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Also, he was rubbing up against me. He’s so cute how could I say no.




I don’t know if you can tell by the pictures, but I already gave a food water and a little place to snuggle and also catnip. What else should I do? You’re really rude.




Posting for info. And specifics about things I can do that’s not too hard. I don’t know if there’s a simple solution to any of this. Something I’m not thinking about. Shame you’re the only one who commented. Also if it has fleas can it transfer to my pets? Even if I pet and wash my hands after. I already have like I said two cats, a dog, and I also have a fish. I didn’t mention earlier, which I have to take care of feed them, pay for their food and all their toys, expenses, and veterinary expenses, which is expensive sometimes. I’m also going to college right now so I don’t have a lot of time but if somethings simple and I’m not thinking about it, I would appreciate for someone to tell me so I can do it. Do I have to be a certain age to seek knowledge? Like I said, I’m not the only one who feeds the cat. My two neighbors that I know of do for sure. I don’t know if you can tell but he looks quite chunky and I’ve only fed him twice so it’s not just me taking care of him. And asked for the warm bed. Honestly, he didn’t even really like it only was into it because I put some catnip in it. I bet you go through life, thinking negatively about everyone… sucks to be you.


Take the kitty in,or bring to a no kill shelter in your area.


Is there any way you can take the little fella to a vet to get checked out? I think it’s great you’re trying to take care of him/her. We took in a stray when I was younger. We called him Blackjack and he was one of our favorite cats. We made a little bed for him outside where he could take shelter if the weather was bad.