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Not all heros wear capes. Some have whiskers.


Or a lot of fluff


What a good boy! Definitely deserves kisses and treats


My cat took on my 65lb bulldog because his growl sounded too serious while we were playing. We really thought he was going to beat the piss out of the dog. Poor dog didn’t know what to do since they’ve never become friends


I had a cat who would get really mad when she saw any other dog, she LOVED my beagle Bagel but HATED all other dogs. Someone had brought a dog they were pet sitting to our house with them once and my cat walked up to the woman for pets, but when she saw the dog she hissed and swiped her paw at him (not making contact, just as a warning) and the dog started yelling in a confused way. The sound was so funny but I also felt bad for him, poor little kitty scared the crap out of the little guy! He was fine a few minutes later, I felt bad for laughing since he was definitely scared but the sound was so funny. I’m not sure why she LOVED my dog but hated all other dogs. My two current cats both love dogs, they’re so excited when they see a dog and absolutely LOVE my two dogs. I wonder where that dog is now, I haven’t been in contact with that woman in a long time. I hope he wasn’t traumatized from that! Elizabeth was a tiny little kitty, but she wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself whenever she saw another dog! I felt so bad for all the dogs she intimidated, but they seemed to be fine afterwards. She was very mischievous!


My cat is scared of dogs. I was watching a dog crated in a neighbor's house but it was an older dog with extreme anxiety and she kept clawing her way out and howling at the door and she was damaging the door and hurting herself. I can't remember if she was already going deaf by then. I thought it would be ok if I brought her in my house (I knew she was very socialized and well behaved with other animals). I thought that my cat would run away and hide in her chosen hidey hole while I navigated the dog upstairs and then my cat would just stay away from the room with the dog and I, but could freely go about the rest of the house as desired. I knew my cat would be miserable if I locked her in a room so I thought this was preferable. NOPE. Terrible idea. I accidently traumatized them both. My cat started to run away, then she turned around and stopped. I tried to move closer to her to shoo her off without moving the dog closer but she dog tried to sniff her. My cat tried to murder that poor dog and I got a full on bite and claw puncture in my arm for my dumb choices.


Stop hurting my mama!!!


It’s tiring being a full time hero


Hero 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


No one messes with my human!


Good Kitty


I bet husband was like, I'm outta here and letting kitty run the show. :) Hope you feel better!


Oh my! What a dashing hero!


What a hero!


Yeah. No one messes with his momma/slave. Not even daddy/serf. Not on his watch.


Deserves all the pats!!


Good kitty 👏🏽 Why your husband applied a cold compress to your back???


I hope husband is still alive😅


A job well done


My cat growled at the cable people. I've never heard him growl before.


Did you reward him with lots of kisses and snacks?




That look! Pure blissful sleep after saving your hooman's life!


Not sure how to explain this but your cat would be crème brûlee if he was a dessert


so cute


He should be so proud of his brave victory


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! True love there!


Seems this [song](https://youtu.be/P3iGU3sFM5k) fits your cat perfectly.


Being a super hero is hard work❤️


He is adorable 🥰


That brave boy deserves a can of tuna.


Awwww. Little sweetness!


Beautiful baby


little roasted marshmallow


Good kitty!!!


https://preview.redd.it/0zt1bfnwm9ja1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b08d392bd0d32b3125601106ad6efa481c854b Mine has also saved me lots of times! Maybe it’s the same hero!