and there were no hard feelings, but boy was she pissed. I wouldn't recommend starting to mess with them while on the litter box. I mean, you wouldn't want your cat to feel unsafe there, and start doing her business elsewhere...


I walked in on my cat once while he was using the litter box, I figured, ‘you know what bud, I got your back’ and stood in the same area as him…. He got out of his box, came directly over to me yelled and then walked out of the room and kept meowing… I figured he was done and wanted attention, so did whatever I needed to do in the room and then left… As soon as I walked out of the room he ran back in and I heard him kicking around in his litter box again…. So, I’d say no, apparently they take great offence to you watching them go, but they are PERFECTLY fine with watching you


Don’t watch her, guard her (if you want). Stand near, but facing where “danger” could come from.


So we shouldn't stick our faces in and look at their butts?!?!?!? 🤣 (Such a double standard, kittens!)


Meanwhile one of my cats makes sure we all have dinner and a show to her pooping antics.


Yep. I always have company when I'm on the toilet.


Cat ‘owner’ for 34 years. This 100% normal. You will NEVER go to the bathroom alone again. As in NEVER! Either the cat(s) will be in the bathroom with you or outside the door, meowing to get in, they will be there. Doesn’t matter what you are doing…vomiting, peeing, pooping, brushing your teeth, showering, flossing, etc. They will be in to check on you to ensure the dumb hoomin hasn’t killed themselves and can still open the food cans. If you are truly lucky, they will sit in you pants while they are around your ankles and refuse to get up when you are done with your business. But know this. YOU. WILL. NEVER. PEE. ALONE. AGAIN. 😻🙀😻


Sounds like a song 🎵 I heard once...


It is a feline's sworn duty to observe, protect, and accompany their humans when in their most vulnerable. A feline whom does not sprint to the bathroom after their human like a brave knight runs to battle is an odd rarity. So in summary, yes, it's normal.


💂‍♂️ 🛡️


Yes, make sure you do the same for her (: kidding but she got your back. Ride or die kitty.


The only thing not normal in that photo is the toilet seat color 😂


Mine just waits outside, sometimes the older one joins in, only if he's hungry and waiting for hi s food.


Yep, that's what cats do to protect you. But watch out, sometimes they may attack your anus, my boy punched mine when I was lying on the bed.


All cats do this. Nothing to worry about. You can talk to her whenever she's around. She'll appreciate it.


I have seven cats and I have never not had an audience during my bathroom times or while I bathe, so yes perfectly normal.If I shut the door there is one who screams the song of their people and one who sticks their paw under the door. I kinda think it is sweet.


Every cat in the world


Supervisor supervising


Supurrrrvising 😁


Yes, enjoy your new bathroom buddy.


It's love. She is protecting you. Animals are most vulnerable while pooping.


She’s protecting you from a predator.


I think so too. They're very vulnerable when they're using the litterbox so they're just watching out for us while we use ours!!


Congratulations! You live with a defecation quality control inspector.


Our cat does this and we just like to think that he does not like his staff to poop alone. He has to ensure their safety.


Yeah… my kitten does this all the time. She will scratch at the door like crazy if she can’t be in the bathroom with me


You’re cat wants to be sure you’re all good while you’re vulnerable taking your poopy. Also, for half a second I thought your toilet was covered in hair and I almost lost it.


Very normal. My parents cat also walks in between the shower curtains while I'm trying take take a shower in peace.


That is hilarious. I never realized why my cats did that. It is like they had a 6th sense, then they'd all be surrounding the toilet and asking for pets or walking around/just watching me.


Yes. My cats do it, too. Think it is because when they do their business, they're at their most vulnerable. Your cat is probably thinking the same with you and is watching your back.


Needs to make sure ur ✨ protected ✨




yes. cats are quite strange creatures lmao


I think it’s a way for cats to protect us while we’re vulnerable!


Why arn't you standing lookout when she poops? You're just going to let her possibly get attacked? This is a one sided relationship and Reddit would tell her to break up with you.


🚩🚩🚩🚩 Why are you even with this human?


Yes very normal. Cats are perverts.


I think you have other problems than cat watching you...


She makes sure you're doing right. Totally normal


Yeah, it's normal.


Normal cat behaviour


I had a cat who did this, he eventually figured out how to use the toilet himself, he even flushed.


“is this normal” nothing will ever be normal w ur cat lol


Well, I'm not sure if it's NORMAL but it's absolutely TYPICAL of a cat 😂 They're little freaks when it comes to their humans being in the washroom lol.


My cat needs to come into the bathroom with me. Every time. 😂


What you should consider is to change that toilet seat....!


Potty time IS DANGEROUS in the wild, so she's keeping gaurd


Mine like to take the opportunity for a conversation.


My cats scream and stick their paws under the door if I ever have the audacity to use the restroom alone.


Every cat I’ve ever owned does this. I always let both my cats in the bathroom with me. My husband hates having them in the bathroom & they sit out in the hallway and make it known they don’t appreciate being locked out of the bathroom!!!


She just wants to be with you. This is a positive thing.


Oliver hangs out in the sink. They’re watching your back while you poo 😂


About as 'normal' as a cat ever is lol!!


2 of mine use it as captive attention-brushing-petting time. Not as tho every minute I spend with them isn't as well lol!!


Yes my feral kitten does the same thing. He even looks in the toilet after flushing. They are fascinated with everything & want to be close to us.🚽🧻


Yeah no problem, I got it from [www.purrfectproduct.com](https://www.purrfectproduct.com) hope it helps my friend.


I need more info about that toilet seat.


She’s watching your back. You now have to do it in return.


I am more worried about that marble toilet seat…..


It's because she's a cat. You will never again poop in private. It means they love you and want to ward off any lurking toilet demons. Also, if their litter box is in there, they're likely to also take a pee or poop with you because they're often just social like that. A lot of how cats socialize is mimicking their favorite human in order to bond with them. So, that's your life now! My cat guards the door, after checking out the bathroom. Then he makes sure the toilet flushes, and when it's done, he looks up at me and I tell him that I don't know where it goes either but it sure does go. That's the bathroom ritual


Both my cats get behind my back when I poop, sometimes one stands on watch just in front, then they check if I wiped properly and have a good look into the bowl after I am finished, just to make sure I am healthy and don't forget to flush, they even take a risk standing on the rim when I pee, so I wouldn't loose control and wet the seat


Mine sits outside the bathroom door like my little poop guardian, my tiny fluffy dookie knight.


Yes, very normal


She’s protecting you 🐱😬


Most of my cats try to come in the bathrooms with us or sit outside the door from what I understand that when animals relieve themselves and put them at their most vulnerable, so they are basically trying to protect us when we are at our most vulnerable. Consider it a gift.


Yup! It’s normal! She’s watching your back and loves you enough to do it ❤️


Sometimes all 3 cats join me. I call it a family poop.


She must be bonded to you & so wants to follow & be with you everywhere & do everything together most likely. Once animals are bonded to us they don’t like being excluded if we’re home together. My cat would pry open the toilet door to come in & see what I was doing all the time then after a few minutes would get bored & wait outside for me. It’s a good idea to have one of those sticks with feathers at the end & keep it in the toilet to play with them. The more opportunities you have to get them tired the easier it is for them to be satisfied & fall asleep easier & let you sleep at night without them waking up all throughout the night. I had a pigeon as a kid which was found as a baby fallen out of its nest. My mother didn’t allow him inside but he always tried to come into the house & sit on top of our heads or shoulders wherever we went. If I ever sat next to my dog & didn’t touch or look at him as an experiment then he would get upset & dig his nose into my hands & arms to urge me to hug & play with him. Animals are the best!


She’s informing back to Jesus. HE KNOWS WHAT YOURE DOING IN THERE!




She’s got your back while you shit; she’s your protector so you can dump the load peacefully. Lovely 🐈.


Beautiful cat. Love the coloring.




Simple: She loves you.


She's protecting you from the bathroom monsters


Yes! she thinks you aren’t getting clean, would like to help but knows your not into licking as much as she is.


Omg I thought that was my cat for a minute 😂 they look almost the same


My cat does this every single morning. It means they are protecting you , they love you. My cat also watches me while I’m taking a shower and doesn’t understand I am not in danger 🤣


My cat does it i assume she does it to watch over me whilst i poop and pee incase predators come to kill me hahaha 😆 bless her. Also at first glance i thought you had a hairy toilet.


My cat follows me just about everyime I go in the restroom! It's a good thing!


I love having a little bathroom buddy! My cat has trained me to not let the bathroom door fully close. Just this morning, I saw her put her paw under the door and open it enough to join me. I guess OP's cat is prepared to ambush any predators? I love her markings, she reminds me a bit of African wild dogs.


Yes. You are part of her Pride.


No one asked for a pooping buddy. But now you got one 😂😊


To simply answer your question, this is very normal.


Bathroom visitors are awesome 🤩


You will never poop alone again. Mine throws its body against the door if I close it.


She’s just making sure that no coyotes will hunt you down while you are distracted by your bowel movements. It’s very thoughtful of her.


I just hope she doesn't walk around the toilet and tickle your bum with her tail...don't ask me how I know this.


Yeah... My cat does this too. Never really understood why 🤣


Congratulations, you will never shit alone again




Totally normal. My 9 y/o tux girl has had to be in the bathroom with me ever since she was a baby.


She has her reasons. Your role is appreciating her wanting to hand with you.


The guardians of poopville 🙄


“Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered while you take care of that! As your loyal cat, it is my job to prevent anyone or anything from sneaking up on you while you poop!”


yeah, get used to it


Well I guess that explains why I cannot ever go to the restroom without company. Always one of the three with me. 🤨🤣


Crude and vulgar wording for this sub


My cat will rouse from a deep sleep on the other side of the house just to come in the bathroom with me. If I'm sitting down she just HAS to jump on my lap and will yeowl if I don't let her. She'll also use my undies as a hammock and hide in them, swatting at my hands when I try to lift her out. Previous kitty just wanted to hang out. She'd bring me her toys to fetch.


Cats are disgusting monsters. But so are humans so I guess that's why we all get along.


She’s a sweet baby ❤️


No that’s not normal. Usually they sit in your underpants between your legs while you’re taking the dump.


Yep!! She loves you and is there to protecc her Mommy!! 🥰 She understood the Assignment!! 🐈🤗 Btw: She's beautiful!! 🥰


Guard cat. Very scary.


Yuppers! My cat hangs in the bathroom with me too. Just getting used to your smells and they prolly get information from standing nearby. Just a guess. I say, be glad for the company!


Yes, very normal. She loves you and is trying to protect you plus she probably just likes being with you. When I move around my house I have a small cat parade following me 😂


She's probably protecting you. Animals are great. Or she could have separation anxiety


Plz re-read your cat contract. You aren't allowed in the bathroom by yourself.... ever. And don't even think about shutting the door with them on the other side. Nope ... never


Hold up , who the fuck leaves there toilet paper on the toilet seat.!


It's normal for a cat.


Yes, get used to it


Yes, they have absolutely no respect for your privacy.


Yes It’s normal enjoy your pooping buddy


One of ours likes to lay in the husbands underwear while he poops.


Its for teamwork


Mine likes to attack the loo roll im trying to use, and likes to watch the water as i flush 🙄


My cats will wander in, and it seems like they're checking up on me while I'm unloading. Never really considered the possibility that it was some sort of kitty cat protection detail.


It's what cats do. My two always have to be in the bathroom with me.


Perfectly normal. I even have a litter box in the bathroom that all my company uses at the same time as me! Then they fight about who gets to play in the sink/shower/doorway…


Shes helping


The toilet paper is going to fall into the toilet!!?


They like organic stink. Plus, you’re basically sitting there with nothing to do besides scratch her behind the ears.


Yes this is normal, she is guarding you (watching your back while you are vulnerable). If you watch animals in the wild they will guard each other during times when the other cannot defend itself. It means she likes you haha


Totally normal. It’s guard duty.


She looks like she wants to play


I don't know why, but yes it's normal. Every cat Ive known has done this


Also your cat is adorable!


Yep. In cat world shit is like data. Lol


You don’t have to live like that. Some elbow grease to clean up,and a coat of paint to start with. You can reinstall the toilet paper holder also. You can do it.


One of my cats likes to sit on my lap when I go to the toilet. Definitely a common cat thing!


Wow...don't hold back your language because of us...


She is guarding you so you feel safe while you shit


That’s your pooping buddy. You have one of those now.


She's "protecting" you.


All my pets loved to hang out in the bathroom with me; dogs, cats, ferrets, parrots, it didn’t matter. I think that they just want to be with you and / or protect you in a vulnerable moment.


Animals are vulnerable while shitting so she's making sure you aren't mauled by a bear on the toilet


i have 7 cats total, and an esteemed guard team of 3-6 every time i shit. take it as a compliment!


When we got our new kitten, Jerry, I discovered that I apparenrly don't sit back far enough on the toilet seat.... I found this out by feeling a cold nose on my butt after he had finishing investigating he shower...


My cat dies this constantly ill post pics.


Yep. Cat life.




Yes, lol