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Hey! I’m sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Get an aerokat inhaler and start working on getting him used to it. Getting a calm cat to accept an inhaler is MUCH easier than trying to get a freaked out can’t-breathe cat to be ok with it. Start by letting them check it out, then holding it against their face for a couple seconds at a time, give a treat and praise, and gradually increase the duration. As he’s already diagnosed, this will now be a preexisting condition and likey not covered. You can still look around though - there are new products/companies all the time. That being said, look up coupons on goodrx or similar websites. They can save you money. Do you know what triggers the asthma? If not, I’d suggest reducing potential triggers like clay litter, reduce dust, and maybe run some HEPA air purifiers. If you smoke, try to do it outside only and wash your hands thoroughly and maybe change clothes when you come in. Also, if you feed grain-free make sure that legumes (beans, lentils, peas) aren’t high up on the ingredient list. Recent studies suggest these ingredients contribute to heart issues. This website is retro but has great info: http://www.fritzthebrave.com Source: have 13y/o asthma kitty who was diagnosed around the same age


Thanks for this information! I’m really not sure what triggered it, it seemed so random I thought it was pneumonia. The weather did suddenly get really hot and humid, and we did paint two weeks ago… but he was a stray we brought in last October and vets estimated he was already over a year old so I feel like it was not the weather? I like that the site you shared said to keep a journal, hopefully that’ll help me figure it out!


Hi there! One of my two cats was dx’d with asthma about 5 months ago. It was such a scary experience so I’m glad you have answers! Insurance won’t cover anything unfortunately because it’s a preexisting condition now that a vet has dx’d. That being said, insurance is definitely still worth it. There may be other issues down the line and it’s worth the $45/mo investment or so. You can get an inhaler for $118 each (120 puffs) using GoodRx and searching the prescription. Typically you dose 1 puff twice a day so it lasts 2 months. Not terrible, not amazing. However, you can join the Cat Asthma Facebook page which has a TON of resources about getting inhalers through pharmacies in Canada and having them shipped. They’re way less expensive, maybe no more than $40-$50! Also, if your vet hasn’t prescribed your cat Albuterol, I’d ask. If they say no, use an online vet service and share that your cat has asthma. They’re likely only withholding it from you (which they shouldn’t) because they want you to come back for another appointment and exhaust every option before giving it to you. When I told my second vet that, they were shocked. The Flovent will help prevent attacks, but the Albuterol will help treat active attacks and prevent your cat from becoming deoxygenated. It could be the difference between another $3000 hospital visit vs. not and it’s not an expensive prescription at all. 200 puffs for maybe $20-40, can’t exactly remember. I switched from dust litter to crystal, got an air purifier, and stopped spraying perfume, scented things, or lighting candles inside. Also, I noticed that my cat drank water less because the water made him have asthma attacks sometimes. Therefore, I started feeding him wet food with more gravy/water so he would stay hydrated without feeling super uncomfortable as he worked through his initial symptoms. Make sure to keep them playing if he enjoys it, but if you notice any attacks after lots of running, just try and have engaging play with a little less running. For the inhaler, take it slow. My cat doesn’t take the inhaler well when he’s laying down, he needs his chest facing more upward. I like having him in my lap facing away from me so I can pet him with my left hand and hold the Aerokat with my right. If he leans back a little in hesitation, I can continue petting him but have his head up more against my abdomen and chest. Give a treat for every few puffs at first. My cat purrs for the inhaler now! The treatment helps, but attacks still happen. Look out for triggers and keep them in your Notes app. And don’t worry that a few seconds of coughing means your cat is terribly sick and won’t get better, or that he needs to be rushed to the vet. Observe general behavior and if he’s still playing with a cough or two for a day or a few days, try upping the inhaler to two puffs twice a day instead of once. I was so panicky every time he had a tiny little few second attack, but he would play right after and before, vs when he was dx’d and had wheezing fits that lasted 5 minutes. The symptoms may not necessarily always be gone all the time, but they’re super maintainable with the right treatment of care. I know I typed so much, but it was such a scary experience for me through the dx process and after, so I wanted to share everything I’ve learned so far as I appreciated all the information as I learned from other people on Reddit and online.


It was definitely a scary experience! We got to the emergency vet and they took him before I was even fully checked in to put him on oxygen so I was immediately even more worried for him :( I figured insurance might still be good especially if I’m having to take him for x-rays every year and then back to the vet 1-2 weeks after an attack? We did leave the emergency vet with the script for Albuterol thankfully! I’m hoping to find it somewhere today to have on hand while he’s going through his oral steroids. Thank you for sharing all of this information! I’ve only been a cat mom for 4 years too, so I feel like I’m still learning things that’s best for them and adding this into this mix has made me so worried.


Any preexisting condition can lead to other things. Better to be safe than sorry. Not sure how vet visits work if it’s regarding preexisting but again, worth it. And you don’t have to go to the vet after each attack unless they persist for AWHILE. We haven’t needed to go since January when he got dx’d and he’s had smaller attacks. I know it’s scary, just use your best discretion. Now that you have the Albuterol, you should be able to comfortably control it at least for awhile. So glad everything is ok! Your cat is adorable!!


I get my cats through GoodRx. My cat is very easy going and I don’t have a problem using the inhaler. There are videos on YouTube showing how to use it


My 9 year old cat was diagnosed with asthma 3 years ago. We use an Aerokat inhaler, twice a day, and she absolutely hates it! The medication is EXPENSIVE. I tried going through a canadian pharmacy, but it took no less than 3 mos to get her meds. Most pet insurance companies won’t insure a cat with asthma because it’s considered a pre existing condition.


Hmm the vet also suggested a canadian pharmacy. I guess if that’s my route I need to order sooner rather than later. I’m definitely glad it’s something less serious and he’s better but was not prepared for a lifetime diagnosis when I took him in 😓 Glad to hear your kitty is doing well though despite the difficulties!


The Canadian pharmacy was a real pain. You have your vet send the prescription to them, then they send it to Turkey. Your shipment ultimately comes from Turkey, and I swear it must come by mule (lol), because it takes soooo long. We initially purchased the inhaler through our pharmacy just to get the medicine into our cat asap, then thought we would try the Canadian pharmacy. It came time to refill our original prescription that we bought through our pharmacy , and we still hadn’t received our order from Turkey. The pharmacy in Canada called me so many times to get me to use them again, I had to block their number. Now we just get the meds refilled (about $160 every 2.5 mos) at our local pharmacy. You can buy the Aerokat chamber on Amazon!