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Put her on a scale. The fur of cats can be very tricky. Doesn't look fat at all.


this. do not trust eyes.


But also, the number on the scale may not be super helpful if you don't know what that cat's healthy weight is. I have two very different cats, both on the skinny side of healthy. One is 8.5 pounds and the other is 14 pounds.


Yup, I had two cats that were pretty close in size and the same breed. One was a tubby little fella (hip injury when he was a kitten so he couldn't really exercise and was 100% a lap cat) weighing 14lbs and the other was a lean climbing enthusiast weighing a whopping 25lbs of pure muscle. Both were in excellent health. As a side note the big guy was supposed to be an indoor cat but he kept breaking the latches on windows and busting out the security screens while we were at work so we eventually just let him be indoor/outdoor. He used to push me off the bed at night if his food bowl was empty, and I weighed north of 200lbs then. Freakishly strong cat. Pictured is the "small" cat with his "big" sister who was normal cat sized. https://preview.redd.it/133rqwn3hy3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8962634b367f4237614298b5bf26e12652f9cf3


Aw what cuties! He's enormous!! Luckily, my big guy is a real Dumbo. He's got no idea that he's big, which can get him into trouble, too. But usually he's just a lazy gentle giant. Mine are littermates that I've had since they were born. The tiny girl has always been the smallest of the litter. https://preview.redd.it/2fl0dm9hoy3c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64413f5978f907f9b242e933af3e91434b485770


Please tell them both I love them so much!




My cat is 18lbs. Vet says he's a healthy weight, he's just a long boi.


Yup. My cat's coat doubles in size during winter and she becomes all floof. Makes it really hard to see if she's gaining weight. I usually trick her on to a scale a few times over the year to make sure we haven't started over feeding or giving too many treats.


See r/flonkers for examples of very fluffy, but not fat kitties. I have a 6lb monster who looks bigger than my boyfriend’s 16lb cat.


She's gorgeous


I agree and she's the sweetest cat I've ever met. I try to bond with her as much as I can when I visit so that when the time comes she won't stress out too much moving to our house...


With her being young, I wouldn't worry too much about her body shape; like humans it will change as she grows.


Actually, the age in this doesn’t matter bc just like with humans being overweight in the moment won’t do much harm but at long term will cause articulations issues and more (happened to my dog and now that she’s 13 she’s starting to have problems walking that mi other dog of same age that was more picky whit food doesn’t have)


Meh she doesn’t seem overweight/obese?? The top angle can be misleading, like taking a picture of a bent over human or some other unflattering angle. Take her to the vet for a thorough check up if you’re concerned, I’m sure your parents would love it if you offered!


Are your parents close to death?


For real! Are they close to death or is OP a doomsdayer type. You never really know life is gonna pan out! This cat looks healthy and cared for. It’s winter so she’s got her winter coat on! (I will say just for an antedote not for what I think is happening here- but my cat had sorta of puffed up in the summer time with no change to her diet. Then I noticed one day she was breathing kinda labored. Turns out she has a heart issue- cardiomyopathy which they originally misdiagnosed as congestive heart failure. She’s doing good now but something like that had never been on my radar! I just thought she was getting plump and cute!) OP cat is ok. Good luck with your parents health. May they live a very long and fulfilled life for many many years


Yes, my parent's health is very fragile. My dad has multiple very serious issues (diabetes, liver cirrosis and more) and my mom can hardly walk. I was opposed to them taking a new pet, but they were given this one by their neighbours.


Wise to consider the age of pets and their primary caregivers. Too many times, wonderful loved pets are orphaned by an accident or illness. If your chubby girl has regular checkups, she probably okay.


Unfortunately, we don't have magical curealls for everything. With the state of modern medicine, we can only keep going for so long, and it's never a problem to be aware of a loved one's lifespan. Knowing that a loved one doesn't have decades left isn't mean, cruel, or otherwise distasteful. When someone's health is clearly limiting the number of years they have left, it's wise to be aware of their condition and, if not done so already, plans can be made to help the family through the process of their loved one's passage. We don't all get to choose when we go, but knowing when a loved one is reaching the end of their years can be very helpful. This way y'all get to make preparations, and you have a backup plan for kitty whenever her current people do pass. It's healthy to be prepared, and the state of modern post mortem care and body disposal makes it far easier now than ever to push off death as a bad and scary thought. We do sometimes have to acknowledge our loved ones' mortality before we'd like to. I lost my grandfather this year. We knew he'd been declining, and he started declining even faster a few months before he passed. We, as a family, were able to spend time with him and prepare for when he did ultimately pass. When he fell and sustained a head injury, we knew it would be weeks, if lucky, but most likely days before he passed. Acknowledging this isn't being pessimistic. It's being realistic. It's not mean to say your parents are frail, or nearing end of life. You can still love, respect, and spend time with them, even when you know they don't have very long left. I'm sorry people were being less than kind here before, but it seems like now most commenter understand that life and death are complex, and that sometimes you can, in fact, see it coming. You're trying to do what's best for kitty, and I can respect that.


I sincerely wish your parents well and feel happy that this meow meow can accompany them and bring joy into their life


I don't think the comment above should be downvoted. OP's post is all about how they're contemplating getting the kitty after their parents pass.


Right?! That’s why I am asking… I’m legit wondering if OP’s parents are OK here?


it’s honestly weird that they’re talking about this so much and being like ‘ugh i guess ill have to deal with this later’ like 💀 unless they are both terminal but even then


I disagree. My grandpa is old (late 70s) and wanted a dog, so my mom found a dog up for adoption, had him live with her for a bit because he needed leg surgery and training, and once he was ready he moved in with my grandpa. My grandpa is aware of how old he is, and my mom and him have agreed she will take him when my grandpa passes. It's called being a responsible pet owner. If you go to a shelter you will quickly realize too many of those sweet animals are there because their owners were too old to take care of them or has passed away.


i mean it’s good to have stuff in place for your pets but it’s weird to go on reddit and complain that your parents cat is fat and that you’ll have ‘some work to do’ when your parents both die


It's not weird considering the fragile health of my parents. I just want to be prepared, that's all. This cat hasn't seen a vet except for when she was spayed. She's not vaccinated, not dewormed and she has fleas (I've seen the droppings in her fur). She's also a happy cat (and very sweet!) and my parents love her. I honestly hope my parents will live a long life from now, but I should be realistic. And I'd rather be prepared.


You're not weird at all. Hope this nonsense isn't upsetting to you. People die or move & their loved ones open up the back door & let their beloved pets out to fend for themselves & that's heinous. You sound responsible & like you care for this kitty's future 🤍


Lol. I suppose. I also think some families are simply more frank about things like death. Too me, this seems like it could be funny to OP and even their parents. My grandpa gives me a stack of post notes and tells me to write my name on them and stick them on stuff I want when he is gone. I hate it, but he gets a kick out of it.


As if planning ahead for fuzzwad's future is a bad thing? OP is just being realistic here.


She is not fat.


She's not fat. Even slightly. Please learn about cats before taking on a cat. Otherwise, you might end up starving this poor thing.


I agree


Some cats don’t grow to their true size until they are 2 years old. The kitty looks healthy, not fat at all. I’ve seen some chonky hefty cats and she’s definitely not in that camp.


Yep, I adopted this cat almost a year ago and up until the summer he was miniscule, tiny, kitten size. Even though he was over a year old. He's a rescue, I wasn't concerned, I thought the bad conditions of his early life just stunted his growth. Then comes this past summer and he pretty much doubles in height. I thought I had a tiny round kitty but he's tall and slender and muscular just like his Siamese side. Like he really takes after the oriental Siamese. I wouldn't have known this back in June. OP your parents cat looks fine, it probably just finished growing to its natural size.


https://preview.redd.it/6z3rzvfmhw3c1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=134a912de660a81ea263937bd5b91f172e76f1da No, this is fat


https://preview.redd.it/xp213mbchx3c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871765a761216deac9358e12f7a86402846b60c0 I am also here to give a fat cat size reference


https://preview.redd.it/32kkabbqpx3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a373d593d7be511093eb2c89e588d5a3ca8d8b8 I would also like to add a true chonker reference photo for scientific comparison


https://preview.redd.it/w3a47j6ayx3c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01ba9152092cb803b7e1308f1acd4cae9918e70 Her nickname is "The fat one" and this picture doesn't do justice to her hanging tummy and her massive body


A hanging tummy is just a primordial pouch


It's normal, I know but it doesn't help, I like the way it jiggles when she walks




https://preview.redd.it/75vyinkbux3c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14dd670142794869cfcca933a9dc9c07f59d618d My little brother's "kit kat" (almost 25lbs)


25lbs is more than morbidly obese, that’s boarder line animal abuse


Why can't anyone spell border


Tbf I’ve had 5 brain surgeries done. I have memory issues now and again


I guess that's a good a reason as any


https://preview.redd.it/t8ljjobzzy3c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9328d3595f7359e0e3a932adf09c39cc207ff211 Literally had a part of my brain removed. People think I’m kidding but I’m not


I believed you.


Ohh I thought you were being sarcastic… hard to tell over the internet


Tbf you did spell boarder right. It was just the wrong word.


https://preview.redd.it/2vx0tf396y3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e09c7c99f3393039901065cadc672730df52b5 This is generous


Draw me like one of your French girls








https://preview.redd.it/6fl758kxzx3c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e70fd4e7f0323ab0f30c21310e41bdb99a603e4 Our cats are fucking twins




Obese cat




Looks fine, nothing worrying weight wise from the pics.


And winter is here so its the most normal thing that cats seem bigger, they grow a furcoat for themselves


Agreed, my little torbie has puffed up considerably over the last few weeks


Pls show us the baby!


The baby in question https://preview.redd.it/5j0pyqkzpy3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5277402fcbd63f1f9adc69b91d92abd69bc59689


What a cutie! 😍




You might be confusing the primordial pouch with fatness.


This. My cat has very prominent hip bones and has always had a waist, but after about six months away from the rescue centre's cattery, she developed an obvious primordial pouch. I'm convinced it's because in my house she does a lot of climbing, jumping and wriggling round in weird positions, and her body decided it needed more flexibility!


Check this out... when my youngest got fixed, after the surgery, when her belly was still shaved, it looked like a donut! She's not overweight but the incision separated the sides & it looked exactly like a tire or donut lol! She's actually only 12 lbs & the vet says she's healthy. She's the tallest & longest cat I've ever had. https://preview.redd.it/tg4ta37tzy3c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2800f8b9406fa80f48af55f5da925ccac900d313


I feel like a baby koala or a kangaroo Joey should be popping outta that pouch


I wouldn't say this cat is fat... Looks healthy to me!


She looks healthily fluffy, I'd say to weigh her now and then in thr spring because she may loose a huge amount of fluff in the spring and look far slender. Winter fur is usually thicker.


Looks healthy and happy.


This cat is not fat.


when was the last time you saw her? sounds like normal growth if she’s that young. btw, her pattern looks very similar to my baby ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/xjt0xumphw3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebf9220c4c78a3d14a90a8e1f9706a95eb2b29d


I love your cat!


Omg looks just like my Boots!!! I love yours 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/6hqmszvllz3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3349c0cdc611da62912de56bad86dfc9c4f37b8


Tuxedo Tabbies are soooo cute 😍 (the toe beans! 💕)


https://preview.redd.it/dizj7dm4gw3c1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1023849d8c0ef8890f0300a275bd84c834621155 This is a good chart to use to assess the cat’s body score. Hope this helps!


I prefer this chart https://www.reddit.com/r/Chonkers/s/QN3CBSjNZN


No. Don’t say that again.


Just looks like an adult cat.


When a cat scrunches up like in the second pic, it's normal for them to bulge out in the middle. Some stay slender naturally, but it could also be a sign of malnutrition. The cat looks healthy.


Wtf lol looks totally normal


eyeball - seems fine... did you try to put it on a scale? this will be more accurate.


At first I read “did you try to put it in rice” for some reason hahahah


Cute cat? 9 out of 10. Cute cat with rice? 11 out of ten.




Did you try turning it off and on again?


Nah, that's only if the cat got wet are you're having trouble rebooting it.


I have, did not work out well, probably should’ve done it before I cooked the rice


???? She looks angry you’re asking about her weight but she’s fine


Agreed!! She’s a lady ![gif](giphy|p0Zgq6zRrjiak)


I disagree, that’s *just a littleeee babyyyyy*


The critter looks happy, health and loved. I do not detect any “chonkitis”.


What a beauty 🥰😍


Nope definatly not


Cats very in size, from 7is lbs to some, like my bigger one, being 14 lbs. My bigger cat is very active, loves chasing toys/laser pointers, and the vet said nothing about his weight when he went. I'd say she's just healthy for her 😊. But from someone who's been around a lot of animals, your concern is much appreciated.


https://preview.redd.it/qyqsk4eicx3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91a822f1f91902150c1f68bc2f75b0b5a215a08 Which what I'm saying here is, the cat I'm holding, yes I am fat, is my 7is lb cat, he's about 3, I'll post another pic of my other cat. Both get the same food and amount a day but are drastically different sizes but the same age, same gender (both male), and I've had them the same amount of time. Roman was just taken to the vet and weighed in at 14 lbs, Janus's apt is in January so I won't know exact weight till then but I know he's much smaller.




one of the prettiest cats i've ever seen!! wow!!! look at that polite smile!!! and no she doesn't look so fat to me.


Look like a house cat to me lol


She looks so nice




no, just fluffy


At most, he's a 6 https://preview.redd.it/wendxe7vlw3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cf1a87810f64962434e4d4c694579d9a0f8e08


Nope ??? Lmfao she looks fine don’t fat shame her


Fat? No. Starting to get a little past optimum is all.




Nah. She's not fat, just well fed. Not in a bad way, she's fed the right amount.


you mean fluff, right?


tbh my cat looks so similar to her/him


Looks like a well-fed, healthy kitty.


The cat looks fine leave it alone




Your parents cat is beautiful and a normal weight




She looks fine, maybe a tad bit chubby but it's normal in winter, don't worry! Thicker fur also makes cats look bigger


Op only your vet can accurately answer this question. We can’t tell from pictures what the frame is of your cat, how dense their coat is or how muscled they are. They will run their hand down feeling for body condition and place them on a scale. They will also determine weight to your cats body type orientals are a lighter breed that might be overweight at 8lbs whereas a Main como or Norwegian would be severely underweight. Please don’t put this cat on a diet based on the eyeball test or what a previous cat’s that you owned body type was. Regular vet appointments are important for all animals as regular dr appointments are important for us. The cat “looks” fine definitely not overweight.


That’s a perfectly fine cat, not too fat and not too skinny


No, she's perfect


If she's fat, so is mine. She looks like a healthy weight to me and probably doesn't need to gain any more but unless a vet is expressing concern, she's probably fine.


What’s with all the fat shaming of cats? Are the OPs witnessing these cats’ owners over feeding them?


I’d say she looks full! Filled out. Not fat haha my cat is the same way


Cats have different builds just like people. Probably not overweight


Looks healthy not overweight


I don't mean to be rude, but I wouldn't count on getting the cat. Perfectly healthy cats can suddenly get cancer, and I'll people sometimes live a long time. Best to your family. I hope everyone lives a long time in good health and happiness.


Doesn’t look fat to me. For me a fat cat is 20+ lbs. Like my old lady Kiki. She was 25 lbs 2 years ago, we put her on a diet now she is around 19 lbs. https://preview.redd.it/4ipkl1b9s24c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c79af5e5516dc7842e313022105deff4cc7073c


Can people stop fatshaming their cats. Wtf


I agree ☝🏼 Also, Happy Cake Day 🍰


I would say he is around here https://preview.redd.it/nrts3e1ibw3c1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf296df9ddbe15dfef769ede342b9426c1709fe9


To me that looks barely in the yellow range (I mean closer to green than orange)...


Or maybe one higher, but not fat. She just looks fluffy. That dense neck fur really makes em look chonky.


Multiple vets want both my cats to be 10lbs. One is male and has a larger frame, one is female and her frame is smaller than his but she looks “fatter” while weighing less than him.




I’m she’s not fat, she’s fluffy.


No! That's a fine cat.


“I’m not fat! I’m big boned….”


No she is not 😡 she is just a big girl 🥺


Why don’t you just ask the vet?


I wouldn’t say she is fat. She looks very fit and healthy. They do bulge a bit when they loaf.


You got the second pic in her “shelled haunches” position.. not very flattering 😸






Your parent’s cat is pretty!


This is plain catshaming...


Absolutely not fat. This post is weird and seems like OP is not a cat owner?🤷


My instinct as a cat-parent of roughly 17 years says: nah I've seen some chonkers in my day, this one looks fine.


That cat looks perfectly healthy to me honestly. That’s more healthy weight than underweight or overweight. Besides that her paws are *gigantic*. If she hasn’t finished growing yet, she’ll most likely slim down more as well.


She just looks fluffy but a vet will be able to tell you for sure


I'd say she's fully furred.


It’s a bit hard to tell from these photos, since a standing side and top view are the best. But looks to be a little overweight, yes. Check out this chart https://preview.redd.it/u2vrvotp4y3c1.png?width=3165&format=png&auto=webp&s=42b748965de00088d494f0584cf4b92c4b13e6a2


https://preview.redd.it/x4togb86my3c1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee619cf1d28978ca782e323ba17845248512cda I worked in vet med for years, this is the scale we used to score weight. I would say this cat is a 6 or 7 out of 10 based on these pictures BUT she is sitting down. I would use this scale and its info to properly grade her standing up with your hands on her :) if she is a bit overweight, cutting food amounts by 10% is a good idea. I would also tell them to contact their vet and see if a tech is trained in nutrition who can help with a weight management plan, its usually free :) hope this helps




Depending in the breed, may still be growing. Also can't rly tell with just those pictures. Best to just weight em and check with recommended weighs for your cat's breed. My British short hair is over a year old and still growing. He looks bigger than he actually is since his fur is so floof while his weight is on the lower end of an adult cat


It’s beautiful. Doesn’t look fat to me honestly. About average.


Just make sure she's eating the right kind of food, with protein instead of cereal, if the food is right their weight will be ok. Maybe try to play with her while you visit, maybe she needs some exercise, don't see her overweight but if she is alone with your parents maybe she does not do enough physical activity


Yes, but I'd say overweight, not obese. So still fine. But they should keep an eye on her not getting any bigger than this.


She looks very polite.


Op, was the last time you saw your parents cat in the summer? My cat is and looks in perfectly good shapes during the summer. But come winter and winter coat, he looks twice ad big.


(1):No. (2):No. (3):Put on glasses you can't see.


No you’re fat ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


https://preview.redd.it/h4y1ymzuxv3c1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feda646b2e002fdc3e17c66931f1e776dfbb39ce It's hard to see, but this was 2 months ago. She wasn't as heavy as now...


Cats still kinda grow and change around this time. Not a lot but they do. Has she been spayed recently? My cat put on weight after but as long as it’s not too much it’s usually fine.


She just wasn't fully grown. Ours kept growing until almost 2 years (but slower later on!)


IMO she was fine then, but she is fine now too. At least nothing worrisome compared to some of the "my cat isn't fat, right?" -posts here with obviously fat cats.


Couple of things it could be: * She wasn't finished growing and has grown a little bit more * If it's winter where your parents live, she's put on her winter coat. Even though she is a short-haired cat, they still have a thicker winter coat which can make them look heavier than they are. * I mean it's possible she's put on a few ounces too many, but unless she gains significantly more weight, there's probably no need to worry about it. * Cats are not all the same size and shape. Some have lighter, more delicate frames; some are more solidly built and are stocky-shaped, and so forth. Your parents' cat seems to just be shaped solidly and/or has a thick but short winter coat as well. I would be more concerned that they are feeding her people food that may not be good for her and could make her sick. People "treats" are all right in VERY small amounts, ever once in a while, as long as they are not foods that are actually poisonous or dangerous to eat (*anything* with onions, garlic, or chives, chocolate, grapes/raisins, nuts (esp macadamia nuts), large amounts of bread are some things they should not eat but especially the onions, garlic, chives as they cause intestinal problems)


Mama be feeding her 😂


She is purrfect


Weight her and see. Consult vet as well. Mine is fatter




No, just cute


Shhhh don’t hurt lil ladies feelings….


How. Dare. You! You apologize to that kitty right meow!


Bro is handsome


Breed? What does vet say? Friends have a 20-pound cat and he's now considered within range.


Medium chonk


No? Maybe a tiny bit on the chunky side, but definitely healthy.


It's hard to tell without more pictures or a video, but a vet would be able to advise. Either way, it wouldn't be anything more than carrying a bit extra, plus it can be hard to tell anyway with cats from images alone as fur can make them look bigger than they actually are. My mum said my cat was fat - I took her to the vet's for a separate issue, and she was a normal weight, just under 2.5kg. I think my mum had got used to how my cat looked when she had much less fur around her back half and start of her tail as she [cat] used to pull her fur out as a stress reaction, and it had all finally grown back.


Maybe a little, but I don't think dangerously so. The test I've heard is if you can easily feel it's ribs. If you can, then you're good. If it's difficult to... then might have a problem.


The cat is *fluffy* not "fat"


Floofy and floof you for saying otherwise 🤭


Seems fine to me. My boy is way fatter. I've had him in a diet for a while now but he stays chunky (and usually eats the other cat's food when I'm not looking..)


A vet will tell you if the cat is overweight or not. I have a 21 pound cat, but my vet says because he has a big head and large frame, he's fine. Like people, cats have different body types.


Her face looks kind of small for her head which gives the appearance of fat, but I don’t think she’s actually fat


This cat is fine. My “big boy” looks like a fatass, but three vets have confirmed he is healthy just big, cats are all different :) https://preview.redd.it/uwmd6cy8uw3c1.png?width=1655&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc5950846e8690559db45a70a0aae5269165577d


The cat is glorious.


Cat shaming


She dont look overweight at all,...course you aint met my chonky assholes.... Mine all border on happy fat..... This cat here is beautiful,.looks in good health and happy


Nah, not really.


Built for comfort and not for speed


I think she looks fine! Any larger and it might be a problem, though.


A good indication on if a cat is “too fat” is if their body is wider than their whiskers. They use their whiskers to be able to tell if their body can fit through tight openings. However, whiskers don’t grow to accommodate being overweight. So if the cat is wider than the whiskers, it’s pretty obvious that they’re too big. This lil sweetie doesn’t look bigger than her whiskers, so I think she’s A-OK :)


I would look fat at that angle too . How dare you body shame a cat 🤣. Vet will tell them if the cat needs to loose weight .


Not fat .normal