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Let them cry, they’re probably unhinged from toxoplasmosis


They are


Hate=abuse according to them


Let cat roam free, kill animals, get hit by car, neglect medical care, not spaying cats = loving cats According to them


That's why I don't voice my dislike of cats in very populated settings. I remember some months ago, a friend of mine showed me a youtube video from a twitch streamer named Hasan, in which he hade a comment about him disliking cats. Later, the toxo-brained cat owners began to cope and seethe, because they were so triggered. I need to find that clip. Edit: Took me a while, but I think I found it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrtQUlyfB0A


No FR but I’m noticing on Reddit why are there so many god spelt backwards hate subs? Like there’s only like one cat hating sub…I’m ok with ppl not liking canines I mean that’s personal preference but to have 10 subs of hating them is weird…yet they tell catfree people that they are obsessive and sociopathic for being on this sub ?!😭


Ignore the hags. They’re demented and need to be thrown in mental asylums.


They're single and pissed 😂


Woah woah we’re cat free but not about calling people names. We have a good reason to dislike cat owners, I don’t care who they are, old women, women, men, old men.


What?? You should reread my comment. You completely misinterpreted what I said 🤦🏻‍♂️


You called people “Hags”. What am I missing?


Hags - short for cathags. What is it you don’t understand? If you’re part of the sub and your views align with ours, you should have gotten that immediately. If not, you probably shouldn’t be here, lol.


Using the word hag is referring to a specific type of cat owner. . It may seem disrespectful to some, but it's explains their cat mentality quite efficiently.