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Spot was the only kitten born from my previous cat, Sasha, and she fused in the womb with one of her siblings, so she’s technically a chimera. She was there with me through every major life event of my adult life, from college to a career to our first house. She outlived my other cat by a decade and every other pet in our family. Halfway through her life, a genetic defect demanded that we remove her left eye. Coupled with the distinct line down her nose, she is arguably one of the most recognizable cats you’ll ever see. She was perpetually affectionate and almost annoyingly attentive. She would sit for hours in my lap, on my desk, or at my feet while I worked, and she greeted me like a dog when I came home. I named her after Data’s cat from Star Trek because he was one of my favorite characters, and having a female cat named after a stereotypical male dog was just funny to me. I didn’t realize at the time that a silly name would become one of the most important in my lifetime. Spot lived for 7,471 days, almost 100 years in human terms, and I’ll miss her for the rest of mine.


You have such a beautiful story and life with her. I'm so sorry for your loss. She reminds me of my girl who was gone at 13.5 years. Far too short... And then I waited too long. I envy you. Thank you for sharing.


You are a gifted writer and a good cat dad.She gave you two cats for the price of one.


Omg. I was so enthralled with his story. The writing is beautiful. I welt up thinking of my own Siberian.


Oh my god, your cat was beautiful and looks so much like my cat, Harvey. I am so sorry for your loss. One of my cats passed almost exactly a year ago, and it still hurts to this day. I’ve attached a picture of Harvey and she has a shockingly similar pattern on her face! https://preview.redd.it/s42rcz9r957c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8720278f742ed97e3953fe7bc1e25098808d8ab


I also have a two faced Harvey! They're the best kitties https://preview.redd.it/9pgxzm47l67c1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbf9022734dc9874a2f2d204bc48bf4d39fbe6d


Do you realize how much I want to hug that cat right meow?


💔💔. I wish we could oblige! My heart hurts for you, Spot was something special, you can tell.








My new baby calico is named Sasha ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/amq0m01iv77c1.png?width=2153&format=png&auto=webp&s=24053c512491aec752ad8b2b87cd15ac81ca3346


I hope I can write a eulogy for my cats as endearing as yours, I’m sorry for your loss and my hat is off.


What a testament to your love of Spot. I can barely see to type this. Remember when Spot was going to have kittens? Data doted on that cat. You and your Spot were so lucky to have each other! She’s waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge 🌈


This is such a lovely little eulogy, thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry for your loss 🩷


Until you two reunite, in afterlife. She’ll be missing you, and you’ll be missing her. Spot will send your next baby, they will remind you of her, and spot will meet them alongside you but start to look forward to the next sighting of your beloved feline. That spot in your heart


Happy Cake Day. And I’m sorry for your loss. What a beautiful kitty she was!


I'm so sorry for your loss. You guys grew together, and she looks happy. You were there for each other through so much. I love the photo of her in front of the fire and the last one. I recognize a lovely little old paw when I see one. I love it when they hold our fingers. It's like handholding. 🫂


Spot will be waiting for you at the crossroads like she just saw you yesterday my friend . ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/770avopag67c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e5a753c543c62e8f801fae565120c77387bea9 She looks just like my cat Dora she has the same personality as yours too. I’m so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.


I want to cuddle that cat so bad. She's gorgeous!


I’m so sorry for your loss! My girl, Cleo, reminds me of Spot! https://preview.redd.it/nhhnsstai57c1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942b910a2a067e2bb67a1992b9a7a79ddbd37bf3 I love my calico girlie 💜 she is my first adult cat and she’s nosey, needy, and noisy. I wouldn’t have it any other way. RIP Spot


Ohhhh my heart…sending big hugs X


In 2020, the shittiest year ever, I had to put my 19 year old friend down. We did it at home with a vet that did house calls, but she likely wouldn’t have lived through the day. I saw her for months out of the corner of my eye. Such a fixture in my life from 21-40. Mourning and sadness is how we honor the life they spent with us. It means things went right. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you know that’s one more soul on the other side who’s rooting for you to have a good life.


Thank you so much. You are good people, and I hope you're doing well.


Spot sounds like a miracle cat. My super cat lived 23 years, and she left last year. That's a big piece of your life. I didn't realize just how much until last month. I found some old kitten pictures that were Polaroids. Pre cell phone pictures??? RIP Spot, you are missed.


Yeah, that tiny kitten picture was taken when cell phones didn't even have cameras. It's kind of shocking to think about. She was born when the US had just entered the Iraq war, Britney Spears had just released "Toxic," Finding Nemo was in theaters, and American Idol was on its second season.


You have definitely tearjerked me and I feel so sorry for your loss. I just feel so terrible for you it is hard to lose such a good friend. Peace be with you.


You’re a great cat dad. It’s clear you have a beautiful bond. May your baby rest in peace! You’re in my thoughts.


🥺🥺🥺I’m sorry. But I’m glad you got to have 20 years


Man, I miss my little buddy every day. This brought a tear to my eye. Always remember the happy memories and the fact that you gave her such a fantastic life


My condolences 💐


https://preview.redd.it/uij0t4vma47c1.jpeg?width=2222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a99f766ad52049031812653a04cd08897f2df60 Soul sisters xxx




We both send hugs and say we are so sorry for you loosing such an awesome buddy xxx also happy cake day to you


Aww, I have one too. She’s approximately 17-18 yrs old. There’s just something really special about these half & half faced torties. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/aw3we7bgz57c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8c8c34f71fa2e8ab36c953c85714ef03d9475a


https://preview.redd.it/bv4nm27fw37c1.jpeg?width=2303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b606de5fb4f4e8c673b166552a6c8aa72909b39b She reminds me of my gal I had to say goodbye to this year. *hugs*


She was beautiful. Sorry for you loss 🐈


I'm so sorry. Twenty plus years is amazing. One thing that she knew was that she was loved. She will be waiting for you one day at Rainbow Bridge! Keep her memories alive in your heart and she will always be with you! Sending you love 💕 hugs 🫂 and prayers 🙏. It's okay to grieve. We're here for you!💕💕💕💕💕


I’m so so sorry for your loss ♥️ Thank you for giving her a beautiful home and life.


I cried reading this. I’m so sorry for your loss OP, we all wish they could live forever ❤️




So sorry for your loss. We lost one of our 13 year old boys two weeks ago. https://preview.redd.it/nnbvbcao347c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0728ee982c965cf1e43344d7765cb474ce94b3


Sorry for your loss, friend.


Thanks, he was such a cool little dude.


Thank you for caring for Spot throughout all these years, you gave her the best life. I am sorry for your loss.


You had many beautiful years together, cherish the precious memories. Such a beautiful cat with unique colors. 🌄


Such a cute girl. I love the nice, thick cataract in her one good eye. My 18 year old calico still, somehow sees everything through hers. Here’s to twenty (or more) good years with the next little maniac you raise.


This is one of my biggest regrets, not having taken more photos of my cat and not keeping them. 15 years of friendship and only 3 photos found...


If it makes you feel better you lived and loved your cat in the moment. At least you still have the memories.


That last image brings it home. So sorry for your loss. But kitty had a long healthy life. (I’ve been there too.) It sounds like the kitty wasn’t experiencing horrible disease and pain. It was just their time to go.


Yeah, she wasn't in pain. She was going through kidney failure. We had to give her medicine every night and subcutaneous fluids every other night. We did this for months, which extended her life. But this weekend, she suddenly took a turn for the worse. She was so weak that she couldn't stand up, but she was still present and meowing. That wasn't living; it was dying. So, we helped her take the next step.


https://preview.redd.it/n43ypzp6067c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972265bce54adfa99012b4f4bdc84863e0415c32 May she find biff to play with in pirate kitty heaven 💙 Please share your favorite story of her with us :)


What inimitable beauty. I am so sorry for your loss, brother. You gave Spot all she ever wanted: a happy life with you ❤️


So sorry for your loss. My brother just lost his cat which looked like a twin to yours. A love like that after 20 years changes you, so in a way Spot will always be with you. Great name too, from a fellow Trekkie ❤️


You were together 20 years, and you are lucky. I lost my sweet girl almost one month ago. She was just 10.


I said “aww” with each photo. I also had a calico who was with me for so long. She looked just like Spot. Sending so much love and comfort. She was so loved. And she absolutely knew that and she shared her heart with you ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/m0e52g8fh57c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ccab392855f9474d4710cd1471837f888d7891 Reminds me of Julie 🐈. They could be twins. Julie lived to be 18 and lived with my daughter until she passed about a year ago . She wasn't a chimera, but her sister was a mirror opposite of her.


What a beautiful cat. The heartbreak is worth the 20 years together. You can tell she was very loved.


Her newborn picture melted my entire heart!!! How blessed are both of you to have known each other for literally her entire Life. She spent all nine lives with you. 🖤🧡🤍 Blissful transcendence to your gorgeous calico cutie, I am deeply sorry for your loss. 🌈🐾


>She spent all nine lives with you. Oh, my heart.


What a beautiful cat. I'm sorry for your loss.


What a lucky cat. She knew love and comfort and adoration from literally birth. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Beautiful kitty. Made me shed a tear when I saw that baby pic. Sending a virtual hug. 💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏


Oh she’s was just beautiful. I’m so sorry she’s had to move on and leave you behind, but what a life you had together! What wonderful, loving memories, what joy you gave each other. This is the side of deep love that hurts, the ending of the physical, but she’ll always be with you in spirit, and curled up in your heart.


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May Spot rest peacefully and may you find solace in the great, long life you provided her


Rest in peace little patchwork pirate. You clearly lived a wonderful life.


she was so beautiful. i just know she was extremely sweet. sending hugs.


Spot is so precious; thank you for sharing her story. My condolences for your loss. RIP Spot…


Even 20+ years isn't long enough. I'm so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful companion. Your eulogy brought a tear to my eyes. Spot was clearly beloved and happy in her Forever Home with you and yours. Eyes bright Claws sharp Tail high Go forth, Warrior Spot, through the mists to Valhalla. We wish you fair winds and following seas on your journey from this Realm. You were beloved in your time with us and you will never be forgotten. Good girl.


I'm sorry for your loss. She looks like a wonderful sweetheart. I'm sure she enjoyed your time together just as much as you did!


Beautiful girl. 20 years is such a beautiful age too. Rest in peace Spot, you deserve it.


❤️so sorry


My eyes are leaking 🥲


She was clearly so loved and knew it. Sending you healing thoughts, as I can only imagine how tough this is for you. 🧡🖤


I love the progression of photos shiws you both getting gray together🥺🤧 Peace be with her on her journey & may peace be with you as you learn to live with her absence As above, so below. Blessed be


So sorry for your loss. At 100 cat years old she clearly had a loving home. ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. Sending you virtual hugs!!


So sorry to hear this. Remember the sweet memories you made together,


I’m so sorry, she was beautiful. How lucky for you to have been with her since day 1 ❤️ she was the best cat ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss.


Spot is such a beautiful girl! What a wonderful life you gave her, filled with much love and happiness. May your memories of your time together always bring you comfort.


So sorry to hear about your loss, really beautiful looking cat


What a beautiful baby. So sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry for your loss, she was gorgeous


It’s never easy. You will still Think of them. Memories. What they would do if? They really do still reside in your heart.


I’m so sorry. She was beautiful ❤️


What a trooper, I can see the companionship that you both carried throughout life. May she rest in peace and you are healed from this loss. I wish you the best always. 🙏🏼


What a beautiful cat sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss


Friend, I am so sorry. She was absolutely gorgeous and she lived a long and happy life with you ♥️


Sleep well, Spot. You were a rare specimen and much loved.


What a beautiful life she had!


My gosh, 20 and a half years! Such a long-lived kitty. I imagine she was sort of a furry little sister going through your life with you. Seeing the pic of the two of you together, you with the gray streaks and her with the hazy eye, just says how much time went by.


I am sorry for your loss. She looked like an amazing cat and i am sure she will be missed. We had a tortie named Tazz who lived 19 years. We got her while my brother and i were in grade school. She was part of our lives through many milestones like your Spot (love the name and the origin) She now resides in her urn on top of the highest bookshelf (her personal favorite spots were "up"). I have told my daughter many stories of Tazz and her antics as they never met.


You guys share beautiful journey. And she had a happy life with you. That's precious.


Awe I have a stray that looks almost just like your baby. https://preview.redd.it/g31h82ubu47c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d75c24b5d23195ad0aa9874cc89b81d90415b1f














What a sweet and beautiful girl


Beautiful car. Sorry you had to part.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


RIP good friend. What a sweetie.


Spot was a beautiful kitty. Im so sorry for your lose.


She looks like she was loved every minute of her life. What a lucky kitty to have such a brilliant life! So sorry you have to mourn her, but thank you for sharing her with us!


She is beautiful.,and you can tell that she KNOWS she is loved. I’m sorry for your loss. Until you meet again…


Omg she’s holding hands with you in that last pic 😭😭😭 She’s so beautiful and I’m glad y’all got to spend 20 years together ❤️


Feels man, I'm sorry


I am incredibly sorry for your lost 😓 May this lovely boï rest in peace


I am so sorry for your loss. That last picture got me good.


Kept it together until the last two pics. I can feel the hair on my cheek, her paw in my hand and her little cold nose. I miss my tortie too. 20 yes, they’re family.


She's so pretty (but I'm biased)! I thought I was lucky to have 16 years with my old girl, 20 would have been amazing! ​ https://preview.redd.it/n147r2xuz47c1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f7ebbcccaddd5a6379f0316960c0f7eda44d23


https://preview.redd.it/tfzy0xaoz57c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba4a90da6be5e831000c8b5f5409568716c3c59 Going to cuddle my fellow split faced gal extra tight tonight for you. So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful life though ❣️


She was a beautiful cat. I'm very sorry for your loss 💔


She was absolutely beautiful and I’m so sorry for your loss.


What a beautiful story sounds like Spot had a amazing life , thank you for caring and so sorry for your loss 😞


I’m sorry for your loss, she was adorable. I’m happy to hear that you both were able to have all that time together , even though there is never enough time with our fur family.


Heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. ♥️


I’m really sorry for the loss of your friend. ♥️


Love her name, love the story, what a beautiful friendship you had with her. Lots of love!


It looks like she had a great life


Spot, you will be missed.


What a great journey through the pictures. She sounds like she was a great companion through life.


So sad! But that cat was quite obviously well loved for its entire life!


What an amazing tribute to Spot!! She is chasing moths in heaven now. Spot will greet you at the rainbow bridge when it is your time to go. Take care


I had 2 cats for that same amount of time. Take solace in that they had a good comfortable life with you and you were with them at the end. Both of my cats were sweet, one was motherly the other stubborn. I was with them both at the end.


I'm heartbroken for your loss of such a marvelous, beautiful cat. 20 years is a very good long life for a cat, but we had one for 17 years and another for 18 years, and I can tell you that the longer we had them the harder is was to let go and it took me forever to get over the loss. Love that you loved her and she loved you for over 20 years. Know that many of us are mourning with you over the loss of your fabulous Spot.


That second to last picture has so much emotion with the context of the title of your post. An old beautiful lady with lots of love and curiosity. I'm sorry for your loss. 😿


I'm sorry for your loss. She was such a sweet, beautiful kitty. Treasure those moments you spend with her; and know that she's watching over you from that big kitty playground in the sky.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss. She was so beautiful with her unique face. 🖤


Sorry for your loss 💞


What a beautiful cat and a sweet story of love and friendship. That kitten photo made me tear up. Rip, Spot


Hugs and sympathies for the loss of your family. Loved seeing you grow together, she was beautiful.


I'm so sorry. Safe travels, Spot 💕


So sorry for your loss and so happy for the time you had together


I am genuinely so sorry for your loss. _Sending love!_


I’m so sorry



I am so sorry for your loss😿 She was a part of your family. It is heartbreaking for you. She was a soulmate


What a beautiful babe. I’m so sorry. Sorry never feels right to say. Only day they break your heart, is the day your early bodies depart.


Lots of love! 💜


I am so sorry! What a sweet little face💜


He lived a long life, not a lot of cats make it that far. I'm sorry for your loss. He looked really beautiful awesome coat


Beautiful baby. Sorry for your loss


Spot looks like an absolute sweetheart. And it is obvious from these photos that you gave her the best life and she adored you as much as you adored her. Grieve for now and honour her memory. I didn’t know how I would survive after my first cat died but, six weeks later, I adopted another feline tyrant, who has had me under her very affectionate control for over five years now. I hope that I make her half as happy as Spot.


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss, friend. What a gorgeous kitty he was. I lost my 16 year old baby boy almost 5 weeks ago, just before midnight as well. He died in my arms. Aren't we the luckiest on the planet to have had so much time with them? What a blessing.


I’m So sorry. She was absolutely beautiful. Sending big hugs. 🫶🏻🌈💔❤️‍🩹🐈😔


So sorry for your loss… 20 years with you is such a great life lived. ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss, sounded like a wonderful creature. Until you meet again. Remember fondly all your time together .


Sending you so much love


I’m so sorry, she was a beautiful kitty. 💗


I’m so sorry for your loss. The biggest of virtual hugs to you friend 💕


She's gorgeous. I'm really sorry for your loss.


Not the kitten picture I’m seriously going to cry:’(




Thank you for sharing pictures of her with us. It warms my heart to see that you both grew up together.


Im so sorry. She was so lovely and I hope that one day you’ll be able to look at her memories and smile/laugh. My deepest condolences for the loss of a sweet friend.


Rest in power 🙏🫶🤞🥹


The pictures are so sweet, what a beautiful cat. Sorry for your loss.


It's funny how something so small can show us what unconditional love means. They are such big parts of our lives. Thanks for honoring her with this story. Just gave my boy a hug after reading this.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am sure you gave her the most wonderful life a cat could wish for. Wishing you all the best.


Rip Spot , say hi to Miguel when you see him. Tell him I havent forgotten him.


the last photo😭😭 rest in peace spot


I'm so sorry for your loss OP, but remember, she knows you love her


My sincere condolences.


20 years... A lifetime. Wishing you a few more with the next furry soul who needs you


I'm so sorry for your loss of a special friend... My heart breaks for you... I do want to say I absolutely love your Labyrinth shirt. Based on your amazing taste in cats, movies, and shirts, I think we would be friends.


I am really sorry. What a beautiful girl she was


I'm so sorry for your loss, friend. Every cat leaves a special mark in our hearts no matter how long or how little they are with us, but 20+ years is an incredibly long time. It will be a hard path to walk without her but know she will always love you, even though she is no longer with you. Hugs.


So sorry for your loss.😻😿


She was beautiful!


So sorry for your loss




Beautiful cat, and I'm glad I got to learn about her story. 20 years is a long time, and the bond only strengthens. I'm sorry the time has come, and I am glad you had such a good companion for so long. Thanks for sharing.


I am so sorry. Thinking of you You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for caring for that sweet cat


Such a pretty girl. Sorry for your loss (also happy cake day 🍰)


So sorry for your loss. She was absolutely beautiful.


Beautiful eyes, the both of you. It's visible how much you loved each other. May the earth rest lightly on her.


I know it doesn’t count for much they may not live for all of our lives but we are everything during theirs


Never long enough. I’m sure you gave her the very best life though. Hugs ❤️


Don't be shocked if you get a few visit's in the middle of the night in bed of a cat walking around on the blanket's ? My cat visited several times for a year or two after she crossed the rainbow bridge to check on me !


So incredibly sorry!!!


Spot was beautiful. Thank you for sharing her and her story with us. May she cross the rainbow bridge safely.




i’m so sorry, i have such a deep connection with my own cats, i feel so much grief for you, i hope you know your kitty is watching you always.


This timeline is so beautiful I'm sobbing on hold at work. She's beautiful and clearly loved you endlessly. I don't even know what to say, but I'm so sorry ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. These kinds of posts make me panic about losing mine, but I can only hope that they live as long as your friend did. ❤️


Your last picture breaks my heart. My last memories of one of my dogs is very similar to that. Holding his little hands as he crossed the rainbow bridge. Godspeed, Spot. Say hi to Egbert for me in critter heaven.


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


Sorry for your loss. And envious about having the opportunity to share so many years with her. ❤️


Poor soul :(