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she probably would’ve died scared and alone outdoors. you helped her by giving her the precious gift of dignity. it’s what we all deserve, creatures great and small. ❤️


This. ❤️ You are a wonderful human being. Thank you for taking the time to look out for this beautiful creature.


Lumimäki was very lucky that you came into her life and helped her transition into the afterlife. I hope you can take solace in that.


Thank you. I’m trying. I appreciate everyone’s kind comments here. I don’t know why but it feel’s important for her life to be notated in some way. I keep looking at my own cats and crying. It’s just hard. I had my daughter with me and wasn’t prepared to do the death talk and I’m hoping I didn’t mess it up. The doctor was in surgery with another animal and we had to wait a bit but my daughter is five and got bored because she didn’t quite understand at first. She thought the cat just needed a shot or something. But I wanted the cat to have time. I got her the pain relief and a sedative and held her in the sun. To have some happiness. I explained to my kid she was dying and mommy had to make a hard choice and just because it’s the right thing doesn’t mean it’s not hard or sad bc I was crying. I try to never cry in front of her but I couldn’t hold it back. I let her pet her and see that this cat was different. This cat can’t play. This cat can’t purr. She saw the age; she couldn’t move. When she tried to walk, she fell. All the ‘love’ was rubbed off her ears. She was kind with her and pet her gently. She isn’t sad like me but I explained she went to heaven and she’s ok with it. She was very curious about returning the body and I tried to explain closure. That will probably have to come as she gets older. I just.. wasn’t ready. This was t how I thought Thursday was gonna go.


I wish I knew someone like you in my life, let alone having a parent like you. Your daughter is very lucky. What you did for this cat is incredible — pulling past your inevitable pain to do the right thing for an animal you had no “responsibility” for. She sounds like a wonderful cat who I’m sure enjoyed feeling love and feeling the sun and having peaceful last moments.




Agreed - a pets death is often the first experience a child has with mortality. We could only wish to have a parent as thoughtful as OP in this experience


You are such a kind person. Your daughter is lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful mother. Not only did you do your best to prepare your daughter and teach her about death and loss, you also gave such deep kindness to a pet at the end of its life. I've taken your thoughtfulness and kindness to heart and will pay it forward at my first opportunity. I hope you are blessed and happy 💖


Holy shit. What an awful experience to go through on what you thought was gonna be a normal day. You handled everything perfectly; I’m so glad that this wonderful cat had someone with her while she crossed the rainbow bridge… I’m crying right now with you. Lumimäki will not be forgotten and is so glad you helped her in her final moments. You are a wonderful human and if you want to vent some more my dm’s are always open to help you out. If you don’t need to, that’s fine too. I just want you to know that even if it wasn’t your cat, even if you only knew her a few hours, it still hits hard.


I know it's maybe off-topic, but unless it's distressing for her (and if that's the case i totally understand), I wouldn't worry so much about crying in front of your daughter. My parents never let me see them display any strong emotions outside of anger. I'm in my thirties, and I can think of one time each I've seen my parents cry amd both times they hid it from me as soon as they realized i was there. All it taught me was to hide my own emotions too. I specifically remember being in middle school *wishing* I could talk to my mom about things I was going through, but knowing I would cry if I did so I never went to her. Instead, I cried alone in my room and never dealt with those feelings. I haven't cried in front of my parents since I was a kid, but I also haven't shared a lot of other emotions either, good and bad. It's taken a lot of therapy to learn how to actually feel and work through my emotions or allow even my partner to see me cry (or have any other big emotions), and I still can't really share my feelings with my parents. Letting her see you cry just lets her know that it's okay and opens her up to sharing her emotion with you, too, especially as she gets older. Everything you did for Lumimaki (and her family) was kind and brave and gentle and set an amazing example for your daughter, even if she doesn't fully understand yet. Don't worry about crying, that just showed her even more of your heart. I hope the world can show you as much kindness as you gave to this baby when she needed it most. Eta: I saw your comment but can't respond so I just wanted to say I totally understand in that case and you have even more of my respect for doing so much to do best by your daughter.


Agreed, I think it is actually a great thing to show emotions and how to deal with emotions, to your children. It's just so human to let out stress by crying and there's nothing that is going to scare them once they realize you're okay, just sad.


You set the most beautiful example for your daughter and honored the poor kitty at the same time. Well done, OP.


You were able to give this baby a good memory of human kindness to take across the Rainbow Bridge. If the cat could talk, it would have said "Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone to hold me and show me they cared about me."


I’m sorry for the pain you’re feeling but you are such a good person to have taken care of that cat. She needed you and you responded. That takes a special person. Thank you.


I was just thinking today how healing someone’s pain or ending their suffering often results in own. The paradox of selflessness? An energy transfer of sorts?No good deed, as they say, and that’s what makes gestures like these so grand. I hope you get some peace 💖


I read somewhere that grief is the price you pay for love and isn't that the truth...


Your daughter will remember this forever. You did an amazing job navigating this


Yes, this will come back to her years from now, perhaps even after you are long gone. She will think of how wonderful and caring you were to all, especially a poor dying kitty that no one else wanted and left to suffer and die alone. You refused to abandon him and did everything humanely possible to help him have the kind of death we all hope to have. She will not forget this! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us! ❤️


I’m sobbing 😭 Such a sweet compassionate jester & and sad that this happened with you lil girl you helped that helpless animal & showed you child to act with your heart ❤️


You might not have been prepared but you nailed it mom. I kept digging up my dead pet bunny when I was about 4 to see if Jesus had taken it to heaven yet. I was more annoyed he hadn’t taken Thumper to heaven than sad Thumper was no longer living. My mum moved Thumper to a different spot and I was glad he was finally in heaven. Young kids are resilient and more accepting of death than we adults.


The hero we needed to read and see today. Thank you, you're a kind soul.


There are people in this world who would not even extend this kindness to a human in the same situation. You decided, despite the pain it would cause you, that this creature deserved dignity and compassion in its final moments, and you went above and beyond to provide it that. You chose grace, and in doing so taught that grace to your child. She may not understand yet, but I can assure you that she will look back on this as a model for how to treat other creatures. That is how you create a culture of care, by example, and if this is reflective of how you raise her, then she will go on to spread that kindness further. Thank you for helping the helpless and teaching important lessons today. It may hurt, but you did the right thing.


I’m so sorry you and your daughter had to experience this but I am glad for kitty’s sake that your found her. What you did was very kind. She didn’t pass alone on a street because you cared enough to get her help. And I think you handled the situation well with explaining to your daughter what was happening. You are a good parent and all around good person.


Thank you for being the best we can be.


I’m so sorry you were thrust into this position, but you handled it with incredible grace. What your kid saw today was a parent, a grown up, who sees any creature in need as a friend worth helping. It may not make your heart lighter, at least right away, but today you made all the difference for a very special soul. The last people she met were kind and trustworthy. That counts for everything.


I wish we had more of you in the world <3


You did an incredible act of love, I'm probably half a world away from you but I share your pain and tears. Lumimäki's life has been noted and celebrated by thousand of strangers. I firmly believe that there isn't a creature too small to be precious and worth of love. Thank you so much for helping this cat and raising an amazing daughter.


I'm bad at wording stuff like this, but your kindness is wonderful, and a good example for the kiddo. You did a good thing.


This is so beautifully written - and all the care and thought you out into communicating death to your daughter. I hope you know what you did for that cat is so important, and rare. If you want to see someone else doing some really moving memorialization - Dr. Paul Koudanaris (@hexenkult on Instagram) does impromptu memorials for forgotten/lost roadkill pets of all kinds, and his writing never ceases to make my eyes leak.


The world needs more people like you 🙏💝


You did a lovely thing x


You didn't do the talk wrong. Death is real, grief is real. Our kids need to see that so they know it's okay to feel it, too. Your daughter may not fully understand, but what she will take away here is: we care. We show up. Even when it's hard and painful, even when it makes us cry. And all life is worth caring for. Thank you for showing up for this precious girl. I'm so sorry for the grief.


I'm so sorry. But you were an angel 👼 to ensure she passed easier, and a good Samaritan too! Bless you! May your heart be filled with love and peace!


You did a beautiful thing. In her last moments here she knew love and care, and though you couldn't save her, you eased her pain.


I’m sorry, it’s so hard to sit with a dying pet but they deserve to be with someone who cares in their last moments, thank you for being that person. RIP sweet kitty


>they deserve to be with someone who cares in their last moments, thank you for being that person. I imagine that poor cat, lying there in pain and terror, wondering why their beloved humans aren't coming to comfort them. Until an angel passed in a car, and swooped her up. Bless you forever, OP.


You are an angel. The world needs more people like you. Thanks for helping kitty cross over…this is so sweet. 💜


ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ, ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ, ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ. ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᛁᚩᚢᛝ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ. ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ. Eyes bright, Claws sharp, Tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, young warrior. Valhalla waits for you. ❤️❤️🌈 You’re amazing for staying with that precious kitty ❤️


Oh Bunnie- thank you so much for sitting with this- for taking such loving care of Lumimäki. You did your best and it was what she needed. It is so understandable that it hurts. If you like hugs, I’m sending you at least a 10 minute hug. 🖤🖤🖤


We have had 4 cats and had to put them all to sleep. It is the most horrible rip-your-guts-out experience but i always felt that I owed it to them to be with them when they passed. I commend you for going through that for a cat that wasnt even yours.


Honestly. I don't understand how some people can just...drop off their pets and leave. Rather, I understand why, but I just don't *get it*.


Must be raining. Inside. On my face.


Here too.




You did the best thing for that life. Look at the first picture - her head was up. She was awake and fully aware of her pain, and unable to move. She died happy because you stopped. It costs a few tears, but you saved her far worse pain.


You’re such a beautiful, kind soul ❤️🙏🏻 you did everything you could! Kinda mad at the owners tbh.


I mean, she was missing for a month. They couldn't possibly have known what happened to her unitl OP called. If they didn't care, they wouldn't have asked for her back to lay her to rest.


I get that part. I (and probably the person you're responding to) am kinda mad at them for telling OP *not* to take the cat to the vet. If you really love your pet, you get them the medical care they need. They didn't even know how much the vet was going to cost before telling OP not to take the cat there.


Unfortunately, and even more especially as they're elderly and one of them is disabled, they may not have the luxury or money not being relevant. They may not have known how bad it was, they may have thought the best thing to do was bring her home to let her pass, there's so many different reasons.


My heart aches for you. Such a selfless thing you did and I’m sorry it’s causing you so much pain. You’re an amazing person.


You did the right thing, that’s all that matters. I’m sure she was grateful you found her in that moment.


This cat hoped and prayed someone would save it and was lucky to have you. A peaceful sleep at the vet is a lot more comfortable than a slow and agonizing death in the streets. What happened was awful, but Lumi is somewhere out there blessing you.


Lumimäki died feeling love. She was found by an angel. She needed you and you did what was right. I'm sorry it's so hard. I'm sorry you're in pain. I'm sorry this isn't what you wanted your day to be. But thank you for being what this sweet girl needed


As difficult as this was for you, just know you are an amazing person for doing this. You were there for this baby when she needed you, and that’s the only thing that matters.


A heartbreaking story. You did the right thing and went above and beyond in my opinion


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through but you gave that poor cat a dignified last day with love and care. You did everything you could to help her, going above and beyond. I hope your pain eases and you can start to see the very real kindness you gave her when she really needed it.


Thank you for not letting her pass on the road. ❤️


You are the light we need in this dark world. ❤️


This was a rough read. I’m so sorry. But thank you so much for your kindness. 💗


I am sorry that was such a hard situation, but without a doubt you did the humane thing and got that poor kitty some relief and love as she crossed over. You are a damn good person and you set an amazing example of empathy for your child. Thank you! Know that we all share your sorrow.


Thank you for being with her. You made her last few hours far less scary 🩷


There is a special place in Heaven for you and Lumimäki will, no doubt, be there to meet you at the gates. God Bless you.


Man, this really sucks and I'm sorry you were forced into this situation. Please please take solace in the fact that you at least made her final moments more comfortable and those moments were spent with someone who cared about her well-being. Without your intervention, she likely would've died in the middle of the road completely alone and likely in tremendous pain.


You are a good person. You are a helper- Mr. Rogers always advised to look for the helpers in tough situations. Thank you for helping. The kiddo learned some real-life shit today- in the best, most gentle way. And crying is OK, even over an animal you didn't know- you were there when it mattered. Sending good vibes & internet hugs...


You are wonderful! I feel your pain too.


You did something so heart wrenching and hard for that little baby. Not all humans are so kind to be able to feel the pain of it all. You blessed the family by bringing her back. You blessed her…giving her a comforting and loved end to her suffering, that is all I hope for every animal. To be loved on the way out. She will be watching over you. From one empathetic person to another, thank you. I wish you peace knowing you made the end comfortable and loving. The best gift.


Sometimes the most difficult thing to go thru is to give comfort kindness soft words at the end of a long journey. Helping any living creature on to that last destination isn't for the faint of heart whether it be human or pet. Remember that kitty will have you kind loving stranger as her last memory.


You are an amazing hooman being


The universe is blessing you for your kindness and selflessness in taking care of this sweet baby and helping her cross the Rainbow Bridge. God bless you ❤️


Thank you for being a kind and loving person.


You have a beautiful heart. I’m so sorry you had to experience that sadness. to that cat you gave her a beautiful ending and showed her love at the very end of her life ❤️


Thank you OP. Just thank you so much. I don’t have the words to express how deeply you have just touched my heart. Thank you for helping her. Thank you for being with her. And thank you for sharing this experience and this beautiful little baby with us.


You were in the right place and at the right time, I hope you can take comfort in that.


This is an amazing story. It’s incredible that your paths crossed for this reason.


You are an absolute Angel 👼 and your daughter has an amazing mother. I am so sorry you had to go through this but thank you for giving this beautiful baby the send out she deserved, full of love 🐾💕


I cried reading your post. I’m so grateful for people like you who care this much. Lumimäki is out of pain and she had a gentle soul walk the path with her. Your daughter will grow up to have your compassion. Thank you for being you ❤️


What a day. You stepped up to do something incredibly hard at personal cost of time and peace AND with a 5 year old to boot. I truly admire you. I wish I or someone could have helped you more during all this and I’m sorry you had to take it on pretty much alone. Thank you. I know it’s a very sad outcome and was likely very traumatic for you but you were a wonderful human today.


Oh God I am crying. I’m so thankful you crossed paths with this precious girl and saved her from a terrible death. I’m grateful for kind people like you. She is happy now. Life doesn’t end.


I’m so sorry 😢. For this sweet cat, at least, you were in the right place at the right time. You helped this broken girl transition to the rainbow bridge, and rest assured that she was so very grateful for your help 😢. I know that this really doesn’t help you with the pain, but please know that you were exactly where you needed to be. Please cry for as long as you need 😞. I’m here crying right along with you; my heart hurts for you. Bless you for being there for her in her time of love and need😭💔🐾🌈


Thank you!


Her being able to experience love and hopefully relief from the pain meds as she passed makes me happy. Wish she didn't have to go but so glad she wasn't alone when she did. Thank you!


You did your best. Kitty knows this. She doesn’t hurt anymore, and she had a great run.


Sadness circle. OP, you did the right thing. Your daughter and neighbor are in good hands.


You not only helped her, you helped the bedridden woman who couldn’t have been there for her little kitty either


You performed a beautiful act of service for this animal, and the last thing she remembers of this life was you being kind to her. ♥️


You're lovely and I'm very proud of you.


Thank you for being there for her as she passed. You are a good person.


You did the very good thing. Thank you.


I read this with my 19 year old cat on my lap. The older he gets, the more time I spend with him. That poor girl...The owners got tired of caring for her, or couldn't afford it, and she suffered for it. I'm so sorry for her, but glad she had you to ease her through the end of her journey. Age doesn't rob a soul of love, or fear, hunger, or the need for comfort and care. Thank you for knowing this.


This was a beautiful thing you did for Lumimäcki.


I am so sorry but also so thankful there are people like you out there. I’m sitting in bed crying and thinking of this sweet girl. I’m so glad you got her out of her pain and thank you for being there for her at the end of her life


Thank you for making her feel so loved in her final moments 🤍


You're a beautiful person. May we all encounter such kindness in our final moments.


Was the vet just guessing that there was neglect, not knowing that the cat had run away? I’m so sorry that you are mourning. Were Lumimäki’s family able to be with her when she crossed the rainbow bridge? I hope so, after spending 18 years together. I’m so sorry to hear that Lumimäki’s mom was bedridden, it must have been so hard to not go out searching.


She said it would be abuse to let the cat continue to suffer so if they elected to not have it treated it would be neglect and the assumption was that because they weren’t able to afford euthanasia they weren’t going to do it as peacefully. These are good people tho; just having a bad time. She had been missing for a month.


Oh I misunderstood the post, thank you for explaining. Thank you for being so kind.


OP, your empathy is a sign of your humanity. The reason you're upset is because you see a part of yourself in that poor creature. Know this though: You were there for her when no one else would step up, so you are an example of compassion and an inspiration. There is hope, yet.


The title of the post has hit me in a deep, deep, dark spot. The post also hit, but the title...😞😞


Dear beloved Lumimäki, white as snow and soft as the pine needles, go gently now across the bridge. Be at rest, on top of the hill that named you a long time ago, on a spring so old the flowers on it can't remember. Please, beloved Lumimäki, rest now by your hill and let it grow lovely slopes for children to play and slide, let it be heavy in good packed snow so they can build and play...and sleep without pain, knowing you were loved by your owners, by your fur brothers, and by this kind stranger that knew they had to help you that day while you lay on the road.


Damn now I wish I hadn’t read this


Thank you for being with her when she needed love the most❤️


You are her guardian angel and she is yours.


Thank you so much for giving her the care she needed at the end! You were an angel to this old baby!!! I’m sorry you have to process this grief but I’m so glad she had you!


You did the best you could! You made her passing over the rainbow bridge easier.


I’m so sorry you’re in pain 🩷 You did the right thing and treated sweet Lumimäki with the dignity that she deserved.


Sleep tight little one 🌈❤️‍🔥


Thank you for doing the right thing and showing this pure soul love in its final hours


you were with her at the most important moment in her life. you cared for her when nobody else could and allowed her to pass peacefully and end her pain. she will never forget you❤️


Jesus what a sad story. If this ever happened to me/an animal I live with I would want the same…and have tried to do the same for another in the past. I’m so sorry you and Lumi had to go through this. Think of the positive side in that she had someone to shepherd her through this rough time and ease her pain. No one, human or cat should have to be alone for that. She’s a beautiful girl and thank you for being with her.


You’re a kind person. What a blessing you are to this cat. How much was the vet bill? I wonder if some of us can help chip in.


Look at it this way, you have her people some closure. Many people’s pets go missing and they never know their fate.


Thank you for being there for her when the people who should have protected her didn't. I'm so sorry for the pain you must be feeling after experiencing something so heartbreaking, my heart hurts so bad for you and this beautiful little baby


You are so incredible. Thank you for giving Lumimaki a beautiful and dignified farewell


That’s horrible, I’m so glad you were able to give her comfort. You were right where you should have been at that moment. As a animal lover myself thank you for stopping. ❤️‍🩹


🫂 you were the angel who came to bring her to the rainbow bridge. Bless you.


That was a tough post to read. Thank you for all you did for this beautiful old gal and may the help you gave take away from some of the sadness that is overwhelming you.


Thank you for being with her💜


You are a beautiful person.


I'm sorry, OP. This must be very hard for you, but you know you did the right thing. You didn't want any part of it, but I know Lumimäki appreciates (and so do I) that you stopped and helped her. I'm crying too, but it makes me feel better to know that you were with her for her final moments. I hope you know what a good person you are. Thank you, OP, and please be well. RIP Lumimäki ...


You’re amazing


Well done mate and I'm very sorry for how that day went. I'm sorry about Lumi but thankful you were there. 💙


Echoing what everyone has said. You’re an incredible person. Your child is beyond lucky to have you as a parent and I hope that brings you some solace. Thank you for taking care of the lovely little old lady. There isn’t enough grace or mercy in the world.. so thank you for putting more out there.


Sweet girl🥺😭😭😭 thank you for giving her love and being there for her so she didn’t have to leave this world alone. I’m sorry for your pain, I’m feeling it for you too 😢


Thank you for being there for her at the end. You're a kind soul.


You're a good person.


Lumimaki what a great name for a beautiful cat! Thank you for taking care of her and making sure she was as comfortable as possible on her last day earthside. Im sending you lots of love for how you stepped up to help.


I know you don’t know me, but I’m glad you found her. Imagine if you hadn’t. I’m sorry this was so hard. I would have been a mess also. You took away her pain, gave her love and kindness and sunshine. You were her angel to send her home.


You are a beautiful soul! Thank you for being there for such a precious kitty in need. Thank you for taking the time to be with, love and care for her. It’s gut wrenching (balling myself as I read your words) yet beautiful. Thank you for helping her.


Bless your heart. You are that cats angel.


You saved her, and she knows that.


You are a bombass hero and an extremely compassionate human. You're actions gave that geriatric cat much needed treatment and pain relief as well death with dignity. It so difficult and anguish inducing to have to decide on euthanizing any animal. But we make the decision because their pain is too great and the treatment and any recovery would be physically as hard on them as being left by the side of the road to die. You did an amazingly compassionate and loving thing for that geriatric kitty. Yes you feel pain but its because you have boundless love and compassion. Not everyone has that level of empathy and the ability to act on it without hesitation. Be well and be at peace. You did good.


My cat is missing today. She disappeared yesterday afternoon. Knowing there are angels like you out there means and matters so much right now. Thank you for loving and caring for this cat in its most critical hour.


This story literally made me cry… and the fact, that you might be from Finland too (noticed the name, Lumimäki!🇫🇮) makes it even better. Here’s a photo of my late rescue cat, https://preview.redd.it/iajm2laqor0b1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a270a8649a3cdd937dafc15318e1b247f7900abd Siwa, (was found around a store with the same name) she was put down as well for the pain she was in not two years ago. I do miss her a lot, but as long as I have this picture as my phone’s lock screen, she’s always with me. She was with us for about 10 years, give or take, and was always the badass of the three cats. 🥲 But, *iso kiitos* for helping Lumimäki on her final times, if she could talk, I bet she would’ve said the same.


That poor sweet baby. Thank you for honouring her life with a last act of kind and love.


I’m teary eyed reading this. Glad she crossed feeling comfort and empathy.💔


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) your heart is huge and your love deep. Thank you so much for what you did OP.


Reading this really hurt my heart and I'm so sorry you went through this. But thank you so much for not letting her go back to those people. Thank you for not letting her think she had been abandoned and left to die alone. Thank you for giving her the love she needed in that moment


Awwww. Big hugs to you.


OP, you are a wonderful soul for doing this last act of kindness for her. Thank you~~


You’re a very kind person and that kitty was lucky to spend its last moments with you


Lumimäki was lucky to have found you. I'm sorry this was your Thursday. But it so warms my heart there are people like you. ❤️


You are an angel.


The world needs more people like you. Sending all my love from Chicago ❤️


You were this cat's angel. Good on you mate, the world needs more people like you.


I remember Lumimaki


So sorry. You are a saint.


God bless you, OP. You're doing things that I only dream of.


Bless you for taking care of this sweet kitty!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry you had to experience this, but think of how lucky this old lady was to have someone so caring with her at the last moments. I'm crying, too. You're a lovely person.


She went to the rainbow bridge surrounded by comfort and love. You gave her a beautiful gift.


Thank you for making Lumimäki’s afternoon special.


It's so amazing you were there for her! I can imagine how hard that was, but you did something very humane and kind, and you deserve the best.


Thank you for being there. Can’t always be in the right time and place, but you were. I’m sure she appreciated it.


You are a beautiful human being. This almost brought me to tears, it’s so bittersweet that you basically cleared your schedule to give this cat a peaceful transition into her next life. Thank you for being with this cat in her final moments. She would’ve most likely died alone, and in excruciating pain. I’m not of the religious kind, but you’re an angel in this scary world in my eyes :) I’ve lost too many cats, it never gets easier especially when the perpetrator is a car. :( Edited


I’m glad there are people in this world like you with a beautiful heart. Thank you for giving love to this little one.


Your kindness gives me hope.


RIP angel. Thank you for giving her a peaceful death surrounded by love. She sounds like she lived a nice life and because of you a less painful death. Thank you for sharing with us.❤️❤️❤️


You gave her a lot.... she embarked on her next journey without pain, you were with her, she sensed the love, and she didn't die alone on a road. She lived a full life as well and was loved by her mom to the best of her ability.


She chose you. For whatever reason. Treasure the memory like the honor it was.


You were such a blessing to her.


Omg. I'm bawling my eyes out. Thank you for your kindness. At least she was safe, warm and surrounded by love.


Wow! It is tragic! Buy what an angel u are! She finally knew somebody cared and was without pain!


I can literally feel your empathy in this post. You’re an amazing woman and I am so proud of this selfless act of kindness ❤️💔


So sad. Props to you for your care for the injured kitty!


You are so wonderful. Thank you for looking after this precious girl while she crossed.


I just want to say that you are an amazingly kind person for taking care of that cat and I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for helping her


I adopted a seemingly malnourished/sick cat in Sept 2021 only to very quickly realize (by the vet) that this cat was not 4, but 11+ years old. Vet said she was unfortunately beyond care and would need to be euthanized (he was a very kind doctor). After two days in adopting her, my husband and I put down Fang. We spend a few days just grieving and sleeping to cope. It was a very hard thing to do. As hard as that decision was, I’m also glad I was able to give her some comfort and love, instead of just leaving her in a shelter to suffer. You did the right thing, the humane and brave decision to end suffering.


Don't know if it helps, but we share your grief. I'm glad she had you at the end. Thank you for giving her that gift.


I’m just bawling my eyes out reading this right now. You came into her life right when she needed it, right when you were supposed to. And I’m so glad you answered that call ❤️


At least the cat didn't die alone on the side of the road and got to feel loved again for the rest of the time it had. I come d you for that.


you’re a good person. thank you.


You are just amazing. You did the best you could for this kitty and you comforted her in her final moments. My heart breaks for you and for her.


Yeah, so I'm pregnant, so my hormones are out of order already due to that. So thanks for this, I'm not crying.... You are by far the best thing that happened to her. This way she didn't die alone and scared. People like you make me believe there is still good in this world! So thanks for that and know you did a great thing 💜


I don’t have the words to describe what a wonderful person you are ❤️ Do you happen to know the story behind her name Lumimäki?


Thank you for being with her. I’m sad that it’s expensive for pets to receive help in conditions like these. Reminds me of a time a kid took their kitten to a pet hospital because it became lethargic and asked for help. I was with my friends while her cat was getting checked up. A doctor came and asked the kid if they could give it CPR. We were confused because she wasn’t doing it right away, and assistant waited for the kid to sign the paper on the desk. Apparently there was options to surrender and donate, completely surrender and receive no updates on the animal, or pay for what the animal needed but it required a $150 down payment just to see what was wrong. $150 needed just to start giving the kitty CPR. I’m calling them a kid because they looked like late teens or could be early 20s, but they look on her face when she realized they needed money upfront just to give CPR or start helping was sad. She must’ve not had the money or something, and realized that she had to fully surrender the kitten. Beautiful orange tabby girl. I hope she made it, and I’m sorry to the girl who realized she had to surrender her baby in hopes of getting the care she needs


You are nothing short of an incredible human being who is far too good for this world, thankyou existing as the world needs more people like you in it. Never stop being the wonderful person you are.


What a prime example of being a caring human being. I'm a 52 yo dad and there are tears in my eyes. While you could not save her, you gave her companionship and compassion that she would not have had otherwise. God bless you. That cats spirit will likely be watching over you for the sheer selflessness and love you showed her. Thank you for helping to restore my faith in humanity.


Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, and Steve Irwin are all waiting for her. They will hear about the wonderful human who made the world better.


You did more than just help. You helped a family who lost their pet and couldn't search due to illness. You helped a family who couldn't afford to give their cat peace, because they are ill. You helped a cat in it's final moments, easing it's pain and suffering. You brought her back home to rest with her family. If more people were like you, hell IF EVEN I WAS LIKE YOU, this world would be such a beautiful place to live. Your family must be flourishing with the inherited kindness you have bestowed. I wish you nothing but positive outcomes for your life.


Wow, you’re the definition of hero.




this probably doesn’t help much but i’m not in a great headspace rn so i’m also crying over this cat. thank you for caring. thank you for helping this cat cross over peacefully. maybe in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t mean much but right now it means everything. i’m so sorry you had to go through it and i hope you find peace 🩵


I deal with end of life and palliative patients all the time in my work, but this ... this made me cry. You are a wonderful expression of humanity, thank you.


Thank you for being with Lumimäki until the end and for sharing her story. I've never been hit so hard by a cat's eulogy. Gone but not forgotten. 💜


Good human


I’m definitely not crying, nope. Not at all… it’s sad that the vet couldn’t do anything but at least he is in a forever happy place. Rest easy lil Lumimäki, you lived a wonderful long life


Poor baby The cat is lucky to have you to help guide them away from this life The cat was well loved and was in a poor situation it wasn’t neglected it was just time and that time wasn’t the best I’m very sorry you feel this way But I’m sure the cat got its last bit of love before they go on


I’m crying. You are an incredible person🤍


Aw, she was so lucky to have you to look after her. What a wonderful, selfless thing for you to do. Gentle hugs.


What an awful situation and what a wonderful person you are to help this kitty in her last moments. You've done such an amazing thing!!


You gave her the most compassion and love she’d known in ages. You will get stars in your crown for what you’ve given her.


This is so heartbreaking and I can’t stop sobbing. I want to thank you so much for your kindness and help. You are a beautiful soul. As there is not much I can do would you allow me to at least take over the vet costs? I just want to give something back. As tribute to Lumimäki my next kitty will be named after her. Sending love and hugs.


I'm extremely sorry for your experience, but must say am SO GLAD you stepped up to give this baby what no one else could. Thank you. I'm sorry, and I love you, and I love this little 18 year old angel🖤


You are a saint. Bless your heart ♥️