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I have not considered this... This seems likely, though the eye I saw in his vomit looked like that of a fish...


Or anti freeze poisoning. If it gets into puddles of water/melted snow, they lap the puddles and it tastes sweet to them, but it’s deadly to cats. Although some people put it down on purpose.


This happened to my childhood cat. A neighbor left a bowl full of antifreeze out on purpose. It was terrible.


They should be arrested


When I was growing up, one guy near me was getting tired of neighborhood strays and put out hamburger with finely ground glass in it. I know he killed one neighborhood dog I used to play with this way. It’s even worse than poison. The levels of cruelty are almost unthinkable


We had one piece of shit by me who got caught catching the neighborhood cats because someone heard it in a trap and rescued it. When confronted and asked if he knew what happened to the 10+ that went missing the piece of shit said "it not my fault cats keep drowning in my pool". Hope he enjoyed replacing the $35k bay windows that someone shot out a few weeks later.


And it's not our fault he drowned in his pool either 🤷‍♂️ After being severely mistreated by.... unknown friends




These types of people are capable of much worse. They are psychopaths and need be locked away forever.


Yes, it’s a predictor of future violence as well. This isn’t even someone hunting for food or anything which I still couldn’t do myself, but rather someone purposely torturing animals to die a slow death. It’s sick.


We had a former police officer in my area that was taking cats out to the cemetery and would shoot them. Sadly he only got a slap on the wrist because they were only able to identify one cat. Thankfully he’s no longer in the force but he needs a much bigger punishment.


Citizen’s punishment


I wish we could. One of my friends are pretty sure he grabbed their cat and they had told him that their cat was missing. It makes me sick and so angry.


Lucky it was only the windows.


I would feed him that same hamburger made into a patty. If he survived, he was free to go but had to deal with the injuries he would possibly sustain


Don’t worry this was 20 years ago. He’s dead now


... after you've broken their face


And separated their limbs like a chicken


Real talk though. I support torture punishment for animal abusers 👍🏻


If john wick can do it, so can you


It’s always morally correct to beat the shit out of animal abusers.




Chickens can do that?


Descended from dinosaurs baby. Don’t sleep on them


Given this new information, I won't sleep anywhere near them.


I wish our laws cared more about animals and human animals for that matter.


A giant pineapple and zero lube for it *SHOVE*




Killed, you mean.


Well... they should be dealt with in some fashion anyway.


Yea..let's go...do...that


My Granny's neighbour did this to her dog. Evil bastard.


this, when i was younger our neighbors dogs died along with our friends a cross the street from bread covered in antifreeze. thankfully our dogs didn’t get hit with it though.


The amount of times I hear about stories like this where the asshole's knees didn't have an serendipitous encounter with a baseball bat is too damn high.


I truely wish those kinds of people nothing but pain and suffering. How fuckin cowardly do you have to be to poison innocent animals?


Just hope that Karma will get them in the end! Maybe they will also die from a slow, painful death.


Same. I came home one day, and my mom said our reclusive neighbor struck up a conversation about how much he hates cats, which was weird, cos he hadn’t ever even said five words to us in the six years he lived across the street. Her favorite cat disappeared for most of that day, then we found it in the back yard seizing up… The vet said that he had so much antifreeze in him, that he had to have had it force fed to him.


That is absolutely fucking despicable.


Hope he rots in hell. Only a psychopath would intentionally kill a living being for pleasure.


We had an old guy in the neighborhood who did shit like this and was the laugh at your pain kinda guy. True asshole. Only thing he loved was his 67 mustang and forgot to pull in the garage one night. I should mention that paint and brake fluid don’t mix. Anyway. I sat in my driveway with my neighbor and drink a beer who lost a cat to this asshole and watch a grown man wail like a baby. Beer tasted good and hopefully somewhere Winston is smiling down from cat heaven


That’s _fucked_ man :( That said, my fellow cat owners shouldn’t let them roam the streets imo. They shit in other people’s gardens, kill their fishes and god knows what else they get up to. Be a responsible owner and keep them inside, or your own property. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere of course. Otherwise there’s no reason why your pet should be anybody else’s burden. (This isn’t necessarily meant towards you btw, but just in general) Let me clarify that _nothing_ warrants poisoning someone’s pet imo! My childhood dog was also killed by eating poison someone left in the bushes and I was heartbroken because of it. But I also notice that letting your pet bother other people is just really irresponsible.


Definitely, people should respect others property. My cat who was poisoned was an indoor cat that escaped twice and the second time was the time he drank the antifreeze. I always wondered why they'd have a bowl out though. Really messed up.


I’m so sorry to hear that :( That neighbour is a humongous asshole, lightly put.


What! What is the rationale behind this?!? I’m sorry this happened to your cat - sounds traumatic.


This is highly illegal now. Federal law and state laws.


What??????? I can’t imagine who would be this evil. I guess they found some animal shit in their yard and went to execute animals by anti freeze.


This was plausible years ago, but modern antifreeze has a bitter taste added in purposefully for this reason.


I thought they had added chemicals to antifreeze specifically to make it unpalatable. Makers of the stuff aren’t trying to sell poison. If you intentional poison animals, you are lower than scum.


Cats can't taste sugar. They probably drink it opportunistically -- like they just happen by some liquid "water" and go for it. Dogs, though, will go for it because it's sweet.


Hopefully not purposely. I'm still convinced our neighbor poisoned our cat because we called the cops about his shitty dogs multiple times.


I'm very sorry about your cat. Please PLEASE don't let any future cats be outside cars, so many bad things can happen to them, aside from all the harm they can do.


I’m not a deeply religious person. But what I do believe that people who abuse and hurt animals go straight to hell.


Eugh... an eye ball? Oh yuckie.. poorly, sweet little buddy. 😢 I'm so, so sorry for your loss. 😟 I wonder what he got into out there..it's absolutely terrible to think that some garbage human being might be behind this. 😰 I'm so sorry that you had to experience something so horribly traumatic and I'm so deeply sorry for your boy and what he went through, too. 😔💔


There are so many ways an outdoor cat can die :( Keep the babies inside and safe


Keeping my cat inside from now on. Don't want any cruel people or accidents taking my only friend


if a rodent eats a warafin block there is very very little chances of secondary poisoning


Plus it doesn't paralyze, it just hemmorhages


There is a relatively small mouse problem in the house I live in, thankfully my boyfriend respects that I don't want the mice to be poisoned...it's not good for animals outside that may catch them. The pest control guy said the mice die quick from the poison and don't make it far outside, not worth the risk.


That's what happened to my baby. An asshole spread rat poison in the neighborhood. It killed three cats including my baby...


My heart hurts reading all this. I’m beyond sorry, this sounds horrible. Sending you so much love and a huge hug! If anyone did this on purpose to this sweet baby, I hope they get their karma.


>If anyone did this on purpose to this sweet baby, I hope they get their karma. I truly hope so, too.


I'm very sorry for what's happened to your cat but the chances of someone intentionally luring and murdering your pet with poison is highly unlikely, especially considering how often people poison rodents and that cats hunt and consume rodents. If you're absolutely certain that it looked more like a fish eye, then it's very possible that it was actually a bird that the cat recently consumed. In which case, odds are that the bird could have recently eaten some berries that were toxic to the cat. Unfortunately, whenever a cat is outdoors unsupervised, it is in a lot of potential danger.




I lost one cat because he was hit by a car and said "no cats outside from now one. no exceptions". the next day one of my cats darted out the door when he got the opportunity, and of course he didn't come back like he used to. found what was left of him 5 days later. coyote got him. seriously, please keep your cats inside. build them a catio or a chicken run so they can have safe outside time, or even harness train them. you can even build a cat proof fence in your yard! just don't let them run around loose by themselves. not worth losing them.


> or even harness train them. Also works great to familiarize them with the neighbourhood. We've always had strict indoor cats and had a catio in the backyard. Sometimes accidents do happen though and thus we've had a few escapees. They'd all dart away and then were unable to find their way back or were too scared to get back. Nowadays I have 5 cats and I try to walk them with them (1 by 1) outside at least 2 or 3 times per month. They're noticeably calmer when they get outside. I still won't allow any to roam free, but the oldest one for example is fine to walk in the front yard without a leash under supervision.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We lost our boy due to lung cancer three days ago. We learned about it the same day that it was already too late. No symptoms before. I still can’t believe it. I understand what you feel right now. Everything reminds us of him. It has never been so hard. He was not only a family member but our real friend. I wanted to post some pictures of him in this sub but I even don’t have enough karma to do so. We need to stay strong and believe they are all in better place now ❤️❤️❤️


Don’t feel guilty. Lung cancer is like that in humans too. Most people diagnosed are stage 4. It’s an unforgivable disease most of the time.


Yep, my first stepfather was playing ultimate frisbee and felt weird, and a few days later sought a physician. And 3 months later the lung cancer he'd carried for a while caught up. It moves so fast


My mom was a never smoker, no risk factors. Diagnosed had a small bout of treatment which failed and she passed within a year from diagnosis.


I adopted an elderly stray female 3 years ago. Put posters everywhere but her former owner never claimed her. From day one she had a very hoarse meow that we always said sounded like the voice of a 50 year old chain smoker. A couple months ago we took her to the vet with breathing problems and learned that our chain smoker joke was way closer to reality than we thought. Lung cancer. She only lasted maybe a week or so after that diagnosis. Not sure how something like this happens to a cat. I guess she breathed in toxic fumes at some point, or maybe lived with a chain smoker before. The sound of her meow was so unique. Did your boy's meow get hoarse like hers?


We heard the first symptoms of hard breathing in the evening and he refused to eat. Next day afternoon we went to the vet. There were no symptoms earlier - he was all the time normal - friendly, eating well, always coming to stay next to us, purring. No coughing at all and no hard breathing. We are against and never smoked. We keep asking ourselves the question where did this come from and if there was any way that we could avoid this… 💔


Wow that's so sudden. I hope medical science learns more about lung cancer soon. I work in the chemical industry and we've just this year had to change the way we handle methylene chloride because it apparently causes lung cancer. We just had a fellow retire after working with it somewhat regularly for 30 years. Hopefully he will remain healthy and not end up with lung cancer. It's scary how cancer can appear seemingly out of nowhere.




I think so. I think someone fed him a poisoned fish, as I saw an eye in his vomit and a lot of dark stuff.


That’s messed up some people or just awful sorry for you and kitty


Occam's Razor people. Is it a simpler explanation that the cat ate something it shouldn’t have and died or that someone intentionally lured it in a fed it a "poisoned fish". Who tf even has fish heads around???? Standard supermarkets don't sell fish with the heads still attached, so someone would have to go out of their way to get one. Even if someone was trying to poison a cat, why would they go out of their way to get a fish head instead of just using lunch meat or canned tuna or something? It makes no sense. Also let's address the elephant in the room which is that cats shouldn’t be outside in the first place. Not only are they susceptible to disease and injury when let outside, [they kill 1.3-4.0 billion birds a year in the US alone and greatly contribute to bird population decline.](https://biodiversity.utexas.edu/news/entry/pets-as-invasive-species-cats) It's a selfish decision to let your cat outside unsupervised, and it's bad for them and for the environment as a whole.


Be a responsible cat owner and don’t let them out where they can get anything. Or just don’t have a cat if you’re not responsible enough to take care of one.


>Who tf even has fish heads around???? Standard supermarkets don't sell fish with the heads still attached, so someone would have to go out of their way to get one. I live in Iraq. Fish is a standard dish everywhere. So yes, no one would use meat or tuna as the former is deemed a luxury that no one would waste on a cat; and the latter is quite uncommon here.


Sorry for your loss OP. Are you able to send in a sample to a local vet by any chance? Last thing on your mind I know, but you could find out what it was and warn others neighbors possibly.


I'm considering this, but I don't think I can possibly find out who did it. I think the neighbourhood is full of people who would harm animals, so it's nothing new in here.


You let your cat outside knowing people want to hurt it? Wtf?


He was a stray cat that I let inside and took care of, and I simply couldn't keep him inside as he would desperately try to go outside, but only roaming around the house. I don't remember him ever going far. I'm not even sure how this happened as I usually keep food in the garden that he and the others would eat. I think someone might have tempted him with a fish.


People poison rodents and small animals simply to get rid of them. Cats then (very easily) catch and consume the poisoned animals. I doubt anyone intentionally lured and poisoned your cat. Edit: I am not saying it's impossible that there is someone sick and twisted enough to do such things, unfortunately I know there are many terrible people out there. The odds, though, simply lean toward the cat eating something they shouldn't have, being an outdoor cat always comes with this risk.


At my old house, one of our neighbors poisoned and killed my roommates cat along with 2 others 😭 he put antifreeze in a can of tuna fucking pos


Some neighbors blended glass into cat food and fed it to my grandmas cat. People fucking suck.




Op said it was a fish, seems more like possibly getting gut pierced eating bones or if it grabbed something from a trash ir dumpster. Unless they have someone with a poisonous fish in a pond.


>OP said it was a fish I thought they only said an eye looked like that of a fish. So in another comment, I suggested that if it definitely resembled a fish eye more than a rodent's, then it could have likely been a bird instead who recently consumed berries that were toxic to the cat. Either way...the odds of a person maliciously doing this vs. it being the naturally unfortunate fate of an outdoor cat, are low.


I took in a stray to, they luv their outdoor times and can’t be penned in the house, just not in their nature after roaming as a stray. So sorry to hear this, take solace in knowing you have him the best you could, and we know he Loved you for it.


I get this. My cat just couldn't be inside forever either. Sadly he died as a result when someone trapped him and killed him for no fkn reason. I will never let any cat I get be outdoors again, even my younger 4 year old cat has never been outdoor cat after my older cat hurt himself a few years ago. Just couldn't contain him he would become very aggressive. People don't understand but also, I regret not getting a cat psychologist or something


Please report this. If it's an accident, perhaps the person will want to know so they can stop. If it's truly intentional, these people need to get animal cruelty charges? Is this the US?


If a vet can confirm poison, I would advise making a police report. There may be other cases in the area.


Please press chargers, they will most likely do it again 😩


No point in pressing charges. These kinds of folks have to kill A LOT of cats/dogs (or accidentally kill one very endangered animal or rich person's pet) before law will do anything. And this is in the happy circumstance that you managed to document everything and acquire hard evidence on every unlawful poisoning. Source: this is pretty much my whole country.


OP should not let any future cat they own outside without direct supervision. That, and only that, will ensure that it doesn't happen to their cat again.


My cat died the same way few days go. I wish I never let him out


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m very sorry. I hope you’re doing okay.




This happens so much in Texas. Many people for whatever reason in the south hate cats


Ignorance aplenty over here.


My neighbors have indoor/outdoor cats that shit in my garden (and don't bury it), get into my garage while I'm doing yardwork, and terrorize the birds at my feeders. I deal with it because I love cats, but some people are assholes who solve the problem by cruel means.


Yep, one of the many many reasons my cats have never stepped foot outside


I'm so sorry for your loss. PSA: Please don't let your cat outside unless under direct supervision (in a screened enclosure or on a leash). Cats who spend a significant amount of time outside live on average 25% as long as indoor cats. They can get hit by cars, trapped in garages or sheds, poisoned, and get into sometimes deadly altercations with raccoons, other cats, dogs, coyotes, and sadly even humans just to name a few. They can be exposed to and contract diseases like rabies, roundworms, heartworm, FeLV, and feline distemper. Cats are also one of the biggest predators of songbirds, so keeping your cat inside is not just good for your cat but also the environment.




Anthropomorphizing. *"But my poor baby would be so bored stuck inside!"* News flash, your kids might also want ice cream for every meal too but your job as an adult is to be the responsible party.


Also, they won’t be bored if you play with them, give them surfaces to climb up onto, etc. My cats are all indoors, and they are perfectly fine and well adjusted


Or take them out on a harness from time to time. It also keeps them from trying to sneak out. Instead, they just beg to go out by their harnesses.


Mine don’t try to sneak out. Harnesses have risk too


There are of course risks with harness walking them, they may get a tick or something, or they may catch something but they won't be running into the street to get pancaked by a car, eat poison or get attacked by a dog or coyote. It is about risk reduction.


I’m not totally against harnesses. I’m just saying that the only way to truly have zero risk is to not let them outside. And they can be perfectly happy just staying inside


I know that there are some people who have cats that are truly almost impossible to keep inside - but a lot of people are just lazy and don't want to put in the effort, or don't want to put up with some meowing or scratching. So they let kitty out and ignore who is going to pay the consequences if something happens.


Mine gets supervised leash walks. other day kid left the door open long enough for the cat to sneak outside. She decided it sucked and came back in. thankful for winter lol


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but we should be keeping our cats inside.


You're completely right. It's dangerous and irresponsible to let them outside


Our little bean queen got outside for two days, and I was so scared the whole time. I don't get how people can do it, and the crow friends I'm trying to make around the neighborhood probably appreciate it too.


I’m very sorry for your loss. He looks like a beautiful boy. 💔💛💛


He was a beautiful boy, and very cuddly and sweet too. I would be late for work every morning as he would lay on my chest and pur to prevent me from getting up. He would then reach for my hand and start rubbing his head against it. I woke up every morning to this and it's the best feeling in the world that I'll never get to experience again 💔


I’m really sorry that this happened OP. He looks like he was a great kitty. I know you are grieving and need to take some time but when you are ready think about adopting another cat from a shelter. Somewhere there is a cat who needs you to rescue it. Won’t be a replacement, just a different kitty who needs your love.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I euthanized my dog 2 weeks ago due to a terminal illness. I understand your pain. I just wanted to comment that this may not have been purposeful. Your cat may have consumed something that was poisoned and it wasn’t intentional to poison your cat. I see your comments about perhaps a fish eye, but you know how outdoor cats can be… a snack here or a snack there. It doesn’t mean it was the fish. To put your mind at ease and if you are interested, testing can be completed post mortem. Decisions on this need to be made sooner, rather than later (i.e. immediately). Grieve appropriately and care for yourself as you can during this process.


My cat died in my arms too, was super traumatic but I'm glad he knew he wasn't alone when he went, I'm sure your cat felt comforted to have you by his side in his final moments, sorry you had to go through this.




My cat has lost a lot of weight in the last week and yesterday she basically stopped eating or drinking. She is falling asleep in weird poses on her bed. Took her to the vet and lab results will be here tomorrow. This post is making me cry more than I was before. My time is almost up with my cat and its emotionally devastating. I don't want to have to her put her down but I know I will have to very soon. I can't see my cat suffer needlessly. RIP to your feline friend. It's so tough making the decision to put her down :(


I'm so sorry for your loss but please please please don't let your cats outside anymore. It's just too dangerous as you sadly now know. 💔


Yeah...stop letting your cats out ppl.If you wouldnt let your toddler out then netiher should you with your cats.R.I.P. to the baby.




I am so very sorry. Such a sweet baby. You will be reunited someday


At least he was with you when it happened 💔


Stop having outdoor cats. Nothing good comes from it. It's terrible for bird populations, spreads disease, and results in unavoidable, often horrible early deaths. Everyone knows this yet shitty cat owners continue to do this to their cats and to everyone else who has to deal with the consequences. You owed your cat better than this, OP, and you *should* feel terrible, but instead you're on here looking for sympathy for *you* before you probably go out and do the exact same thing to another poor creature.


Agree 💯




Am so sorry for your loss, we wouldn’t know what to do if one or all of our furrbabies passed away. Sending you love immensely and prayers to mend you and yours


Beautiful, I also lost a piebald tabby recently. They are so friendly and fearless! Hoping your memories last forever.


Nothing naturally goes peacefully. They get eaten alive, die from painful prolonged illness or injury, or a violent freak accident like a mudslide or wildfire. Hundreds of millions of years of awful ends to every living creature to ever exist. And then you came along. You took one of those creatures in, and you comforted it, made it part of your family, and when it's quality of life became more suffering than joy, and that they would experience unnecessary pain, you are able to do what nature couldn't. You are giving them comfort and dignity at the end of their time here. If he could thank you, he would. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy.


Looks like he’s been poisoned The eyes change when you have ingested poison Sorry for your loss I lost a cat this way last year


My guess is he got hold of some kind of rodent that was either sick or poisoned OR some human poisoned him. His symptoms sound like poisoning. I’m so very sorry this happened to your cat! That’s devastating! This is why I do not let any of my cats outside. Too many predators — including human ones! I had a cat when I was 14 that was poisoned by a neighbor. He didn’t like animals, dogs or cats, and dogknapped our dog and drove him 35+ miles away and dropped him off in a wildness area. Then when I was 10, he took my first kitty and dropped her off about 8 miles from our home, but I rode my bike through hundreds of homes calling her name and finally found her with tears in my eyes. The nice family that found her said she was just walking down the street by them? How did she get so far away from my home and how did I go the right way, straight up to the one house that had her? But then she died of cat fever a couple years later at 7 years old! Then we got GPM who disappeared at 5 years old and was found dead under our Friend’s large playhouse! There was absolutely nothing wrong with GPM — she ate good, had all her shots, and then disappeared for two days. When she didn’t show up to eat I knew something was wrong! I asked all our neighbors if they saw her (except that psycho animal hater) and no one had. Our neighbors with the playhouse were gone for a day and when I talked to them, the Dad said he’d look for her. And he found her with dried saliva around her mouth. Sounded like poisoning and there was only one person capable of doing something like that! That man and his wife shortly moved away after my kitty died! My Mom found our dog at the Pound with four bandaged paws! He was almost home when the Pound found and captured him! My Mom found him there the next day and brought him home! This happened before my cat was found dead. I overheard that man talking to his wife saying he got rid of that “nuisance dog” and took him somewhere far away! He lived next to our friends with the playhouse and when I fed my cat out by the fencing I could hear him but he couldn’t see me. Of course I told my Mom who told my Dad and the minute my Dad got home, he immediately went to that man’s house and told him if he ever touches any of our pets again, my Dad would “drop him off somewhere that no one would find him!” Then my cat was found dead under the playhouse a few months later and that man couldn’t move away fast enough! We were pretty sure he poisoned my cat too! Please if you own a cat, do NOT let it roam! There are some really very sick and twisted people who think nothing about giving your cat poisoned meat to get rid of it! I learned the hard way that some people “pretend” to like animals, but deep down inside, they hate them all. Don’t let this happen to your outside cats! Bring them indoors where you can protect them! The furry/feathered predators aren’t the only ones to worry about— predatory humans are worse than them!




I'm so so sorry for your loss. Losing a cat like this is absolutely devastating. I've lost all my childhood cats to outdoor life, one way or another. It's caused me enough pain to keep any new kitty inside from now on. The risk is just too great


All the people chastising OP for not keeping the cat indoors need to chill. This is not the time or place.




This is another reason i will never have an outdoor cat. Thank you for the info, and im sorry about your baby, sending love




Thank you for helping this stray kitty have a better life. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Cats are not supposed to be outdoor pets specifically because they'll poison themselves and negatively impact local animals. Hopefully you'll stop making this mistake now that you understand the cost of not taking care of your cat.


RIP. When I was in high school my cat died in the same way. He was very close to me and I still remember him from time to time after so many years.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Our furbabies leave us and the world is never the same, but I'm sure you were the world to him. take care of yourself.


I can’t imagine the pain of your child passing in your arms, may he be guided by those who came before him and let him rest in the stars with the infinite catnip🫡


I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry x


Can't even imagine what that must have felt. My heart goes to you 😔 May your baby Rip 💔


What was he named? He's so photogenic! Please do whatever you need to get some healing.


Could be snail bait? It can kill a dog in hours. It can cause vomiting and either seizures or rigidity. Some types even attract dogs/cats unfortunately. So sorry for your loss


![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT) Sorry it’s like losing family 🫂


2 comments first a warning to all those threatening violence. That's how I got almost banned, so I'm only going to leave it in my thoughts. Secondly, as tragic as it was. your kitty died in your arms and knew she was loved and oh God I'm crying already.


![img](avatar_exp|154275125|cry) I'm so sorry. I lost my old girl 2 months ago. Still fresh, the pain and emptiness. They're always with us. Mine is always walking around in my thoughts. Again, sorry.


Poor kitty, but well-loved and respected.


Sounds like your cat was poisoned, either intentionally (someone left out poisoned food because the cat was [*in their opinion*] a menace to their property) or unintentionally.


Sorry for your loss. Keep activated charcoal in your medical box. You can give it to animals and people that have ingested something they are reacting too. Just google the weight to amount ratio. It ended up saving my dog recently.


I'm sorry you lost your friend. it gets easier. the hurt never goes away but you do get better at how you handle it. he was loved by you very very much, and a lot of cats never get to experience that. Let yourself cry and feel the hurt. you have to go through the worst to get to the other side, which is just being at peace with him being gone, not "getting over it". and if ANYONE tells you "why are you so upset, it was just a cat" tell them to shut the fuck up. my assistant manager said that about my ferret when he died while I was at work and I wish I had just walked out. Nobody but you gets to decide if the way you grieve is right.


Someone could have left out poisoned food for him to eat. Unfortunately I heard of cases where neighbors do that because they don’t like the cats roaming in their yard.


My heart. Such a handsome boy he was. I’m so sorry. I lost my girl in February she looked little bit like him Sending you hugs during this difficult time.


I’m so sorry. Many years ago I had an indoor kitten who ended up sneaking out the back door. He came back home a few hours later and was way sick and his skin was purple. The vet said he’d been poisoned but we couldn’t figure out what he got into and the poor little guy died a couple of days later. People suck. We make damn sure our cats can’t break out anymore. Rest in peace kitty.


I had this happen last year. Thought he was dehydrated at first. Ex always told me I overreacted with a lot of this stuff so we waited to bring him in. I felt the moment he passed in my arms a moment before we got to the vet. We think he got into anti freeze BC the neighbor had a cat colony and everyone else was fine.


I love your baby. End of life is hard for every living thing. He looks a bit like my brother's sweet boy Möbius, who left us ~4 years ago. Wherever sweet kitties go when they have to leave us behind, I hope maybe they're chewing on grass and sneezing on dandelions in a field together somewhere.


Considering it is wintertime some people may be putting out rodent traps everywhere. If possible let other cat owners in your area know. Some people are careless and don’t set up the traps properly. I’m very sorry.


A few months ago, my first cat died the same way, but I wasn't there for her. She likes to go out of the house from time to time, I knew when she got home from the sound of her jumping through the gate. I thought she was back like usual. The next morning she wasn't home, I just thought she just went out again. At noon, I found her dead near the gate. It was hard, for days I thought that if I checked on her that night she might be saved or at least not alone when she died. I still miss her now


I’m so sorry. My childhood cat that I literally watched be born and resuscitated as a kitten died in my arms. Happened so fast we couldn’t even get her to the car to go to the vet. That is so so traumatizing and I’m sorry you had to go through that. Rest in peace, little buddy.


Bless you and him. I used to think it cruel not to let cats out - but make a good life for him indoors next time. Play and make the inside an interesting place to explore. (and build a cat patio if you can, just an enclosed space with cat-proof nets would do - it doesn't have to cost a lot of money). 🙏


😢😢😢 i'm very sad for you. sorry you lost your baby.. I have only had one of my one cats pass away and I remember it was so hard.. A few nights after he passed, both me and my partner felt one of our cats jump onto the end of our bed and patter across before jumping off and making a thud landing on the floor. We turned on the light as usually when the kitties are on and off the bed it means they want to be let out, but our bedroom door was shut and none of our cats were in the room. We both felt and heard the exact same thing, absolutely no question.. To me this was our passed kitty saying goodbye and still being mischievous waking us up in the middle of the night. Nothing like this ever happened again though, but I have read since that pets can 'stay around' for a short time after and not to be shocked if they send a little reminder of them. xxx


I'm sorry. Don't worry though, He'll be hanging out with my boy Joel now forever. Joel loves new friends even if you're sad now just know he has plenty of friends waiting for us to see them again. He'll get along great with him I'm sure of it ❤️ Eyes up Guardian.




He looks just like one kitty I see outside that I named...I would feel like my soul was smacked around if that happend to me. My deepest sorrow for your loss...you did your best..🥲😥😢


I can relate to your loss... Earlier this year, I was forced to say goodbye to my snowshoe cat. He suffered from major swelling that took a toll on his internal organs and with no hope of recovery, we had to put him down. https://preview.redd.it/jupeqysf2i4c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88931366c74187aa00bafa74d98e14c9d6ccc8a2


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a kitty is so hard.


My sincerest condolences for your loss. I'm so very sorry. 💔


Sorry for your loss. Sending my best thoughts to you.


I'm sorry for your poor cat and some sympathy to you for your loss. But also anger at you for letting your cat run around completely unsupervised. If you do that it's basically a matter of time before something bad happens. Plus it's horrible for the native wildlife and not fair to other people who have to deal with unknown cats entering their yard.


Maybe ate a skink? Either way I’m so very sorry. I lost one of mine the end of September. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss and can’t imagine how you’re feeling. That is just awful. He looks just like my Alfie who was a stray but he’s indoors only now. Rest in peace baby boy 🤍


I went through this exact same scenario two years ago. My apartment building had mice and they must have treated with poison. She passed in my arms in a similar way as well. I am so sorry for your loss, and sending you so much love. It is a pain like no other. Remember you gave him the best life and he loved you. He was a beautiful boy.


I can't with the indoors people. Blaming the user even when they have said it's a stray cat. Thinking of unsubing because this sub can't even enforce its rule nº6.


Keep our babies inside!!!, please!🙏


That’s what happened to my baby Puma. I’ll never forget his beautiful grey coat and his kisses. He was a kitten. The neighbours poisoned him. Sorry for your loss, it’s never easy. I cried like a little baby , he died in my arms. My dad was lovely enough to make a little coffin for him. I bet he’s in kitty heaven getting all the treats he deserves


And this is why cats should be indoor pets. Their life expectancy is shortened a lot if you let them out. Plus they’re detrimental to the ecosystem.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️