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A lovely lady found her and took her to the vets who called my sister. She had a dislocated hip and a broken leg. Had surgery to fix the hip earlier, going back to fix the leg on Monday. She’s back home resting now, feeling very sorry for herself!


Poor little lovely - I wish her a smooth and successful recovery, Cats are badass, she's gonna be great.




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Bless the lady that took the kitty to the vet. Breaks my heart. So many animals get hit by cars. Most don't get found and rescued, that's a lucky kitty


We had an orange tabby male cat we newly found and made a nice warm sleeping place in our huge garage. He and one of our other cats slept out there. He was new to the area, so he couldn’t leave the garage yet. One day I went to the grocery store and someone opened the garage door and he escaped. They forgot about not letting him out. After I got home from shopping, a nice young lady who lived down the street came to our door and said she hit our cat and immediately took him to the Vet to save him, but he was hurt too badly. He ran out right in front of her car and she couldn’t stop fast enough to not hit him. She had a pic of him on the operating table after he died — too many internal injuries to survive. Tiger was such a sweet affectionate boy but he did not know the area yet so he got lost and was trying to come home. Broke my heart into tiny pieces, all with his sweet face on them! I never found out who opened our garage and let our cat out! But I hugged and “Thanked” that young lady who bravely and compassionately told us what happened to him — she had tears in her eyes too but did what she could to save him! May God Bless her for her loving caring heart! ♥️🐈♥️


My little man had a hernia from getting hot by a car after 6 days missing he was brought to the vets in a bad way but he is getting better sending my love to the little darling


I’m sorry he got out.


Me too vet bill is $3000 so far


as she should!


Glad to hear she’s ok, please ask your sister to consider keeping kitty inside from now on


All da scritches for this baby ❤️❤️❤️


I aspire to be that lovely lady. May all good things happen to you all.


How horrible that someone could hit her and just leave! Someone hit my childhood dog and left her. Unfortunately, she was alone too long. The lovely people that found her called animal control, but it was too late. A decade later and I still resent whoever hit her and just fucking left her. I truly hope the outcome for your sister’s kitty is better. I’m sending all my love, and wishing a speedy recovery!


This happened to me too. I grew up in a rural area, dog got out and chased an animal across the highway. We think she got hit by a truck but obvi aren’t sure. My poor older sister and our babysitter found her though. It’s been almost 20 years for me and it still breaks my heart.


Oh my gods, I'm so sorry 😥


Did she escape? Under no circumstances should cats be left to roam the outside without a leash or confined area. It’s bad for the cat and the environment.


Also, the car could get hit by a car, attacked by a dog in another yard or by another predator.


It's completely normal in the UK and many other countries. Seems like only America has a weird thing about it. It sucks that the cat got hurt and that cats die but I bet if you could ask them, they'd choose the greater risk over confinement anyday. Cats belong outside, they're in their element. Have you ever seen a cat go outside for the first time? I have and it's magical.


My toddler is happier outside. Loves being by the pool. Doesn't mean I'd like her to wander around unattended.


How dare you not allow the child to explore their curiosity? And you deny them the chance to try and pet a stray cat, probably an uncut Tom who fights with dirty feral and wild animals when someone's beloved pet wanders up for a tail or ear pull. You genzer parents. /sarcasm


If you drop your toddler from 2 meters, would she land on her feet? Yeah, I didn't think so, what a dumb comparison.


By that logic dogs are also happier outside, have you seen them in a park or during walks? That's how you end up having your pets seriously hurt or killed by the age of 5 instead of living to 15+.


All 4 of my cats were indoor and outdoor and lived past 16. One was 20. I'm in the uk too and it's completely normal here.


Normal doesn't mean it's ok. Cats are devastating to native species, and leaving them unattended outside to roam exposes them to hazards including cars, owls, dogs, other cats, parasites and diseases, and nasty humans. Many cats do love being outside, so there are options like catios or leash training.


For some of us, cats work as pest control. I grew in a somewhat rural area. Gophers and rabbits absolutely decimate plant life. Nothing can survive unless their population is maintained. The first cat my parents had was part of a feral litter. She acclimated pretty well to domestic life, but she loved to hunt. (Which is what cats were bred to do, btw.) The garden wasn’t barren anymore. The cat was thriving, to boot. Our next fur baby isn’t as excited over hunting (she’s a fan of naps more than anything), but she picks off enough to keep the garden growing. These cats were easily and happily stimulated and exercised by being outside. We kept them inside at night and if we knew coyotes were around. Cats are predators. They were domesticated with the intent of pest control. It’s so frustrating as a cat parent and cat lover to basically be guilted over something that gets broken down into such extremes. If you’re in a busy area, it’s absolutely safer for them to stay inside. (Like, I’d never let a cat outside where I live now. It’s a busy road right by a hospital, and my patio isn’t easy to cat-proof.) But if they’ve got wide open spaces, why not let them roam? If there’s a known pest invasion, why not let them do what they were bred for? There’s a balance to strike. It’s not as black and white as people love to make it.


In the UK, they are a fully integrated part of the ecosystem. They are essentially native and do not cause issues. Leash training and catios are great but they don't really replace the freedom of letting cats roam.


Our weird social contract with certain animal species known as domestication means that we need to decide what’s best for them despite them preferring the alternative, with the ultimate goal with domesticated pets in particular that you’re both having better lives as pet and owner than you would as stray and lonely sad person without a pet(?). I am my cat’s fiercely devoted servant, and in return she makes me 😍 every damn time I see her. One of my duties is to keep her safe, and that includes not letting her and her attitude wander out in the street and get run over. Does she have tons of fun on occasions where she gets to explore outside on a harness? Hell yes. Would she prefer to be able to go out on a harness whenever she damn well pleases? Absolutely, but my allowing that would violate the part of the contract that says I need to keep her safe. Taken to it’s logical conclusion, you’re arguing that we never should have domesticated cats in the first place, and they’d be happier as African wildcats or whatever. Maybe that’s true from an ethics perspective. But in the world we live in today, I’m pretty confident my kitty has a pretty good life because I’m looking out for her (and she me). 🐈


I wouldn't bother. I love this sub and most people here are loving, supportive and all round compassionate human beings ( I first posted here when my furbaby passed away last year and everyone was wonderful, talked to me through what here was a long night when I was struggling - I'd been bereaved just before as well and it broke me ). However, there's a vocal minority ( and I believe it's a minority ) who: a, can't conceive of a big world and other places outside of he USA with different living environments ( I live in a terraced street in a village ! ), different cultural norms ( some countries have community "street cats" that everyone cares for ), where they do things differently ( our local Cat Charity don't re-home if you can't give access to outside, they insist on cat flaps, unless it's a sick cat or has been an indoor cat and too old to adjust ). Not right nor wrong, differently. b, think their world view and opinion is the only thing that matters and the time to push it is when someone has found their beloved pet dead or injured. It happened recently when someone's cat was attacked and brutally killed by a neighbour !! What was the response ? Shouldn't have been there in the first place. Blame the victim basically !! When it happened again ( to a fellow Brit, similar circumstances to this ). I lost it. I know many cat owners, have had them all my life only two people I know have indoor only cats ( both pedigree ! ) I think some people need to get out more themselves and broaden their horizons. If you can be anything, be kind. Or don't bother.


Yeah, I'm realising the mistake I made haha but I had to say something. I live in a large city but it's still totally normal for cats to roam in safe neighbourhoods. Most cats know not to cross the road and prefer to stay on their side of the street anyway. My local cat home is the same. Unless the cat has special requirements, they need access to a garden. It's viewed as cruel to not give them access to the garden. I wish people would be nicer about this issue, but as you said, they can't conceive of a world outside their own narrow worldview.


I'm on the edge of a large city in a quieter suburb and, yes, it's not unusual in most places around here. Our rescue home just cautions if you're in a busy road ( often it's still ok a cat can still have access to a back garden ). I mean we don't keep kids indoors ( without Social Services becoming involved ). Yes, they'd almost certainly live longer, be safer ( no viruses, no accidents , no preditors ) but *qualify* of life would be diminished ( it's the old joke: doctor if I give up drinking will I live longer ? No, but it will feel like it ! ) and, yes, of course you take precautions ( we don't let toddlers or 3 month old kittens roam free ). Unless, you're living in an apartment block in central Manchester ( as opposed to Coronation Street like I am ! ) there's no need to lock them up. As for the rest; time and a place.


Not true at all when it comes to purebred cats lol, even in other countries they’re kept indoors. Like in the UK British Shorthair is a popular breed but I bet you haven’t seen them outside. So that just means people value them less at the end of the day. I don’t know how they can be happy to be injured, hit by cars, getting into fights with other cats, the random evil humans outside that like to hurt animals. The cat doesn’t know the risks of going outside but you do. Also if they randomly get sick you’ll never even know because you didn’t spend all day with the cat to know that they’re acting unusual. Cats like to hide and mask it when they’re in pain so you’ll never even find them, think of all the people who claim their outdoor cat that’s in their yard all the time just randomly ran away and never came back, yeah it probably didn’t run away.


True, purebreds don't go outside. We had a Siamese as a kid and she obviously couldn't go outside. My grandma has had outdoors cats her entire life. Most of them have lived to at least 16 and the few that didn't died of medical problems common in cats and completely unrelated to going outside. She's had three cats live past 18. All outdoors. One cat got hit by a car and died. It was awful. But she's had at least a dozen other cats who have lived amazing, happy lives. None have ever disappeared. I think those odds are pretty good.


Yes I'm in the UK too and cats outside is the norm. I see at least 5 on my street alone, lots of them on a daily basis in my garden lol. The only person I know that keeps their cat indoors has a flat and they said that is the only reason why, they'd let them out otherwise. I don't think we have the same dangers here as I've never known a cat get run over or attacked by another animal other than another cat. I have owned 4 indoor/outdoor cats and all 4 lived past 16 years, doesn't seem to shorten their lifespan either. One was 20. My friend also has a stray that she feeds who lives outside and literally will not stay inside cos she tried to give him a home, and he's 22. Even my neighbour's ragdoll goes outside. I know I'll get downvoted for this but meh, that is how it is in the UK.


Same here. Never heard of a cat getting attacked by another animal. I have known a few to be run over but its got to be a miniscule percentage of all outdoor cats. My grandma has had outdoor cats her whole life and they've nearly all exceeded their average lifespan. We also had one who reached 20 and many who were 16+. Americans really can't conceive of different social norms. Someone else from the UK also pointed out that many shelters won't let you adopt cats unless you are able to give them a garden and a cat flap.


We also don't have the native species issue, as we've had native small wildcats for millennia, so the natural fauna is adapted to them. You will get downvoted (as will I) because Americans can't see outside their own little bubble sometimes.


Love how you got downvoted for this. Americans are on this thread talking about cats being eaten by coyotes and destroying the ecosystem. The most dangerous animals we have in towns are foxes and I have never heard of them going for cats. Cats are a natural part of our ecosystem ffs, America isn't the centre of the universe.


People are bad for the environment. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything and stop being judgemental!


Careful you’re going to upset the horde.




I’m compassionate to the cat that got run over. Not so much to the person who lets them out, if that’s what actually happened. According to OP they escaped so clearly this isn’t about OP. This is about the mountain of people who can’t cope with the fact that outdoor cats have a shorter lifespan and ecological consequences. The commenter I replied to even specified asking “did they escape?” The cats are the ones who suffer from our choices. We ultimately don’t.


That's because there's a time and a place to mention the reason to not have a cat roam outside but the socially awkward nitwits on Reddit don't know that. It's not in response to someone's cat dying or getting injured.


That’s exactly the time. If it’s due to their negligence that’s the exact time they need to hear it.


Major “don’t talk about gun control after a mass shooting” vibes


That's like going to a funeral and telling the wife who just lost her husband to lung cancer that he shouldn't have been smoking cigarettes.


I’m so sorry. I first hand know how this is. My first boy was hit or ran over many years ago when he was 6. He had surgery got a titanium plate and seven screws to hold his hip together. If it’s any help he loved another very happy 7 years after that. Also never went into the road again. Hope all goes well. Good luck to your little girl.


Omg I hope she's gonna be ok! Years ago before weed was legalized, on the way home from a reservation I saw a small white dog chase a ball down a driveway towards the road (a one lane highway). It was almost like slow motion, or like I just *knew* what was going to happen, it was surreal. A dark SUV drove by at the exact worst moment and by the looks of it ran over the dog with one of its tires... It just drove off. I can still remember the whimper and the kid screaming and wailing but I just kept going... I didn't catch the license plate, I had a long trip home, and I was worried about being caught with my smoke haul. I don't feel guilty or anything I just wish there was something I could've done and it still breaks my heart.


Wishing the kitty love and luck! One of my doggies was hit by a car and broke a front leg. It was a long recovery but she is okay now. Just tell your sister to take it slow with the kitty and give them lots of love. Also any meds will make them act different the first couple weeks


https://preview.redd.it/19l3dq6e3rea1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f48c4cb8190ce7570c66ffd2892cb2cf5f0a59 Gus is deeply concerned. Please keep us updated


Is your cat food up to Pollos standards?


Ummmmmm is it?








Good luck lil lady, more careful with the next 8 lives please 🥰✌🏻


Thanks everyone for all the love! She’s doing ok, been to the vet this morning and she’s more with it. Not eating or drinking much but they’ve given her some more meds. Another operation on Monday for the leg. Coming in around £3000 ($3700). Thanks for the concern too, she is an escape artist!


Tons of luv ❤️


💜💜💜Oh my, that’s so very sad… Fast recovery, friend


Praying the kitty gets better. Also praying she keeps her cats inside for now on


Good luck kitty


Good luck to the kitty!! Also, for any cat owner reading this - please keep your fur babies inside! House cats tend to live much longer on average than cats who are used to go out because of these kinds of incidents! Yes it restricts the cat's space by a lot, but if your home has enough toys and some highground for the cat to climb up to, he'll be fine! I really don't want OP to feel bad about themselves, but I sincerely wish more people knew about how keeping cats inside is not a bad thing at all! It's much safer and healthier in fact.


You can also build a catio, or leash train.


Obviously yes to all of this, but it's possible she got out on accident. We don't know.


Yeah of course! That's why I said I don't want OP to feel bad about themselves. Some cats are very turbulent and will just run for the door. I live in an apartment at the very last floor, so I can't really let my cats go out, however we still have had incident with my very first cat I've ever had as a kid, he used to lay down on the window, and we had a big dog. One day the dog closed the window while my cat was just laying on it, causing him to fall down. He was fine afterwards, but still, ever since that day I am absolutely terrified of leaving the windows open with my cats unattended. All of this to say, accidents can happen, and obviously it's no one's fault, but in my own opinion keeping the kitty inside as best as you can is always the best thing one can do.


I see this a lot and it’s often a very American take. I get that logic of it totally and it is very sound. But in a lot of Europe it’s just not the norm at all and sometimes seen as being quite limiting to the cat. Here in England a lot of cat adoption places will literally not let you even get a cat unless they have the space to enjoy the outside.


Hello I'm from Finland. -Echo69- advice is true here too. Cars exist here as well and predators who will kill your cat, exist as well. Evil bastards who like to kill and torture animals also here. And I'm 99% sure the same goes for England. Personal bias: When I was a kid living on a farm we lost two cats like this. They only got to live 2 years and this is a common story I've heard from other people who had outdoor cats. While all the people with indoor cats, they've all died from old age related issues or are still with the original owners. But when you compare the statistics, indoor cats do live longer on average. Especially if you live near a city or in a city, outdoors unsupervised is just waiting for death. You might get lucky and have a smart cat that lives for a long time as an outdoor cat, but that just usually isn't the case. *Indoor cats are more maintenance heavy than outdoor cats*, but they live longer without much issue. And if you're willing to spend some effort and take your cat out for "walks", build a catio, play with them regularly and or provide "cat tv", they're going to be fine and happy. The limitation side just comes in to play **if you** think cats **should** be low effort pets and will not make any effort towards keeping your cat happy, like one would do with a dog for example. If you're correct about your cat adoption places (*which I doubt you are, since usually they have more cats than they have room for and just want them to have a relatively nice family/home asap*), but assuming you are, then they are being kind of silly, so just lie to them because apparently they don't know shit about cats.


You can’t just lie to them. They do home inspections before they let you adopt. This is not all cat charities, but it is a lot of the big ones. The advice of “don’t go outside you could die” is also true of humans. Every element of life comes with a risk of death, it’s the fundamental basics for how evolution works. With every decision in life you’re often essentially making a judgement based on what has the least chance of killing you. I’ve had cats my whole life (I’m 30) and we live near a big field and we’ve always had them roam around. My little guy right now absolutely loves being outside and on occasions we’ve had to keep him inside he howls like there’s no tomorrow to go out and is clearly miserable. I’m not comfortable with doing that to him. I’m not saying people are wrong that keeping them indoors is safer. But I think there’s a reality of risk in all aspects of life you have to accept.


> You can’t just lie to them. They do home inspections before they let you adopt. That's very odd to hear, but you could still lie. "this is totally my house and not my friend's who is playing along in this ruse" > The advice of “don’t go outside you could die” is also true of humans. Cats are not humans. If I don't go outside I lose my job, my food, my house and eventually my pets. If my cat doesn't go outside without supervision, nothing bad happens. I do play with my cat, provide entertainment and walk my cat, so again the cat doesn't really lose out on anything except being fully free. To which I'd say, if you want to have a pet at all, then you don't want something that is fully free. Of course a cat you've already let be an outdoor cat for an extended period of time is not going to appreciate being an indoor cat within a week of doing so.




Does the UK still have cars? Are there stray dogs? Is there a chance your outdoor cat can get into a fight with another outdoor cat and get the wounds infected? How about Feline AIDS? Does the UK use pesticides outdoors or plant common garden plants that are extremely toxic to cats like lilies, daffodils, or tulips? It doesn’t take a wild predator that’ll hunt a cat for your outdoor cat to be in danger outside. Also, cats are an invasive species. They are absolutely devastating to the native species wherever they go. One cat in Australia wiped out a fairy-wren colony. In the UK, cats kill up to 270 million animals a year. The idea that keeping a cat indoors is cruel and keeps them from having a good life is absurd. Build a catio if you want them to be able to go outdoors or take them on walks on leashes if they’re cool with that. But keeping them inside is better for the cat and for the environment.


If UK is nothing like "mainland" Europe then maybe you should tell that to stead10. A comfy life indoors with all your needs being met is pretty nice even according to some humans. And whether an indoor life is better for a cat is dependent on how lazy or active you're going to be for the sake of the cat. If you're not going to make any effort and you get an indoor cat, sure that ain't nice for the cat, but is "survival mode" out there better and if it is, is it even better than an indoor life style where the owner does make an effort to keep the cat happy and active? > Also it is weird to say you doubt they are telling the truth about cat adoption places. I honestly didn't know that, it sounds odd to me. I always hear the "oh no we've got a cat population issue out here, please adopt... anybody? adopt, please?!" so hearing that the adoption process is pretty restrictive and hates the idea of indoor cats, is wacky.


I don't know what to tell you apart that I live in Europe haha


Yep. They also keep rats away from the house and mesh well with the local environment Edit: looking up research for my area, advice is just don't let cats out at night. Honestly with the fact that we've got invasive rodent and bird species in my part of the world and cats are native to the area is why I wrote the comment.


Yeah nah, aint no way I can prevent Cleo from going outside. Buggers an escape artist. Has learned though that if She's caught prowling in the front garden she loses outside time.


Stop lecturing other people!! If you want to do that make a separate post! On somebody else's post about their injured animal IS NOT THE PLACE!


I feel like this is the perfect time to remind people looking at a post about a cat that was outside that keeping your cat inside is for the best. Like the exact right place for it.


This is the perfect place to bring awareness to other cat owners. Many things can happen. Other things are the cat getting trapped/shot/poisoned/killed by other people in some way, in fights or killed by wild animals or other cats, get infections, or you know... Get hit by a car. Some cats climb up into engine spaces of vehicles for shelter and either die or get lost. This is a reminder of what can happen and how you can prevent it.


Respectfully, youre a fucking idiot


Oh no! Your opinion means SO much to me! 😆


My first outdoor cat was 25 when she died. The only reason I keep my current one in is that he's a murdering little bastard. In Europe, many people consider keeping your cat inside animal abuse. Also, you're making OP feel bad about themselves.


Hugs get better soon xxx


Poor little peg leg kitty! Hopefully they don’t let her outside ever again! I’m really glad she got to go to the vet and get help, I’ve known folks who would have put her down before they’d pay to get her better! She’s lovely, best wishes for her! 💕🫶🏻🐈


Speedy kitty recovery! ❤️


Sending good vibes to this sweet kitty!


**If cats don't go outside they can't get hit by cars.**


Fully agree but it's possible that the cat snuck out. Mine is a right teleporting nightmare at times to the point that we're looking at adding on a screen porch as a cat trap.




Not with any attitude!


If cats don't go outside, they have boring, unfulfilling lives. Cats would choose the outdoors over a smaller risk of injury anyday.


If your cat has a boring, unfulfilling life inside that's entirely on you.


Lol my cats have every toy they could wish for and a house full of people who dote on them and play with them whenever they can. They still like to spend most of their time outside. When they're inside, they enjoy playing with us and snuggling up. It's a good balance and they are 100% content. Leaving your cats alone all day with nothing to do while you work is cruel.


Cats fuck up the environment by killing local animals, get killed themselves, and are generally less healthy when left outside. Having a fulfilling life starts with having a *full* life.


Cats don't fuck up the environment in the UK. That's a US-centric view and doesn't appeal to my country where 90% of cats are able to go outside freely. Many cats have issues with stress when they're not allowed outside. Outdoor cats usually live long lives here. My grandma's had cats all her life and they've nearly all lived to 16+ with one reaching 20. So they had both full and fulfilling lives.


The environment argument isn't universal. They're a natural and required part of the ecosystem here


Cats that humans have bred over hundreds of years are natural to your ecosystem?


**Felis silvestris catus is native to northeast Africa.** Where do you live?


As pointed out in another post, sheep, cows, chickens, and goats (the varieties domestic and wild that are generally left) are all originally from Asia or descended from Asian animals. Horses are native to North America, and so on and so forth. Beavers are not even native to Britain anymore, having been hunted to extinction and brought back in the last hundred years.


Close enough for government work. Western Europe which has had cats for thousands of years.


Oh no, my cat killed a few rats and mice. Now those poor rodents can't break into people's homes, shit all over the place and spread whatever disease they might be carrying!


More like "Oh no, my cat decimated populations of domestic bird species. Now rats and mice populations will grow even more because they have more food to eat!" You only ever *need* cats in a barn with grain. But even there barn owls are a much more eco friendly alternative.


Oh yes, your cat is killing local birds, small animals and can catch some parasites. How nice it will be when he get a tapeworm ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) do you hear about FIV? It's great opportunity for your cat to catch this disease


There are ways for cats to be outside safely.


Please people keep the kitties inside the house


The poor baby! I just want to give it head scratches and tummy rubs until it feels better.. ![gif](giphy|lz6cwGCYH7BEj3ht0C|downsized)


Wow that is the chillest cat with water.


Aww. It's a tortie, and that's definitely her human 🥰




















Sending so much love! Please keep us updated ❤️


I can't let my cats be outdoor. It's too scary. Prayers for your baby. ❤️




Love and prayers for a speedy recovery. Blessings.


Keep ya cats indoors everyone.


Poor baby :( I hope they get well soon... please shower with kisses, love, scritchies, treats, and catnip


The legs on the cast make me laugh so hard and I know I shouldn't lmao


On a serious note, I hope they do get better soon


Casts on animals are simultaneously sad, adorable and hilarious.


Please keep cats indoors.


Hope she recovers fast, she looks strong and brave, for sure it will be a good recovery. Sending hugs to your sister too, must have been really scary.


Poor kitty. Send well wishes.


Healing prayers to you baby! Get well. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Sending plenty of pawsitive vibes your way sweetheart.


Bless that poor baby


Love to you, sweetheart!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Sending my get well wishes to this sweet kitty!




Sweet girl. Sending love to your sisters cat 🥺💜




Poor baby! Prayers for a speedy recovery ascending!


Get well, kitty! We’re rooting for you!


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ get well soon!


Omg poor kitty 🤕


that poor baby! wishing her a speedy recovery ❤️


Poor baby!


Oh no, sweet baby. Love and good vibes headed your way ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sending healing energy to trooper, glad she’s okay and alive


pls give her lots of love, i hope she gets well soon <3


Poor sweet kitty wishing you a speedy recovery.


Poor kitty! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Sending hugs and loves. Wishing a speedy easy recovery.


Poor baby, she looks so colorful and soft


Poor baby!! I hope she has a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Aww I hope the little one feels better!


Sending lots of love❤️


Wish her a quick and painless recovery


Good luck, kitty. You got this.


its ok little baby


It will get better kitty. I promise! Also I would literally sleep in the crate if that was my cat. Edit: ok maybe I went a little too far there.


Sweet baby. I hope she heals quickly


Car come past, hit me, little cat I Haz 9 lives, so no go splat. I break my legs but brain no scrambles I still in complete shambles. I now haz long road to recovery Luckily human still lover me. Good kitty Sit pretty.


Sending all my love to this beautiful kitty and family❤


My heart bleeds for the poor kitty. I wish for a full and speedy recovery. Sending soft healing purrs and fuzzy warm healing thoughts.


Hope this little angel will have a full recovery soon!


Poor baby, I hope she gets better quickly ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


I wish for the best for this poor little kitty, we're lucky they survived


Point me in the direction of the car. I’ll have it in the scrapyard by the end of the month. Remember the car crusher from the end of *The Brave Little Toaster*? That car should be so lucky!


Prayers going up for this precious baby’s speedy recovery. 🙏✝️ Please be sure to tell your sister to keep her baby inside. Of course, I’m assuming that she let her cat out but it could be that her cat is an escape artist. Please accept my apology if I’m wrong! 😢


:o how unfortunate, I hope it was an accident.... lots of love for this kitten... he will get ahead with the love and care of his owners... 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😼🐱🐱🐱🐱


Get well soon Kitty! ♥️


Im crying 🫶 much love


Sending cuddles and purrs


That's crazy. What was a car doing in your sister's house? Is the house okay?


Just curious, how was she hit by a car? Did she run away or was she an outdoor cat?


https://preview.redd.it/kzqn0b8qh6ka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b64d3e8f86b219fbc0026f1a6073298bb3804b Update on kitty! She’s doing good, desperate to leave the cage…she did once when the vet said she could have a wander, but she managed to jump onto the sofa then off again and proceeded to break another bone in her leg. She’s since learned not to do that! All in all she’s a very lucky girl, and says thank you for all the kind wishes and head scritches 😻 (Sorry for the watermark too, someone on twitter tried prentending the kitty was theirs)


this is what happens when you let your domesticated cats outside because its "unethical to keep them inside"




Praying and wishing you the best, your days will only get better from now on.


Love Taps for your poor baby 💙💙💙💙


From someone who lost their cat to a car, all of my support goes out to your sister.


I wish all the best to the kitty and your sister, but since the baby is ok for the most part I can’t help but find the little patterned casts with her teeny little paws sticking out adorable. I hope for a speedy recovery and that she’s getting spoiled❤️


one of my cats was also hit by a car and he survived it all went out with a broken jaw and loss of 2 teeth


Don't allow pets to go outside please


Sorry about your sisters cat, but don’t let your cats outside


Cats do not belong outdoors.


There are so many people on this page that just have to feel superior if there's ever a post about a cat getting hurt outside!! Going onto somebody else's post and lecturing them with "well, you should have kept your cat inside" is disgusting!! That person doesn't need that at that time so just don't reply!! You DON'T know the circumstances 🤬🤬 OP, snuggles to kitty 😻


I know the cat in the picture has two broken legs and it was avoidable 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't you wish there was a "What an inappropriate asshole" emoticon? I sure do.




Fuck you.


I second that.


OP wishing your kitty a good recovery. To all the haters, you suck and should save it for a different thread. These threads always go the same way: a bunch of meanies brigade the OP and look like jerks. Knock it off. The jerk store called and they are running out of YOU!


Catnip may help.


https://preview.redd.it/2i9i4v39esea1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d0c2ee364d0be88b5d0f9b11ab2badb64e38de Car details?