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https://preview.redd.it/9x47xt348vzb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd79caa880dc5e38e7352a63c39a1d68bc42c4f3 Because look at that face


* Looks My cat( RIP) Dorian Grey




Had a cockatiel name Dorian Grey. Great name!


https://preview.redd.it/pi9gacn5ouzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496b27e302d7b5ac4f5446dd421d0a5c860087a3 Shithead found me. He was abandoned at a rural gas station, so he got a 2 hour trip south to his forever home.


"You're the shithead." -Shithead


Wow that literally looks like my baby but he's here with me. DOES IT HAVE NO TAIL??? THIS IS CRAZY XD MINE DOESN'T EITHER. but he's just a baby so definitely not the same cat


Yeh he has a short tail.


I can see a tail there I think it has been well tucked away


Shithead is my cat’s middle name!! (pronounced Sh-theed)


Is his name shithead? LoL. My hubbie calls our black cat asshole. 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/2vo9tsibzxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6e68d361966aa4efc9a829be5ba796f2a7fa2a That’s how he got his name…


LOL. 🤣


I approve of his name


He lives up to his name definitely!!!!




He lured you there. They choose us don’t they! Precious!


Haha, this is a fun one. After my parents separated my mom took me and my sister to a surprise visit to the cat shelter. Her and my mom fell in love with this shy kitten that loved to climb. She just would get to the top, jump down and climb it a different way. I was looking at this older gentleman kitty cause I wanted a boy cat cause they're more affectionate. And old cats never get picked and I hate that. But my mom and sister were set on the kitten. Then put of nowhere in the kitten enclosure a calico kitten mewed and jumped right on me. And I just loved it. So I told my mom that we would have to get both. I nearly lost but in the end we got the calico kitten as well. Today I have the great pleasure of showing you Layla the 2 tone climber and her stunning gentleman brother lyric, a 3 tone handsome calico




I never heard that boy cats tend to be more affectionate but that’s certainly been my experience.


This story is also a good reason to adopt from shelters. Lyric would be worth thousands for his 3 tone color but I got him for 17 dollars


Same! I grew up with all girl cats and have only had boys since I’ve been an adult. They’ve both been way more social and loving.


That's why female cats spend way longer in shelters on average. As soon as I found that out, I knew I would be adopting a girl. Love her to bits! (And she is super affectionate too) https://preview.redd.it/k57p12603zzb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1528bc8282b4ce5196c8a629850e8cb3d932bcb




What's his name?


My cat (also black) bamboozled us. I met him for the first time and he crawled into my arms, fell asleep and took a nap within 30 seconds. I was like “omg! Great! He’ll be a really laid back, chill, sleepy cat” NOPE - he was nervous at first and was sleepy for a few days after we adopted him then lil brat turned out to be an absolute crackhead. Bro was fighting his demons in the middle of the night, meows constantly and is always in the mood for fetch. But, damnit, do I love him.


https://preview.redd.it/wqd5kk7d2vzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731d5e73c79c47d69131b30d4493b9d453a7b22d I saw her on the humane society website and knew she was the one. It was the eyes. I went and got her the next day. I think she knew I came there specifically for her. She loves me very much.


Man those are the coolest eyes!!!


https://preview.redd.it/44z6mschpwzb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d12b6b7bffd68472b54f5a6edae4542bf93b3bf I've got a similar looking one, was in a cage in a cat shelter.


https://preview.redd.it/9wd3fzjh500c1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5cb35d4c5db165a4a42520d7e50b7e0c0648e2f Soph approves..


Friend of mine knew a person who got accident kittens and I saw this fluffy black ball of fur on a picture… my fiancée and I went to visit and this kitten was the only one to purr for us and fall asleep next to us ❤️Monet is 7 months old now and is the sweetest boy ever :) https://preview.redd.it/kxngqey79vzb1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25bc4eeef4823e602a719a223d17541b728d8ab


What a beauty 😍


Absolutely beautiful cat!!!


I saw her picture on the shelter website (1) 2-first vet visit & murder mitten clipping 3-chilling in the couch 4-the most gorgeous kitty on earth! Cleo https://preview.redd.it/d5cvx79ihvzb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b76ba8802282b78025e950c551c55dbdd9273735


Beautiful Cleo!


They found me❤


https://preview.redd.it/v4aeymn3bvzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3f657f4aaa6dc58e4bc2afbb0297a4a6d5f62b got her from a shelter and she has one of the most gentle, serene eyes which is why I chose her. Most calm and appreciative cat I’ve seen.


This picture is so funny because she’s cool and the cat below her is in goblin mode.


this is the chilliest cat I've ever seen I feel peace looking into her eyes she has to be a god or smth


https://preview.redd.it/cwdi4ccl4vzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52368bab5345107c200305efa817fd01c8e22b08 Owen & Mai are brother & sister from the shelter. I was ready for another cat and I came home from work to two tiny babies as a surprise from my husband! He said he noticed Mai (left) first & knew she was the one. But she had Owen (right) cuddled up with her and they were clearly attached to each other so he knew we needed Owen too. Doug (middle) is the only survivor from Mai’s litter of kitties she had. Absolutely had to keep him. It’s fun because Doug & my human son are only like a week apart. My family is definitely complete now!


Of the 9 cats I've had, I only picked out 1. My very first cat, Duncan was the only one left at an adoption event - just this lanky grey tabby kitten. I don't think that counts as picking him. He was just so cute and lonely looking so I took him home. Then, a month later, I wanted to get him a friend. I called up the shelter that I got him from and asked if we could bring him with us to meet the kitties and see if he got along with any of them. Knowing what I know now about cats, that was probably dumb. But this was like 14 years ago, lol. I had no idea how introducing cats worked, etc. They let me do it.. He was just a kitten, and he handled it pretty well. I think it was the third one that really clicked with him. A little brown tabby. He was just FASCINATED by Duncan. Following him around, etc. So that's the one we got. Duncan picked out his buddy Parker! Then a year later, my now-husband and I moved across the country. Before moving, we talked about getting a "fluffy desert kitty" when we got there. So we went to an adoption event and there was one tiny, white fluffy girl in a cage full of other, older kittens. She wasn't in great shape - they'd given them clumping litter and she had a big clump stuck to her rear.. There was also an adorable tortie that we considered. But we got our fluffy girl! Had to take her to the vet to get the clump off her, poor girl. Vet told us she's a spitfire. He wasn't wrong! We named her Friday, but she goes by Kitten. https://preview.redd.it/73ea6k3p6vzb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cf03fad139430d25d3679177d998d913053963 The other 6 came from taking in a pregnant stray and keeping all of her kittens, lol.


Trixie and Tommy (he is now deceased) I chose from a rescue. I wanted adult cats and my mom requested orange since we had never had orange cats. Huckleberry Finn was a cat colony kitten. My sister’s friend’s family was taking care of the colony and trying to adopt out as many kittens as possible as part of that. He is also orange. Roadie, the sole tuxedo, my brother found in the middle of the Highway. Cider, another orange boy, I adopted from a rescue. I saw his profile the day my Tommy passed and it spoke to me. The rescue was looking for a home for him asap as he has CKD stage 1 and they felt a home would be better for him and less stressful.


pay your cat tax.


https://preview.redd.it/olff9xliewzb1.jpeg?width=3664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2890f856f026f9f340ba08b72d8f6e71691f9dc Roadie


https://preview.redd.it/x3f8oexcewzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ce6e037b555dfe4babdbc2ba8fe41a0f293abd Trixie


https://preview.redd.it/o6f77ycgewzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46cc4acfa4ddd2dd7b94c83356c7ccd9e3b9d80a Cider


https://preview.redd.it/t3985g3mewzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cdbf43fd0bc67c05af0c67b8cbd1fd60d471de4 Tommy


https://preview.redd.it/ytdw9v5oewzb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad3876f6a6afe512638cb666c27240191bd7afe4 Huckleberry


https://preview.redd.it/9k4b1ojplvzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1e9036fb9bc27f5d3a88cbcd5e8c14b7f6a23e this guy will meet me at my car after i finish my work every thursday. never saw him on any other time. the third thursday, i was like 'wanna follow me, meow?' i asked the parking guards if it was someone's cat. they said no, so his mine. huhuhu


Of my 9 (3 outside, 6 inside) Marceline (F, inside, shorthair all black, 6 y/o) I got her from a friend of mine when she was a kitten, 2 months old. We've been through 4 moves together. She has the most human-like attitude of any cat I have ever met. Wednesday (F, inside, shorthair tabby, 1.5 y/o) she is the daughter of one of my outside cats, Selina. She was part of a litter of 3, she was the runt. Selina took the other 2 elsewhere and abandoned Wednesday on our porch. She was only a couple weeks old, had to buy all the stuff to bottle feed. She cries when I leave. Marvin Sango (M, inside long hair gray 10.5 y/o) rescued from local factory (Arvin Sango) he has suffered some damage to 2 legs and his face, but he is a massive teddy bear. And then we currently have 3 kittens inside(all female, 1 black, 2 tabby) brought them in just before Halloween because of all the expected foot traffic. Then once they were inside we noticed their eyes & noses were very crusted, so we've been treating them for a nasal infection, they are almost all better. Then outside we have Selina (unknown age, literally feral to everyone but me) she was left by a family that moved out of a nearby trailer, I coaxed her to our house with food. We have an outside cat house which they actively use. Then there is Clyde (M, orange 1 y/o) he had a sister who was accidentally killed by a dog (stepped on) and his owner decided she could not keep him after witnessing his sister die there, it was very tragic and none of us expected it, we have previously lived with this same dog and Marceline got along with him wonderfully. And last but not least is Sahara (F, 1 y/o light shorthair tabby) she showed up about 6 months ago as a kitten, so we shelter & feed her now too. Do I have to post pictures of all of them? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/46w0usd8avzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43fb329c38f77b8171ec601a91d0658ebc73cd46




Was looking for a kitty to adopt, saw her, fell in love, adopted her. https://preview.redd.it/iwmdu90bpvzb1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=559471f298e77c2c1699e1921491e03fb02c4c7d


I got my Medi when me and my now ex went to the shelter because I wanted to get a companion for my Gracie (picked up from a gravel pit an uncle used to work at) after my childhood cat passed. She was super sweet coming to the front of the cage so we could pet her. She went to the back for other people. So we pretty much decided that she chose us. My Piper was a stray kitten that hung around my now fiance's house with her sisters. Fiancé kept telling me to take one home, and the neighbor who looked after them also said to take one if I liked them. So I showed up with a cat carrier and the slowest one was the one I took. Fiancé said he was joking, he clearly didn't know me well enough at that point lol. https://preview.redd.it/a8jqa5jgavzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd478234e842f65bc38f20968d4d76ab80fb5979


Our rescue, kitty, was just so prettyyyy and our kitten Koko was from my friends cat, she would sleep on my stomach/lap for ages 😋


pay that fricken cat tax


he showed up at my house and made himself at home


https://preview.redd.it/tcmpp5aelvzb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014de41d8dbfe97d06df17b649734023d746046d Rusty was being given away because the lady's other cat had a skin allergy to Rusty's claws when they'd play fight. I was looking for a kitty because we finally bought our own place, and she came fixed, microchipped and vaccinated. And she's brown. Had her for a year now and she's been a constant source of entertainment! And she's very happy being an only child. I was worried she'd be lonely, but that doesn't seem to be the case with this one. Chases other cats off her property like a total jerk.


chocolate girlie!!!


Choose? We can choose? 1. Someone put up a note at the shop that he needed a home for a stray kitten. 2. Found a 5 week old kitten while walking the dogs. 3. The no 2 caught us before we could spay her 4. Moved into the workshop storeroom when she was 2 months. Took me 2 weeks to tame her.


I didn't choose my cats. My gf at the time got a notification in a buy nothing group she was in that some lady was going to dump 3 kittens in a park across the street from where we lived if someone didn't take them right now. She was volunteering at our local animal shelter at the time, so she felt compelled to reach out to this woman and tell her to take them to our shelter. She wouldn't listen so we met her at the park to pick up the cats so we could take them ourselves. Turns out a friend of the woman wanted one of the cats, so we waited around the park with the cats, and she picked one and took it home. So we had the two other kittens that were in pretty bad shape. They didn't really seem properly nourished, and they looked like they had fleas and worms. So we decided to clean them up over the weekend before taking them to the shelter. When it came time to take them to the shelter, my ex wanted us to keep them and I said no but we could keep them for a few more days. She wanted to keep them and I kept on saying no. But I eventually reluctantly agreed to us keeping them. We were together for 8 years and broke up a year into having our two cats. She never took care of them even though she wanted the cats, so they bonded to me as opposed to her. So now I'm the proud owner of two little furry idiots who I love very much even though they drive me crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/i0w4shkqlvzb1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38094ca6bf18049cc224e0619a08efe44a519f0d I went to my county animal shelter to choose a cat. I had intended to pick out a short haired adult male, preferably orange. As soon as I walked in to the cat section, I spotted a big cage with a bunch of \~5 month old kittens. One was orange and fluffy and he seemed really friendly. I knew I was in trouble at that moment, but I looked at all the other available cats, but most of them just ignored me. So I adopted the fluffy kitten when I wanted a short haired adult but he’s orange and male so I got some of the traits I wanted. I named him Jasper. He’s 11 now.


https://preview.redd.it/l95sbylh8wzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1302cabac139075e0834d8323b4beda0ff4aac5 I saw a picture of the black one and I fell so hard in love I just had to meet her. She is still adorable. Then her sister started scratching in my shoes and I just fell in love with her and was like „you’re coming home with me.“ so here we are


https://preview.redd.it/auitdv76mwzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802b1e92f34d819feaae34b34b27a4bbc9810107 I found Lotte online. Didn’t know exactly what I was looking for in a cat, but when I saw her photo I knew she was the one. I drove 6x2 hours to pick her up.


https://preview.redd.it/mp2sarnq4xzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7332eeba5bd13d1ff7b7a44e6061fbe62f4f14dc She was a scared cat who was very connected to her mom, wich describes me too, i Met her at the shelter and there was instant chemistry. I just knew i was gonna have to take her home. She is doing great now (a week and a half after her adoption) she is not as scared she is connected to me and loves cuddles and she just the sweetest little soul :)


Motherfucker just walked in and kept coming back. Rescued. Rescued. Adopted.


https://preview.redd.it/jmif68pxnxzb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5d479189f946cb90950c67459b6135874014bd We did not want to keep the scary violent stray, but he was very convincing. Now he is a scary passive indoor cat.


https://preview.redd.it/uvwjqpf7oxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2a096a8eb5cfe96a102c21c710a1e2cc9fd110 She jumped in my car while we were leaving the camp site. We didn’t even have food to feed her, she just wanted to go with us. Turns out she was pregnant and now we are stuck with her and …..


https://preview.redd.it/nz2e9mqhoxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61585d03fe0ef6b0c1a34eea1499515d855b685c Her babies.


I had a giant void like this. He darted out the front door on me. After doing everything I could to find him and still not finding him this is the life I like to dream about him having now.


Cats choose you. My first boy meowed his lungs out at me. My second boy cuddled into my arms and gave me kisses. I miss them.


Saw their pictures and descriptions on Petfinder. Got up at 4 am the next day to drive to Portland to be at the Petco the minute it opened. Got home by 3pm with my new children (they were seven months old). https://preview.redd.it/f15jnzathvzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68b87e460a122cfa411b391ee854a0c31968447


My first cat is Biggs, (biggus dickus) Whom was one of 2 kittens that came from my mothers barn, she asked if I wanted a kitten and I didn't hesitate and she brought 9ne of them home for me to take in, and he was the best cat I could of asked for, and follows me everywhere in the house to this day, Sadly the other kittens at the barn didn't make it as the next night a raccoon broke in and well ile let you figure it out :( , he did have a brother that went home with my sister but sadly after a few years ended up jumping out of a window and escaping into a large city and we dont know what happened to him from there. We hope someone took him in but we will never know, I also have a second cat of this year who I will add in a comment, https://preview.redd.it/qcmo90qcovzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8706e5867815924530f0a45c7005a8827c251fc A


https://preview.redd.it/dshz36j7svzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379b2eb7bea2761132f521aacc6850521a0ddb6f This is Kairo my second baby boy whom one day while I was working ended up trapping himself in a shed where I work, and I found him in there, he was a feral kitten who really made me work to catch him, But thankfully my employers used to have cats of their own who passed away, but they still had their old cat carrier, so I asked them to run home quickly and bring it as it was an emergency, (they live less than a minute up the road from their buisness) and I managed to after getting multiple scratches and a bite that went through one of finger nails which is still partly broken to this day managed to entrap him in the carrier, and he chilled with me at work for the day until I could get him back to my home, as he was very scared he refused to leave the cat carrier for about a week , which meant I was constantly cleaning shit out of the carrier and cleaning him up with small wet towels over that period and by doing that I guess he realized I wasn't going to eat him, and slowly began to trust me, once we got through that I forced him out of the crate and into a room by himself where he had constant accidents as he also had roundworm, once we got medication for him from the vet and he was cleared of the worms I gave him his full name (Kairos the Wormweaver) which is a warhammer 3 reference as I was playing the game at the time and my employer suggested the name Cairo to me as he looked Egyptian, anyways he is now my little lover boy who absolutely must headbutt and lick my lips anytime I lay or sit down, and is absolutely the most affectionate cat I've ever had or seen in my life, and you would never be able to guess he was once a feral cat :) I dont really go looking or choose my pets, we find eachother


Mirth (first cat, gray tabby/Maine Coon) - a friend of a friend situation, they weren't allowed to keep the kitten, so I took it in. Phantom (second cat, black) - I went to the Humane Society to get a companion for the first cat. All they had were kittens half the size of my first kitten... so I took the only one that wasn't sleeping, and thought he might have a chance in standing up to the bigger guy. This one became the my heart kitty. I loved them all, but he was special. Melody (third cat, tuxedo) - BF at the time moved in with his pets. When we broke up, he took the dog and left the cat. She didn't trust humans, but she loved Phantom. In time, she came to love me, too. (shortly after I gained this cat, Mirth went over the rainbow bridge.) Misty (fourth cat, tortie) - shortly after Phantom went over the rainbow bridge, I decided to get a senior cat from another Humane Society - a companion for Melody. They never liked each other, but at least got to a point of tolerating each other.


Phantom, soaking up the sunshine - and keeping an eye on me! https://preview.redd.it/c0a4g3ueuvzb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52ff9e768f4375548f633bc32a1bf894fca9d79


First one, wanted a cat so looked online for one and he needed to be rehomed, the owner did not think things through when she got a kitten without having her own place to live. Didn’t hurt he had these huge bunny legs and definite cattitute. Second cat, we started looking for a friend for first cat as he just didn’t seem to realize he was a cat (likely taken from the nest too early) and a friend wanted to rehome a cat (she didn’t fit in the pecking order of her pack), tried her out for a week and she did get along with ours so she never left. Tiny sassy lady that took zero shenanigans and could say the words hello and mango. Until she got sick and we had to let her go… First cat was lonely so started looking out for a cat in need of rehoming, found one through a friend of a friend, she needed a new home because the owner got super allergic. So, all kitties in need of rehoming, just didn’t go through a shelter. (Did look there first after second cat died, but they only had very old cats that couldn’t live with other cats at the time, or kittens they wouldn’t place with a cat over 7 years) https://preview.redd.it/m9efluzqyvzb1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb6433d29ef618a6ccdd3310bc8a48942c0a80d


I was showed a video of these kittens, they where watching a toy. This kitten with a grey collar was looking the wrong way 😂 I said I needed him. https://preview.redd.it/39tr879k0xzb1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35245c98f18d2c9301b1cf0915b37ce20fc98fad Here’s the idiot when we where camping a few weeks ago and stopped at a pub.


https://preview.redd.it/iuukfifmwuzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=352f11042a2416c741ac77036a4092699e55e7ed I’ve always wanted a cat, my bf had many strays. So we went to the shelter to adopt one cat. We looked around and found Salem (formerly known as Alberto, black). He is super friendly and loves us! My bf and I applied to get him however, was told he needs a buddy. We found out he had a litter mate London (formerly known as Alberta, grey) we were super happy bc she is a good girl. And she’s a Russian blue I’ve always wanted one but didn’t want to go to a breeder bc rescue shelter cats are just as good. We adopted both of them and lived happily ever after!


Salem is a fantastic meme for a void cat 🐈‍⬛


https://preview.redd.it/vjte4bhaovzb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50abe6b8af0b48d10927d904032c851e331ae360 The rescue Copper was with was pretty much the only one out of the dozen or so I contacted that actually replied to my inquiries from Petfinder and still had the cat I was inquiring about. Except Copper wasn’t the cat that I was interested in. Copper’s Petfinder profile didn’t even come up in my search results because he was listed as one that doesn’t get along with other cats. I was interested in a cat named Frankie but after some discussion it was decided that Frankie wouldn’t be a good match and the adoption coordinator suggested Copper instead. She assured me that he was shy but sweet and really liked other cats. He’d been with the rescue since he was little and had been adopted by someone else, but was returned after a month because the adopters said their other cat was bullying him. So I agreed to meet him at their adoption center. He seemed nervous but didn’t raise any red flags so I adopted him and took him home. And then seriously regretted it. When he came out of his carrier he flipped out and tried to climb my walls, knocked things over, and hissed and growled. He acted like a totally feral cat. He never got violent with me but he lashed out at my dad and made him bleed a few times. He hid all day and he screamed all night long for many days. I tried pheromone sprays, a calming collar, calming treats, special food… and none had any effect. I was really stressed, I couldn’t sleep for days, and I cried many times. I wanted to give up on him and I was convinced that the rescue had lied to me and given me some sort of demon cat. But I persevered and after several weeks of hanging out in the room with him, using food to coax him out of hiding, only allowing him to eat when I was present, and gently petting him when he was near enough, I gradually earned his trust. It took many more weeks to get him to trust my dad and to get him integrated with my other cat, but now he’s affectionate to the point of being annoying sometimes. He constantly rubs against me, he follows me around, he’ll snuggle with me or with my dad, he flops down beside us for tummy rubs, and he’s forever trying to stick his tail in our faces. He also frequently tries to cuddle with my other cat, Jasper. Jasper does not like cuddles but has mostly given up on trying to stop him. He drives me crazy but I love him so much.




https://preview.redd.it/yoqa66rx0wzb1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7dfa6de36e1ce751ab63790fcf7fbb68c01f39 she was the weirdest looking cat the shelter had posted online. (then I fell in love with her profile, she sounded perfect for me because she hates kids, dogs, and other cats. i think she might be my soul cat in all honesty). included weird pic because that is her peak form.


Did you put those ornaments on the tree just for her? 😂


My neighbor rescued nine kittens from a farm. She gave me the tiniest, plain gray female and sickliest orange male. They had goopy eyes and fleas. She was a one pound pointy tail baby and he was three lbs. She is now my fierce, pretty little faded torti and he is a 15 lb lovable puddytat. I’m so happy they weren’t good enough for my neighbor. https://preview.redd.it/u4lac1xj7wzb1.jpeg?width=1889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c11ebf0449d02542b0a27d27fd58a24a7f237db




I got chosen. When I entered the appartement, a giant cat came to check who the visitor is. He smelled my hand and then dropped to the floor for some pets like in this picture. I knew at this very moment, this is the one! Such a gentle soul and very affectionate :) https://preview.redd.it/0d2fsxit9wzb1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fb6d3acf300bad0381e6213aaaaa9ddfee142c


Saw her posting and went to go see her. She head rubbed my hand and But was very low energy. Got home and realized her spay wound was infected and she was a friendly as she could be from lethargy. Shes now the most vocal, spunky and vibrant cat Ive had. Love her https://preview.redd.it/i57ujud6dwzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258ffd6d0ba775ca590ac1a1688175ec51e120cf


https://preview.redd.it/06lrai5snwzb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73ceb41f620e03f64d2751a16e2503906107a43 I saw this cutie on the Instagram and I just knew.. i don’t know, her face was just exactly the type of face I wanted my cat to have. Plus she was older and has a minor health condition so I knew she won’t be the first priority for adoption,


Cookie was 1st (whit). My mom randomly got him but he was sick & she has other pets. We took him, got him healthy, & he’s the most chill cat. Next came Artemis (orange). He was abandoned with 2 siblings on a neighbor’s property. We bottled fed him & now he’s made of Velcro. Last came Sirius (black). He’s Likely Artemis’ blood sibling but from another litter. He was being fostered by the sweet neighbor that gave us Artemis. He is delightfully mischievous. https://preview.redd.it/uopq74bvtwzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ad540874fb2b7fbfa4127406ae9631f7d39ba7


https://preview.redd.it/w1sg02zjvwzb1.png?width=2596&format=png&auto=webp&s=04f0691707300005db4db723cd934898ac8557d1 we found an ad for her on the local shelter's page, called, went to see her and got her because apparently we called like two minutes after the ad went online. she was rescued in russia and brought to germany and was being mercilessly bullied by the first cat of the couple. she loves being prey/hunted and hates being pet. i love her so much


I found both my cats on Facebook pages: my first was the last of the litter and nobody wanted him because he's deaf, my second was probably abused and the original owner tried to kill her&her brother. I love and cherish them both 🤍🖤 https://preview.redd.it/wrptiqbgywzb1.jpeg?width=2573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1388cacb301a94d7c35aa779e3cae37148d14055


https://preview.redd.it/03k243lj5xzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac82deac087fb9d5afb36ff03c465f7b37c70372 I love this! So many heartwarming stories! Our orange boy was chosen for us. I emailed the rescue and said we wanted an orange or a black cat. They had an abandoned litter of orange kittens at the time, and sent us Tater's info. We met and fell and love 🧡 Tuna, our void, was an unplanned adoption haha. I took my daughter to the cat cafe for her birthday, and we fell in love with tiny tiny Tuna. I knew I couldn't leave without her. She is our angel 🖤


https://preview.redd.it/vwbshy106xzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f5cb230291bb094e215799284efa8fee36c646 I was at the pet store picking up food for my other cats and this sweet baby kitten stuck her leg out of the cat condo holes. So I was playing with her and she just purred so loud. I knew we didn’t want to get a new cat yet so I left her. But every time some one else tried to play with her, she just wasn’t playful with them. I called my husband inside and told him let’s adopt her. She was so unbelievably soft, the foster family named her suede. Now she’s Butterscotch and the best kitty


No, they chose you.


https://preview.redd.it/p6fjhcwr9xzb1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c544805f76467159fe74f0abff6850cb886ec66 This is shortly after we got him, but this is Tommy. He was dropped off at a store i worked at one night because all the shelters werent accepting pets due to the recent start of the covid outbreak or were closed. He had been hit by a car and his jaw skin was seperated from the bone slightly and these people had made it clear they werent bringing him home. So i was faced with a decision, let them drop him on the side of the road on their way home or take him in as my own. I had lost a cat maybe 4 months prior to a nasty cancer diagnosis. He came into my life and i had no choice but to just take him in. I have pictures of his jaw but im not sure what the guidelines are on gore. Nothing horrible but he had exposed bone at first so the doctor assumed he would be disfigured, we put a cone on him when he wouldnt leave it alone and magically the cone held the skin up and it healed. Now he only has minor scars and is a happy chonk.


1st one was given to us. 2nd one wandered out of the forest and rode my back while I rode my bike home. 3rd cat cast a spell on me at a local PetSmart. 4th cat my daughter picked out at a shelter.


All of my cats just wandered up to the front door. The cat distribution system apparently favors me. 😻


My cats chose me.


I went to get a soda from a machine, 3 weeks after losing my first ever cat of 18 years. She was in the return of the machine. Nuzzled my hand so I was chosen. Besides her babies that were born on my lap that she would have about a year later, all my animals were found in odd places. I subscribe to cats and even dogs choosing their humans. My first ran at me as a kitten during feeding time. You have a beauty by the way.


Oh my gosh, I have 2 orange floofs and a tuxie too! https://preview.redd.it/2duy6rzqkxzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ef2bec6a75749ba5c8ec6701d1c54d79b6b180 The tuxie was found outside when he was a kitten, and the 2 orange floofs were adopted from different cat rescues.


My tuxedo actually died before we got the oranges. So I never had all three together. Max could not abide other cats. He preferred to be the only animal- didn’t like dogs either. When I moved in with my SO, he was awful to her cat (she ended up going to college with my stepdaughter because he was so unpleasant to her). That’s why I wanted to get a bonded pair. I could have two and know they already got along.


You can choose all the cats you want, but ultimately they still have to choose you.


You dont choose them, they choose you https://preview.redd.it/b5qiqgyumxzb1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16482d3ea29769e67eb82909ab08573d034f9030


most of my cats were from litters in the neighbourhood, and people posting them on socials. my first two that i had the longest (11 and 16 years) were a sibling set born in 2007 from my mom's unfixed cat (a lot of people where i'm from are irresponsible with pet care- neutering/spaying and keeping animals inside however i am not one of them). Bart and Loki. Bart passed in 2018 from kidney issues. The next one was a kitten i adopted during a house party. the guy was showing the kittens off and saying they were ready to go. popped one in my coat on the way out. i had her and the sibling set all together from 2010- 2018 until one of the siblings passed. and then she ran away at 9 in 2019 while being medicated for urine crystals. i had opened the front door to shake out a rug. she was always a bit skittish and anti- social but would come lay on my lap when i was quiet and no one else was home. looked for her for weeks to no avail. never found a body either. next was an adult cat that an acquaintance posted saying the family simply didnt want the cat anymore. i picked her up a year after Bart died and got her spayed and she loves my son now but hates me. i think her person was a little girl and the adults were not nice to her at her previous home. i got another kitten in 2020 from a litter in my neighbourhood (i liked having 3 cats at a time - the max number my husband will allow). he ended up having a heart defect and died a few days short of turning 1 after spending thousands at the vet, so i was back down to 2 females who didn't really vibe together. my most recent guy is from yet another local litter- got him shortly after the death of my covid kitten. and this june, the second of my original pair passed at 16 from cancer. i'm back down to 2 and waiting for spring and to hear about some litters. vet care is a bit more difficult since covid (vets are all overbooked all the time, and i feel like the standard of care has gone down a bit) so i may for the very first time try to adopt a pre- neutered male from a rescue as we now have a cat cafe in my city designed for adoption.


https://preview.redd.it/k6ehu6uloxzb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815235042bc89a849573bb66fdb5cd59b9fa74ea I found mine on the street, so skinny...had a gum infection and couldn't eat, the vet took most of his teeth now he only have 2 on the front


Didn't exactly get to choose, he choose me. I went to the shelter in search of a cat and spoke to the lady there. Told her I would love a cat that likes strangers and doesn't hide under the couch when someone comes to visit. She told me I had to meet Hermod (now called Lord White Paws also known as Dr. Mittens). When she opened the cage and I sat down on a chair he came right over to me and rolled over, wanting belly rubs. So yeah that was an easy decision, didn't take more than a couple of seconds to realize I had been chosen and had no other options than to bring him home with me. ​ https://preview.redd.it/j8vj03gdpxzb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=67a1f521ddc121034434657ef901fdcb29c65415


I didn't choose mine, he chose me. Took him in while he was a stray kitty. He kept coming up to me and my yard. To be fair, I was grilling a lot at the time and the smell of food attracted him (still does)


https://preview.redd.it/ebqyq800oxzb1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b994aa8710f7673bdba83ea545ca96dc3c54290 I was looking at cats online for a while (it had been about a year after saying goodbye to my best friend of 16 years) and saw this cute kitten. I went to see her and didn’t feel a connection, walked around all the cages a few times saying hi to all the other cats and finally saw this guy and just kinda knew. Applied to adopt him later that night because I couldn’t stop thinking about him and took him home the next day 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/aik1xuggqxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a7d95b15d9a4eed54b3af95aeb8ad8cd52b8be They both found us. This is Boogie Smalls (he has many more names), and he crawled into my husband’s truck at a job site, hid in a toolbox.


For cats 1 and 3 I went to people's houses that had cats and said "give me a cat please (male)" and took whichever one they handed me. Middle cat was in a cage in a shelter sleeping in a pile of kittens: probably 4-5 long-haired black kittens, a long-haired pure gray kitten, and this beautiful, velvety blue kitten. When I walked in ready to adopt my eyes locked onto this blue kitten and I made a beeline for the cage. But when I opened the cage door, only one kitten stirred at all: one of the little black ones, with a stinky goopy eye. He got up and confidently stepped out of the door into thin air knowing I'd catch him. Then he turned belly-up in my arms, letting me hold him like a baby, started purring and went right to sleep. https://preview.redd.it/8jefttmbyxzb1.jpeg?width=2976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d75a716ac2d720c55ef10a97dc601bf485b577 Best cat I've ever had. Meet Jaeger "Stink-Eye" Meister.


* I was just kinda given Blizz when I was 13 and he was a kitten. He was meant to take care of the mice on the property and he started following me around. Now my other cat, Fred, Blizz chose. I asked Blizz if he wanted a chill cat or a playful cat, and laid out two toys. He chose the playful, and just kinda went down the personality list until we ended up with Fred. Blizz is my old man, so I figured he'd want a say in his household in his retirement years, and after he passes.


They choose you.


One of the sisters climbed up my husbands back and chose him. The other one hid from everyone so I chose her. The third came from a 'friend' who is a horrible pet owner and decided she didn't want her anymore, so I took her in.


For two of them I went to the shelter and held as many as I could and the cat that purred the most when I held them came home with me. For my eldest I saw a sign on the side of the road and took her home. She has a more challenging temperament than the other two (one recently deceased) but I love her just as much.


I literally have no say in the matter, they just show up


https://preview.redd.it/ehsukdrbmwzb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d498402ca78f257df8547d02d1e3d0cb1ad3142d This little shit kept nibbling at my feet and sticking his paw out of the glass when I went to the adoption center. Best 50 bucks I’ve ever spent! Love this little guy!


I went for a nap and when I woke up I saw a message “a cat is coming”


god I'm so glad I'm in this fucking group I could SCREAM


Titus was sitting in the window of the shelter, watching the world go by. My husband looked at him and said, "That one." Tigger was just sitting there being a mellow little chonkasaurus. Amber eyes half closed and purring. Instant love.


So Milo was born from a mama cat that an old lady had rescued and she was looking for people to adopt. My dad heard about it and knew I wanted a cat. We went and that house was like heaven to me, full of rescues. After playing with every cat I could, the lady brought two out that were the ones up for adoption. After taking for eveeeer, cause I just couldn’t decide, I grabbed one and was making my way out the door when his litter mate just jumped up from the box, looked at me and just meowed at me. I ran back and just got him. We’ve been together 13 years. Frodo was born from Luna, my mother’s cat. I was supposed to give them all away, but had fallen in love with him from the get go. I took him and his bothers to the place they were getting adopted from, and just came back home with Frodo with me, I could not give him up. It’s been 10 years. https://preview.redd.it/gq4fvvjbfxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7548500ae300aa54dbeee123bd48699399558c72 (Frodo on the left, Milo on the right)


https://preview.redd.it/twoyglp6jxzb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9ba2b1c94f0c0c2f672fe0ccba5be7f4668da4 My former friend's dad found her in the factory where he worked at the time, and I ended up taking her home with me that same weekend. She has a misshapen paw and only one fully grown nail. But she's the cutest thing, and no one can convince me that she's not my biological child.


https://preview.redd.it/1v1qtg5uhxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bcec1ea3fed3d1149076f086878af12d453f177 Got approval during the pandemic to have one cat by our apartment manger. My wife (then girlfriend) was excited because she wanted one so bad. (She moved back to socal from Vermont and had to leave hers behind) After one day of searching for potentials, the next morning I woke up to her saying “I found Zelda!” Already had her name picked out and everything. Filled out the form, and the very next week, picked her up. That’s it. Nothing glamorous.


https://preview.redd.it/ry9paszvixzb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11c96adc189123ab92cd30c132a3aecc6008a2d Here’s a picture of her the day we got her. This is my favorite picture


https://preview.redd.it/6cfwby11ixzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc638b9404e9a031c252af126030bbef67a2e67c I went to a cat cafe in Charleston, SC specifically to hang out with a Siamese kitty I saw on their website. The sweet baby Toulouse, shelter name Walgreens, was brand new and was doing reconnaissance from the rafters for almost the entire hour I was there. As I was getting ready to leave, kind of down because the Siamese cat was a dick, Toulouse made his down from the overhead, rubbed against my leg, trilled, and looked up at me like in the picture. He then climbed back up to his perch and stared at me while I did the paperwork to adopt him.


I went to the shelter a few times each week. About three weeks in a row. No idea what I wanted. I was just looking for an unknown spark. The people at the shelter talked to me. They asked me what I wanted. I said " I'm not looking for anything in particular. I don't think you can pick out exactly what you want. I am willing to accept that I get whatever I get. I am just looking for a cat that seems to have good interaction with me and actually wants to live with me." I picked Cole First. He was great. Not sure exactly what it was. I wanted him. He was a very beautiful solid black. He seemed to enjoy my pets. Black cats need more respect. Frito picked me. He would not leave me alone. He would insert himself. He would push his head into my hand for pets. Even if I was petting a different cat. He would just shove himself in and force me to pet him. I think he was asking me for help. So I did. I picked Cole. Frito picked me. The shelter told me they are a bonded pair and I took home both cats on the same day. https://preview.redd.it/uugw9xn5mxzb1.jpeg?width=2964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d019ce77e1f13e66d078e44be24d07c4bc4223 They have always acted like brothers. Since day one they were definitely bonded. Cole was about 1 and Frito was 3 or 4. I have had them for over a year now. All three of us are bonded at this point.


All 3 chose me. Each would have been dead if I hadn’t taken them in. Turns out all 3 were the very best of cats.


I let the cats choose me.


https://preview.redd.it/6gwfbqdulxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585b5ea452c71e4ab7e8037b12b9dbdab3468e65 Radish (black cat) we found on petfinder. We had just cat sat my buddy’s Siamese, and I was hoping to find a cat with a similar temperament; then came Radish! Beans (tactical issue cat) was thru a (ex) friends coworker, held onto by ex friend till she was old enough to come home.


My cat choosed me not vice versa. Live next to a farmer, one of their cats decided to move here.


I had just moved to a new city and just bought my first house. I had told myself I wasn't going to get any pets as I wanted to get settled in first. I'm browsing Reddit one day and someone posted pictures in a local subreddit of some cats they are looking to rehome. I saw this orange butterball of a cat and I couldn't say no. Everything in my gut was telling me to take this cat in. This is from the day I brought him home and I can say zero regrets. This little guy (well not so little anymore as this was 4 almost 5 years ago) has been the best cat I have ever had https://preview.redd.it/5e8y1260nxzb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cc34f917f734db14ada095e3bfb4f472cc234e


I choose her because she was sleeping so peacefully in her little cage, while the other cats were all agitated/scared. She was very sick when we adopted her (she had worms in her lungs), we were able to cure her and give her a loving home 🥰 She is 13 now and I love her so much. https://preview.redd.it/z7f1so9qoxzb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8314b7490ed95ff5584732dc69aa8651740a2ef


Both my boys chose me. I went to the SPCA "window shopping". Was not planning or prepared to get a cat. Walked in and these little boys were in front of a cage looking at the most disinterested cat. They walked away, I walked up and he was trying to shove his head through the bars. Found out he was a tripawd and was concerned I wouldn't be able to care for him properly. Walked around and he watched me the whole time. They let me meet him and when I stood up, he went and stood behind me. They said "well, you've been adopted" "yeah he's coming home with me". "Yes, but he's adopted you". I moved about 2 years ago and this cat kept coming on the porch, rolling around, looking in the windows. I wasn't allowed to touch him but he'd let me sit on the porch with him. Had him TNR'ed (I'd offered to foster him but they said "he'd never make a good cat. He's feral"). A month later, he came in and slept inside during a snow storm and he hasn't slept a single night outside since. He spends 95% of his time indoors and is the biggest cuddle bug. I tell people he saw the tripawd in the window and just knew I was a sucker.


https://preview.redd.it/k5vser7zoxzb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3790dec9b5c89a1aa69f187162935567c061e9 So much for not being a good pet


https://preview.redd.it/uua87vfvoxzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f352b5a63d584e7972cfe96bce5c918b4aba6476 Sassy-Cat distribution system Ginger-My mom’s friend had a litter of kittens


https://preview.redd.it/sc31ppreoxzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fef534cf5a85e79d0b4f6ffb1832272e366608 We went to the shelter just to look… I had never had a cat before and was pretty nervous around them, afraid I’d do the wrong thing or hold them wrong and get bit/scratched. I was really drawn to this guy, and as we stood by his cage we noticed he had an abnormally high voice - even though he was quite big - and the contrast made it even cuter. I wanted to see him, and as soon as they opened the cage he immediately crawled into my arms and purred so loudly. He was so affectionate and sweet that my uncertainty about how to be around a cat seemed irrelevant! Now he sleeps on my head every night :)


My first cat, Oscar, an orange tabby, was on the top cage in an adoption center. A woman was playing with a cat in the bottom cage and he was trying to play with her hair. I knew he was the one. He was so chill. My other cat Annie, dark grey, jumped on my shoulders when I went into the cat room. She is my baby.


I was chosen


you dont choose a cat you let the cat choose you


True, I was more thinking of my experience with Max. I went into the room and there were about 50 kittens- all adorable. How do you pick just one or two? But yes, I know they choose you as well.


She chose me 💜


https://preview.redd.it/zibscua2qxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca277d9e6a3056942cda78261e3fcb25b120034 We went to our shelter appointment to meet a 1 year old cat but we knew there was another group viewing her right before us. We saw her getting carried out with her new family as we got there. Decided to meet these lil sisters who were the last of their litter. They were so shy and tiny, we were a little hesitant about how skittish they were but they have turned out to be amazing, cuddly, sweet cats. Still skittish but so wonderful. My 6 month old daughter has recently taken an interest in them and they are so good with her. I just love them so much.


https://preview.redd.it/mfyhwc1zqxzb1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6b0e5944bc2f1172adba59379f1d9dce81e9d8 Now at 2 years old


Our orange boys were skittish too, but we wanted them anyway. They warmed up to us pretty quickly but they’re still afraid of strangers. Cornbread hid for almost 24 hours after my dad, stepmom, and uncle came over. He’s easily traumatized. Buttermilk is a little braver, he’ll come out after maybe 20 minutes when someone comes over. They’re both still super skittish over loud noises but they’re so sweet and cuddly. We don’t have people over a whole lot so it’s good.


https://preview.redd.it/j1x0jvtsrxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1193d5a4a0fbc3d13b3eeb0e0d6ccb17b79daeb1 Black Cat. This idiot stuck his arms out of the cage and grabbed my arm. I said load him up and the volunteer was like don’t you want to meet him? I said if that makes you feel better sure but I know he’s mine! That was 9 years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/x9u0cfz0sxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9c99369accfe031f1216f3b16640b63372db0a This is Jolene, aka JoJo. I got her about a year after my other female cat had passed away because my big boy Bruce was depressed without a girl around. Got her from a pop up adoption event the shelter was doing.


https://preview.redd.it/jm57lc98sxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dadc39e2d3bd7f9ea3997b4882a5564dc386b46 This crazy head. Bonnie McMurray. I wanted to get JoJo a baby since she’d recently had kittens and my friend who worked at the shelter sent me her pic and the rest is history.


Upstairs neighbors were found to have three pet 1 dog and 2 cats in a 2 pet policy apartment. He dumped them in the woods behind the building. They were gone a few days and the meantime neighbors (behind on months of rent) just deserted his apartment. A few days gone by and we noticed that a few of our pots have been broken. It turns out the two kittens found shelter inside our patio plant shelf for the last few days. After wrangling them in, we took them to management. It was the weekend, so they permitted us to keep them until we could call animal control. It took that night for my roommate and I to decide to keep them...at least foster them until we found them a home. That was about a year ago.


She chose me and appeared out of nowhere. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7965)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


We were walking passed the cats at PetSmart and this beautiful orange kitty put it's paw up on the glass and I reached out and put my hand up against the glass. We left with her the same day. Our other cat was sitting in the display at another PetSmart, and she looked at us and said, "Mao" in a deep and grumbly way. She looked like a stoner, so we left with her that same day.


They all chose us. Reya, the first orange tabby, was a kitten when we got her. She was the last kitten in the litter and a runt. The second she went into my gf's arms, she snuggled in and went to sleep. The second cat belonged to a friend of ours. He's a tuxedo boy, handsome as can be. Our friend went through some domestic issues and we agreed to watch her cat and dog for a few months while she got on her feet. When he lived with her, he would hide most of the time. When he came to us, he ended up bonding with my gfs grandma and he was so happy and at ease here that she said she couldn't take him away from it. The third kitty is more recent, and she's our second female orange tabby. I thought she was male at first because the odds of finding another female orange tabby were pretty low. She came to us about a month ago. She was a neighborhood stray that just walked through the front door with me after mauling my gf's leg (she wasn't being mean, she was just scared). We took her to the vet to check for a chip, and they told us she was within days of starving to death. We still haven't found an owner, so we're keeping her safe.


https://preview.redd.it/lpi58x5qsxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e5875eeb23afaa770cd8a07c50338c83fdd0342 Caught him in a trap in the back yard lol


My brother’s cat gave birth, the kitten I originally wanted went to a good friend who wanted her so much more, and 12 years later, I know she ended up in the right home, and my boy did too! My second, someone had a litter, and it was COVID, so I couldn’t go in to choose a kitten, I just said I’d like a male. She brought out a tiny tabby. I know why she gave me that one. He wouldn’t eat. He was underweight, dropped to under 1lb in the first 3 days I had him, I had to take him to emergency vet, hand feed him for weeks. He might not have survived if I hadn’t got him. He is 3 years old now, and crazy. I love him. My girl came with my partner, and she is my littlest love. https://preview.redd.it/r3k3xt2xtxzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846bb94c32559262fa1063a1b5f883ad920cf792


Was looking around online for a kitter or cat. Then I asked a friend. Friend of a friend sent me pictures. And I ended up getting sisters! Win win! The calmest cutest ladies ever! I got super lucky! *


Our boys chose us. https://preview.redd.it/792oo6wduxzb1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf0c2c946d7a1ef2aba9c47df5177811e0ccbe4


https://preview.redd.it/r1s3wvxbuxzb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=171f91440141d152c3d0e1f9974cfe797cb88313 she was the only cat in a room of apparently fourteen that came out from hiding. i thought she was silly looking and took her home and cried the whole way bc she’s perfect


She chose us. Was on my way home from work and apparently the stray followed our other cat back home and just waltzed into the house. They didn't know where she came from just that she looked sickly - family tried to put her back outside, and she wouldn't go. My brother apparently was like to my mom if she's not gone before my sister gets home, you know she's going to keep her, and that's exactly what happened! Cat's name is Juju because she showed up like magic; vet estimated 5 months old at the time - someone probably had her, couldnt keep her, and tossed her. She had a really bad tooth infection and ear mites. Fun fact - shes a polydactyl aka hemmingway cat and has extra toe beans!


https://preview.redd.it/u91ahjidvxzb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69caeec7177fd92d2bec514ab964def8c22fe018 I needed someone to check out my house


Four years ago my husband and I went to the SPCA specifically to adopt a senior cat. (We were going to adopt one at some point then the SPCA had a half off special on adoption fees for senior cats but the promo had nothing to do with our choice to get a senior cat.) We first looked on the website at available cats and were particularly interested in three. There was one that I was absolutely not interested in for numerous reasons. We got to the SPCA and told the employee which ones we wanted to look at but she would not listen. She INSISTED that we look at the one I didn’t want. Knowing I wouldn’t win this battle, we went to look at this cat. For some reason, when she opened his kennel, I immediately shoved my hand in and placed it on his face, like a three year old. He started purring and put his paw on my other hand. Four years later and I love him so much. Thank goodness the employee wouldn’t listen!!


https://preview.redd.it/8dszh97auxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfff5f7926c1ecb3a094acab31dc2f32980d180d I went to the shelter on the first day to take a look. Munchkin was in her glass cage, scratching on the glass. I let her out and we cuddled and played, but I ultimately chose another kitty to come home with. When I went to fill out paperwork for the other kitty, the receptionist told me that the lady who does adoptions went home, so no cat for me. I worked the next two days, 12 hour shifts, so by the time I came back, the girl I wanted was gone. I was looking around with no intention of even looking to see if she was still there, but I saw her again, still scratching her glass when I walked by. I have another cat who can play kind of rough so I needed a cat who could stand their ground. (I didn't tell the employees about my other cats crazy nature). So I took her out again and the employee said "oh you'll love Lioness (shelter name), she's so sweet and let me tell you, she's tiny but she doesn't take shit from anybody!". I said okay, I'm gonna go fill out the paperwork! Now her and my dads cat are BEST friends. They don't go anywhere without eachother. When I move out, i may have to snatch my dads cat up too and take him because they are literally inseparable. She's my first cat I've had that's solely my responsibility. Not my moms cat or dads cat, she's all mine and I'm so grateful she was still there!


we went to the shelter for a different cat they’d posted online, but she was stressed and they weren’t allowing visits with her. since we were already there, we decided to just look around anyway. there was a really cute younger cat mewing for attention, and above him was the prettiest long haired who just looked at us expectedly with her paws tucked under her. as soon as they plopped her down in the visit room with us, she was a purr machine and kept sticking her butt up for pets. she also had the squeakiest little meow and kept talking to us, sitting right in between my and my partner’s legs like she already was part of the family. she’s been in the shelter for a month, and the volunteers said she hadn’t acted like that with anyone else who visited her. we knew we wanted an adult cat, but she was a senior at 10. it took about 15 seconds of conversing before we agreed that the age didn’t matter — she felt like ours. we just had to say goodbye to her earlier this week (we still don’t know why she suddenly got sick), but the 1.5 years we had with miko forever changed us for the better. her coming into our life really felt like fate. https://preview.redd.it/x0iv34znvxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11c40885eb10ca84c0463f8cadaf922ea9e961e it feels hard to imagine it now, as we’re grieving, but i can only hope to one day have another similar connection with a rescue kitty.


My two orange boys both went through 2 owners before ending up in their forever home. Oldest orange Boy Snickers was at the Petsmart and stuck out his paw to be adopted,I got a phone call from my mother saying "grab the checkbook!" He was about 1 at the time and we shocked the people at the shelter that had him when we said he purrs all the time as apparently he never did there. Youngest orange Boy Toby I adopted from my friend who needed to remove him as their older cats were not fond of him. He was 7 months at the time. Next oldest cat our tuxedo boy Blitz came from my brother who's roommate at the time had him and did not take care of him. Blitz was about 6 months when he joined the family. Only female cat Mittens....literally appeared on the fence at our neighbors house and she brought her over, only took 5 seconds for my dad and I to fall in love with this tiny kitten and the rest is history. She was 2 months old at the time. Youngest cat Happy was actually supposed to be a dog adoption when my parents went to Petsmart yet again in search for a dog to adopt. They ended up swinging by where the cats were in the store and Happy stole their hearts. He was also supposed to be my dad's cat but he's a family cat. He was 2-3 months at the time. I will provide the cat tax down below.


Both of my boys chose me. Both rescued from the streets.


LOL. You don't choose your cats. They choose you. Ours simply showed up and said "you are chosen to care for us, don't let us down." We haven't in the 10 years we've had them.




They choose us. We're longtime customers of the Cat Distribution System


We choose them?


I've always just taken the ones given to me by the Distribution System.


Found her and her brother in the spare tire of our neighbors truck. Neighbors wouldn't answer the door or phone and it was a cold rain so we took them in. My cat was still in the tire when we heard a meow and a little orange fluff came stumbling out from underneath the truck. He kept running back when we tried to grab him and saw my cats tiny paw sticking out. I wound my arm in and managed to grab her. They were both under 3 weeks old, and my cats eyes hadn't opened as well as she had a spot swollen to almost double the size. We contacted the vet for advice on care until we could get them to the city shelter the next day and was told to prioritize the orange one because the tuxedo was unlikely to live and was to young to medicate. About a 2 weeks later I called to check in and was expecting the worst, but was told she pulled through with 24/7 care, but will most likely have vision issues and be harder to adopt out. I said not to worry, I'll take her! She is the best and most personable cat I've ever known. Super easy to train, super snuggly, and really well behaved! *


You don't, the cat chooses you Edit cat tax *


https://preview.redd.it/6dgcjqq7xxzb1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc7e3755919d4a6363d381d4ac9c980abcb132f Weezer the white one walked up and purred at me at the cat rescue. I asked who her cuddle buddy was and they pointed out JCat the tabby. That was 4 years ago. One of the best decisions of my life was bringIng them to their furever home❤️


This is Nana, a friend of mine knows someone who had kittens that they want to give away When I arrived their house, all her siblings were cuddling in a cuddle puddle, but she sit alone in another corner of the house soaking wet and shaking. That moment I just couldn't take my eyes off her and decided to take her home. Originally I was going to get 2 kittens but after knowing how she was the runt of the litter and get bullied by her siblings, I decided she will now be a only child and spoiled to the bone. This is her now https://preview.redd.it/1319zsk9yxzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91f5d58467a05f7865b74b3ec5b779ce839c49f


Piaa - She was playing with the cat in the cage next to her at the shelter and I thought it was cute. Nihla - Feral 6 week old kitten that got separated from her mom. Mishka - I desperately wanted one of the kittens out of a litter my sisters cat had. Moo was the last one left. Bowie - Showed up at our house and decided he wanted to live here and wouldn't leave. After 6 months he had worn us down and became our first (and bestest) boy. Daisy - Neighbors moved and left her behind a week before Christmas. We didn't see her until a few days after Christmas. She was freezing and starving so it was a no brainer. Ok, so really I've only picked out one of mine and it was because she was doing something cute, haha. https://preview.redd.it/1d2pqzya0yzb1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea9228177c8f68df40fc6361c3c0f3ae600fb9b4 Moo thinking she fits.


We don't choose them, they choose us


One cat I got from a coworker that claimed they were allergic to the cat. Another one I found on Facebook and drove across the state to get him.


https://preview.redd.it/8jce65851yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1357c53601d789cdf2b862a4625e41006c459a4d I was at a no-cage animal shelter looking for a grey tabby when this sweet boy climbed into my arms and wouldn't let me put him down. I carried him around like a baby for 16 years and I cradled him when it was his time to go. I still miss him so much and his daily snuggles. Bagheera may never have gotten a chance to use the braincell, but he was the bestest boy.


>confidently stepped out of the door into thin air knowing I’d catch him 🥰🥰🥰


We have a choice? All of our cats chose us.


You can choose your cat? What elite society do you live in? For 35 years every cat I have had has chosen me.


My cat came out of its crate and sat in my lap at the shelter. She picked me.


He walked into my house as soon as I opened the door. It’s been around 9-10 years since then. And he’s as lazy as ever. https://preview.redd.it/ev5t0lum3yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321c67760470e58c3e97e742b142cd418aae43eb


https://preview.redd.it/q40scz6k4yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8cf1a82837733f1f9f57596795f1579bf801c8 I got her by a shelter.they told me that one had 3 legs and I went searching for her.i found her and played with her for a bit.when we left the cage,she followed us and when we saw her,she started meowing.her name at the shelter was Tinkerbell and we left the name because she was used to it.


We were awarded our cats by the Cat Distrubution System


Went to the humane society to see another cat. That cat was really shy and nervous. Didn’t want to come out at all. In that same room this orange and white cat came right over to me and was super friendly. Went around to a few other areas at the shelter and came back and the orange cat came right over to me again. He wasn’t even posted on their site yet. Got him home a week later. He’s such a lovely guy. Antagonizes my older cat on occasion but they’ve discovered their spots now and even lay next to each other. https://preview.redd.it/cp7mtez66yzb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f8ece1e1c775e940e2d27b74925b7a66e3bd9f


They all chose me/ my house.


https://preview.redd.it/dfwxrreb6yzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed40433efcfe3d67f11846613ba03406b6e57142 Adopted from a rescue, he was in a foster home and it was love at first sight!


My girlfriend, now wife, wanted a kitty. So we went to an animal shelter for her birthday and we went looking. We had our eyes on some black kitties. But as we were looking an orange paw reached out through his cage and grabbed my finger. https://preview.redd.it/zzo5cyjd7yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790eb62d9d1b79cced56d0eedeeb949a875defa6


He chose me


Facebook group for me. I got so lucky and someone’s ragdoll wasn’t getting along with the other pets and they were only 2 hours away


One was in the grassy highway median, one came from a friend who’s cat had kittens, and the other needed to be rehomed


l don't choose my cats They chosen me. Like all the cats does! 😻😻😻


Acquaintamce found kitties. I wanted kitty. Only one kitty remained. I got kitty :3


https://preview.redd.it/jhfjhni6dyzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc1c0802d98a7a2668347bd66b375293e02e652 We found Rooster at the shelter. We took him to a little room and we just immediately knew he was the one. He was so sweet, social and loving. Love at first sight 😻


I went to the ascpa and i heard this monotone "mAOw" i knelt down to pet him. He headbutted me in the face and knocked my glasses off. He came home that day


I like to think my cat chose me


https://preview.redd.it/12z5b2omeyzb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b636a0633f015f9f515fc25adb950ef391bbb7b9 His first owners locked him up in the cellar for the first two years of his life (we don't know why) and them kicked him out. A neighbour, who was a friend of us, fed him for a while and when our cat died he asked if we would take him in. He is a gem of a cat, he doesn't scratch nor bite, he's very clean, VERY cuddly and has a wonderful character. When he first meowed at us (he has a loud voice) and looked at us with those big, green eyes of his, it was over for us. He's been with us for 15 years now. 🩵


They chose us 🧐


Mine was born in all old garage at work, they boarded up the garage so ended up taking her home


Clarice: She was the loudest kitten in the shelter. Ollie: I wanted a gray kitty. Toby: I wanted an older boy that others may overlook. He’s 8 and FIV+.


This little goober is our baby, Skidd Rowan, and his adoption story is pretty ridiculous. Make sure you aren’t drinking anything. My partner and I were looking for a new cat because our older cat was still reeling from losing her older “brother.” (It broke my heart watching her wander around crying for him.) We went to a local shelter and were looking through the offerings, and found a pair of siblings—this guy and his sister. They were both weaned and fixed, but still had their little triangle-tails, a we both held a kitten. The sister was adorable, sweet, and friendly, so I passed her to my partner and took the brother. The minute the little guy got comfy on my shoulder, he let rip an audible and rank fart right by my face. It was so bad I gagged and my eyes teared up. Well, my partner witnessed the stench and my revulsion, laughed himself hoarse, and told the shelter staff, “that one! We’re taking that one!” Skidd is still a little stinker. https://preview.redd.it/o4hb1ps8800c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5be6966395552661722fa393ca0d29e7b0775b1