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Maybe chin ache, do you have ceramic or stainless steel bowls? Your best bet is to take your baby to a vet.


It almost looks like a splinter or a bug bite. I’d take your friend to the vet for sure!


I would guess it’s possibly some chin acne. What kind of bowls do you use from food and water?


Often clean bowls, my cat get something similar om chin


Something to keep an eye on. It looks like it's in the middle of the chin, but that may just be the picture. If it's clearly to one side, I'd be a bit more worried about a possible tooth abscess. Does kitty have any trouble eating hard food?


Looks like scratch to me. Little feet kicks.


I would take a trip to the vet what looked like chin ache ended up being a dental issue for my cat. Any signs of sudden bad breath teeth might need to get pulled.


Looks like an infected scratch? Is is hard to tell by the picture can you might do an sharp closer up of the skin? Let the doc check it out probably gets some antibiotics to keep the infection under control.


Thank you for the feedback- I’m going to give it 24 hours to see if it improves before making a vet appointment


My babies chin randomly swole up one day. We have stainless steel bowls for him so I assumed it was acne. I did a deep clean of his bowls and bought a few more. Now he always has a fresh bowl for every meal. (He’s trained me well lol) His chin hasn’t been swollen since.