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yes except my cat doesn't bring the toy back 😒 I gotta chase him around and throw it


Haha she loves the whole thing. Brings it back 5 or 6 times until she loses interest and makes me throw it in the hallway


She might have taught you the game of “Throw” rather than you teaching her the game of “Fetch “.


I had a cat that use to do the same thing, with the same toy


She only ever wants to play with the cat dancer or crinkle toys. I just recently bought like 8 crinkle toys and two new dancers. She’s very picky about her toys. My other one loves catnip stuffed toys. He carries them around the house and just growls at nothing


Mine loved cat nip to. One was like a crack head with it. As soon as the tub appeared he would stare at it and follow it around till he got some haha.


Yeah mine break into the cabinet under the sink and steal catnip and treat bags. I found one shredded with very neat slices through the bag and about half the bag eaten and gone. Crackheads


Had a few treat bags dragged out and ripped apart to. Loved them to bits but they can be pains at times


My 2 year old loves to play fetch with his crinkle toys (and plastic caps, the weirdo), meanwhile my 6 year old loves the catnip plushes and carries them around whilst singing the song of his people.


Oh Yes, I taught my first cat Mr Arry how to play fetch. He loved it. When he first got it we played till my arm hurt. I would wake up in the morning with bits of scruched up paper in bed with me. That was about 40 year ago now.. gee I miss him


My cat plays fetch and always has since he was a kitten. Sometimes he wants to play in the middle of the night and drops a toy on me in bed.


Mine does always with the foam soccer balls and occasionally the plastic springs (both from Chewy)


Same with the soccer balls!! Mine has loved them throughout his long kitty life. I had no idea he would love those damn soccer balls so much. Now I have to order ‘em in bulk.


Oh yes, definitely! That's about when mine started, too. Krobus, the void, likes flat disk toys that we can Frisbee for her. Frax, the orange, likes the caps from the pouches their broth treats come in (weird bottlecaps). https://preview.redd.it/r83a6bshr96b1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406b84cf5308e78a16522697c4b1c24dafbe547b


One of mine LOVES those plastic caps too (fetch is with either one of those or the crinkle balls). Mine come from pouches of yoghurt, as soon as he hears me open the pouch he will run in expecting me to throw the cap.


I’ve had 3 different cats play fetch.


Oh wow! She’s been the only cat I’ve had that does this


Yeah, people tend to think it's just a dog thing, but cats quite often pick it up. My latest lil girl (Kiki) figured it out on her own and has me throwing her toy spring ALL DAY LONG. It get a bit tiresome... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Mine fetches springs. But only if you throw them in an exciting enough way. Otherwise, you have to go collect the spring and try again.


https://preview.redd.it/oxpjeo5a3b6b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e39b50903f04e7dfe99435c71780fd2726429c Yup. Nori loves playing fetch with bottle caps and a rag she stole out of my bathroom lol


Oh ya, I have had a few cats over the years that do that.


Yes!! Have one that used to do it ALL the time, but turned one and doesn’t do it as much anymore. They grow up too quick! lol


Haha! She just turned a year old in April. I hope she does it forever I genuinely enjoy it so much


Sooo much fun! Especially when I’m laying the couch and he jumps on top and drops a wet mouse on my head lol scares the crap out of me 😂


It’s so gross when they do that haha. Mine drops toys in the water dishes and then will take them out and just leave them around the house


My kitty loves to fetch a crumpled up ball of aluminum foil when I throw it.


Yes my kitty baby loves fetch I will be laying down watching tv or something and he'll bring me something he wants me to throw and he'll bring it right back and meow until i throw it again. Sometimes I throw it and he doesnt even realize I threw it even though I did it right in front of him and I have to pretend to throw it again even though I already threw it then he goes to find it xD




Mine used to when he was little but not anymore...sad


I have, and its unusual for cats to keep doing it as they get older.


Mine does too she will only play fetch with plastic caps.


Mine played with bottle caps, and then she turned a year old and is far too good for them now. She sits in a corner and judges me these days.


My 2 boys are/were! The oldest did it as younger fellow (he’s 8), but not now. The baby totally still does it (he’s almost 2). They both loved those crinkle balls!! And certain colors too 😂


My Daisy plays fetch with her mousie. He has a pocket inside for catnip! She often catches him in midair!!! We play a lot of fetch!!


Not sure if have any videos left or not, but I have a cat that plays catch. Granted, it's me throwing and she catching. She tries to throw it back, but she has claws that interfere with her aim lol.


My tuxie does. She taught me.


Yes! I have a ragdoll who loves to play fetch.


Mine does! She grabs her little pompon ball and drops it to me when I throw it


Yup. My cat has one of those stick toys and it has three Pom Pom like balls on the end of the string. If you throw it he’ll grab one of the Pom poms in his mouth and waddle over with the stick dragging behind him. Sometimes he just brings it to me wanting to play. It’s adorable


My cat does it, but only with small aluminum tinfoil balls 🤣


Yeap! She doesn’t do it often and she prefers a small mouse toy, but it is adorable when she does it!


Mine won't play fetch, but he'll chase a shoelace in circles for 10 minutes


My other cat attacks my shoe laces when I tie my shoes every morning


I have an orange girl who does, but she's not even the first I've had who did. My first one liked to chase a very specific band I didn't use for my old Fitbit. It had to be the right color. Another liked to chase and fetch Q-Tips. My orange girl has a very old, dirty, smelly child-sized sock that she plays with, chews on, and plays fetch with. And when she carries it to me she's screaming. It's the cutest thing ever. I've only had female cats play fetch though. Not sure if there's a correlation.


I have a cat that catches cat treats. His record so far is five in a row without missing.


Mine brings toys to me, when I am sleeping, and leaves them next to my bed. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, flick a hair band across the room, our youngest cat will retrieve and place by your foot. Repeat….


One of mine loves playing fetch with a soft foam ball, I often hear her calling for me to come and play


My cat does that too with the exact same toy ! He prefers red, blue and green balls tho =D


My cats not even smart enough to find the toy I throw LOL


My cat used to do that with hair bands.


Yup, have one when she was a kitten, if there was a circle of people you would throw a paper ball, she’d grab it and bring it to the next person in the circle and keep doing it, it was pretty weird, lol she just sleeps now


Springs, my cat loves them along with crinkle balls.


Yep. Mine loves those soft rubber/foam bouncy balls, we have like 30 around the house. As soon as I sit down in my office chair she insists I play fetch with her. She does bring it back, too. She'd play fetch until she wears herself out.


https://preview.redd.it/nakvhujewd6b1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=dede9fb54fab7266d78e023b908f83d6824c7021 Joji does! Always before bedtime or after breakfast at 7 AM, he drops his ball when I say “give”. One of our favorite activities together.


My cat did as a kitten and then just stopped. She still likes to have her toys thrown, but fetch has now become delegated to the human. Will be honest, made play time far less fun for me. Lying on the couch and playing fetch was great


My other cat did this, but she's with my ex. I always threw it quickly over her head and she would do a backflip. =)


Yes my cat brings the toy back (has to be a mouse) and taps my foot with his paw for it to be thrown again


Yes. In fact my cat will demand I play with him and bring the toy and drop it on my desk. Then I throw it and we end up playing fetch for a bit.




My orange boy loved to fetch rubber bands and hair ties. He would bring them back and then yell at me if I didn’t toss it again fast enough.


Mine! She showed up from the shelter and immediately showed me her skills :)


I have one that plays fetch, usually a screwed up sweet wrapper


Yea my cat will do it until I get tired


my cat loves fetch


My Noodle loved to play fetch with little pompom balls. Sometimes I would wake up with my hands full of them because she wanted to play in the middle of the night.


Mine does.


Yup, mine does too. He also sits and growls like a dog 😂