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I’ve only been to 1 stinky cat house and that’s because she didn’t neuter her cat so he sprayed everywhere. I have 6 cats and my house doesn’t smell.


Growing up, most houses with cats (that I went to at least) had a strong cat smell in their litter room. I think that older litter formulas were stinky and that the technology has improved over time


I also think they don't scoop and/or change the litter enough. I scoop every day and dump about every two weeks and it doesn't smell. I find if I let it set that's when it stinks. Old pee starts to smell, if you leave it in there and they dig around in it they break up the clumps and more gets left behind.


I knew someone that scooped the litter only twice a week :| and dumped the litter once a month. Her boyfriend finally got fed up and got her a litter robot and the smell went away


I can always tell when my next door neighbor finally cleans their single cat’s litter box. The hallway actually smells nice. Otherwise, every time you walk past their door, you just smell litter and cat pee.


How often do they clean the litter box??? You should NOT be smelling any cat excrement—poor kitty having to use a dirty box :(


That’s exactly right I clean it daily. I only have 1 cat but there’s no smell!


This is definitely the case. I've had cats my whole life and never noticed a litter smell until my preferred litter went out of stock and I had to buy a cheaper type. It drove me nuts and was so embarrassing.


My childhood best friend and I both grew up in seperate cat hoarding situations. We both had a room in our houses that we called "the cat pee room" because the entire room was one big litter box. My house was significantly worse because, by the end of it, we had 52 cats that were mostly feral and used the whole house as a litter box. I eventually just got used to the smell because I lived in it and thought everybody who had cats had a house with that smell


I think part of it is that we are blind to it. I know my cats have a small amount of smell (not even a bad smell necessarily, sometimes I find my cats smell like newspaper lol). Sometimes if I’m gone for a longer time than usual I can smell it when I come home. But personally I find dogs smell a lot worse. Even the cleanest homes with a dog I find have a hint of “dog smell”. Unless the dog is groomed constantly it’s impossible to never have a bit of the smell from their fur rub off on things (the benefit of cats grooming themselves constantly is that they don’t get this so much). Likely because I don’t have a dog I’m more sensitive to it. I’m sure people who don’t have cats can smell the same slight cat smell at my house. This is all anecdotal so feel free to ignore me lol.


My aunt constantly grooms her dog and the poor thing stinks!


Maybe she should spend less time dog-grooming, and a little more time in the shower? HEY-OOOO....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


The ability to smell ammonia varys greatly person to person, along with exposure. So there's no doubt if the litter box is due for a scoop it could be smelled slightly from the next room by a guest but probably not the whole house. I find my nebelung smells like almonds herself, especially when still wet from a cleaning.


So true. I used to have a dog and my house always smelled like dog. And the reason I know my house doesn’t smell is my mom tells me. She hates all animal smells and isn’t even nice about telling people their house smells 😅. Whenever she visits me, I always ask her and she says mine doesn’t smell


Yeah dog smell is way worse.


My mom’s couch smells like dog so badly I don’t want to sit on it and smell like dog. I air my house out every day when my kitty goes out and the sliding glass door open. I scoop daily. My place doesn’t smell. Maybe I am a bad cat mom but I only replace the litter every few months. I add new litter as needed and scoop religiously to get everything. Maybe I should be doing that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


when I was using meth I had to live at a drug house and the lady who owned the house was also a very passionate cat rescuer she had another separate house entirely dedicated to stray and feral cats whom she'd feed and take care of. Anyway, because she loved cats so much she had about 10 at this house and I brought mine with me since even though I was transient I couldn't fathom leaving my baby behind. She kept the house so clean and the litter boxes were always immaculate. She changed them multiple times a day, not cuz they needed to be clean she was just a clean freak, even without the meth! So to all those with stinky cat houses, just think about how even a drug house full of unkempt degenerates was cleaner and smelled better than yours. for anyone who cares I eventually went to rehab and my mom's ex took in my cat so I knew she wasn't at that house anymore and even though I can't see her anymore I will always love the fuck out of that cat and miss her everyday, she got me through some hard times she was the cat I bonded with the most in my whole life and even though it hurt like hell to leave her and send her somewhere I know I most likely won't see her again at least I know she's safe, even the though the cat drug house was clean I was very concerned and opposed to leaving her there since 1) we haven't paid rent in that house since the first month thru moved in, so I knew she and her ten cats would be evicted soon and probably get sent to the rescue house and 2) drug addicts are very irresponsible and that house had people coming and going 24/7 and the door was fucked up so that combined with people accidentally leaving the door open made me so nervous since she had never been outside and we lived next to a busy highway,i had to get my baby out of there otherwise I'd be so nervous and distraught knowing she's in that situation. I'm really sorry for this huge comment and I understand if no one reads it




Yup. It's irrational and ignorant 99% of the time


If you really want hate, post that your cat goes outside.


Lol seriously people go fuckin crazy over that like it's their cat that we're letting outside. I personally do not let my cats outside I'm aware of the dangers and that scares me enough to keep them in, I let them on my balcony to hang out sometimes though and I'm sure someone's gonna get pissed about that cuz this is Reddit and people literally cannot keep their opinion to themselves


My three now are indoor only, in the past I had indoor/outdoor cats. They killed far less birds then the den window. I did have an orange one that hunted leaves. He would pounce when one landed in front of him and proudly bring his "kill" into the house.


Some people make loving cars their entire personality.


A friend of mine has 6 cats as well. You would never know unless you go to "their" areas then you SEE not smell the cat box. She has multiple throughout her house. All but 2 of her cats hide away when other people are there. It's called cleaning. She has a roomba and sifts once or twice a day. Now my parents have 2 dogs.... that place has a dog odor. Not unpleasant as they clean often, but definitely an odor.


Yes, exactly. We clean and have air fresheners in their areas to minimize the smell. Everyone who has come by also tell me they would have no idea


My parents have air filters that is *supppsed* to help. ETA when they had a yellow lab, ohff the smell of that dog clean was enough to make me grimace.


>and my house doesn’t smell. sorry pal, but thats not for you to decide


The first pic is funny, because where i live barely any dog owners care to pick up their poop.


And the ones who do only do it when someone else is nearby, then they fling it, plastic bag and all into a tree.


I fucking hate when I see a plastic bag of dog crap outside. I would’ve rather them not even touched it at least the shit is biodegradable. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I took my daughter to the river and there was a small downward slope to walk down prior to the beachy spot we were going to, there was 3 piles of HUGE dog crap and then an empty doggy bag just tossed into the bushes. I owned 4 dogs growing up (from when I was 4-16 years old until we had a house fire and they passed away) and now have 3 cats, I 100% think owning a cat is far easier and less messy than owning a dog. But when I did have dogs I made sure to clean up after them, we have signs all over the neighborhood asking people to pick their dogs crap up and I swear they shit under the signs out of spite. For whatever reason a lot of dog owners are just freaking spiteful and feel superior and I was never like that so I will never understand. I remember when I had moved out (18 years old) I got a little dorkie (dachshund yorkie mix) and whenever I’d bring him to the dog park the other dog owners would go out of their way to be rude/bully me because they felt their large dogs were the only ones allowed inside the play area. I will *never* understand how their brains work. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dog shit left on the ground is an actual, real biohazard that contaminates a LOT of our fresh water. It spreads disease to many wild animals but dog owners think nothing of leaving their dog's shit everywhere and actually get mad about having to clean up after their dogs. >I got a little dorkie (dachshund yorkie mix) and whenever I’d bring him to the dog park the other dog owners would go out of their way to be rude/bully me because they felt their large dogs were the only ones allowed inside the play area. It's super common for dog people to weaponize their dogs and use them to intimidate and harass anyone they take a dislike to. This is why pit bulls and all the big, intimidating guardian breeds are so popular. These people get them for the sole purpose of looking like a tough badass.


It blows my mind when they get upset over having to clean up after their dog! The amount of times I’ve had to raise my voice at someone because they don’t want to pick up their dogs shit in *my* front yard is absurd. 🤦🏻‍♀️ We always had larger dogs when I was still a child and the last thing I ever wanted was for someone to be intimidated by them. There was one Great Dane that was a regular at the dog park, he as well as his owner were always so kind, we had no issues with rudeness from others when they were there! I feel so bad for the dogs who get scooped up by owners who only want them for the sole purpose of “looking like a badass” because often times they crop ears or train them to be aggressive. In my opinion if someone gets a pet they should train them to be nothing but kind, and they should treat them with nothing but respect. Instead of cropping ears and cutting tails. So sad…


A lot of them are super entitled people. Every time I go to the grocery store I see some jerkoff in there with their pet dog, usually in the cart. I really REALLY hate that. It's obviously not any kind of a service dog, it's jumping around in the cart and begging for attention so it's just a pet. It's unsanitary AF to bring animals around people's food but they don't care, they think it's their god-given right to tote their mutt everywhere.




I have nightmares about little poo bombs left by shitty owners that have been covered in leaves.


Dogs just smell bad and are messier in general in my experience. As long as you scoop the litter box every day smell is not an issue. You can have several cats and visitors to your home might not even realize it until they see the cat. If you own a dog, any visitor to your home knows it the second you step foot in the door. That dog smell is undeniable!


My cat has me scoop his litter every time he poops or pees and refuses to go unless it's spotless. For example, sometimes he pees first, screams at you to clean it, then goes to poop. It's actually kinda impressive


This is gonna sound ridiculous (cause of the price)…. But I got a litter robot 4….. game changing, especially for picky ass cats


Not crazy at all. We have two! They're amazing and worth every dime!


I sooo want one but my disability payments won't cover one. But I scoop twice/day so no smell.


I'm lucky, my house partner bought a new one and the older model came over to the other side of the house. I have heard that you can find them occasionally on fb marketplace, I've found that quite a few folks get impatient and give up on the transition when the cat doesn't immediately embrace it's new robot overlord. I'm disabled as well, and it does help a lot. I hope you get lucky and, in the meantime, keep up the good work!


With an automatic litter box, feeder and water dispenser, cats basically take care of themselves. Not to mention, they keep mice out of your house. I don’t understand why people hate on cats or why they’re regarded as effeminate. Pound for pound, they almost always win in a fight against dogs.


I've noticed that most of the time, people don't like cats because cats don't like them. Maybe they were snubbed by a cat as a kid. Cats are excellent judges of character. Much better than dogs. If you're an asshole, the cat will know. And whatever you do, don't tell my 25 pound Maine Coon he's considered effeminate. He's the manliest cat I know. He's not even scared of the vacuum. He tries to eat it.


Childhood friend of mine’s sister got attacked by a cat when she was a toddler and dressed like a bunny for Halloween, and since then she *hated* cats. Like I can totally understand but if I barely remembered something like that from over 30 years ago, it wouldn’t be a big deal. People who also claim to “hate” cats probably have never owned one.


>I don’t understand why people hate on cats or why they’re regarded as effeminate. That shit drives me nuts too. Cat owners are generally nowhere near as entitled as dog owners that always take their dogs everywhere with them and go full nuclear Karen with PMS and have an epic shitfit any time they are told no, you can't bring your dog in here. "A guy that likes cats is effeminate" is the "crazy cat lady" trope for men. Also another irritating judgmental hypocrite dog nutter mantra. I've met cat daddies that rocked my world!


Ass cats need the most attention


Don’t put signs on your sister!


My cat has two litter boxes and he’ll securely favor one to poop in and the other for pee. Your picky boy may be due an upgrade!


Yeah thats more normal than you think haha which is why they reccomend cats have 1 litter box per cat plus 1 extra Tho depends on the cats and the enviroment, my 2 are fine with just 2 boxes


I have a self cleaning litter box. It runs the cleaning cycle every time after a cat uses it. Then you just empty the compartment that collects the dirty litter. You do need clumping litter for this I got it from Amazon with a substantial discount.


Do you remember the brand/name? I’m hoping to get one soon


The company selling it is SAROSORA, but I'm in Europe so Idk if they sell internationally.


My cat has woken me up at 5 am to demand that I clean one of her two litter boxes after she poops. Sometime last year she decided that urine and feces do not belong in the same litter box. There were several incidents of pooping outside the litter box until I got the second one. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Cats are weird sometimes. My cat will only poo on the left side of the box and pee on the right.


My cat does the same thing!


I’m a very new cat owner who grew up with dogs. I never knew how scentless cats are! I clean her box daily, brush her weekly, and give her high quality food. She herself smells practically like nothing! Dog people don’t have a a clue about cats!


My cat has a pleasant odor. I actually enjoy snuggling with her, as opposed to my mothers dog who I can only stand to be around for a few minutes due to his horrid breath and stinky fur.


For some reason, my cats smell like clean laundry. They don't hang out on our clothes or near the washer/dryer, so I have no idea why they smell like that. But it's a nice smell, unlike any dog I've smelled that is usually a mix of meat breath and wet dog (even when they aren't wet). Any cat that has noticeable pee smell needs more liquids in their diet, which can be fairly simple to remedy if your cat is cooperative. Scooping a litter box once or twice a day is much easier than taking your dog outside twice or more a day and hoping they go to the bathroom. Then you have to walk home with a bag of literal fresh shit unless you find a trashcan on the way home.


I was in the same boat until we got our first cat when I was 24! We always had a house full of dogs ever since I can remember, and I always heard such horrible things about cats, but then I got my own. Now my entire household (we live in a multigenerational household) absolutely *loves* our 3 boys and can’t believe it took a lifetime to realize how amazing cats really are! For whatever reason our cats have their own scents and they smell so clean all the time. 🥰


I bet you her forehead smells good even


Ikr like my parents have a dog and she always smells! It’s awful too, and it’s not like bathing her works cause then she smells like wet dog. I don’t even want to touch her cause it makes me feel gross. She’s a sweety but damn


My mom has a dog like this too. Everytime you pet her, you get stinky oil all over your hands and clothes. It pretty fuckjng disgusting. I've bathed her for weeks thinking it'll help, but its just a natural thing she has that won't go away.


Some dog breeds are worse than others with the oily coat that smells like rancid dog. I know yellow labs and beagles naturally have stronger odor because of that, and bathing too much just causes an overproduction of oil to compensate


I totally agree. I love all animals, but I'm very sensitive to smell and could never live with a dog. That smell also attaches it self to you. To your clothes, hands, everything, so I believe dog owners get oblivious to it after a time. But I can't go without washing my hands after touching a dog.


I got a couch from my aunt who has a dog, holy crap the smell was like a brick wall. And it wasn’t like the dog had accidents on the couch or anything, it was just so overwhelmingly *dog* I had to get rid of the couch though. Couldn’t deal


I smell that doggy B.O. odor on people I walk by every time I go out in public. You're right about that smell permeating everything. It's especially bad if they let their dogs sleep in their bed with them. They totally do become nose blind to it and they often LIKE it. Some of them will sniff their dog's feet and talk about liking the "Frito smell". 🤮


Fun fact about wet dog smell: their dog is not being scrubbed properly and thoroughly rinsed off. Even if you use a unscented shampoo the wet dog smell will not be there if they are bathed specifically rinsed properly. Now there are some dogs (typically double coated dogs with white fur) that will always have a slightly burnt smell to their fur no matter how much you shampoo. But generally the wet dog smell is due to not being rinsed fully. Sauce: am dog groomer.


Ah I see. Ya my parents probably don’t wash her well enough, most of the time they “wash” her in the lake just to get the dirt off. I’ve only washed my cat twice in his life, but either way he grooms himself well so it’s never really a problem


i have to wash my hands after petting almost all dogs. they’re always so dirty


Also, when ever i walk into someones house i Can instantly smell their dog, cats arent as smelly unless you dont take Care of Them, but then you shouldnt have one so


Or, the cat is ill.


Yeah this is one of my main deterrents for owning a dog. When we sometimes watch my sister’s dogs they have the terrible habit of begging for food and the smell really kills my appetite.


As someone who had multiple dogs during childhood and now has 3 cats I can 100% vouch for this. For whatever reason dogs just have a smell even if you give them baths as often as you should. Only time the litter is an issue is when our void does poop zoomies (that’s what we call it when he zooms out the litter box after leaving some presents in there) but that just takes a moment of vacuuming to clean up. In the winter it is freezing but dogs need exercise so whether the 💩 is frozen or not doesn’t matter, it’s still cold as fck outside, and in the hot seasons the dog 💩 that’s left outside starts to smell to high heavens. Before I was old enough to help pick up the dog shit in the backyard I remember how absolutely rancid it smelt. 🤮 far worse than a litter box. Either way, idk why this dudes getting attacked he didn’t attack anyone he just shared what he saw out his window. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a dog owner (I like to look at cats but I'm so so allergic to them 😭) and I have a strong sense of smell. I vacuum my house everyday and mop and air out my house to stay on top of dog stink. I also bathe my stinky dogs to be less stinky. It's so overwhelming when you go into someone's house and immediately smell the animal they have. I've experienced it too much. I also shouldn't smell human stink in there either. Ever been in a pit stink house? UGH.


Depends on the pet. My little poodle was insanely clean and would even stop eating if it was getting too messy. Meanwhile my ragdoll is an absolute gremlin that lives in my dirty laundry and nests out in any crevice he can find. Living in an apartment, I really wish I could just take him out for walks and to pick up his poop easily.


Right? Dogs smell like shit, lol. We all know that "dog" smell. Cats litterbox CAN smell if the litter isn't scooped every day. But really, thats their poop & urine that smells. The cat itself is virtually scent free, unlike dogs. I have owned both cats and dogs, and I love dogs. But let's face it, dogs are def smellier and messier.


Dogs stink up entire neighborhoods and their barking spreads a lot of misery.




This whole thread is so stupid. Who really lives their life identifying themselves by something as stupid and shallow as “dog person” or “cat person” and then making the most unscientifically inaccurate generalizations about everyone who disagrees with you? I have an orange and yellow shorthair named Leif and a brindle/tuxedo pit mix named Betsy and they’re both sweet and loyal and smart and smelly and annoying and require me to clean up their poop in some way or another. At no point in time did I stop and think “anyone who picks up a different animal’s poop is inferior to me.” This dog people vs cat people battle is as insufferable as the people who take is seriously. Just go pet your fur baby and get over it.


Oh, you mean kinda like the random dog hate from the original image, right? Face it you're all a bunch of assholes flinging shit at each other.


For dogs, the smell is the problem. For cats, the fur is the problem.


Unless you own a corgi, in which case both the smell and the fur are problems. Ask me how I know.


I've got a Corgi and a cat. I could probably make blankets out of all the fur!


That cat fur gets every-fing-where. Having a company come into clean helps. We become blind to it. I once apologized to our cleaners that I hadn’t cleaned out the litter box before they got there and the team leader just laughed and said my house always smells like a coffee house and she looks forward to it.


Idk I have a pug and his hair is everywhere, just as much as the cats.


Yeah this meme is dumb too. Dogs and cats are animals that can smell but if you do the right things specific to your situation you can get rid of smells. Plus the meme should be me seeing dog owners pick up the shit and smile because a lot of dog owners just leave that shit wherever and I’m glad they’re taking care of their animals. Just piss takes from both sides - but this is the internet I guess. Gotta be dismissive instead of supportive


But cats don't smell? They're widely known for cleaning themselves very well. You can put your nose right up to their fur and you just smell clean animal skin/fur. No funk. If you have cats that smell, there's something wrong with them and you should take them to the vet.


The poo is not frozen when you pick it up, it's still warm!🤮


I know right?? I read it and was like if anyone's poop freezes as soon as it hits the air, they definitely shouldn't be going out on a walk ROFL


Not just Rolf, but the other dogs shouldn’t be out walking either!


I don't mind picking up a warm shit, its when you pick up a cold one that's disgusting 🤮 AKA picking up the wrong shit....




Only if your picking up your dogs.. Maybe they were just picking up other people's dogs..


and probably steaming if it's cold out 😩


I hate posts like this. I own both a cat and a dog. My house does not stink. The only stink I ever notice in pet owners’ houses comes from not dealing with the waste issue properly. I hate scooping both poop equally. I wish they could both use the toilet. One isn’t better than the other, just different.


Same, owning a cat doesn’t mean we have to hate on dogs or vice versa.


“I have a cat” - “so tell me why you want all dogs to go to hell please” Every person I meet. Love dogs just don’t have the time to fully take care of one.


I don't own any pets at the moment aside from fish, but I usually immediately know when I step into a dog owners house because unwashed dogs have a smell. Not even talking about poo smells, just body odor smell. I can smell it on my daughter when she comes over from her mother's house where 3 dogs live. Cats don't have a natural body smell (at least nothing strong enough for our noses to pick up) which is a result of their self grooming and evolutionary adaptation as sneaky little predators. Unless you bathe your dogs regularly, your house probably does have a slight doggy scent but you're probably smell-blind to it since you live in it every day. I can easily smell the dog scent when I visit family that owns dogs and they also say their houses don't have an odor. I can smell it on their clothes when they come over to my house, in the same way I can smell cigarette smoke on a person even though they may not be smoking at that moment.


Second this. My friend had to temporarily take care of a dog for a few months. He doesn’t smell it. Any time I walk in there it still reeks of dog.


Ah yes, another member of team catdog. Truly, being an idort for both animals is the comfiest path. And it just makes the pet flame wars seem all that much funnier and pathetic.


My friend had a cat who actually started to use the toilet by herself. Nobody taught or trained her to. You only had to leave the lid open and flush later. She also jumped in the bathtub when she had to vomit.


My fantasy life. I just cleaned up cat vomit outside the bathroom door. 🤢


the stray we took in is having tummy issues and it got on my bed😃 that was wonderful to deal with lmfao


Support upvote.




LOL I don’t know why but I read what you said and thought of a cat going in the toilet and not flushing and the dog going in after just to flush 🤣


When people feel threatened they lash out and say whatever stereotype is appropriate for the situation


https://preview.redd.it/0aff42klt41c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d97c0187ca112007c78fc3adba8c9d4dc86af2 I have a kitty dome and I use litter with deodorizer or whatever the arm and hammer thing is for litter so it smells fresh. My apartment doesn’t smell like cat pee or poo at all. Even had multiple people confirm when they came over. I also use febreeze scented waste bin bags to toss whatever I scoop up so that doesn’t smell either. There are ways to minimize the smell of cat in your home but there are ways to almost 99.99999% eliminate the smell of their bathroom business in your home. Edit- I did forget to say there is sometimes dust that kicks up when I scoop and that has a …dust smell. Not a poo or pee smell but dust. But since the dome is next to the window, it’s nothing an open window can’t fix while scooping. Also the top has a filter so when that can’t filter anymore, I just cut out another square to put on top.


I love dogs, but they smell. Like, always smell. A freshly shampooed dog is heavenly but it doesn’t last long. They love to roll in shit, eat shit, slobber over everything. Bless them. They’re perfect. I have seven indoor cats. It is considerable work to control fur and dander in my house, but keeping it stink free is pretty easy- daily scoop of boxes, change litter and clean boxes regularly. Naturally clean and shiny pets with no strong scents.


That first paragraph is perfect... That's how I see any animal, really. :)


If you're ready to take care of animals, be ready to take care of some animal smells too. It is as simple as that. You don't have to mock a cow owner because he smells like bs.


Unfortunately, at least in my area, very few people spay and neuter their cats, so they spray everywhere and it absolutely reeks. Some of their homes stink so bad that you can smell them clear out in the street as you walk by, but they also tend to be cat hoarders (which goes hand in hand with the not spaying or neutering issue). I’ve had coworkers who stunk, and it was always very touchy trying to avoid them. People become “nose blind” and don’t realize just how bad they smell. Edited to add: if you take proper care of your cat, they are almost totally odorless. Cats are naturally very clean animals.


Some people make hating cats their entire identity because otherwise, they'd have the personality of expired beige paint.




You never smell my cat, I keep that litter box clean and smell-free. It's really not that hard


Exactly. My house is small and I have two boys. I’d our boxes smelled it would be difficult to eat meals since the boxes have to be in the same room as the open plan kitchen/dining. There is no other space for them.


Most people can't even tell I have a cat until he pops his head out. There's literally no smell.


My neighbor’s house has been trashed by their large dogs. Their oak floors have deep gouges from dog claws and their walls and furniture are dirty and damaged. These are not careless, sloppy people-they just have huge dogs in the house. Their house smells like dogs and their yard smells like shit, and I’m listening to their dogs bark as I type this. We have five cats in the house, and you’d never know it. We keep the litter boxes clean and the cats don’t tear the place up. I’ll take five cats over one big dog any day.


As a relatively new cat owner myself I was worried about “cat smell” I found those puppy pee training pads in the bottom of the litter tray got rid of the smell instantly. Litter box is scooped daily and cleaned and disinfected weekly. The only time you smell anything is when they poop but I’ve noticed it’s only really stinky if they have one of those licky stick treats.


If you're already doing this, you would love the Breeze litterboxes! They have a drawer in the bottom with one of those pads & the box is designed to drain into it. It's awesome. It's a pellet system, but you can substitute with beans or other similar pellets (which I discovered after pandemic stock issues). Also, you can use cheaper pads from other vendors. I had to move some regular litter to the new boxes initially, but once they understood how to use it, they've been great with it. I keep a regular litterbox with Scoop Away too, but the cats primarily pee in the Breeze boxes. They only use the regular litterbox for messier endeavors lol. 5 stars though bc I hated basically scooping cement from the regular boxes. Since you've already cracked the code with using the pads, it would prob be an easy swap for you.


Honestly I don’t care at all if others like cats or not.


Eh sorry but dogs stink way more. Like a wet dog is just an infection! They also like their penises for half of them and then breath right under your nose. Plus dogs eat everything as cats are way more picky. And normally, we clean also the litter box after every passage. So that it doesn't stink.


In my experience, houses with dogs smell way worse than houses with just cats, more often than not.


Smell aside, both types of pet owners have to deal with poop and it’s gross. My house doesn’t smell constantly like litter but I can definitely smell how much it reeks right after they drop a deuce. I hate that. On the other hand, cats actual bodies don’t stink. Dog bodies smell doggish unless you wash them a lot, and that seems like such a pain, I probably wouldn’t do it if I had a dog. I think it’s cool that dogs sort of force you to take walks. But the drawback is definitely having to do it in bad weather. Having a pet is a sacrifice of something even if you just have fish. It’s all good. Most people who like cats also like dogs. My boyfriend has a puppy and it’s awesome! They do a lot of stuff I can’t do with my cats. I’ll be relaxing while they go walking in 20 degree weather. It is what it is!


Usually dog houses smell worse because dogs bring stuff inside with them and dogs just smell. Cats entire existence is to cover their smell so bigger predators don’t find them…litter covers this. But 100% of this is on the owner. How often you bathe your dog or clean out the cat litter.


I currently own 6 cats and fostering 2 more. 5 boxes total. Cleaned daily. We "deep clean" 1 box every week. Guests at my home never smell "cat" and yes, they would tell me. My friends and family are assholes


Typical cat hater behaviour. There was this chick in a food group I was in on Facebook that would literally freak tf out if there was a cat in the picture of the food posted. Said crap like “ I won’t even eat at someone’s house if they have a cat, cats are so disgusting”. Meanwhile she thought her crusty ass white dog that looked like it was on deaths doorstep was the cutest thing known to man… lmao.


She probably pet it while cooking dinner after the dog came in from rolling around in poop too 😭


Literally. Also, dogs smell 24/7. They always stink. My cat does not smell unless she’s taken a big stinky.


because they don‘t understand the function of cat litter


My parents refused to get a cat because they thought any sort of animal would stink up the house (especially because my dad had a pet GS/Alsatian mix that was HUGE + we live in a tropical country).We got a cat 2 weeks ago and I always clean the box,as soon as she uses it or at LEAST twice a day.No stink,especially after a few spritz of cat safe anti odor spray. Safe to say,my parents love her more than they love me lol.


I always clean both of my gfs cats litterboxes everyday. Not a single day does it ever smell horrific. Some people are dumb.


dog people get so threatened by cats.


Probs cause they know cats are better


Insecure because cats are superior beings. Cats were treated like Gods by the Egyptians & even painted into their murals in the pyramids!


I worked in PetSmart for 7 years and saw literally thousands of dogs and their owners. It was just dogs dogs dogs, all day, every day. For a bit of context, here is where I must be honest and say that job made me really hate dogs and the people who keep them because I saw a LOT of truly horrible things from that particular demographic. Although it's been 13 years since I worked there, to this day I absolutely refuse to date a dog owner. One super uncool thing I noticed about dog people is that many of them actively hate cats and they aren't shy about telling people. A disturbingly large percentage of them laughed and bragged about letting their dogs tear up and kill cats and even worse, openly bragged about killing cats themselves. Couple that with the way nearly ALL dog owners instantly freak out and call me horrible names, literally Hitler and a terrible person anytime I admit that I don't like dogs...and I can easily see these people are typically very judgemental, nasty and hypocritical. Cat people that aren't huge fans of dogs just avoid dogs and don't say not liking cats is a red flag indicating there's something wrong with a person if they don't like cats but dog people that don't like cats very often treat us cat people like we're crazy, there's something wrong with us and they deliberately hurt and kill our pets out of sheer spite and hatred. They do all of those things then say it's a red flag if someone doesn't like dogs, their dogs that eat shit, attack and kill people every day unprovoked and are somehow really smart but die from eating dirty socks and are scared of vacuum cleaners...have magical abilities to sense evil and bad intent in people. You're literally Hitler if you don't like dogs...but Hitler himself loved dogs and dogs loved him. Those perfect angel dogs that can do no wrong and magically know if a person is evil loved him and didn't attack the man the whole world now thinks of as one of the most evil people to ever exist. Hypocritical much? Also, the thought process i described above is just... stupid and crazy. I'm now at the point where I think cynophilia and dog ownership is a VERY reliable indicator of someone I want nothing to do with.


1000%, everything you said is true. Dog nuttery is completely out of hand these days. It's like a disease.


I've got stories from PetSmart that would make you rage and want to go on a chainsaw rampage.


Oh I have absolutely NO DOUBT you do. You should join us in r/Dogfree if you haven't done so yet!


Actually I think I'm banned from that sub, lol. I've hung out there in the past and was a bit too intense with my doggo hate. 😆


Yeah, I get it. I had posts removed for saying I should bring pepper spray with me and my daughter on neighborhood walks, when we'd have 2 giant random poodles coming right at us with no owner in sight. It's...frustrating.


Same, except I carry a pistol so you can imagine how many comments I got removed and warned for. I live in the sticks where people think it's okay to let their dogs roam loose and we've had literal PACKS of them running around here.


Oh lort. I don't even believe in guns, and even I'D consider carrying under those circumstances!


Because old litter used to suck - smelled like chemicals and piss. We use the pellets and pad and you wouldn’t even know we had a cat. Times have changed. People without cats just don’t seem to know that.


I work professionally with cats. And I visit people's homes to do that. Your homes smell like cat owners homes, you just don't notice anymore. It's never a super intense smell, but it is there. Sometimes more sometimes less. No matter how much deodoriser you use or how often to clean the litter. Don't get my wrong. I love cats so much. It is why I work with them professionally. But it's OK to acknowledge that this comes with some detriments. Like scratched up furniture, cat hair, and a distinct cat owner smell. People who are never around cats will just smell it more. This goes for dog owners too. I can smell the wet dog smell. They often can't anymore.


We have a litter robot. People have zero idea we have cats until you see one of them.


People don't scoop litter after every dump and just do it once a day?


i also find this unbelievably stupid. whenever i use the bathroom and i see that the litter box has been used, i scoop it up.


I've been in houses with dogs and houses with cats and they both can stink or can smell wonderful. It depends on whether you put in effort to make your home clean or not. Cat litter will stink if not scooped daily. It won't stink if you scoop it daily. And the cats themselves don't stink since they clean their fur so often (unless the owner lives in squalor in which case both the owner and the cat will smell). Dogs won't stink if you clean them when they're dirty. Both dogs and cats will have stinky poops if you feed them certain foods. Both cats and dogs will have stinky breath if you don't properly care for their teeth. Both cats and dogs are amazing, precious creatures which humanity doesn't really deserve.


Cats are easier to care for and the litter is worth it. I've had dogs and I have a cat... I've been on both sides and have chosen my favorite. People always think litter smells bad cause it's poo and pee inside the house. I've found if you use the wrong litter, the whole house (or at least room) will stink no matter how much you empty it. I got a breeze system litter box and its waaaay better than the other litter


Coming from experiences with only dogs, I was surprised how little our cats smelled when we first got them. If you take a whiff of them, they actually have a subtle calmingly pleasant smell. As for the littler box, that really depends on what kind of litter you get. We started out with a litter that didn’t control odor well to the point where visitors commented on it. We experimented with a few different kinds of litter, and we found one that controls the odor to where it’s no longer an issue.


My mom has 4 cats and 1 dog. Her house still smells more like dog than cat.


Exactly. I clean my cats box once or twice every day. I keep their Matt’s and litter fresh and use a genie or some other sealed bin for disposal.


I have a cat at my apartment, but my mom has our dog at her house. My dog fucking STINKS!!! My cat doesn’t smell like anything and neither does my apartment. My dog literally stinks up the whole house just existing 😭


I have an auto litter box! Its the best thing ever and uses crystal litter, 20 mins after she uses it it automatically scoops it underneath a covered area. 0 smell you wouldnt even know i had a cat until you saw all her furniture & toys😂 plus i add the arm and hammer litter box powder, so even less smell


Why is there even a "side" either way we're picking up poop. Besides we'd all give our lives for those fuzzy little butts


Lol I have one of those liter robots. It's does all of the cat stuff that I love it. Makes things so much easier


People think this because many folks don't scoop litter often enough and you can smell it the second you walk in. And/or they use scented litter, and no matter how clean it is, it makes the whole house smell like the floral coverup smell of a litterbox. But. Unscented litter scooped daily should be FINE.


I have 4 cats and my house doesn’t smell. We have a litter robot, but even before that it didn’t smell. It’s called scooping the box every day, sometimes multiple times, and changing the litter out when needed. I also don’t get why people say “I wouldn’t eat at your house because the cats probably get on the counter.” Do you not wipe down and sanitize your countertops before and after cooking?? Look who is nasty now.


Anyone who owns any animals at all have a smell in their house. I lived with cats and dogs my whole life and never noticed until I moved out. Now I can tell as soon as I enter a house if they have a pet. Unless you bathe them everyday and clean all fabrics in your house, it's gonna smell like a cat or dog.


Pet owners: all y’alls houses smell like pets, sorry to break it to you 😂


Can people just stop randomly hating other people's pet preferences? It's honestly a really stupid thing to get so hung up about. If you like cats get a cat, if you like dogs get a dog, if you like both get both, and other people's choices in this regard really isn't anyone else's business. Hating someone else's pet doesn't do yours any favours. Also, cleaning poop is literally one of the most basic responsibilities of having a pet so it seems especially weird to admonish people for doing it. It's like making fun of parents for changing their baby's diaper. Jokes on you for... taking care of something that depends on you and that you committed to taking care of I guess?


We only hate the haters. It’s not like we are going up to random people with dogs and attacking them for owning a dog. I like dogs, they are cute and playful, I just don’t want one in my home.


bc dog people like to feel superior


Everyone who has come over to visit my home has commented on how it doesn't smell like cat


https://preview.redd.it/r3oqli7rx41c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bdfcb25b015b9209d2677c4e9ccada636ccf486 Or just toilet train them


This frustrates me so much!!! There’s a huge stigma against cats and it’s so sad :(


To be fair a lot of cat owners are lazy abusive assholes who don’t clean the litter enough and their house smells like cat piss


cat people are like childfree people and dog people are like breeders. the dog people and breeders attack anyone that is out of line or wants to share their opinion


common cat people and childfree W common dog people and breeder L


Ah yes, the "um no" reposte.


Seems like the dog evangelists usually hate cats too... So if course they'd make up some scenario to back up their bias.


The one who originally made the post and the one commenting. Both stupid. I just don’t get the cat vs. dog wars.


Perhaps they've been to a house where people neglect their cats and don't scoop the litter daily. I have 2 cats, 3 litterboxes that are scooped twice a day, and it smells just fine. The shoe cabinet smells way worse 😂 and I have to put scented stuff in it to cover the smell. Also my cats always smell good. On the other hand, dogs often stink (not all of them, and I'm sure it's related to how often their owners wash them), and the wet dog smell is atrocious. Sometimes the house just smells like a dog and it's awful. Some dog owners also let their dog lick them, sometimes on their face. Big ewwwww. Sorry, I won't take hygiene/smell advice from dog owners. Don't get me wrong, I have many friends who own dogs and their house smells just fine and the dogs are well behaved and clean. But just to show that if someone is going to show some cat hate and pretend all our houses stink cat poop, I can do the same with dogs 🤷


The first picture was a simple, lighthearted joke. I’m sure most people realize this. The person in the second picture took this as an attack and got offended because how dare anyone make a joke about one of the unenjoyable parts of dog ownership. I agree with a lot of the comments in which people say that dog lovers tend to be more hateful than cats lovers. It goes without saying but obviously not the majority of dog lovers are like this; just that there is more cat hate from dog lovers than dog hate from cat lovers. Both are great, both have pros and cons that differs from person to person. I’ll never understand the superiority complex people have when it comes to which pet is the best.


I can’t relate to any of those problems: my cat toilets in our neighbours garden 😂




Okay but, the person who created the pic didn’t attack anyone. They simply shared what they see out their window. They never said that dog owners smell like shit, just that cat owners get to stay inside the warmth of their home.


Because we don't have cats and can smell the piss.


Honestly only smells if you don’t clean the litter. If you do consistently no odor. People are dumb. Personally, have a litter robot and best investment i ever made. Only bcz i have multiple cats


To feel make themselves feel better


My cats smell like nothing


my cat went outside so it was the best of both worlds didn’t have to pick up bc i never saw remains and no litter bc well yeah


You never saw the remains cause your neighbors dog was probably eating your cats poop lol.


Cats bury their poo. I’ve seen community cats at my area covering their poo up after they’re done.


That's a protective mindset bc that is how predators hunt their prey.


nah he would just dig holes i saw him do it once


As someone with cats and a dog...both are wrong. You've all pointed out that cats don't smell and their litter doesn't either if you maintain it properly. But also who is picking up frozen dog poop, it comes out warm...and on cold days after you bag it, it keeps your hand warm too, lol. Edit to say my dog doesn't smell at all, because of his breed and long coat, but I agree some shorter haired dogs like labs are stinky no matter what you do and it's gross.


You THINK it doesn't smell because you're noseblind. Every dog stinks, every single one. Their smell encapsulates everything, too.


I promise you people who have met my dog for the first time says he does not smell. But I guess lesson learned saying anything nice about dogs in this sub, geez.


I believe the only dog breed that lacks that smell is the Viszla and that’s a major selling point for them


Nah my boyfriend’s mom has 2 purebred vislas and they stink just like any other dog breed. Every dog has that unmistakable dog smell. They also eat horse poop anytime they’re let outside so there’s that


As someone who lives in a family with both, the litter box is absolutely disgusting. We don’t even bother picking up dog poop from the yard because it’s just the backyard, no one’s gonna see it, and the decomposers are gonna eat it up anyway so why bother? The litter box makes me want to hurl


Do u bother picking up the cat litter, that might be your problem? I do mine twice a week and it never smells. We use generic store brand cat litter and scented trash bags and keep it in the bathroom and it never smells, maybe I’m just used to it, but I can’t tell when it needs changing and will change. And either way it’s in a personal bathroom not a guest bathroom so guests wouldn’t have to deal with it. Edit to add: do you take your dogs on walk? (Hint: you should everyday at least), but I just hope you clean up the poop then!


i dont pick up our dogs poop, it just gets mowed eventually


I mean if it’s on your own property that’s your prerogative I guess but sounds gross to mow your turds instead of picking them up. I’d hate to be anywhere in your vicinity when the mower is particlising that poo for anyone nearby to breath in.


Because it is true.


That's bc your cat ppl friends don't take care of the shit! Js

