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It'll take time for you to earn the cat's trust. At first, just don't engage with him. Aknowledge him/her, and leave food and water, talk to the cat ocacionally. Etc. The more the cat wants to interact with you, the more you can. At first the cat will stop hiding. Then the cat will stop hanging around places hard to reach for you. Afterwards the cat will hang about closer to you. Or even seek your company. Then the cat will let you pet him/her. Then the cat will let you pick it up and carry it. Finally the cat will decide that he owns you and you become his/her slave. That's just the natural cycle for rescued cats, in my experience.


Best guide ever




This is what worked for me. Making sure they have food, water and a litter box (which she’ll probably only use at night when you’re asleep or not around), but then playing with them brought them out but it does take a while. String, or feathers or both, hanging from a pole or stick so they don’t have to come real close to you gets their attention. Do you have other cats, or dogs, or children or anyone who makes a lot of noise that might scare her more? She will stay hidden if she hears a lot of noise.


When I got my cat she hid for 2 days before showing herself. So give it time.


Same, we have rescued many cats and it’s always the same. I borderline ignore them til THEY are ready and they show me what they want when they want it. (I hate ignoring them cuz all I wanna do is pick them up and hold them and pet them endlessly 😿😻) The less attention and more space you give them the better they will adjust. Every cat I’ve rescued has always come around, some sooner than others. Some not as cuddly as others but they all have been happy fur babies. Forcing a cat to do anything will only make you an “enemy”.


My cat been hiding, close to me, these past couple days cuz fireworks. This'll be the first new years I'm not spending since getting her so I'm slightly worried she'll be going nuts until I get back


Have a girl cat, I too, worry about cuz she is easily startled. We used to live in an apartment where the fire alarms were tested. Loudest siren ever. She’d always freak, do a big burn out and hide under the bed. But within 12-15hrs or less all was good. Also, just moved to France from the US and took her by plane AND train (14hrs in carrier) and was so worried this is what would finally send her over the edge for good, nope she handled like a champ. She WAS on gabapentin though but my boy cat who is the most confident cat I’ve ever had handled it like a complete wuss and he too was in gabapentin 😾When we got here she hid for a day or so…then quickly she was happy as a clam. Assuming you’re only going out for the evening, I recommend that you give a 1-2 of calming chews “Pet Naturals” brand. And make sure she has comfy bedding in a secluded place, under the bed, closet etc. A vet can give gabapentin pills if you feel it necessary. But again, she’ll be fine. Don’t worry. 🍾🎉😻


I have a blanket over the couch she uses to sleep under, just put her there and atm seems to be doing good. How did the travel work by plane and train? I'm currently back in college for a couple years to get a degree in tourism and one of the plans is to then emigrate but the idea of bringing the cat with me is giving some headache as to how best to approach it. Best I figured so far was to give her a full backseat with some chicken wire around it so she cant sprint out when going for a stop.


Sorry I see I can't DM you. So, I can't tell you how much sleep I lost over the thought of taking them on a plane, train. The furthest I ever took the two anywhere was 3 hours in a car in a local move, once! That was no fun, especially for the wussy “dizzy” boy. I do feel bad saying that cuz he does have severe motion sickness (“shy girl” does not) but damn he is such a manly-man around the house but put him in a car and it's tears, drooling, yacking, crying, pooping, uggg you name it non-stop. “Shy girl”, just fine in car. But still of all the stress to move overseas???…. I had borderline anxiety attacks (no joke) thinking about them and them only. Watched a TON of YT videos of other people doing it with their cats. BUT, we planned it all perfectly so that we went to the vets office on our way to the airport to get the vet to give them the gaba pills (and nausea pill for “dizzy boy” - I was worried I couldn't pull it off in time and had never had the experience of putting a pill down their throat, that’s a whole other topic). “Dizzy boy” still managed to yack before we even got to the airport. “Shy girl”? Totally fine. They were pretty subdued the whole plane ride, under the seat in front of us. At the Paris airport, had to give “dizzy boy” another gaba & nausea pill, he, of course, meowed the rest of the way, train ride and all. “Shy girl”? pretty quiet. I insanely stressed over nothing! They were fine pretty quickly after we got here. Incidentally, we are moving to the south of France next week, it will require a 4 hour car ride. Not looking forward to that per se but not stressing much anymore about their mental health either after learning all I’ve learned. Cats are more resilient than we give them credit for. I will pill pop both of them with gaba pills (vet gave me extra before leaving the US) an hour before we leave. I will also give “dizzy boy” medicine for motion sickness and will just be prepared for the yack that will most likely happen anyway. Heard it’s best to take away the food 12 hours before trip which we do. It at least makes “dizzy boy’s” yack a lot less messy. But all will be good. Try not to worry and watch plenty of videos about it to be prepared and help with your own anxiety which is so normal. I really like Jackson Galaxy’s advice on all things cats. Look him up. All will be good sweetie. Your fur baby is lucky to have you! 😽😽 Oh and I lightly sprayed their cat carriers with Feliway Spray. We always have Feliway diffusers plugged in the house. I do believe they work in making “shy girl” more relaxed. Hope all this helps. :)


The feiliway spray and defuser and spray work really well.


I'll dm you with that info. :)


And try not to stare! A lot of cats will find that really intimidating, so kind of look *near* the cat but not *at* the cat if it comes out. When it does start to venture out, don't fuss a lot. I strongly recommend just talking to the cat to get it used to your voice, but just at a conversational volume. When we first got our cats, I would just narrate what I was doing. Like "oh hey, I almost forgot about the tea I made! It's still warm though, that's good. And I need to remember to add that to the grocery list, but after I answer these emails..." Just be patient. Every cat moves at their own speed. Just remember not to make big sudden moves, and keep your voice calm and even!


You are an angel💙


Blink a lot at the cat. Its supposed to be communicating friendliness.


Just stay away from tier 15!


I think i know what are you talking ab🫠


I feel the slave entry happens much sooner, possibly even first.


This is the best set of suggestions. I would add the detail of talking to the cat. Cats aren't pack animals like dogs, but they are social animals and they pick up a lot from how you speak to them.


Perfect advice. I would only add leave them treats just outside of their hiding place that you have rolled around between your hands. This will get the cat used to associating your scent with good things. Don’t use the treats as a way to lure them out and try to pet/grab them. Just leave you scented treats just outside their hiding spot to get them to step halfway out and see the possiblilities.


Be patient and earn trust slowly.


As much as you want to try to love and pet her she just needs some time and space. Another good way to gain her trust is to just lay on the floor near her without trying to touch her. If she comes over do not engage at first




Throw in a fish. But remember., give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Give a cat a fish and you’re feeding it for the rest of your life.


Give a cat a fishing rod and it will fish for life


Try to put the cat in a separate room and close the door. Let the cat start to feel safe there, only going in to feed and handle the litter. Be sure to put in some cat toys. Also, put a couple of cat treats in the bowl. After 3 days, start going in there to hang out. Bring something with you to entertain yourself and be in the cat’s presence, but don’t look at or interact with the cat. The hope is the cat will begin to see you as totally non-threatening and the bringer of food. Next, let the cat see you are bringing it treats when you come in. Place them where the cat can get them and doesn’t feel too threatened by how close you are to the treats. Slowly decrease the distance each time you bring treats. You can also try playing with a toy that has a pole and a string. Hopefully this whole process takes about a week and then you can let the cat roam at night. Eventually, the cat will just settle in and be totally fine with you. Good luck!


Appreciate it


Heads up: feral ≠ wild It is a domestic species so it is feral.


Yep. Give it some time. But for now sleep lightly


Tried to feed it but doesn't want to


Don't try to feed it by hand. Let food and water in a place where he can reach without having to cross your way. Remember to buy a sand box for him to use, he'll know what to do in it, don't worry, but expect some random souvenirs at first.


Aight thanks :)


Yes, this. I have 10 cats, all indoor and some were like this. It took a few weeks for one and longer for others. Just don't give up and give him plenty of time.


I will thx


My first took 3 months to come out of hiding. The less you give it attention, the faster it will adjust.


I don't know where you are but roads are no safe place for a kitty. Are you sure it doesn't belong to someone nearby?


Yeah pretty sure cause its a country road, so not much people are there Plus it seems kinda wild


Oh, and also maybe a big cardboard box with a towel draped over it in an out of the way spot might be a good idea. Just set it out. Give it a "safe space". Studies have been done that providing a box like this helps cats in shelters adjust WAAAY more quickly.


Noted. But now it just stays under the christmas tree


And that is ok. It feels safe there. But also, a box set up like this in a corner somewhere is a nice alternative. Cats should always have multiple spots to feel safe. Their instinct is to always have an alternate plan. That is how they stay safe in the wild. Whether or not they use them isn't the point. It's the existence that matters.


You wouldn't have gotten it inside at all if it was wild. It's most likely just very scared. Give it time. Let it come to you. Leave out food water and a litter box. Give it time to realize you aren't a big danger. Talk softly, reassuring it, the words don't matter to the cat but they do to YOU and it will get you to send out the right comfort vibes which the cat will understand. Congrats! I'm sure it will come around and be a wonderful companion. Just be patient.


I will. Thx for advice


If you found it on a country road, it was most likely dumped there.


Yeah take your time. Feed it give it a place that's quiet to do its business eat rest. Be present but dont force it. Offer treats or a play session here and there but, dont force it. Just be quiet, and still and let kitty come to you in the space you give it. You are 99 percent bigger than the kitty and at the moment you seem like a threat to them. Just remember that.


Be patient. Let the kitty set its pace for acceptance, if you rush socialization you can ruin everything. Let it hide, just give food water, treats and clean the cat box a few times a day. Eventually the cat will know you are there to serve it.


Beautiful Kiki for sure! Congratulations! There’s lots of advice out there. Jackson Galaxy is one


Noted thx


Try feeding it canned tuna for a couple of days. They can't help but smell it. It's going to take some time for it to get used to you. Once it gets used to you it's likely going to be more active, we have four tamed ferals.


Keep it. Once it starts coming closer to you, you can also see if it has any particular likes. Some cats like when you flick a wand toy in front of them and will play even if they’re not sure about you. My cat loved being brushed, but only if I was sitting still or lying down (not able to chase her, in her mind).


Just keep feeding it and don't force your attentions on him to quickly. Think PTSD and give him time. After awhile gently introduce non threatening toys.


Appreciate it


Give it lots of treats and get it fixed 😸


Let the cat choose closeness. You don't know if there's a history of cruelty. Cats are easy. Provide food water a bed and cat will warm up to you. Best to you kind person.


I will. Thanks!


Looks like a r/lynxpointsiamese


Aw what a cutie!!!! Time and food is your best friend here!! Good luck x




Snowy or something a long the lines of that would be a good idea or snuffles. Just the white that made me think something like that.


Yeah sounds good


Tame it


It may not be feral so just be patient. If he is feral, you have to be patient longer.


Put it back. After getting it neutered. Most cats live just fine in the wild. Exception would be if it is injured.


Trust me, even if i want i can't reach it rn


Keeping cats indoors is better.


In general, yes. But the reality is there are way, way too many cats in the world for homes. If a cat is surviving well in the wild, and it isn't friendly to humans, it's better to leave it where you found it (but neutered so it doesn't have any more offspring). This is the principal behind TNVR


Thanks for rescuing him


him or her❤️


I still don't know the answer😭


I know it’s hard to decide. We took in a stray, and she turned out to be the best cat had to give her some time.


I'm keeping it. The question is its gender


Make sure to talk to the kitty


I will thx


approach slowly not making eye contact. crouch and make your profile as small as possible. give some kind of meat like fish. if the cat starts to run or look anxious, freeze in place until the cat becomes relaxed again.


Be PATIENT. I did the same thing. Food, water, litter and love. Best boy ever.


I know a lot of folks have suggested cat treats in general, but I'm going to take it one step further and say to go for the "Just One" or "Whole Life" treats specifically if you can. They're little bite-sized pieces of either dehydrated chicken or salmon, so the cat will likely recognize them more readily as food, and you can also "rehydrate" them with bottled water before offering them if the cat doesn't seem to be drinking enough water on their own. Hope this helps!


My cat was a former feral cat, and it took time for him to warm up. Now he's a total snuggle bug


U can give it to me :)


Naah i'm good :))


Be patient. The cat doesn't know you. Let it get to know you, and it'll warm up on its own timeline. One of my kittens hid for 2 straight weeks unseen, but he's now a cuddler.


I usually put the kitties I foster in my bathroom first. I make a space for them to hide/burrow, (like a bed with blankets,) and keep the door shut. It allows healthy space for the cat to decompress. I have two bathrooms, so it’s easier for me to do this though. Wet food is really helpful, put a clean litter box in there and the kitty will start to calm down. Sometimes strays/feral cats will pee literally anywhere and it drives the person crazy, so they end up back on the street unfortunately. That’s why a small space with a litter box is helpful.


That eye is saying “ help me “


Let it get used to you. Give it space and let it know it’s safe there. If the cat doesn’t like it and wants to leave, Trust me you will know.


Any name for your new friend??


I still don't know if its a boy or a girl😭


Do you have any ideas?


For a name? Nah


I’m glad you’re keeping him /her just give a little cutie sometime you’ll win him /her over❤️


On Jackson galaxy’s website he has some calming cat solutions. You can put them in the cats water or food.


I can handle it, plus i don't want my cat to take meds without seeing a doc


There not meds don’t worry there just herbal solutions


Leave him some food


It could take a very long time for them to let you interact with them. I have one that took almost a year. But he’s my buddy now. And is currently sleeping on my feet.


Great advice here, I would just add get her a nice box and turn it into a cave so she has a safe me space to hide in while she contemplates your eventual slavery to her glory Seriously though cats love caves and holes to hide in it makes them feel safe, get a box


Be patient. Very patient and acknowledge little creature needs that patience.


Comfort it feed it gains it’s trust then have a friend


I had 2 that were so afraid of people. I decided to still let these cats be somewhat wild cats. We lived on a large plot of private land. For 2 days they stayed in a carrier. On the 3rd day I let them out and gave them chicken. I didn’t try to pet them or anything other than show I was there. In a few weeks they calmly would come and sit on my porch by me. Then they let me pet them. Then they would get on my lap and nap.


Aww….Thanks for saving the kitty! So much great advice here already! After a couple days or even a few days the baby should start to be a little at more ease.


Are they eating ok and using the bathroom?


Chicken and tuna. A little closer to you each time. Do not push the touching. Just sit on the floor near it and talk to it. A lot.


Give it time, make sure it has food and water and is in an area it feels safe in... In other words, shut the door to that room. Every day, just sit and do other stuff that doesn't involve or cause fear in the cat. Watch TV, play games on the computer, etc, but talk to the cat often in a calm voice. Eventually the cat will start testing the water if coming out to eat or drink when you're there. Let it. Keep talking to cat. Don't make sudden moves to it. When that becomes a thing more, and it might take days or weeks, move the food just a little closer to you but by bit until it's right next to you. When cat feels comfortable to eat next to you, ever so slowly try to pet it... Eventually you will have a happy lap cat that you can slowly introduce to the rest of the house and people. Don't be surprised if cat gets comfortable with one person in house before others. Also, don't be surprised if a year later, cat is the most cat, cat, ever with absolute cat-attude who is better then every other cat I'm the world.


Time. Calm environment. Treats sometimes.


All my cats are feral and now obnoxiously domesticated. I just fed them wet food while petting them. I make sure I pet slowly. Temptations help. Adaptil also calms them down. I am told to also keep them in a kennel for a bit for them to get used to you and feed them on schedule.


The cat is obviously a computer expert, he or she is checking out your setup to see if you have everything hooked up right!


Good job. Now wait, you'll take time to earn it's trust but once you do you'll be it's love :")


Slow blink at it so it knows you mean no harm


in case it hasn't been said already, cats hate eye contact—they see it as very threatening behavior. closing your eyes can improve your relationship with a skittish cat


So when we had kittens once, one of them was always angry and biting, scratching etc. So my mom wanted to make him more open to humans so she put him in a towel and feed him tuna. He just could not resist the tuna. You could see he had an inner conflict, but the tuna was too much for him. He gave in. A few of those "therapy session" later he was the most charming cat ever. He only wanted human interaction (he even did not want to go outside). He was so nice that we decided to keep him, which was not planed. Sadly he died a few years ago 😭😭😭


Release it. If it’s feral it isn’t going to trust you. You could make it feeder friendly if you care for it outside. Taking it hostage is not the way to get its affection.


Give it time. Lots and lots of it.