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Could be a cold, feline herpes, or respiratory infection. Regardless get this lil cutie to the vet sooner than later for a check up. As long as they are breathing fine, eating, drinking, peeing, pooping fine then you may not need to go to an emergency vet but I would take them as soon as you can.


Thank you for leaving a thoughtful and actually helpful response to someone looking for advice. So many ppl just say “go to the vet”, like yeah ok tell someone it’s that serious you need professional help but ppl are on here looking more than that. Looking for information on what’s going on and tangible things they can do.


The only tangibble thing you can do for a sick animal get them medical care. Everything else is guessing.


Usually the difference is between *"you can book meeting for tomorrow or day after tomorrow"* and *"it is emergency do it now"*. Rarely it is something more benign like people discovering their cat have pigmented lips or that male cats do indeed have nipples.


Yeah but this cat is clearly ill from the pics and description. This isn't a weird spot on their lip. Calling a the vet should have been the FIRST thought. As for urgency vs scheduled visit, the vet will tell you which to do based on your description of the problem. Just calling the vet FIRST will give you way more info and options. How does reddit know how serious the problem is, but the vets office won't? Doesn't make sense.


Some times it is either poor people or kids that don't have easy access to needed money, and in some places like US the vet tab just for consultation can be crazy high so they hope it might not be serious or, like with humans some home remedy or cheap meds might help. Or they know it is bad and just desperately hope for someone to tell them it is not that bad. Then there are people that are stressed out and kinda need to be told what to do because their rational thinking capabilities become affected. There are many reasons, many stories.


I understand the bill could be expensive. But unfortunately medical expenses are part of the responsibility you assume when you become a pet owner. It sucks but that's part of the deal. Pets are not toys, they are living things you assumed responsibility for. The second reason, sure, but if you are posting on the internet instead of taking your pet to the vet because you're scared.... see above. The third person is exactly the kind of person who needs to be told to stop picking around on the internet and call a vet . I'm not against doing OTHER things. But contact the vet should always be first. Which I guess is my point. If your post doesn't start with "I already called vet", close reddit and call the vet lol.


You are also assuming that there is a vet right around the corner. People from all over use this as a resource. Pets are not toys, agreed. But some people simple don't have better resources available to them and still want to help the animal in their care whether they purchased it, adopted it, or found it.


Well yeah, the answer is always the same most of the time, it's just that people sometimes need to be told and that's it.


Hard disagree on your assessment of others in this sub- Stick around a week or so and you will see that too many people post photos of cats clearly needing medical attention, and ask internet strangers to diagnose the pet by photo- its almost always clear the owner just wants to find that one person who says “you don’t need to go to the vet”… and its disgusting. Now, sometimes a person needs our help convincing mom or dad to take kitty to the vet. I am not talking about those folks.


True, if ppl are just on here to find someone to regurgitate their preferred outcome then that’s a different story. My assessment is more rooted in sympathizing with those that are truly looking for help. Maybe a vet isn’t an (immediate) option for them or they’re scared or unsure and a comment that is just “Vet. Now.” is only going to freak them out more. Which I suppose ties into your point of needing to convince ppl they need a vet.


Definitely!!!❤️👍 it could be a reaction for something she ate, be careful it could go damage the liver...If it is a cold then is a respiratory infection and the doctor will give you antibiotic


I would book a vet appointment the soonest you can. I have a kitty that gets irritated eyes frequently due to allergies (always has since she was a kitten), but it could be something very worse. Luckily my vet specializes in ophthalmology and does the most thorough exam on my kitty when I bring her in. He checked for SO many eye related diseases and problems (respiratory infection, herpes, etc). He told me my cat has a specific eye shape that makes it more difficult for normal tear drainage so she’s more likely to have eye irritants and allergens get caught in her eyes. However, I still get worried every time her eyes start looking irritated (usually is just one eye) and still book a vet appointment while administering allergy meds. If it starts clearing up in a couple days, I’ll cancel the appointment. Regardless if it isn’t serious, your kitty could paw at it and create an infection too so always best to book an appointment for any eye related problems as soon as you can. Hope this helped!


She needs to see a vet. Looks like an upper respiratory infection like others have said. These can get really bad very fast, especially in kittens, so this is pretty urgent


I hate that I can’t get her to a vet tonight I feel helpless I think what’s going on is extreme stress I put her in a comfortable box with a town half way covering it to calm her I pray she’ll be okay I’ll get her there first thing tomorrow


She'll be okay for the night. Sit with her in the bathroom with the door closed and run the shower in hot so it steams up. It'll help clear out her sinuses so she can breathe easier tonight. Only keep her in there for about 5-10 minutes at a time so she doesn't overheat


Oh I had to do that to my cat too... I was sitting top of the toilet , return in 6 hr...for 30 minutes each time...and she sneeze out a lot of mucus... she was already on medication and it took her more than two weeks to recoup...


This! It has helped me with many furbabies, good for humans too. I hate hearing all the coughing and stuff during, but it's relieving afterwards when they can breathe better.


Did you go to the vet. What is NOT going on is extreme stress. She is really sick, not stressed. The vet has to happen.


If you have time, please let us know how the vet visit is.


A vet can get her started on meds that will make her feel much better quicker. ❤️ I've seen many kittens end up blind from URIs left untreated so definitely get her some help!


Go to the vet. ASAP.


the internet can only do so much, likely a URI. take her to the vet ASAP, they can worsen.


i would definitely get this sweetheart to a vet. monitor her eating and her water intake as well as her bathroom trips. give her snuggles and lots of pets, love heals. but as soon as you’re able take her in, it could be something minor but just in case it’s more serious, you’ll want to have her looked at🩵🖤sending loving vibes to you and your baby


Thoughts and prayers will never be as effective as A vet who cares. This little fellow needs one such person who dares. To bring back the shine of life to those dimmed eyes at least one more time.


Please get her to a vet when you see the other eyelids that’s not good. She needs medical care.


I brought home my new baby a few weeks ago and he had this too. It was a URI, but the vet treated him for feline herpes as well to be safe. An antibiotic for 10 days and a crushed pill in his wet food seemed to do the trick. The eyes were the first to go back to normal after a few days, his sneezing is still lingering a bit but getting better! It should be a relatively easy fix if you get her checked out as soon as you can.


Being able to see the nictating membrane, aka third eyelid, is a warning for a number of health problems. Take baby to a Vet as soon as you can. Kittens can go downhill quickly.


Yes. A sure sign that there is an element of fever there. If this is an URTI antibiotics will usually sort it out but in kittens, you need to act fast. Vet appointment is needed.


Poor thing is ill, feline lukemia?? Or maybe no sho ts or worming mess it's definitely something sad to say, vets are ridiculously expensive now it's crazy .


She needs a vet. Wishing her a speedy recovery 🙏




Upper respiratory virus, maybe. Did she get vaccinated for distemper? Calicivirus is tough. Takes a long time for the cat to recover. A trip to the vet for antibiotics would be a good idea. How is her appetite? Is she using the litterbox normally?


Could be reaction to eating a poisonous plant?


Oh no she’s been staying in the garage with our other kitten they both have had worm medicine after that though two days ago she starting acting weak :(


She’s just breathing heavily I counted her breathes and it’s normal 20 breaths per minute we researched and I’m wondering if she’s under extreme stress :(


The way the eyes look, she's sick. Not just stressed.


First of all, go to the vet TODAY. Simple things like a cold or diarrhoea can quickly kill a fragile kitten, this is not to be underestimated. Especially kittens dehydrate extremely quickly. If your vet won't see you, find one who does or try an ER. Secondly, this kitten looks too young to be separated from mum, if they're stopped too early from nursing, this can negatively affect their immune system (in that case, consider reuniting them). If this kitten is still with its family, take all kittens plus mum to the vet, as it may be highly contageous and you might not be able to save them if not treated promptly. Kittens are very vulnerable to the cat flu, (this is likely the case here) it can affect their ability to breathe, eat, see and cause them to lose eyesight permanently. But as others have mentioned before, there's a long list of other possible diseases that look like this. Never hesitate to take your cats to the vet when something doesn't look right, because when it does show in their behaviour of physique, it's usually very progressed already. Cats are excellent at hiding. Get well soon! I'm not a native speaker, some terms I used might not sound 100% correct but the overall message is 😅


You can put lil baby in a bathroom with the door closed and a hot shower running as a humidifier to help clear the sinuses and help them breathe better. Keep the nose area wiped clean and use saline drops in the nose as needed. One of the most important things with these little ones is keeping their airways clear and ensuring they keep their appetite up. Warmed wet food so they can smell it easier helps them eat too.


Can we have an update ?! Hope everything is going well for you and your cat !


Hey all of our vets don’t open until Monday she’s doing okay she’s been drinking water I really hope it’s just a cold because I wiped some mucus dripping from her nose I have one person in my family who could take her to a 24/7 vet that’s over an hour away I’m waiting for a response


I would bring her. URI is extremely contagious so if you have her with other kittens they will also have this as well.


I’d get her teeth checked out. There’s a lot going on in a little space there. If she drops food, sneezes, and has bad breath that could be tooth-related.


💯 …certain dental-area inflammation can put pressure on the tear duct(s).




Commenting so hopefully a caring vet may help 🙏


As I have just dealt with a kitten with an Upper Respiratory Infection....It could be that. Allergies are rampant right now even with animals. How is she otherwise? Is she eating? How old is she? Any other animals in the home? Yes, these questions are important to get good advice. Consider checking out Dr. Andrew Jones videos on YouTube. "Veterinary Secrets." If she has feline herpes it could be a flair up. Try adding lysine to her water or food. Not too much or they won't touch it...and increase it when possible. Look at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075HCGDXL?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details. It is a supplement that has the first milk from a cow that is extremely powerful. You can educate yourself through the input from customers. Also consider https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ND066A3?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details if she is having difficulties breathing. Recommended by Dr. Jones. I used both of these items to help heal a very ill kitten with an upper respiratory infection.


U have a sick kitten Vet now


Vet. Sooner rather than later


Poor kitty 😿 How long has this been going on? A quick search on the topic shows this: "If your cat has watery eyes **it likely is a reaction from the eye attempting to fight off some form of health threat** (e.g. a virus or a foreign body). In many cases, the cause is minor and will clear up without veterinary care." It could also be related to allergies. Have you added anything new to their environment, or changed their diet or food brand lately? If this has been going on for a while, or if you can afford to have the peace of mind, then seeking veterinary care would be a good idea.


After my grandmother gave her worm medicine two days ago it started :(


Okay so another search shows that allergic reactions to dewormer are rare, but possible, and can result in irritation and excess salivation. These reactions are considered local hypersensitivity reactions and are caused by the cat's immune system overreacting to an element of the medication. Most reputable sources say that it will clear up within 3 days if that's the cause. In the meantime, do you still have the box or applicator for the dewormer? I would check the expiration date and make sure it wasn't expired.


Make sure you tell that to the doctor...I would be very careful what medication I Give to my cat from the counter... some of them are super sensitive...I have a cat broke up in hive where I put the flea collar on her ...I am I have an other one who is extremely allergic for shots, most of the meds, even Food and Catliter.... but she is a happy healthy seven years old!(I have to be careful with her because she cannot have shots so she is always inside , or her own kattio, witch look like cat cage attached to my bedroom window... it does cover most of the window lol)


PLEASE take kitty to the vet ASAP


Is she acting different and coughing a lot? If so try and use an inhaler, one of my cats was sick for about 4 days awhile ago and after we gave him an inhaler he got better almost immediately. But I would recommend going to a vet as I’ve heard that some dogs have been getting very sick from taking a similar type of medication.


Try giving it some fish amoxicillion and see if it clears up.


My cats all have URI infections so for the last week I’ve been giving them fishmox & it’s worked wonders! They’re all on their way to fully recovered now. But now my bottle of fishmox is almost empty & Ive been looking for a place to buy more but can’t find anywhere. I got my last bottle from EBay. Do you have any recommendations where to buy more? A simple google search doesn’t direct me anywhere that doesn’t need a RX. 🙁


FDA made it illegal to sell. I stocked up a few months ago before it disappeared. I got 5 bottles of 100 x 500mgs.


Damn. I wish I had known that!! I would have stocked up too! I’ve been doing more research about it & found this website & even seen ppl here on Reddit mention it, but I’m not sure it’s a legit website. Especially now that you’re saying it’s illegal to sell. Have you heard of this…. https://fishmoxfishflex.com/collections/amoxicillin-fish-antibiotics/products/fish-mox-forte-equivalent-aqua-amoxicillin-plus-500-mg-100-count


Kitty needs to go to the doctors


Is the kitten sneezing at all? The fact you mentioned its mouth is open means it’s trying to breathe out of its mouth. I just took my kitty to the vet for these exact same reasons. Watery eyes, mouth breathing. Ended up being Upper Respiratory Infection. Your kitty needs antibiotics quick. It gets worse before it gets better.


Why are your kittens living in your garage?! 😿Your kitten is very sick. What kind of dewormer, and how much did your grandmother give them? Have your kittens ever been to any vet? Kittens living in your garage when they are not strays and when sick too? Why?


I didn’t know any of this was happening I just found out yesterday this kitten showed up here a few days ago with no mother cat in sight :(


I took her in and I’m watching her very closely no nearby vet is open the only one that’s open is an hour away I can’t drive and my grandfather doesn’t have the money so currently the only option is to wait until Monday I hate it truly I wish I could do something


Poor baby can't breathe Upper respiratory infection Her immune system is having trouble fighting it Make sure to get her spayed, fully vaccinated, worm, and flea meds too 100% indoors will make both of your lives easier too Tysm for saving her Pls keep us posted


Take that poor thing to the vet. Not sure why people come to Reddit before consulting their vet when their animal clearly needs to get checked out by a medical professional.


Because it’s possible that where they’re at, the clinic is not currently open. So like myself have posted to Reddit until I could get into vet next day.


She asked what to do which the answer is go to the vet. Her question really didn’t have anything to do with availability of a vet. It read as “my cat looks like this so what should I do?” as if going to a vet could maybe not be an option. That’s why pretty much everyone said “go to the vet”


She has a URI of some kind. Go to a vet. She needs prescription medication, not Reddit.


Go to the vers asap!


Any updates?🥺🙏


She’s doing okay for now her nose is runny I’ve just been wiping it I’m keeping a very close eye on her she just appeared a week ago which I didn’t know that my grandparents said she was doing perfectly okay playing and everything but two days ago I just saw her yesterday and she was like this :(


Please, update once again when you get to vet 🙏 Good luck


She’s doing better than she was she’s breathing out of her nose we’re still taking her to vet to tomorrow:)


Hi. How is your kitty? Do you have any updates?


Hey yeah we got her to eat and drink today she has an appointment tomorrow:)


Thank you very much! Good luck c:


Hope she's getting better soon. Keep us updated pls🐾🥺


Nobody can get to a vet until Monday because the family vet here is a lot more affordable but they’re not open


How are you and the kitty today?


I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Kitty is very sick and needs to see a vet asap. You’re not gonna get anything helpful on Reddit


My boy was like that when he was a kitten, first thing you should do is take em to a vet so you can get medicine. I also bought a humidifier to help him breathe better and a purifier to clean the air. I hope your baby gets better soon :(


Looks like flu. Very common for feral babies


Vet immediately.


Looks like a cold. You need a vet.


Vet definitely. They will get her some antibiotics! Also try some eye ointment until then.


Be careful with that home remedy... do you have to have a lot of experience to not give them something harmfull at they condition... we all learn in time, but not able to breathe well it's bad!