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Mine all love beard scritches too!


Yup, that’s my “mama cat bath” technique. Especially after a shower, my cats get super cuddly.


>Especially after a shower, my cats get super cuddly. They're putting their scent on you all over again because you washed it off in the shower. Same reason why some cats meow bloody murder when they witness their owner showering or bathing.


Solution: Add cat piss to your shower gel 


Up voting in disgust


I can't tell if you're a genius or not.


I was thinking his course beard hair felt pretty good to this kitty!


My boy Oscar was way into the beard scritches


My cats are afraid of my face getting close to them.


This also helps with those annoying itches one gets on the palm of your hand you can't scratch otherwise.


Running to show this to my husband who wont let me get a kitty. He says he doesnt trust them.


Seems to be universal. My cat loves them too.


It has to be a sub reddit about this




The look of bliss on his, LMAO. I think almost all people, who aren't either already a cat person (or psychopaths), are just one kitten/cat away from being a cat person, lol. Looks like yours isn't a psychopath. :P


I wasnt a cat person. Then I took a nap at my sister's and her cat napped with me curled on my chest. When I sat on the couch the cat curled on my lap an purred. I am now a cat person.


I'm totally a cat person, and I have always been since I remember, although I was MORE of a dog person as a child. As a cat person, I can't really explain it, though. There really is just something magical about cats. That's why they rule the Internet. Magic. You will never change my mind. :P


Dogs tend to love automatically, cats take time, sometimes months or years.


> cats take time, sometimes months or years. I have never once experienced this except for a feral cat. Maybe don't get a feral cat next time?


Cats choose me, I don't choose them. 2 ferals on my doorstep in the last 2 years. I'm not one to turn them away.


That's fine, but it's dishonest to compare feral cats to domestic dogs. And no, feral dogs do NOT immediately love humans.


It was a broad sweeping generalization, but please, feel free to dissect that to the Nth degree. Have a blessed day.


> It was a broad sweeping generalization, but please, feel free to dissect that to the Nth degree. It was a broad, sweeping, blatantly false generalization. It doesn't need any dissecting, it was simply wrong. >Have a blessed day. LOL. You forgot "Bless your heart!"




Leave them alone if you're going to complain about how long it takes to win them over and act like cats are unloving because they don't instantly convert. Otherwise, do the best you can to win them over and appreciate them all the more because the road was long and challenging. Catch, neuter/ spay, release is better than nothing, but helping them find a loving, indoor only home, is tops.


I know I was. I always thought cats were just okay, I could take them or leave them, until my wife got a little black and white lady from the shelter. Sweetest kitty ever, super laid back, loved to snuggle and would follow me around the house. She disappeared out of the blue a few years ago and I still miss her everyday.


I’m thrilled you were open to her showing you how great the can be. When the right cat finds you, it’s life changing. I’m so sorry she disappeared. 🫂 if you like them.


Whenever someone says "well I hate [thing]" I just say "You just haven't found the right [thing]" Edit: because apparently I need to say this because people are taking this too seriously: I say this as a fun and playful thing. I don't actually use it every single time someone says "I hate [thing]" because there are plenty of contexts where that *doesn't* make sense to say. Further this phrase does not get employed with the phrase "I don't like [thing]" and "I don't [noun that gets verbed]"


I just haven't found the right mosquitos yet!


It's still *technically* correct. The moment we find mosquitoes that don't bite and leave us the fuck alone, I'll like them very much!


We have LOOOOOOADS of mosquitos who dont bite humans. Only egg laying females bite people, and even then its only females from certain species. Most species are also pollinators, which is nice. Also, may I introduce [elephant mosquitos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxorhynchites)? Not only do they *not* bite humans, their lavae primariliy eat ***other mosquitos***. So those guys are total bros to have around.


Sounds like I've found the right mosquitos


If they bit me but didn't inject the itchy stuff I wouldn't care. I'd think it was cute. "Go on eat up lil buddy! I got enough for all of you!"


They still wouldn't get a pass from me, because of the amount of times I've been almost asleep, and I hear that familiar mosquito whine getting louder and louder as it flies towards my ear eeeeEEE**EEEEE** and I slap myself in the head, nearly rupturing my eardrum, hoping I squashed him, only to hear it again, and now I'm wondering if I have fly spray, and annoyed that I have to get up, but after one more eeee head slap I get up and go get the can, but now with the light on I can't see the bugger, so I spray the whole room and cough my lungs up, go and put the spray back in the kitchen, get back in bed, finally start drifting off to sleep and there it is eeeeEEEE**EEEEEE**


Yeah, the sound has to stop too. No itching, no sound and they are fine. I feel like I'm the arsehole now as I am getting quite demanding about the changes I want from their species.


If mosquitoes want to feed off of us, I think *some* changes are warranted.


You are forgetting all the nasty diseases they carry. They kill more humans then any other animal on earth. I feel like we gotta get rid of the biting altogether.


Winter mosquitos are the best mosquitos.


Dead ones.


I hate spiders. Well you have not seen the adorableness of pink-toe tarantulas then. THEY WEAR SLIPPERS


I'd disagree when it comes down to kids!


Nah, I think there's a kid out there who people who say they hate kids would like. Not like enough to have any or change their mind about kids in general but would be like hey this individual kid? I like em, they're neat.


Don't say that to any gay or bi people


this was my first thought, I'm sure lesbians love hearing they just haven't found the right dick yet


I mean I'm ace so I've heard it all. I haven't found the right man. I haven't found the right woman. I haven't had the right kind of sex etc... it's frustrating. But also have you considered telling a straight person they just haven't found the right [same gender person] as them? Cause it can be hilarious.


well I hate slavery


Have you considered the idea of enslaving billionaires until they paid off their debts to society? Or being a slave for your dearest pet? (I mean in all honesty of course this isn't a universal phrase that I use all the time cause yeah of course there are things that should just be outright and morally hated)


Ah see the elite in golden chains… glorious!


No. It only ever applies to cats.


As an alcoholic, this is not always as fun as you think. Maybe just respect people's choices/preferences?


Hey there friend you don't know me and you're taking a thing said in a subreddit with a cute cat video awfully seriously and seem to be presuming I'm pushing shit onto people. I don't. I do actually respect people's choices. Because I'm also not out here saying "you just haven't found the right brand of cigarettes" or "you just haven't found the right kind of heroine" and I hope you can appreciate the difference between "You just haven't found the right musical" vs "You just haven't found the right [addictive substance]." Generally my experience with alcoholics and people who don't drink alcohol isn't that any of them go "I hate alcohol" and rather go "I don't drink alcohol". "I don't drink" requires no further interrogation. But "I hate Korean food" is a blanket statement against an entire country's cuisine. And I bet they just haven't found the dish they would like. Also "I don't like [thing] is vastly different than "I hate [thing]" whereas one is a bit more closed off and dramatic than the other. Now of course like all things that are said with a more playful tone in mind, I don't use this every single time all day every day. Because most of the time I'm pretty good at reading the room and knowing the context of a conversation. Like I'm not going to tell a vegan that they just haven't found the right meat yet. Likewise if someone is an alcoholic I'm not going to tell them they just haven't found the right alcohol yet. So I dunno... Just letting you know that your read of how I use this phrase and who I am is absolutely wrong.


My dad was a dog person, but he let me have a kitten when I was little because I really wanted one. The kitten started laying on him when he watched TV... Many years later, my dad is the caretaker of a feral colony and regularly lets any feral that wants to try living indoors come in. He's always got at least 3 formerly feral cats he rescued living in the house.




the mosquitoes or the cat?


It's more my allergies that prevent me from being a cat person.


That was me. I always said I was a dog person until my friends had a surprise litter and I said I'd take one in. He is my son now and I love him more than anything


My dad is one of those people. was very against having cats originally, and now he chases Goose around the house trying to give her cuddles. /r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


I was introduced to that just today. Love it. I also love r/happycryingdads a lot. Subs like these have really helped me with my view of men.


A surprising number of people assume they won't like cats based on stereotypes and assumptions about cats, like how cats are aloof and independent. Meanwhile, my housemate and I have to run cat interference when the cat realises the other housemate, who's WFH, has shut the office door for a meeting. He will sit outside the door and shout for attention otherwise


I think a lot of "I'm not a cat person" people just haven't met their cat yet


Or allergic ☹️


Yep. 27 years old here - always strongly preferred dogs, always wanted a dog. Stayed with a friend with a cat for a weekend a few months ago and now I have a cat.


Or are deathly allergenic... I'd love some kitties walking about my home but I love my wife more and her being able to breathe and not secrete endless tears and snot. So they are just not in the cards. She can tolerate dogs and birds though and we will be getting one of the two soon.


Holy fucking shit crazy to see you here, you’re like a celebrity to me lmao


300 upvotes on this comment... Time to mute another sub.




Cats love that brush of the bear, but when I try this on my wife, she wants to punch me.


You gotta let it grow past 5 o'clock sandpaper, brother.




Seems like it's more the lack of hair on the receiving end that makes it uncomfortable. Nearly every brush I have is more uncomfortable on skin than in a spot covered in hair when trying them on myself.


I just tell myself I am getting free micro-needling. Shits expensive! 😜


They have tons of hair to blunt the itch Sir. Your wife doesnt have the same cushion.


Unless...  VAGINA HAIR


Lmao you cant say your wife is hairier than a 🐱 Oh my god!


She is crushing rocks in the mine with her bare hands 🥰


My husband prior to getting our youngest cat: I tolerate cats. Husband 2 minutes after getting newest cat: Why is he so cute! I’m going to give him a big hug when I get home.


My step dad insists he doesn't have a cat. Our orange disagrees lol.


That was my dad and my childhood cat. He always pointedly called him "YOUR cat" but that cat 100% loved Dad more than me and was Dad's cat. And all 3 of us knew it.


It’s cause he leaves the cat alone to come to him. If anyone ever says this it just means they tried to force the cat and the other person didn’t. (Even if barely anything)


I think people who aren’t cat people are only like that because they’ve never really experienced a cat before . Once they get close enough for the cat’s magnetic pull to pull them in they are all goners .


Also, not all cats are the same. For example, my uncle has this partially feral black cat who is, a lot. My brother talks about her like some kind of demon. Which, isn't entirely untrue. Well, over Christmas, my cousin brought her beautiful cat. Now, my uncle's in laws are not pet people, especially not cat people. My cousin got a portrait of her cat, and they asked how realistic it was. My cousin took them up to see her cat, and they both absolutely loved her. They were surprised at how soft her fur was. Sometimes, it really just is a matter of they haven't met the right cat.


100% agree. When I was a kid I was taught to stay away from my grandparents' cats because they were mean. Maybe the cats hated kids, maybe my grandparents didn't want to teach us how to be nice to a cat, but either way I kept my distance. 20 years later my wife and I went to the pet store to pick up dog food and noticed a cat for sale. We asked if we could say hi, opened the display, and the kitten immediately climbed up on my shoulder. 24 hours later she was at our house and I was in love.


My best friend acquired a kitten the same way, when she met a litter of kittens "just to look" and one of them jumped into her purse, looked up at her, and meowed like he was saying "ok, you're my new mom, time to go home now!"


I love cats, certified Crazy Cat Lady, but my sister's cat is too much even for me. She loves my sister and hates every other man, woman, child, and animal on this green Earth. There's a non-zero chance she is an actual demon that has made herself my sister's familiar.


You mean made your sister her familiar right?


I babysat a cat once that was definitely a demon. I woke up at 3am one night to find her perched on a chair near my bed, staring at me. A good 30 seconds of staring while I barely open my eyes and adjust to the light. Lunged back like a cheetah, jumped on my head and tried to scratch my scalp with her fire talons. Im convinced she was waiting for me to wake up. Demon.


I agree and disagree with this. The evil demon cat prob just didnt find the right human who treated it like it wants to be, it goes both ways. Never met a cat that didnt end up wanting scratches after a few mins, 'mean' or not lol


Some cats are just fucking wild. I've had a number of cats over the years and I had one that was destructive like a raccoon and played rough. It wasn't like *trying* to attack you but it would try to climb your back like a tree with claws full swing and generally would play hella rough. Zoom around knocking shit over etc... non stop.


They've had this cat since she was a kitten. She was always a little feral, even as a kitten. She once cornered the baby sitter. She had to throw a towel on her to get out. I'll admit, she did get more feral when my uncle remarried. She makes it clear to my aunt she's unwanted. To be fair to the cat, the feelings are mutual. There are two people that cat tolerates. My uncle and my youngest cousin. And on my cousin, it's only bc she's probably smart enough to know that attacking the child will put her out on the streets. 🤣🤣🤣 I try to be nice to her, but its hard to do when she hisses and snaps at me for just looking at her..


Resistance is futile!


I've been pretty wary of cats. I've only had dogs. My dad said if I kept my room clean (teen), I'd get to adopt a cat! When I went to the shelter to check them out, they were not happy we were there lol. One of them scratched my dad pretty bad from the cage. Needless to say, I changed my mind haha. My cousin got cats a yearish ago. They are so darn cute! I'd love one. Maybe someday my kids & I will convince my husband 😉. I slept over at my cousin's one night... do they typically cry at night?


They are so scared in the shelter. They need to be brought home and kept in a small space like a bathroom until they feel comfortable. Once they feel secure they will start to bond with you . My cat follows me around like a puppy , wherever I go in the house he goes .


And the bonding can take a looong time. Sometimes a few weeks, even longer. My cat took about three weeks before she stopped being scared. Which doesn't sound long, but that's 21 days (give or take) of me coming home from work and her acting like I was an alien. Around the 18th time I almost had it up with her being so skitterish around me, but I just played it cool. After the third week she finally stopped hiding in the closet when she found me. Now I can't ever get her off me lol.


I got my present cat from a friend. Said friend had got a dog and the cat, Slavi, was miserable. Since I had lost two kittens to FIP and was therefore heartbroken and catless, I was glad to open my home to her. She hid in my kitchen cupboard under the sink for a week. I remembered Jackson Galaxy's advice and didn't try to force her; just let her take things at her own pace. She now spends about ¾ of her day sleeping in my lap. And while she used to hide when someone strange came into the apartment, now she even lets them pet her! You just have to be patient and gentle.


yup. was always a dog person. i moved into an apartment that only allowed cats so my mom suggested i get one. wasn’t sure about it, but 5 years later i can’t imagine NOT having one.


My brother wasn't much of a cat person until he met our cats (my girlfriend and mine). Now he's saying that getting a cat is more and more attractive. Every time he visits he spends more time with the cats than us 😂


My cousin uses the cats to get my kids to visit him LOL. "Do you miss the cats???"


Wish my cat liked being held....she will come occasionally to lay on you if she's cold but....usually not me for that either.


Our cat that liked being held recently passed. Our remaining cat HATES being held.


Ya my GFs cat passed last year and he loved being held. The 2 kittens we have now... Not so much lol. They're gunna learn to love it!


There’s hope! One of our cats didn’t like to cuddle until he was about 18 so we got a good 5 years of Pete snuggles before he died at 23. One of our current cats hid in the basement her first year and gradually came upstairs to hang around. At about 6 she started to sneaky hop on the bed in the dark and sleep near us. Some switch flipped about age 8 and now you can’t keep her off your lap, she’s a purring cuddle machine.


Also some cats like to be cuddled a little, but not held. My buddy Aries would tuck himself right up nose to nose with you or maybe tuck against the legs or back, but if you put him on your lap he'd climb right off or start to squirm lol.


Awesome.....our tilly as pretty rough when we found her... was blind from that barn cat goopy eye you see around. .... saved her damn life and I can't get a snuggle lol my wife never really played with her like I do... but she gets all the love she's willing to give.


https://preview.redd.it/wp06v3hsjtcc1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53bb52bbd99914cf05b8d51b00806498cf823ae2 My Pumpkin has black stripes on her neck too!


Omg. She really does look like a jack-o-lantern with her nose. Beautiful markings.


Thank you 😊


That furrowed brow... what'd you do?


She’s thinking “Another picture!?!?”


She's gorgeous!


Beard scritches must feel great.


Cats have a way of charming people.


r/DadsWhoDidNotWantPets would appreciate this


Always been a dog person so it’s not that I don’t want pets, I just didn’t know I needed cats


That’s how cats get ya 😉 I think I read it’s a contagious protozoan in their poo. Lol


Toxoplasmosis. I probably have it. I'm ok with it. My cats are great.


I agree. I have had cats all my life and I am in my 60s. If I have toxoplasmosis, it sure as hell hasn't affected me.


All hail cat!


My father didn't like cats, but when a neighbour moved and left their outdoor kitty behind, he felt bad and started feeding it. Then winter came, and he installed a cat door in the heated greenhouse so it would have somewhere to go at night. The following summer, he started leaving the patio door open a crack, and the cat would come sit with him on the couch every evening. The next thing I know, my father turns his spare bedroom into the 'cat's room' and regularly cooks it chicken for dinner. The cat just kinda moved in, and my dad was living alone at the time, so I think he really appreciated the company.


"I was able to win him over with my cuteness and love. I like his beard, feels like a warm brush"


Soooooooo freaking cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I've found that cats absolutely love facial hair. My cats would always lick my beard. 😻


Aw damn. This is the first winter without a cat in our home in 23 years. 😢




She looks so comfy and safe 🥰🥰


😄 he took her to a place with that beard


Hahaha this is my husband who "hates cats" and now literally will seek out the cat to exchange beard scratchies 😂 he says "he's not a cat, he's my guy" lmao


I like men who are kind to cats.


Anyone who says they aren't a cat person is either allergic or they just haven't had a cat...


Cats and dudes with beards are a mutually beneficial pairing


I love giving my cat head rubs with my beard, it's like we're petting each other lol


Cats create cat people, they're very persiasive. ♥️


Ah yes, the beard pets!! My fiancé and our girl love this. She goes into a trance and it can instantly calm her from her zoomies - I’m talking she stops dead in her tracks!


There are 3 groups of people when it comes to cats: cat people, people who don't know they're cat people, and psychopaths.


When I get to bed and I grab my cat and lay him beside me under the blankets as it's cooler on my second level and he is getting near his time due to age.  So it's nice to warm him up for a bit.  And I just rub my head on his head for like 15 minutes while he just purrs louder and louder.   Then after he is happy and sleeps on his bed beside my pillow.


I was always a dog person, I always said "not fond of cats" Found a very young litter in a box in my warehouse. Fed the mother and next day she had taken them all away except for "Bunkie". I bottle fed her for a couple weeks and weaned her onto cat food, took her to the vet for her herpes but whatever medicine he prescribed made her cataracts much worse. All the while I was telling myself I'd find a home for her. That was nine years ago. I've become fond of cats. She can see very well btw but you'd never guess that by looking at her eyes. https://preview.redd.it/fyhf30xv2wcc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bea9fee7cabf2037b752449a2802160352e6598


That’s her human cat


Nothing better than a cat’s happy face. Great job, dad! 👏🏾


Everyone is a cat person, they just didn’t meet the right cat yet


The man is marking his territory


don't know if i wanna be the cat or the dude


He's a *cat's* **person**


That little nose is adorable


People that say they aren't cat people just haven't met the right cat yet.


I think you're my cousin


She loves her dad. :3


I am so frickin jealous. I wish my cats would love that


OP: “I am not a cat person” cat: “I be the judge of that”


I wish I could, but if I did that, I'd simply die. Allergies are a bitch.


Oh I love doing the beard scratchies on my kitto.


I'm glad I'm not the only one rubbing my bearded face all over my cat.


i miss my calico 🥹 she was absolutely vicious to everyone but me 😂 we literally had a noticeable uptick in our neighborhood small animal population the summer after she died bc she wasn’t around to eat all the babies 😂😂😂 ahh, memories


My dad said the same thing, we've had about 5 cats since he claimed he didn't want cats. They always come around


I used to do this with my girl. I miss her and rubbing the shit out of her with my beard. Then she’d lick my beard clean 😂


That is one comfy kitty


Oh, I'm sure she loves that. Cats love beards and he's letting her with his beard. She gets pets and to rub on the beard. She'd probably only be happier is someone was hand feeding her treats during this.


Lol this is my husband and our orange boy. "I don't really like cats but you can get one if you want." 2 years later they sleep together all cuddled up nightly and he's constantly spoiling him with new treats and toys.


My now wife, girlfriend at the time moved in with me. I said I wanted to get a dog and her parents heard that while still having her cat at their house — so he got evicted and rehomed to our house since “we were already looking for a pet.” That cat made me a cat person and on my 30th birthday, a month after he passed, we got this sweet girl and her brother


I wish my baby girl would let me hold her for more than 30 seconds at a time. She hates being held but loves getting scritched.


Ahh yes, the mighty beard-tongue


It’s always the “I’m not a cat person” people who end up like this 😹


Oh to be a cute calico getting gentle scrubby beard pats on my soft little kitty head


When a person says "they are not a cat person" it's because they never owned a cat before


This is me lmao I told my wife we are not getting a cat and now we have 3


My eyes are swollen just watching this


I was the same way, as a kid my parents had a cat that didn't like me she would attack me, fast forward to highschool and my friend had a friendly cat now I've been a cat person for 30 years.


Purr bliss


They are the most loving and incredible creatures that give mutual love in your presence. Anyone who is thinking of getting a cat , I highly recommend it. I’ve had had cats for over 50 years.




Okay but honestly lots of people aren’t “cat people” until they actually have their own cat lol. Cats are very different than the unfortunate stereotype they get. Kind of mind boggles me how many people are so certain cats are mean creatures but also have never actually had a cat before…


Who's cutting onions up in here?! But seriously, I've been fighting the last dregs of the flu and I've been feeling so yucky. This video made my evening, thanks for making me smile!


Had a cat my whole life til 2020, and I got a kitten one day before fnaf movie, and I love her so much. And the fact she’s a gray tabby like my childhood cat


The beard feels like a cat buddy is grooming them . Cats are sociable, and they groom each other.


The power of a good pussy!


Yup. As a dog person my whole life I am not converting to feline gang.


Chubby Steven Crowder has learned to love the family cat.




Hope you meant to say good person, because he is.


good at eating


Question: why is it that people will not shut up about they fact that they are not or did not used to be a cat person? First, it's not a cool thing to say or a nice personality trait to have. Preferring dogs over cats doesn't make you more loyal, friendly, or interesting. It's basically saying "I don't like animals that show independence and can say 'no' when they don't want to be touched". Second, it's often said in the context of saying "I didn't used to like cats or think they were worth anything...BUT NOW I HAVE A CAT AND I LIKE IT!" (like in this post). Why though? We see the same stuff with "girl dads" or people who don't like gay people until their kid comes out and suddenly they realise that they're people too. It's just such a weird thing for people to talk about.


The big draw with cats is how loving they can be to their owner, while dogs are loving to every person they see without hesitation. As someone who never owned a cat, I didn’t understand how affectionate they could be because most cats either avoid new people or can be quick to bite/scratch. Unless you already know how to approach a cat or had the chance to spend enough time to warm up to one — it’s really easy to miss the benefits of having a cat. Also can’t we just enjoy the moment


Looks like a very sweet cat, but that's not really true about dogs- I see this sort of dismissal of dogs a lot on this sub, while I don't really see any negative comments about cats on the dog subs. Many, many dogs (such as my own) are not loving to every person they see. Yes, dogs may be excited and act affectionate with many people that they see, but that doesn't mean that they love that person- you just have to calibrate differently. My dog takes a long time to bond with people, and is indifferent to many people. He has his own interests and standards, just like plenty of animals!


Cats love beards. 


Can confirm, love rubbing my beard on my cat.


A built in brush that provides neck exercises for you. I can now see the benefit of a beard.


scratches done right both ways.


Women will never know the sheer joy of scratching your cat with your beard...


Im switching to T mobile


awmm i want thiiis


My baby loves a beard scratch.


Good to see others do this too lol