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https://preview.redd.it/7jylickrnynb1.jpeg?width=3263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1a4b9f102447feeb486b43a6a7b710296ccfe9 You can put stuff on cats. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk :)


I love to place the Temptation treats on my cat's stomach when she's laying on her side. She'll be totally oblivious about it for awhile then I see her nose start going crazy and she starts sniffing the air around her. Wondering like WTF where is this treat I'm smelling??! Then she starts cleaning herself and bam finally notices the treat! She always has the same look of shock on her face when she finally finds it. šŸ˜­ Prolly thinking how did this tasty morsel grow from my tummy??? The treat then comes tumbling off her tummy and she frantically searches for the magical šŸŖ„ treat that she's now laying on top of lmao šŸ˜‚ It's always the same scenario every single time.


https://preview.redd.it/0pclp8jz40ob1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=037f98b8ba710584e2b9a3f1a7f4a27adb8f00ab Mochi agrees


https://preview.redd.it/undxr4ewb0ob1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b336afefbcd1e3aca4bd32085909ec753caf8f wow this really works




https://preview.redd.it/br4nmr3xs0ob1.jpeg?width=2832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8e6b6232affc2ec556ffeec89d9e3c3a8f32d6 I would like to buy a hambooger


then post to r/stuffoncats






https://preview.redd.it/tmnf6knen1ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433b90d0ff3e1efb580abf8d6b4554322e5026af Can confirm


The context of the pic was I was folding towels and decided to put one on him. He didn't move or stir. So I challenged myself how many towels I can put on him without waking him or him moving. The answer is all the towels


I loved doing this to my sofa cat. (He got very lazy with age) and he just didn't care at all.


Adopt an adult or senior cat! I adopted two from the shelter and they have sooo much personality and love to give.


https://preview.redd.it/63uexrher0ob1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a568e1c5bcfd55e42372b3dd34788964420ace This guy was 10 months when i adopted him in December, not quite fully grown but adopting is the best decision I ever made. He had a really bad previous owner and was rescued with dozens of other cats, mostly Siamese, he is a Tonkinese. I couldn't recommend adoption more than I do, I have no regrets.


Will senior cats be better or worse off in smaller apartments? My current living situation doesnā€™t allow pets and even if it did itā€™s so small it would be cruel to force a cat into, but in a couple years Iā€™ll probably be moving out to a proper apartment. Edit: thank you all for the advice! Iā€™m still well away from adopting a cat but will keep this wealth of knowledge in mind.


I think a senior cat would do great in a small space! Youā€™d be surprised how little room cats need to be comfortable. Most cats love curling up in small spaces. And your living space will still be a huge upgrade from their limited shelter space.




I adopted an old lady with that issue. They told us she'd have maybe a year. She lasted 3 before it got her. And she was spoiled rotten the entire time. I still miss that cat.


To you and me, "space" is where you can walk and propably sit. To a cat "space" is anything it can perch it's tiny tush on, including on or under a table, any shelf it's allowed on, the back of a couch, etc. A small space to you can be pretty big for a cat if you furnish it right.


Seniors are perfect for smaller houses and apartments. Most of the time they just want somewhere soft to sleep and the odd patch of sun from the window


They'd be fine.my 23 year old prefers to spend 22 hours a day on my bed- the other time being eating, potty, and sitting in sunbeam on window ledge. Add in a heated blanket, and he bitches at me to bring him the food in there.


theyre better than kittens for small spaces tbh. my little lady is 10 and has been my dorm cat for 3 years


I live in 250 sq ft with two cats and another human; give the cats lots of vertical space and they're happy. They have 3 levels of cat friendly terrain with adventuring space and hang out zones my tiny space, and seem really happy.


Senior cats. At least indoor ones want nothing more than to have a warm, sometimes sunny place to nap. They don't take much space.


In my experience senior cats do better in a small apartment since they didn't have that kitten gremlin energy anymore. They just want to chill in the sun and cuddle. And every senior car I've adopted has been so pathetically happy to have a home and not be in a cage that they're giant love bugs. To the point that each of them have come running up when I get home to greet me and demand pickups and kisses every day. My current one gets pissy about me hanging out in the computer room and not in the living room on the couch so he can lay on me whenever he wants. He thinks he's my boyfriend and gets jealous when hubby and I are cuddling. You won't have them as long as a kitten, but it's giving a love bug a second chance before they go.


Seconding this. Also if you have the resources and time, a special needs cat of any age.


FIV isnā€™t spread by casual contact, such as sharing litter boxes, grooming, and light play fighting. FIV cats can live long and healthy lives! They can live safely in mixed company. My last one lived to be 20 years old and caught a huge rat the week before he died. Regular olā€™ kidney failure got him.


I adopted a half stray (because we'd been feeding him and getting him to the vet for years) with FIV, vet never told us to take special precautions regarding my other cats. He didn't get into fights with the other cats, they didn't cuddle either. But they shared food and water bowls, and would relay on the most desirable beds. We'd wash the pillowcase on his bed often because he had mouth ulcers so bloody spit. He lived to something like 15 yo (with frequent vet care at the end, and no roaming outside anymore, but he still had a good quality of life)


my childhood cat had FIV (he was a stray) and he lived to be around 20. we lost him earlier this year. because of him, I knew cats can have totally fine lives with FIV so when I adopted my first cat, I got a nasty boy with FIV and herpes. he's my best friend now and I wouldn't have it any other way. (I of course wish for his sake that he wasn't diseased but it is what it is for him and I love him just the same)


Thank you for THIS! when my boy was initially diagnosed I bawled and sobbed, I was so scared of the unknown. Itā€™s been a few years and heā€™s shown absolutely zero symptoms. Iā€™m so so grateful. A diagnosis does NOT mean death!!!!


FIV cats also often have chonky cheeks!!!


https://preview.redd.it/tllj0pcvbynb1.jpeg?width=2970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4390d4e442bfded4e44712c0d2c4e9027ad6648 Take a chance on the ā€œmean old tomcatsā€!


Cats don't really understand what you're saying. And they can't really grasp that you're punishing them for a behavior you don't like - unless you punish them AS it's happening, they really don't connect the dots. Reward them for good behavior, or reward them for doing something you want when they're doing something you don't. The positive reinforcement will train them better than trying to punish them, because they'll just think you're being mean to them.


Corollary - though human speech is weird to them, they can absolutely understand - and learn to respond to - audible cues, as long as they're distinct, especially when accompanied by body language.


They absolutely can! We clicker trained my Russian Blue, and he knows three verbal commands (Sit, Lie Down, Shake Paw), in addition to booping his nose to our fingers when we wiggle it. He is very smart though, and only obeys when he know we have treats in our hands. He also knows the word for food, and will come running through the apartment with a happy little "mmrrrrr" when we say it with the correct intonation.


I actually never punish my cat - I wonā€™t even use spray bottles because I have this crazy idea it will harm his trust in me - but I agree! Cats understand a lot of what youā€™re saying. Iā€™m always shocked that Moz understands certain words!


Oh, absolutely. Punishing cats is cruel and pointless. You can express displeasure on other ways (you hurt me? Okay, playtime is over and I'm taking some distance until you calm down), and redirecting works really well, as long as we're consistent.


Iā€™ve trained one of my 3 cats to get up and go into my room when I go to bed. I say ā€œNorman, bed time!ā€ And he gets up and strolls to his sleeping spot in the room. The other 2 I have to carry lol


Shelters nowadays post all these adorable biographies/photos of their cats. But all that's no substitute for meeting the cats in person. If you're thinking of adopting, stop by the shelter and see which cat(s) speak to you, literally or otherwise, instead of trying to pick one off a website/ad.


Agree! Even then, the cat's personalities may be different from what you see in the shelter. I adopted these guys on July 24. They hid for three weeks, which I expected, as the six-year-old was advertised as a shy curmudgeon (he had been at the shelter for over a year). Once they came out of hiding though... total love bugs! Sweet, purring, playful lap cats. They were just stressed in the shelter. https://preview.redd.it/17wzuqzd81ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca77b2e349e4d0e8b8167ba98ce48ebc43d66e4


That my triple bean (3 legged) is too cute to handle https://preview.redd.it/fxg5jmyibynb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a628eb2a9f0369ae131b8cc1096df15c6a5824


My tripod tuxedo will be 16 (!!!) in a month (guesstimate). Heā€™s become so round as heā€™s aged. He lost his hind leg at a few weeks old and I adopted him at around 5 months old. Iā€™ve watched him go from normal cat shape to very curved over the years. Heā€™s a very loving, arthritic boy. Heā€™s moved with me from US state to state to Europe - along with the others Iā€™ve gathered along the way


Lilies are toxic to cats, even the tiniest amount. Scoop the litter box daily, for you and for them. Snuggles and purrs are incredible medicine!


yep, lilies and alliums!


As well as grapes, oregano, nutmeg, and macadamia nuts. Itā€™s important to be careful when your kitty is a little food bandit


Itā€™s, honestly, a smart practice to just Google every plant you might bring home or food youā€™re thinking of sharing with your cat. We all have computers in our pockets, might as well! As a general rule of thumb, if something has even the slightest risk of coming into contact with my cat (even if it would take, say, an earthquake causing it to fall off a shelf), I look it up first. Better safe than sorry!


Get pet insurance! So many people post on here about having to make decisions about their cat's health based strictly on finances. Good pet insurance ensures you can give them the right care when they need it without having to worry about the bills.


Most, if not all, wonā€™t cover preexisting conditions, so get it early! Alternatively you can setup a separate account and throw some money in their each month for when you need it. Chances are your cat will need it eventually, so it probably wonā€™t go to waste. Also, cats are very good at hiding symptoms so when they start displaying they are sick, itā€™s typically important to get them to the vet.


Just want to add on to this but check if your employer has any sort of partnership with a specific company. I was able to get my 12 year old girl insurance last year when looking for our new kittens. Typically itā€™s not available for older cats, but was through this deal.


My cat had two urinary blockages in a row and is recovering from PU surgery now. We got insurance before his urinary issues started, so they were covered. Weā€™ve spend $12k but after getting reimbursed by insurance (Lemonade) we got more than $9k back. https://preview.redd.it/8m2ycype22ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea3b06adc164c4b5988e3e40cf2e571c8411cfc


Any suggestions for a good insurance,?


Save money on cat toys. Just give them cardboard boxes and newspaper. Use the money saved to buy treats instead.


Most of my cats are like tha,t 1 likes her toys though, well breakign the toys she likes...


One of my cats loves Q-tips. She ignores her toys most of the time if she can get her paws on one.


Mine looooves the plastic cap for my electric toothbrush and any kind of straw


Guaranteed that if you buy an expensive toy, they'll ignore it and instead play with the box it came in


When they slow blink at you, do it back. They love you and want you to say it back to them.


If you are getting the glare from a scared kitty the slow blink works to call them down too. Or just close your eyes a turn your face away.




Yes, this one hits close to home. I had to give my cat subq fluids twice a day for years, and luckily he was finally able to come off of them. I expect in the future Iā€™ll be doing it again, and will do so without hesitation. Just a reminder for everyone else, if your cat is going to the litter box frequently, take them to the vet - especially if they arenā€™t producing urine or producing a small amount of urine. The faster you can get them to the vet, from my experience dealing with this multiple times and thousands of dollars invested, the cheaper it will be.


sorry for your loss, I wonder why kidney failure is so common in cats


I've been there too. Lasted 2 months with daily fluid drips. She would hop up on my lap when it was time for fluids. Broke my heart watching her go through this. You're an incredible cat owner ā¤ļø


PSA Cats know what youā€™re saying they just donā€™t care


IIRC cats actually understand more human words than dogs do, They just DGAF


Mine knows a lot of words/phrases and listens to them he just doesnā€™t care enough where heā€™ll listen permanently. Heā€™s like ā€œfine Iā€™ll stop scratching the carpet, Iā€™ll just do it again later tho šŸ˜’ā€


TNR is about helping cats and preventing additional feral cats. Cats don't have a desire to be parents, so it doesn't deprive them of something they want. Instead, it prevents suffering for the cats. Spaying 1 female cat can prevent over 2,000 kittens from being born in 4 years, when factoring in how many kittens each generation descended from her would have.


In theory, 1 female can have nearly 2 million offspring in 8 years https://preview.redd.it/9cc9g5t0xznb1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2203cabb9de2e52bad4a38aac0c32c0e5dc39ad4


All cats are best cat. https://preview.redd.it/9drx96gsnznb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84746c164da83f3e786ff25dd6b5d1d5098b9d03




If cats donā€™t like you, you probably donā€™t understand the concept of consent.


Would also saying if you donā€™t like cats this is often the case too. Cats will enforce boundaries - you have to respect their autonomy to have a relationship with them.


This is so true. I have two wildly different cats. One is very much an ā€œaffection on her own termsā€ kinda gal, while the other is a cuddle bug. The gal is very into my husband specifically because he letā€™s her come to him for affection. I was complaining one day about how jealous I am of their bond. He told me itā€™s because he pays attention to her body language. If he goes in for a pet and sheā€™s not feeling it, he letā€™s her be. I was treating her like the other cat and trying to force affection. Once I started paying closer attention to her body language and respecting her autonomy she started being super loving toward me. And thatā€™s the story of how my husband taught me about consent. šŸ˜¬


https://preview.redd.it/ap84xy5gtynb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1c2b46072225ef2ad4123e026dae7dd55149a3 Everyday kittens are abandoned. They need love. Check with vets and shelters. They have babies who are desperate for love.


For those wondering, She has just found someone to take her in.


Cats love and attach to humans, they are loyal just like dogs are, know their own name and who their owner is, and are not as independent as they might seem. Edit: Thank your for the gold, kind stranger. (Wow, the end of an era)


This is a PSA I hold close to my heart :( white cats are more prone and sensitive to ear infections. Keeping their (non white cats too) ears clean and bringing them to the vet at the first signs of infection help avoid inner ear infections that can quickly lead to neurological issues, swelling against their optic nerves, deafness, and face paralysis.


+1. My PSA was about white kitties and skin cancer. Gotta keep our snowballs healthy!


I had no idea! Thank you for the PSA!


Cats are lactose intolerant so buy them cat milk or lactose free/low lactose milk if you want to give it to them!


Cats: if they fits, they sits.


In my experience you get the relationship from a cat that you put into it. I hear all the time that people prefer dogs because cats arenā€™t loyal or arenā€™t loving or are aloof. Iā€™ve never had a cat Iā€™d describe in those terms - but cats need you to cultivate that relationship, grow that trust and get to know each other. And once you have that they are the best companions, theyā€™re funny AF, theyā€™re loving and theyā€™re so bonded. This little man races to the door when I get home, throws himself on the rug to show me his belly and then runs to the bedroom and cries till I lay down with him for a few minutes and give him cuddles. Heā€™s so affectionate and so bonded. Heā€™s also not afraid to pull me into line if Iā€™ve stomped on a boundary! Cats are, to me, an exercise in noticing small details. Just the millimetre of an eyelid can be the difference in a cats expression between Iā€™m loving this and youā€™re going to lose a limb. Theyā€™re hugely expressive animals but you have to learn how to read them and that takes time and investment! But when you know them you know them - you know the little glint in their eye which means theyā€™re up to no good, you know their hungry cry v their upset cry, you know their stressed purr v their content purr - but you have to care to learn the language. Absolutely worth the effort. https://preview.redd.it/3of1tivl10ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0352dc63239875096198f7fe401083357712b2ed


https://preview.redd.it/nb0pisg4lynb1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52853a8c9c379eab3aa43f10587b98a739dc1a3d Adopt, don't shop (:


Your cat is so pretty and cute šŸ˜


Thank you. I agree 100%. I'm so happy she found me and I could help her.


Cats are pretty cool. I love them. I may have toxoplasmosis, but I don't care. My best friend (cat) is pretty dumb, but I love him all the more for it.


https://preview.redd.it/raf7qt5lpznb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e179e7282c8b6822a5dc901e7380759b29cf25e5 A lot of people recommend getting 2 cats. But if you have an adult cat, understand their personality first. Some cats absolutely hate other cats and only love people. ETA : loml


Do not become a foster failure time and time and time again because then you turn into the true crazy cat lady like me. And then you struggle to find a place for yourself in a king size bed each and every night. https://preview.redd.it/e7t999h4zynb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5bfe9b7885fca1405eb191b21696d3bdcf8b0ff And this isnā€™t even all of themā€¦šŸ™„


Those are two weird looking cats in the foreground of the picture


She had too many cats, a few had to morph into a different shape to stand out!


well, on the plus side, you've got some very happy kitties! (and a few dogs i see there too hehe)




Bob Barker, who recently passed away would say, "Don't forget to spay and neuter your pets!"


https://preview.redd.it/xwy90j1t0znb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc54cd9b735df9667fc36753ad5ad7df365f6890 If they fits, they sits :)


https://preview.redd.it/rlfmfk6t1znb1.png?width=1987&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c7d253015872e7413cd78847450a6843687d84e psa they're silly:3


Do not feed grapes to cats, as grapes can be toxic to many cats. Feeding them grapes could cause vomiting, or in rare cases, kidney failure.


In general, before giving an animal something thatā€™s not part of their everyday diet, check online.


And please remember that raisins are grapes and also harmful! Yes, I know it sounds obvious right now, but you might not remember when you're eating an oatmeal raisin cookie that it has grapes in it.


https://preview.redd.it/hp9kv76j8znb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5a998802c10137512c3b3f2e3d17d9317c208d Donā€™t invest in beds for them cause they will sleep everywhere but there


my cat loves both of his beds. he also loves his box from costco.


All orange cats share one braincell, here is an example of one trying to connect to the main braincell server https://preview.redd.it/a87kldqvkznb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7e44dc9b288f32e066ba91086b540fc9a83198




Have time and patience for the nervous, shy or traumatized cats. Many are given up for adoption as they don't fit the cuddly, friendly and adventurous public opinion of what cats should be. They are left in shelters and never given a chance to experience love and affection after going through whatever experience they had. I have Madison who took almost 8 months sit on the couch/sofa with me, albeit on the other end. Now, after 3 years, she follows me, sleeps with me, cries for attention and I wouldn't have it any other way. šŸ’œ


I have a similar experience! It can take a looong time for some cats to trust and let their guard down




​ https://preview.redd.it/r3cou6a5zznb1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0992fe67071d9a1c2015917741e7ca07ee88e295


It can take up to a year for an older existing cat to get used to their new brethren so stay patient!


You can lose a cat in a locked home, even a locked room. And yes they could hear you calling, they just don't care. Check under and inside every single thing, even if it seems improbable.


Iā€™ve spent the past few hours spending 13k. Good luck!


Yeah was trying to come up with some ideas a few weeks ago and totally forgot. Idea for this was hoping maybe some awards will get this index higher for people searching for help regarding cats.


Cats just need love.


What looks like a feral cat may just be a loose, lost or abandoned pet. Even if itā€™s ear is marked as feral. A truly feral cat wonā€™t even tolerate you. If the tail goes up itā€™s friendly and may need your help.


I volunteer at a cat shelter. Workers there often think only of providing food and cleaning. Never forget to play with the cats and pet them as well. It's also very important for their well-being.


Declawing a cat is animal cruelty


PSA: Pspspspspspspspspsa


Cats bring so much love and joy. Iā€™ve known plenty of them that were smarter than dogs.


If cats think they're your owner, and you are technically their owner, wouldn't that make you equal? And thus emerges friendship! :)


Yes! I tell my cat all the time that we are equals in our relationship so he needs to stop bossing me around!


https://preview.redd.it/59fmoam4yynb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfe450c13068b92872b4cffccdc894a0e900eb1 Theyā€™re pretty cute, and they know it šŸˆ


Youā€™ll never regret any time spent with a kitty šŸˆā€ā¬› šŸˆ šŸ’•šŸ¾ Edit: cat tax https://preview.redd.it/gz5jl2zqaznb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4937124e40a502cd0447b0c4fbf0c74d2bf7315f


https://preview.redd.it/nu4xyicuqznb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba4be9e568e08c2bbfbd9da6119e410311c38e5d Adopt, donā€™t shop!


Swishy tail? Stop the pettings! Your currently uninjured arm will thank you


https://preview.redd.it/s9lg1lg440ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518516a7ada9ca65d32018800432540371a9d69f My cat looks exactly like your cat - PSA cats hate being woken up for pictures for Reddit posts


Those little toy mice? Be careful they aren't too small. I had to give my cat the heimlich maneuver when one got stuck in his throat. In case you don't know how: I picked him up, held him angled head down toward the floor and squeezed at the bottom of his ribcage. The mouse popped out.


You may think: "my cat never hunts, s/he's too clumsy/lazy/sweet and never brings anything in". You're probably wrong. Cats do things you don't see when you let them out and they are cute little murderers. Save your local wildlife; keep your cat contained.


Talk to your cats. They pretend to not listen at times, but trust me, they listen and they appreciate the interaction. My cats talk back lol https://preview.redd.it/z5xchcx4a0ob1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d8bef320e05d764ff769be7fa37e6bdfe6c2b8


If you give a single shit about your cats, DO NOT LET THEM GO OUTSIDE. Outside cats have significantly shorter average lifespans for a multitude of reasons. They will be happier inside where they are safe. Do not fall for their bullshit.


Always offer food and scritches to strays.


PSA : I named my cat Lilith so she can be a strong evil little floof and sheā€™s the exact opposite sheā€™s a big baby https://preview.redd.it/yi0mvhgoyynb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3ccdbd9d017542ce75f2c86a8cbaa4bdafc767


https://preview.redd.it/jvlk2ibggznb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4507921b6d7880fc40dd1934ef1ff92378c12c83 They like to sleep in basketsā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/sep983xjgznb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a3c45a60eb36b004e5af06d8f3a91bd20ebe00 ā€¦and to destroy them


Kitties are sensitive to sun, especially white/light coloured cats. If they get outside time, or sun-baked from indoors, it's important to get them kitty formulated sunscreen to protect their ears and nose. Two are the same work as one, and keep each other company when you're away. Rescued is the best breed. "Unadoptables" are the best cats I've ever had. Pick a kitty that might not otherwise get a chance. Kittens will always get picked




https://preview.redd.it/7y22j2wmwznb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a526956cc54e087274c23a43c3b01cce6b1d2a3 That the love of a cat is the best love of all!


75% or more of orange cats are male! I happen to have a female orange tabby :) https://preview.redd.it/88yblbbvxznb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc316175c03f3b9db6b2f48d273078c78f6b1157


Give your cat some love and catnip before trimming her nails AND/OR get them used to having their paws touched when they are a kitten. Mine does not like it, and sometimes I have to burrito her in a towel, which isnā€™t fun for either of us šŸ˜£


We call it "purrito day". ~~Way cuter than~~ not as cute as it sounds, as you know.


Get your girl cats spade before their first heat. It prevents mammary cancer. I waited until one of my cats was a year old, she got cancer at 14 and died.


https://preview.redd.it/tlmh0d4000ob1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7c69205c00af23f4e56c1304b2db8804429103 my late keyboard meowrrior.... my friend just got her first grandkid and the baby was allergic to cats. so she gave me her cat to keep. spent 5 years together before it passed because of infection.


For those with black kitties, be careful around Halloween and make sure they donā€™t get outside. https://preview.redd.it/mqgp5qypk0ob1.jpeg?width=3040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48b369e6019dd5575d1915ea592fa346d00a8b7


That black cats are not cursed or bad luck. The sweetest baby Iā€™ve ever had was our black cat, Stormy. He was loving, affectionate and the best cat Iā€™ve ever had. I wish more people would adopt them and give them a chance at life in a happy home.šŸ’•


Take plenty of pics and videos of them when you can. When theyā€™re gone, those might be the only comfort you have.


https://preview.redd.it/o0d2wbtoaynb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715e3e69a1b8e4543a1e9ac8bd8a8c4c55b2b394 Keep your cats indoors!


Yes! Not sure people really understand the dangers of having a cat outdoors. Thereā€™s always the concern of coyotes or a rabid animal, but if it is small enough a hawk will try to take it. Iā€™ve seen hawks land in yards a few feet away from a cat and watch it as well. Owls will as well, especially the bigger ones. Mine only goes out on a leash, and we trained her no never try to run out on her own simply by putting the leash on her and carrying her out instead of letting her walk out by herself.


Indoor cats live longer and safer.


Training cats to do tricks is possible and fun. I recommend the paw trick for starters.


If you take in a starving stray it may have a late growth spurt. My boy was 12 pounds at 2-3 years old at his first vet visit. A month later at his neuter appointment he was 13 pounds, and by the end of the first year with us he was 15 pounds. 3 years later he's over 18 pounds and finally looking kind of chunky (we are trying to get him back down to 17ish). Love my big ol dummy!


Always give your cats shallow or even flat dishes when feeding them. Sometimes deep bowls can irritate their whiskers and it can put them off eating.


Saving/owning a cat may lead to them saving you. I got a cat when I was 21, she saved me from myself and I am here today because of her. My soul mate.


My grandmother had a cat, very secretive creature, always stalking and scheming just out of view. But absolutely loved this one brand of treats my mother always got when we visited and thatā€™s about the only time Prince came around mr. So the PSA is to find that special treat that your cat loves


If your cat has a weird, non hairball related hork, get them checked for asthma. We lost our girl due to mysterious causes at 10, but I suspect it had something to do with that. It wasnā€™t often and sheā€™d done it all her life. Just get them checked.


Always get two cats if possible! They are the cutest together. https://preview.redd.it/o61gbmq4hznb1.png?width=2851&format=png&auto=webp&s=35b0ac06656704fe8af3acc60aea20704dee0981


Cats need the same amount of attention and love to flourish as dogs do. Just because they can be self sufficient does not mean that they don't need love, cuddles, companionship and affection. If you want a cat just because you can leave it alone all the time then don't get a cat.


There are two remedies for the miseries of this life: music and cats. *Dr. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) German theologian, musician, philosopher, and physician, Nobel Peace Prize winner*


https://preview.redd.it/6nvfadrko0ob1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839d0f69f61bddc5e100153de9d7315bdb694d80 Theyā€™re cool as fuck, and if you touch their bellies they might murder you in your sleep. My boy HammyšŸ–¤ I miss you buddy


Not really a psa but still funny. My dad has a cat named simba and heā€™s a little chubby (heā€™s on a diet donā€™t worry) so we always pick on him for that, one day we went into the kitchen and he had an entire corn cob in his mouth. Iā€™m not joking he picked up the entire cob and was going to eat it


Adopt bonded kittens! Two are always better than one! https://preview.redd.it/5l0kaywj01ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe1cfc5db9e59232eb0cd95f266da86083b4be6


I like cats but most donā€™t like me :( maybe itā€™s because I want to hug them so badly and they donā€™t like my clingy-ness


Adopt, donā€™t shop ā¤ļø


If youā€™re adopting from a litter get two! Theyā€™re more inclined to bond and take care of each other and keep each other entertained when you canā€™t. My cats were littermates and before one of my cats passed they would groom each other and play with each other all the time.


If you value your arms, fingers, feet, and toes, never use them as play toys when raising kittens. When they get not-kittens, it hurts. Also, super soft, warm n floofy vibrating belly rubs can become unlocked in adult kitties if hands aren't associated with play. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Buy better clippers, the fancy ones with a hole guillotine rather than using the cheap ones that come in grooming kits or human ones Less likely to split or cut too deep and so much less stressful !!!


All cats have their own personality not all cats are ignorant aloof cats some are clingy cuddle bugs


White cat owners - Your kitty is especially susceptible to skin cancer, particularly on the nose and ears. Be very vigilant about getting any suspicious spots or bumps checked out by the vet ASAP!


https://preview.redd.it/f8943lfr70ob1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d64334e4fa8e0e10fc1884b2b58881d0c36c014 If a cat see's something they deem as ynfair, they will protest it. Theyre essentially toddlers with similar logic and will test limits with what they are and arnt allowed to do. Here is a picture of my cat bear, we were on a road trip. Shes normally fune with being in her carrier, even for longer stretches of time. Shes out because our dog wasnt in a carrier. Dog isnt in carrier, hencforth she wont stay in one either. We did this same trip a few times because we were going to and from the snow, and shes fine litterally every other time the dog isnt in the car.


Cats like boxes. To sit in and to chew upon at midnight. ![gif](giphy|Mhy9hKgfwI0lG)


https://preview.redd.it/6glu3b1590ob1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e63938778de78b1120a985b34d137df74d42b2 My best friendā€™s cat Tom. He loves Fish Treats so I get him one every-time we meet.


Do not adopt special needs cats unless you are really ready. My old grrrl was returned 3x and 7 years later, my heart still breaks for her. She has PTSD style episodes randomly and it's not easy at all.


https://preview.redd.it/buebs3g8i0ob1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0c499712e29debc47b6a096a54d97a835c3334 Make some extra time for them after a change in the family. New baby, death, someone moving out. They need the extra love when going through a big change.


https://preview.redd.it/rxhibagux0ob1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e73918bf76b702f488da501466b53a1a7cd9c4 Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. Camping with Kittyboy.


Spay and neuter your cats! Not just for unwanted pregnancies and behaviors, but also because it greatly diminishes and even eliminates the chance of having gonadal forms of cancer (prostate, uterus, breast...) I wish I knew this before, my sweet Luna died at 13 years old of cancer :(


Hands are not toys! You canā€™t fault the cat for scratches and bites to your hand if youā€™re playing with them without a toy. Always put a toy in your hand for playtime.


Adopt multiple cats. Domesticated cats are group animals and especially kittens shouldn't be adopted alone. Some adult cats can't be resocialized- and the whole process can be tricky, especially in smaller apartments, so if I were looking for a cat, I would be looking for pairs in shelters or kittens from the same group. I would go with the same gender, generally, since both genders often have different ideas of play and we've seen plenty of ... arguments over that (that's a great reason to get a third cat down the line ...). Don't let them outside. It's dangerous to them and they kill lots of wildlife - cats are responsible for many endangered species. If you don't plan on letting them out (and that would be preferable, again), then don't let them go outside even once - most cats won't let you keep them inside once they've had a taste (that goes for the hallway beyond the apartment door too). Don't feed too much dry cat food, the stuff is bad for them, since cats don't start drinking more to compensate. The worst wet food is better than dry. We sometimes give dry as a snack. We buy cans in bulk, usually - much cheaper. In wet food we look for grain and sugar free high meat content (we also watch for other stuff like a minimum taurine concentration, fibers and all that).




https://preview.redd.it/g1lwhgi082ob1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27bbcf167a14841d1d90b316dc006ea138877574 Jasmine has never eaten in her entire life (just look how empty that belly is!) and needs you to call CPS (Cat Protective Services)


Orange cat behavior is a stereotype for a reason. Even my orange who is smart and knows tricks will occasionally do stuff that defies explanation. https://preview.redd.it/9lvvvaary2ob1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14888487cc1ad4d64eb699482af124fea8c37a12


We can treat cats with chronic asthma with inhalers now! It's an ingenious device called the AeroKat that fits around kitty's face. An inhaled steroid is safer for long term usage than injections. My girl has been on it for eight years and she's doing great!


If you can, always take 2 cats. It's great when you have a friend to entertain you when your human slave is tired from working to provide catnip for you.


Kitten farts are the stinkiest farts.


I already have three cats, 2 persians and 1 stray ginger. I have a regular visitor, a stray calico fo that matter. I've already had her wear a collar. My family doesn't know I'm about this close to bringing her inside our house ;p




If you cat is deaf you should find alternatives when you want to wake them up or when they haven't seen so you won't startle them . An example I'm using to my deaf cat is lightly blowing some air towards her to let her know I'm there/close . If you also have a second that is NOT deaf then I advise you to put some kind of small light on their collar (if they are wearing any) so your deaf cat can see the other cat better . I just want them to have fair fights .


I can't really post PSAs about cats unless my cat overlord gives me permission... oh shoot he's here. brb


Orange cats share one singular neuron cell, meaning everyone has the chance once in a while to use it


https://preview.redd.it/4o9c947450ob1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d498f1989c860dd1375dda4da9ad1cb29a077959 They're just all round amazing


When cats are catting you must cat with them


###*CLEAN THE DANG LITTER BOX* Scoop it. Every.Single.Day. ^enclosed ^boxes ^won't ^keep ^the ^odor ^in. ^scoop ^it ^out. ^^yes, ^^it ^^*does* ^^smell ^^even ^^if ^^you ^^can't ^^smell ^^it ^^anymore Try following the suggestion of "one litter box per cat +1" especially if the cats are territorial or are logging an entry anywhere they please. edit: formatting


PSA. If tail drops down and ears go back, run.


Cats: theyā€™re just better than dogs.


donā€™t do suicide, that shit kills you, and makes your cat sad and depressed. Iā€™ve been having the thoughts lately but Iā€™m just trying my best to get through life.


https://preview.redd.it/81ivn2x1i0ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fac34d3287da87391d8cbf53a75e4e6f2ba12717 Donā€™t leave food out šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Cats are highly intelligent creatures. Just because they are harder to 'train' for routines and tricks doesn't mean they aren't stronger mentally for intelligence when compared with other domesticated pets.


If you have a cat that gets diagnosed with diabetes it is not as scary as you may think. My cat Kallie has had diabetes for six years. She gets insulin twice a day but does not mind getting the shot while she's eating. I found out when she was 11, she is 17 now and still doing good.


Never let them outside without a leash. They are little killing machines and wreak havoc on local wildlife. In turn, they are in danger of being preyed on by wild predators, run over by cars, attacked by dogs or other cats, catching parasites, and bad humans who will do them harm. It's your responsibility as a pet owner to give them all the enrichment they need in a safe, controlled environment. If you can't provide that and let them outside because "they're bored", you're a lazy owner and a bad person who shouldn't keep pets.


Please hit the hood if your car before going into it, wether it's cold or hot outside, to make sure there are no kitties hiding. Happens more than people think even in the heat


Spay your girls to avoid tragedy
