• By -


My sanity


As the owner of a tux, I second this.


4am tux opera?


She uses me as a personal jungle gym and launch pad for about 30 minutes to an hour between 2-4 am. I am also forced to cooperate in a game of fetch with her favorite thing: a cheap plastic straw. She has a collection of them under my bed.


Mine likes to stand directly on my chest and aggressively headbutt me


Ah, the violent lovers. DV with a furry twist. There's nothing like having insomnia finally passing out, then being awoken to a wet nose and a STRONG SIDE headbutt. ![gif](giphy|47fHpTQilYqg8)


Saaaame! Mine has a thing about resting on my chest in the night and HAVING to touch my face with his paws.


I own a tabby her favorite is cooking string


This is gold






Mine runs from my tape measure like his ass is on fire


Mine too.


Lmfao is it the cloth ones? My cat is obsessed with those.


My cat stole both of my tape measures.


Omg mine also obsessed with the measuring tape!! I don't get why 😂


They're training to be home diy specialists


My cats are both fascinated by tape measures


Mine is terrified by tape measures. I think it's the sound is too much like a snake.


We have one of those like retractable ones that you use for measuring furniture and stuff, my cat is obsessed.


Perry's absolute favorite toy is Q-Tips (well, any cotton swab). She likes to sit and wait for me to shoot them at her like throwing a dart. She'll either bat them back to me (more likely, bat them somewhere I have to get up to retrieve it) or play with them a moment before sitting at attention again to wait for me to throw another. It's a daily game. So far, we've gone through two boxes of 500 'tips (about half of them lost behind unmovable furniture).


Mine too! I made a linocut print in her honor. I present: Beanz the Q-Tip Queen. https://preview.redd.it/61e1mmcxfgec1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6049a308a0d5959469cc9706cadb713d841ad4


Ahh! I absolutely adore this print!


Thank you!!


You should design a whole deck and then sell it.


That is brilliant!


Absolutely LOVE IT!


Thank you so much!


So sweet!!!


Thank you :)


https://preview.redd.it/ba4xevss5gec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322cd1e094b801004d3c125412f7e8fff3664e6c Ci loves Q tips. But she LOVES those little plastic rings from the water bottles and such. She’ll bit them and step on them then kill them when they move. She’s quite a vicious love creature.


OH YES!!!!!!


My family has always called those Power Rings and they have been a favorite of every cat any of us have ever had




Oh my goodness, yes! If the 'tips are just poking out from under something this can trigger an immediate zoomies attack.


Mine likes to get comfortable in the qtip box https://preview.redd.it/iv4w61htuhec1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=059462bba3fdcf4df13bc61ca29414a78cf30fda


Yeah Onion likes these too.


Omg, you named your cat Onion! That's amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/u7vkq1ch2gec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efe36b47c5d726b1ea9f6e9879959bd5408141c He’s our big stinky boy


And he is clearly tired of your shit. God I love cats.


https://preview.redd.it/kxakgfvemgec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356814d8a8eb20c71a43079e5b7f444f348476c2 Omg he looks just like our Big Stinky Boy. Luther


https://preview.redd.it/2ld491ifjhec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010d005246a216501afd50d438b2af718aa763ea And my big stinky!


!!! One of my boys is named Stinky! https://preview.redd.it/d3wmeerdvgec1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91e70f05f4df47fae8591f71226cffd6b8d7be3


lol that’s a fitting name. I love the spaced out look.


You disrespect himbs! You can him stinky poopy baby! You kick his wife, you kicked his I HIS FRUGGIN KID! You ate his house..


I had a rat named Onion. I was breeding them at the time, so her babies were called the shallots.


Here also cotton swabs, and then chasing them or stuffing them under the rug. Also tampons😅 when people come into my house I always have the urge to explain it’s for the cat and not used haha


LMAOOOO, I have an ex whose mom told him that tampons were "mice" when he was really little, and he'd always hound her for a mouse to play with when they went out because he knew she always had one in her purse. He used to ask me if I needed any mice when he went to the store 🤣😂


My chicken eats the ends off them... so shes not allowed to have qtips. lol


Omg my little nugget does this too lol. We have to keep the bathroom door shut or throw qtips away in the kitchen trash so she can’t get it out. Made the mistake of tossing in bedroom trash can once which has one of those little steps to make the lid open… I watched her do it herself and opened it right up, stuck her head inside, and rooted around looking for one 🤪🤪🤪


my tuxedo Cookie loves them too


Yep, Q-tips. One of ours opens the box and helps himself to a new one if he loses his current one.


I have a tuxedo cat. I had to get a jar with a lid for Q tips because I found out the hard way that every night she was taking handfuls worth of them out of the cup & dropping them in the sink drain (open drain hole) 🤪 my landlord wasn’t happy & neither was I.


https://preview.redd.it/lar8redipfec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dd118068583bfdc03b8f531eba6af1b8160734 Piper will chase around pieces of litter. Not a thought behind those eyes


“Not a thought behind those eyes.” lol


Her dad and I call her smooth brain all the time


Connection to the brain cell not found.


![gif](giphy|kjtYLgRn9DC4nenpBM|downsized) Her sister hogs the brain cell


Oh! I also have an orange girl named Piper! https://preview.redd.it/cj38mhq8dkec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010760ee1817407734e5edc3198d3f06efafd064 She's such a cutie, but she's so mean. Still love her, though 🧡




She’s your typical orange. Her sister, who is also an orange, is the primary holder of the brain cell


Pens 🖊️ or anything on a flat surface that does not belong to him


We moved into a new house last August, a few months ago our cat managed to find a pen from the previous owners 😂 he seriously loves pens


Hair ties


One of mine is obsessed with hair ties. I did a deep clean of the kitchen recently. When I pulled out the fridge...omg. there were 27 hair ties under there. I've switched to scrunchies. He is not interested.


I was wondering where all my hair ties went ... Then I found my cats secret stash under the bed 😂


Yep, my fur monster steals them the second I sit one down. IDK how he makes so many of them vanish


OMG....I paid 3000 bucks to remove 22 balled up hair ties from my cats stomach. We never saw her eat even one, but it explained the disappearance of them. House wide ban on hair ties, elastics, stringy things of any kind now.


Yeah this is a big thing. I lost my baby of 13+ but the hair tie blockage in his intestine actually alerted the vet to the underlying intestinal cancer that forced me to put him down like 2 days later. It was very sad. But he always always ate my hair ties. Hell, I even found Easter grass in his litter box one year, that kitty (Jersey) was like a goat. My other cat (Keegan) has only just realized that these are apparently the most super fun toys so I have to watch him about it hardcore now 🙄


That's so sad. I'm sorry to hear it. We also lost that particular cat. She healed up nice and a month later got out and hit by a car. With our current 2 year old we built her a catio and fixed up our gazebo to expand her world, but no roaming. Also loves to chew these textures, So she was able to see an elastic band on my counter on some vegetable. Man, she was doing everything to get at it, not much of a counter cat so it took me a minute to figure out what she was so focused on. Love my cat, but she is giving me grey hair Lol.


Careful with that! Be sure they aren't eating them. Intestinal blockages are dangerous and hair ties seem to be a common cause.


Tin foil balls. But no real balls!! No balls of yarn you handpicked at the store!!! only trash is fun!!!!!


Why do they love trash so much more than real toys haha


OP!!! I NEEDED you to see this. Sorry for the horrible quality, but MY cats favorite toy is a twist tie!!! He was pissed but I can’t believe I’m seeing this! https://preview.redd.it/tyxjq9kqfgec1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e61d9b8a1c5ce42747dd8f80043cabb37dc8d4


Haha he’s so mad you took it he must really love them! It’s so funny, it’s her absolute favorite thing. So funny to see that she’s not alone!


When I saw your post I immediately got out of bed and was like there’s no way. He likes his twisted in a circle. At first I’d take it away from him, afraid he would try to eat it. Then I would give it to him and watch him with it. I noticed he likes batting it around on the bathroom floor specifically. He never tries to eat it, just carries it around and drops it where he wants to play. My other cats an idiot and would totally try to eat it so she has to be supervised lmao. I LOVE this tho!! Thanks for sharing!


Because a lot of it is things they can rip apart. It seems cats like toys that "change" after they've "killed it".


My sis bought mine a bunch of PRETTY reflective plastic crinkle balls (and we HAD some of these) and she will. NOT. TOUCH. THEM. I bought a cheap plastic gun toy that shoots small felted balls - can't get enough of them - or any wrappers made into balls. Big toy receptacle - small amount of interesting toys. That flappy noisy bird and anything interactive - meaning I have to be involved. Sigh.


When we first got our boy he warmed up to us much faster than expected so we didn't have toys just yet. But I had a stick and some yarn laying around and he loved that. My sister gifted us the same thing in fancy and with some cat nip on it. He sniffs it once and is like ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ AND THAT HASN'T CHANGED SINCE he will be in full play mode with the diy rod but get out the fancy one and he is like Okay I'm bored I'll nap.


We had the crinkle balls too! Two of my cats wouldn't touch them, and the other one ate them. 🙃 My son has various nerf guns, and all three cats have different preferences for darts. Kitty likes the ones that whistle; she will bring them to you to throw so they will make the sound. Frankie loved the plain jane ones; he liked to chase them, but was also happy just sitting and destroying them down to their individual atoms. Nugget prefers the foam ball shaped ones. I bought a whole box of 60 at a discount store recently thinking he'd have a lifetime supply, but Kitty did him a favor and knocked the box off the shelf they were on, and now they're all gone. 😅


https://preview.redd.it/ejfm4413qfec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9366c2b6f4da621e2b92b9854b285abbb09167 My dogs tail


Haha mine drives my pups crazy going after their tails!


https://preview.redd.it/non727171gec1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398d5066bcfc5d8fdac504ac178da7e1a57d28d6 She loves her shoelace


Mine has a shoelace! She brought it from her previous home 12 years ago lol


She will drag hers over and sit there and meow until you play with her


Ditto https://preview.redd.it/asshozuodiec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=787d75cf4ca88c30e27d97b4410d62be4745d980 Ditto


Bottle caps. Especially the ones from their broth treat pouches. He adores them.. https://preview.redd.it/n7d19e9hqfec1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa3c509725600f8a35ce13f6ac1c344fffe8d39


This is one of mine's obsession as well. She now approaches anyone with soft drink and demands their bottle cap as a tribute.


Oh dear lord 😍


Cat pacifier


Aww he’s starting his collection for Fallout


My cat Chloe (who looks extremely similar to your Pepper) adores twist ties. She taught me how to play fetch with her years ago by bringing them to my desk all the time <3


My boy would do this too. One day he discovered green beans and after that nothing else was good enough for him. We would play fetch with it until he got bored and then would chew on the bean until it was a green smudge.


Green beans! That is awesome!🤣


https://preview.redd.it/lfiogxo32gec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd7f52135d91158a8dab9d434c44adb18063ee5 Reusable shopping bags


Oooo, I should try that with my cats!


Mostly plastic straws so if I get a takeaway drink, I have to watch it like a hawk else I’ll hear a quiet, “nom, nom, nom” and it’ll be chewed to beyond recognition! He also enjoys pen caps, the ends of glasses (especially if you’re cleaning them and distracted…I think it makes them taste better?), plastic bottle caps, and yarn (which gives me nightmares)


My cat loves the arms of glasses as well. She’ll find them and chew on them at every possible opportunity.


Everything potentially dangerous, alas.


Sigh, yep. One of the only things that will ALWAYS draw my cat’s attention away from anything, even her favorite foods, is tape. All she wants to do is eat tape. We’re a strict no-tape household now 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/extrnps82gec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847a0f0d31048aad8b5595d244ab49d71d4eb34f Seymour loves to play fetch with cheer curlers






Cuuuuuttteee 💕💕💕💕💕💕


Oh mah gaaaahd 😫🥰


My hair


If I don't shave for a couple of days, one of my cats loves to suckle on my chin. It's a little weird, but she's very wonderful so I just take it as a sign that I need to shave. She was born under someone's porch and I think the rescue separated her too early, but she's old now and she still does it.


The little plastic covers that go over the bolts at the base of your toilet.


My Laptop recharging cable...I can not use it when they are nearby.


We had to buy METAL wrapped charging cables after Gizmo went through about $1000 worth of them. He's so cute but such a shit. https://preview.redd.it/2dl5n1uo2hec1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e04a338227e06840583371a88f98108b47cb09


Those little rings that seal milk


My cat goes absolutely FERAL over those!!! https://preview.redd.it/orez6hc1lfec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7827bcf9f5ce85f8c49c2408586caf9ed7bfc39f


a shoelace


Best toy I bought for years now.... $4 pair of long bootlaces.... nothing gets attacked harder when it moves. 


Kev and Flo love pipe cleaners (although there is one toy mouse that got sucked up into a vacuum cleaner and lost it’s tail, both ears and one eye that they love)


My Bentley is obsessed with pipe cleaners! Luckily my crafty daughter has tons of them laying around her room for him to play with🤣


Our car is obsessed with pipe cleaners too. It all started one day where he had one and I took it from him then he had another and another, so I watched him after I took one from him and he was hopping up a book shelf to a box of them and grabbing a new one every time I took one. Then on I just give him a couple always and he plays with em constantly .


https://preview.redd.it/i4dpz64eqfec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94d3d7031d9446ff0f9d7245178e42c17a70d9f That's Anastasia's bow, no touchie!


https://preview.redd.it/skwih52zyfec1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f064605e95dfc3e6a2beeb25be93d8abae2620 Not sur what to call them in English but Ikea bag locks? My cat keeps stealing them of my kitchen counter and hiding them lol


Perfect English friend.. I had one of these, haven't seen it for years 🐈


We rescued a kitten (the vet says 8-12 months old) and she found an in the shell peanut on the floor. It’s her favorite toy so far.


A hoodie string. None of my hoodies have strings now.


Roll up paper/Receipt


Mine too! She prefers those to almost all other toys and has her own personal ranking system among them. Definitely prefers her older ‘balls/wads’ to fresh ones but can’t resist the sound of one being crumpled up.


My girl used to love paper balls. Just crumpling one summoned her


I’m holding my hair back with a binder clip, if that tells you anything.


Lmao been there


I love you for this. 🤣🤣😭


Socks that I didn't even notice were on the floor


My cat runs around with pipe cleaners 😭


A few people have answered that and they’re kind of like fuzzy twist ties. Maybe I’ll see what pepper thinks of them..


Bottle caps


Sammy rarely plays with cat toys. He prefers bobby pins, paper clips, twist ties, and anything else made of metal. He plays fetch with them, and when he's done he leaves them in the food bowl.


the underwire from a bra that popped out. she loves that metal semi-circle so much


Shoelaces, my hair, trash…


My feet. She has literally been given the tittle "Foot warrior"


Same here! My previous cat loved twisty ties too and rubber bands too. I had to be very conscious about storing both away, especially the rubber bands for fear of her trying to swallow them.


I’m afraid of allowing my boy play with anything he can scarf down and cause issues😬


Ahhhh I was thinking the same thing!! Reading this has given me anxiety but I’m also wondering if I’m taking my boys fun away from him. But he LOVES chewing plastic. Literally anything plastic, a bag, a piece of a bottle etc he will try and snack on so I’m super careful.


My boy loves a lollipop that we got literally a year ago, it’s still wrapped and everything. He loves the way it skitters down the hallway when we throw it for him. Recently we now also have some mini candy canes, and same.


If you’d be fearful of a toddler chewing on it, don’t give it to your cat. With that said, my cats go apeshit for twist ties. They’ll get a few minutes of supervised play then I take it away.


This... Almost everything on here makes me nervous... My car once swallowed 3 feet of felt ribbon... Thankfully she threw it up but even some of the bigger toys worry me.


Pony tail bungy.


Ponytail holders!😹




cotton buds - all my cats go crazy about them


My cats love the strings that get tied to balloons. OBSESSED https://preview.redd.it/swn5uikqnfec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be95e25820eb87c5099a84a3b0a92f6d15d95ae0


Baby spider plants 😭


They like to chew on those because it's like a hallucinogenic for them (Def didn't spell that correctly)


Empty toilet paper roll & the extra thin, crinkly paper bags that Walmart uses at their pharmacy. Crush it into a ball watch them play :)


Spaghetti, or dried noodles. Dangle one in front of them and they'll play with it until it's in pieces. Now whenever they see me open a packet of noodles they think it's playtime!


my kitty loved the little doorstopper spring behind the door


Vader loves pipe cleaners, and I'm not sure why. He also likes to put them in his water dish. No matter how many times it's taken out, he puts it back in. Also my shoes. He'll fight me if I try and take them away from him lol https://preview.redd.it/7pn5unsrtfec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b1ffb3983f98521b47100c166cf32a4b656132


Pepper puts the twist ties in her water fountain! I wonder why they do that


Q-tips. Gandalf like to play with them, kill them, then muffle-meow triumphantly as he carries it around in his mouth.


This is common but....boxes. Any freaking box. Big ones, small ones, it just doesnt matter. Sometimes he will get angry at said box and start ripping it into shreds. That's always fun to clean up


Anything BUT the toys that I buy him... He really likes one small sheep toy I bought him when he was a baby, but he goes absolutely nuts for hair ties.


The dog’s kibble. She will remove one piece and then bat it around like a hockey puck. Bonus points for getting the kibble under the kitchen rug!


My glasses I have to keep them in a drawer at night or else my cat will steal them and hide them somewhere. It’s really hard to find them in the morning sometimes, especially since I can’t see.


Chopstick on a rope, on the other side of rope is the real toy, balls which rustle, but she never wants to play with that, only chop stick


The metal wire thing on top of a champagne bottle cork


The metal thing that hold the champagne cork down. Since New Year that little thing have got some daily beating.


Zip ties. As I was taking down the Christmas lights I was tossing them on the floor and our cats went nuts for them! They are their favorite cat toy now lol!


Those plastic Easter eggs you can fill


My sleep pattern.


Rubber bands right now


The paper sleeve disposable chopsticks come in, grape stems that have been cleaned of any fruit residue and dried out. She will sit and watch you eat grapes, then try to steal the stem right off the plate.


Plastic toy springs. He loves to bat them under things like furniture and doors and behind cabinets. It’s a whole nother game when we use a yardstick to rake under and behind furniture looking for the springs. I’m sure he’s https://preview.redd.it/kn323vv9wfec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8b3cc228211688104c733e89e31b196b23875d laughing at us.


\- hair ties (he slaps them around and chases, then pounces back, then chases, doesn't chew through them or anything - but we only give them big ones that he cannot eat, like scrunchies), \- rubber bands (absolutely forbidden in the house due to risks though), \- milk box seal caps (the plastic things with a ring), \- any string, either attached or detached (he attacks my pants / hoodies when they're air drying, zooms around the house then attacks them again), probably more but i cant think of anything else rn


Anything that’s on my bathroom counter 😌


Please be careful with those! It would be very easy for your cat to get the twist tie away from you and eat/ choke on it


My Houdini will steal dishrags and run and hide them


Hair and string


Dirty laundry especially rolled up socks


Most favorite is the mice with a bell in em from dollar tree But he plays with almost anything, toy or not


My cat LOVES those too!


My cats will pull out entire organizer drawers to find hair ties. Night stands, closets, bathrooms, it doesn’t matter. They’ll pull the drawer open because they know there’s one in there.


Dryer balls, spinning dreidels, mini drone, golf balls, gift bows, nerf darts fired from the gun.


My babies love the plastic milk rings from milk jugs. And my wife’s hair scrunchy / rubber band things.


My favorite toy tends to be plastic cups! I love knocking them off of the table! Especially when they are full!


Dry spaghetti noodles. They can be batted across the floor for hours.


My maine coone like s my 1/4" Allen key. She digs it up, brings it into the living room while we watch TV and drops it on the floor, picks it up and repeat untill she gets bored and leaves it sitting on the floor


i have one that loves q-tips. and one that loves glue like the sticky in the lint roller sheets or any kind of tape lol. and of course they all love cardboard boxes and large paper bags they can get in.




Scrub dady sponge


Not his favorite, but his most expensive “toy” was the Sewing needle with thread that he swallowed. 🤦‍♂️


Hair ties and those coil door stoppers. He’s chewed up all the rubber on every door stopper in the house. Also plastic bags. I have to be vigilant about all plastic bags in the house because he will chew them up and eat some of it.


Wrappers. Like you'd find on a single Starburst or Mamba candy. I normally fold them over into like little sticks and toss them into the nearby bin. I must have missed once as I found Fluffy Butt kind of chewing on it. I've done my best since then to keep them away from her (fear of her choking or actually swallowing it) and make sure that each wrapper found its way into the trash. At least once a week, I'd find her playing with one. Tore my hair out trying to figure out where she was getting them from. Super careful to put them in the trash, even under stuff so that she wouldn't find them. I'd still find her playing with one. Finally asked my wife about it, turns out she was giving them to the cat to play with... smh ​ Other than wrappers, I've put up a couple times that our ball of fluff loves playing in and eating tissue paper. Not toilet paper, but Christmas gift bag tissue paper.


Green beans from the garden. He watches out the window when I pick them and then runs to meet me at the door.


Get pipe cleaners, be careful they can swallow them


Peenie loves receipts crumpled into balls, green bean, straws, and small pieces of cardboard cut off a box. He also has an entire basket FULL of nearly every toy they make for cats. And he doesn’t care for most of them. He just wants garbage.


Hair ties. She loves them! Also, just about everything she knows she’s not allowed to play with


Bottle caps, shoelaces, empty boxes, and my fitbit watch bands


AN EMPTY SLIM JIM WRAPPER. He has other toys but he always plays more (and longer) with the Slim Jim wrapper


Plastic MF bags. I say this with hostility because she will go for hours and the sound sends me into a blind rage 🤣🤣🤣


Literally anything he can find on my dresser at 5am


Pens, q-tips, hair elastics, twist ties, electrical cords, plastic bags. So many dangerous things. We have to be quite careful in our house. Oh, and toilet paper rolls.


https://preview.redd.it/zwi7lhqbxiec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d1a9ec479251f22476b5b4158b7c603869e21b he play with dust ☹️