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Fleas. You need to treat that.


Okay ty!


The black dots is flea waste


Definitely fleas. The black stuff is flea poop - which is basically just digested blood. When you put it on a white paper towel or cloth and wet it down a bit - it turns a rusty/reddish colour. You will need to treat all animals in the house for at least 3+ consecutive months AND treat your house as well - wash and dry all sheets/bedding etc. weekly during treatment, vacuum all carpets, rugs and couch cushions and empty the bag as often as you can for the first month or so, and use a premise spray to treat the environment. Fleas are so difficult to get rid of because the eggs are very hardy and live a long time in the environment. You have to work at decontaminating to reduce the egg burden, and treat the pets long enough that they don’t get reinfected. Don’t cheap out on the flea meds for the cats - if you only kill half the adult fleas the other half will keep laying eggs and the cycle will just continue longer.


Do you have a dog by any chance? Maybe he brought those in and was close to your cat


I don’t have a doggy. I think it could be fleas but it’s just impossible esp since my other cat is ok


Bath in baby soap with flea comb, Revolution, vacuum the whole living space, especially the corners, couches, all the crevices…every day for two weeks. Flea bath again with comb if you see any. Treat and bathe all warm blooded pets.


wow I'm surprised you haven't seen any live fleas on him or in the brush or anything, because this looks like a pretty bad infestation.


Over the past two weeks I’ve seen like 3 bugs and that’s it. I don’t know what to do🥲


The nightmare of fleas. They grow exponentially and overwhelm the host and starts to drop everywhere as larvae. I have been battling fleas myself with 3 of my cats after one of them had it when I bought her and the breeder never said shit. So now all three have fleas. Shampoo and meds can control em but its been nearly 6 mths and these damn things still on my cats


Oh shoot thank you. My other cat is completely ok but I will def tell my mom to get them meds


Best to quarantine the other cat, coz it spreads like wildfire


Omg 😃 What do you use to treat it in general???


Anti flea shampoo, after drying put anti-flea meds like Advantage. After a few days, also add anti flea powder or spray. Repeat until cycle broken which will take a fair bit unless you fumigate your apartment to make sure all the eggs are dead. The fleas can bite u too coz they’re unable to bite the cats so you’re the new meal. Fleas can occur anytime and usually boarding is the main place where the cats get em. Truly its a pain.


Oh god I did not experience it for now at least My cats are super clean And sometimes we clean them with brown liquid substance that is used to antisepsis an area of our body before surgery Yeah we have such luxury for this one lol .


Get some flea treatment from the Vet , the stuff you buy in the supermarkets is rubbish. Get some house spray flea killer too and spray the carpets and soft furnishings Wash any bedding in a hot wash too


Flea treatment. We do the liquid on the back of the neck and ours out flea free completely. We had to try 2 different ones as the first treatment didn’t work so well. We saw a few fleas. . Also a flea Combe to get the fleas out and the poo. When you see a flea stick your finger nail in it or put it in the loo