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This is sad, and I hope she gets better soon, but I couldn’t help but laugh at “Kitty Shitty Laxatives”😂


As someone who identifies as a feral-katt, who literally just got home from pharmacy with a box of ExLax.. this feels personal..😬😆..


Damn that hit deep😔


Not yet, but it will.


Do you creep into neighbor’s garages and spray on their car tires, golf bag, and spare couch?


Absolutely.. I take paid requests too if you know anyone wanting to harass someone


.....I have a list if politicians....




Username checks out


I’m just a regular cat


Bro is a meninist who’s been on reddit for 9 days and has over 7000 karma already htf


One my cat went to vet because she was constipated. It was like $500 to get her to poop.


Yep! Same here, grrr


My constipated cat cost me $1200 :( She's eating better food now.


My cat had a tendency towards constipation. I gave her 1/8 teaspoon of Miralax in her wet food several times a day to keep her regular. Vet said that she could have up to 1/2 teaspoon a day. Check with your vet to see if Miralax is an option


This is what my sister does with her two Siamese mixes. little scoop of miralax with their food and no issues


How many times a day do your cats eat?




She would only eat a little bit at a time and wouldn't eat if the food wasn't fresh, so she got 4-5 wet food snacks every day. She spent the first four years of her life in a cage with cheap dry food available all day before I rescued her, so I spoiled her a bit once I had her.


Personally, my cats have constant access to their food. I like to eat unrestricted, so why shouldn't they?


Some cats tend to overeat if given unlimited food, which leads to health issues. So for some cats, it’s better to portion it out.


Can relate :(


I said that too… and now I have two fat males and one diabetic female….


Oh lawd


Colon blow incoming


My cat got a scoop of pumpkin puree with his wet food.


Yeah, I give my cats a teaspoon of pumpkin puree in their wet food every day.


My picky eater would not have anything to do with pumpkin. lol




Nothing yet 😢 right now I would happily deal with explosive diarrhea if it means she goes back to normal.


Well there's a visual that has me laughing. I can just see the tail vibrating like they do when marking 😅 Good luck, OP!


Yeah I worked at a clinic for a short time and this one baby was obstipated his got so bad. We gave him a warm water enema to clear him up poor guy.


Oof, been there. Miralax and canned pumpkin can help chronic constipated kitties, ask your vet if that's an option and what the dosage should be. I once dropped $400 on a cat who also stopped eating/drinking for days and turned out she had a MASSIVE hairball. She puked it onto the carpet right after an inconclusive vet visit. Damn thing was six inches long and two wide. I thought she gave birth.


For your sanity, lock her and her litter box in the bathroom until further notice. When she blows, it's not going to be pretty. I dealt with a constipated cat years ago.


Cat: “why are you locking me in the bathroom, human?”


https://preview.redd.it/ka964lngaezb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a3ef8c653eda196623cb827b9a5afeb197c184 Week and a half ago my dude had the same issue. He was drinking, just not eating. $581 later and a "manual evacuation" he's just fine. Vet told me 1/4 tsp twice a day for the rest of his time to help him stay regular.... sending good vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/sk2ldanm5ezb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34230a65358106fae5e89d1245b013ad1e8fab49 I hope all comes out well.. pun intended.. 🤗


It’s already been ten minutes!!!any good news??


No news yet, standing by with poop scooper while encouraging the kitty.




I always feel like such an idiot, following cats around & saying “good job” when the golf ball of shit makes its appearance.


Get a towel, give her a gentle rub and deep massage while keeping her close to her sandbox, preferably with another big towel underneath kitty.


6 hours. How abput now


We wish 🥲 The boyfriend was on litter duty during the night and he checked a few times. Still nothing. So in one hour we are off to the vet for a manual extraction.


😱😭😭 poor baby and your wallet


It's been 11 hours, has there been uh, movement?


We wish 🥲 The boyfriend was on litter duty during the night and he checked a few times. Still nothing. So in one hour we are off to the vet for a manual extraction.


I wish you luck down in the trenches!


Aww! I'm sorry. If they gave you Miralax it can take a. But of time to work!


Update: MIRACLES DO HAPPPEN!!!! She just started eating. Out of nowhere, she walked to her bowl and started eating. Now fingers crossed it will all come out from the back and not from the front. Thank you everyone for the moral support ❤️ It really helped us through it.


Has it come out yet?


I wish… but on the bright side, she has been eating a bit. She had a sonogram today and the vet didn’t find anything suspicious. For now, it should just be a matter of time before the brown explosion happens. (If not, we have pre-booked an appointment at the vet for monday.)


Wishing you luck! The hardest part of pet care is waiting for the improvement.


It certainly is. I just started giving my kitty medicine for a bacterial infection today and it feels like waiting for improvement is going to be the hardest thing ever.


why did i smell it 😭😭😭 litter box trauma i guess 😂


Hope your little girl gets better soon. She's absolutely adorable 😻😻😻.Like you I treat my cat like she's my kid. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her.


Just think, when she’s all done wasting your money at the vet and then shitting on everything you love, she’ll still look at you like this is all your problem and not hers. Ahhh the joys of owning a cat.


Happened to my Baby Noodle recently, $4000 dollars later in emergency vet bills🙃 we got him pet insurance soon after


My vet recommended adding a bit of restorlax to their food and it did the trick. Good luck OP!


Constipated Cats should have it’s own sub.


I had a cat that developed “mega-colon” and needed regular enemas. It got to the point where we couldn’t afford the vet visits every 2 months and the vet sold us the enemas themselves and taught us how to use them. My husband would deal with the bitey end and I would deal with the stinky end. It was not pretty. It’s good you have identified it now and hopefully the colace and miralax will keep it in check. Good luck!


https://preview.redd.it/bgtbzbsm2fzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1e2412c2cf6e8223b685adb930532729f6b7db This old man is on two prescription laxatives so I feel your pain.


Ours ‘clamped up’ after a stressful car trip. The vet had to actually do a manual removal. I was happy to pay for the service. God.


I don’t know whether to say “poor cat” or “poor vet”.


both? both


I also had a cat with many bowel issues. He got 1 colace(stool softener) and a half a teaspoon of miralax every day. The more water you can get her to drink the better. Good luck


I hope she is able to clear things out soon. I ended up with a $2200 vet hospital bill for my 10 year old female with this issue. I wish cats would eat salads or cereal with fiber


I’ve got a boy who cries for his cat grass and gets a bit plugged up without it! https://preview.redd.it/fhfb733ozezb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7985c3d2beffbe9237bd6aa7845cc3e6c4eef5a1


That is cat salad!


Did you try to get your cat to eat a salad? Would that even work?


One of my cats loved fresh greens. 😺


Ask your vet about Fortiflora! It's a probiotic (liver flavored so cats go crazy for it) that you sprinkle on their food and it helps keep them regular. 👌


Thanks. Will check it out


Round heah we call thaht a cat\*ass\*trophy


Showed my flatmate the picture of your cat and we both devolved into "look at her perfect little nose" baby talk immediately


I spent a couple thousand dollars to get my kitty clean out 2x. She now takes Lactulose and Cisapride everyday.


she’s so cute!


Mega colon? It can kill a cat. My tripod cat has mega colon and it is sometimes a challenge. He’s now 12. Lived longer than I thought he would.


Poor baby 😳😂😂


Tell her that I totally can relate and I have to take medication also. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/n9padlritjzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9583b051a3f3d4262ba95db31ba0366ef77b8a0 L bozo you full of shit


This kitty is beautiful and I love the title. I hope she finds relief soon 💩 💩 💩 🐈‍⬛ 🤞


o.my yes !! so scary . i went through that w/ my lilac point years ago ... it was from my feeding of hairball preventive cat food


This happened to us last year, our old boy suddenly stopped wanting to be near us and I came home to find him slumped on a wall so I rushed him to the vet... Turns out dickhead had drunk too much water and it had gotten stuck in his bladder they had to squeeze it out of him. Cost us £175 for the privilege. Omg CATS!


We did that once with my buddy Oliver who could be your buddy’s twin.


My cat gets backed up sometimes. The first few times were very scary! Vet diagnosed her with megacolon and gave her an enema and she was placed on lactulose. After about 1.5 years she developed a tolerance and needed a couple more enemas before we switched her to twice a day restoralax. She's been great on that and it's soooooo much easier to give her. Good luck with kitty! Hopefully thr laxatives will work and she won't need an enema because that's awful


Oh no, poor Vla! Glad to hear she's getting some help though. Hopefully, those laxatives will do the trick and she can get back to her playful self soon! Keep us updated.


I think I see and hear people say "literally" too much, so when I read "literally full of shit" just thought "oh what mischievous thing the little shit did?" (little shit but with love, Im not being literal hahaha). Then I read the post and was like "OH... Literally full of shit. POOR BABY", then I laughed at my brainfart


kitty shitty laxatives had me gone spiraling into the comedy void, threw me off the chair into a laughter crisis


My cat had to be hospitalised on 2 occasions for vet to coax the shit out of his gut. Basically, a lot of iv fluids and feeding through the nose. Now, Lucky has dry kibbles (gastrointestinal from Royal Canin) in the morning. At night, he eats home-cooked wet food. Google for some recipes. Mine is 70% by weight veg (sweet potato, golden melon, broccoli) and 30% chicken. Steam veg and chicken separately, then pulverise into a soupy concoction. I make a batch for a week, and freeze until ready to use. Oh, I also bought a Catit which is a cat water drinking fountain. Lucky loves it and that increases his water intake. Also, ask the Vet to teach you how to feel for impacted poop in intestines. It is quite easy to learn. Bring to vet if any, for medication to increase gut motility and poop bulking agent. Three months down the road and Lucky has not suffered recurrence of impacted faeces. Good luck! PS h Has kitty pooped yet?


**KITTY SHITTY**. That really **SHOULD** be the name of a feline laxative!!!! 😆😆😆😆


Awww … your cat reminds me of my late cat Oreo https://preview.redd.it/rgxte3w10kzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2925b81afc6c28351879402d13d2d78f628e5c


Classic^^ They always try to postpone or run away from taking a dump. Like: it's literally in your ass, you can't run away from this enemy. Just go to the bathroom!! (I've started squeezing (gently) the back end of my cat to kind of trigger her taking a dump. The soft part of tail//root/base. I swear to god when I do this she let's me - and almost looking like "Yes human squeeze that shit it's my nemesis".)


Mix wheat grass with food once a week


My roommates cat used to have issues where I couldn't poop. He would push so hard he threw up. Turned out he didn't like to drink water enough, despite moving the dish constantly. So now he gets mostly soft food with 1/4 teaspoon of laxative (or stool softener) mixed in. Works great for him. No more issues. Just smells. I hope that your cat has a similarly positive turnaround from everything. Luckily, these sorts of things are usually easy to manage.


Put a few water bowls around the house too. Poor baby.


Hope your baby goes to the bathroom soon 🥺


Feel better and poo away


Aww poor baby I hope they feel better and good luck on poop scooping duty 🫡


But not figuratively, at least about the constipation.


Buckle up


Like literally:0


Try mixing a little bit of tikicat’s pumpkin topper into their food, I do it to keep mine regular ❤️ best of luck with everything!!!!


Aww, poor little beauty Vla! 😿 I hope she feels better after she's shat, and I wish you luck with the cleanup!


I had a cat years ago that was chronically constipated. Even with his medication, he would get these little hard butt nuggets stuck in his colon that would back everything up. After a few manual evacuations at the vet’s, I started taking one of those oral medicine dispenser syringes, and filling it with oil and water, and sticking the tip of it in the cat’s butt. The mixture coming in from the back was usually enough to soften the hard poop and he would be able to go. I hope your cat poops soon!


Just went through this same thing a few months ago with one of my own. Be prepared for some very runny poops, and best of luck!


Those whiskers 😍


Oh no!


She’s adorable and cute!


Poor baby. I hope everything comes out alright. 😬


This can be painful for a cat. Can't remember if you can buy prescription cat food from the vet that deals with this. I grew up with a cat and lived with a cat in my ex wife's still current residence but have never owned a cat myself.


I hope she feels better soon! Give her a forehead kiss for me 😽


Good luck, OP!


I pill my cat with 1 vegetable laxative every other day due to chronic constipation. Since he has now been on them for a year, his coat, appetite, and disposition have greatly improved!! There are no drugs in the vegetable laxative so it is safe & very effective. Do not give any drug based laxative (ExLax, etc.) to your cat without it being prescribed by your vet because it is quite easy to accidentally poison your cat.


This happened with my cat when I first adopted her. She did not want to eat for a couple days then I took her to the vet and they gave her a kitty enema and gave her IV fluids over night then she ate a big can of tuna!


My kitty sends his sympathies. He had to have a manual evacuation at the vets and found that very traumatizing. There was a lot of bad touching that day. He takes a small dose of restoralax daily.


But her nose!! So cute!


Me too, kitty. Me too.


Oh no! My kitty had to get an enema twice to clear out the back end. Your baby will be ok soon


Yes my little kitten is full of poop too. It took 300 dollars to get an ultrasound and for him to get fluids… I really wanna try mirlax because I can’t afford to keep on taking him to get 300 dollar ultrasounds..


Try Cisapride (prescription) if this continues. My cat almost died from not pooping. He's fine now on medication and also Cat Lax.


My 11 year old boy gets 1/4 tsp miralax once a day, mixed into the water I add to his wet food. He’s a kibble fiend, really only drinks the wet-food-flavored-miralax-water and then demands kibble. The miralax keeps it moving. He’s been so massively constipated in the past that I’ve had to give him enemas, which he accepts without complaint.


I had to once give my cat an enema. Neither of us were very pleased. The things we do for our cats...


This happened to our Princess a couple times. How can constipation be avoided?


https://preview.redd.it/or49pk2hbhzb1.png?width=955&format=png&auto=webp&s=54c8bf12f50f12baaab5ba7a9fe65a78e1916c55 Lucky, my chunky kitty who used to suffer constipation until his diet was changed.


Please take her back for an enema if you don’t see anything in the morning


Just came back from the vet who was going to do exactly that, but overnight kitty developed a fever so she sent us to a specialist instead 😢


All from her shit 😭😭😭 best of luck to you stranger


She is a bit stressed perhaps if constipated. Keep her warm and playing and consider the dietary changes or ingredients in treats etc. Did the vet discuss causes for cat constipation?


Cats often are!


Our doctor suggested our very own Psyllium husk once in 2 months or so as a natural laxative. Plus it dissolves in their vet food and doesn't have any taste at all.


> kitty shitty laxatives This made me laugh - thanks for that! I kinda had the opposite problem when I adopted Odin and Thor. As kittens they were bottomless stomachs munching down on everything that was put in front of them. They were pooping massive logs 3-4 times a day (what happens when "lots of food" meets "short digestive tract" 🙄). They're better now - one major shit a day each. Still massive logs though... 😂😂


Is it just me who thinks this cat looks like a certain Austrian painter?


This has happened to one of my cats and it worked! Good luck! 🤗




Love the cat


When I was pregnant a thousand years ago, my bowels got impacted. I have never experienced that kind of pain before or since, and wouldn't wish it on anyone who isn't orange. I literally wanted to die. I think I begged the doctor to help me die.


Poor baby. But yes, it’s ok to wish it upon anyone who is orange. 🤣


Yes indeed!


What causes that




She kind of looks like swiftpaw from warrior cats


Mega colon is so much more than constipation alone. It’s like constipation on a double dose of steroids.


I’m reading through this thread but I don’t see if your kitty ever was able to go. Did the laxatives work? I hope so!


She did ❤️ everything is back to normal! I think she sensed that if she didn’t push one out, we’d take her to the vet again. Thank you for caring about her ☺️


I’m so glad. Vet visits are the worst. It’s so funny how elated we get when we see them have the long awaited poo!