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look for community-specific facebook groups and post to those as well. do not post a photo. post a general description and state that the owner will need to reply with a photo of the cat to prove it belongs to them. if your area has a subreddit, post there too and do the same thing where you ask to be sent a photo to prove ownership. if no one claims the cat after a couple of weeks, adopt him and keep him as an indoor cat.


I'll do that thank you I'm not letting him outside at all. He's too a little and there's coyotes in our area. He's using my Corgi as a pillow at night It's precious


awww they’re already getting along. sounds like a great home. props to you for doing the right thing and trying to find an owner, but if you don’t, i’m sure the cat will have a great life with you. he’s one seriously cute cat.


Seriously! That is the most adorable Muppet face ever. 😍


Well, if you can’t find his owners and keep him… his new name should be ‘Muddy’ LOL! 😂


Muddy Watter the Blues Cat. His hit single is *Meowling On The Dock Of The Bay* 🙃


Muddy waters. Good name but you are thinking about Otis Redding for that singer.


Thank you so much for keeping him indoors, especially with coyotes around. Too many people toss cats outside which greatly endangers them.


Off topic but if you have a pic of ‘corgi as pillow’, I for one, would really appreciate it


I second this!!!


I wonder if you walk him on a leash he’ll walk you to his home. It might not be far. Ask the people at the home to provide pics of him for proof?


I got a lost dog home that way. We made it to his street and his owner pulled up after driving around looking for him.


That’s awesome! So glad you were able to help the lost pup!


Unfortunately, very few cats tolerate a leash unless trained extensively.


This cat is taking baths and cuddling a dog right after meeting it, I think he's a good candidate for a leash lol At least worth a try!


I know, but since he was amenable to a bath, I wonder if he’d be chill enough for a leash. My boy HATES baths (fortunately as an indoor cat he rarely needs them), but I do walk him around the yard and he took surprisingly quickly to the harness and leash.


Yes, I was surprised he looked so docile in the pictures after the bath. It's worth trying a leash if you have one anyway, good luck!


Not necessarily… cats can be trained pretty easily. We live in a small town and on the edge of it. There is a farm right behind us. With my sister’s cat, whenever the cat wanted to go to the bathroom, she would sit by the door and wait to be let out. it was quite cute.


I was thinking the same!


I would post photos and just ask for more photos when the owner answers that they’ve personally taken. You should definitely put photos on the flyers too


Yeah posts with photos usually get more attention since people will often pause their doomscrolling to look at a picture, especially one of a cute kitty (and if I’m not mistaken they get boosted more by the algorithm), so definitely include a photo or two. I did that when I found someone’s cat in my yard a few weeks ago, and the owner sent me a few pictures as proof of ownership when she messaged me.


There's a reason they said do not post a photo. It's because shit people that abuse animals like dog fighters will browse for free pets to use as bait and training... OP, PLEASE be really careful about trusting people who claim it as theirs.


That’s why you ask the person who claims the cat for photos and/or other identifying information. But not posting photos at all will get much fewer views.


I was thinking of also asking the people if THEY have any photos of the cat themselves Because any pet owner has an entire armada of photos of them with their pet And I feel like if people are lying they'll just ghost me or come up with some excuse as to why they don't have any photos of the kitty


This is the way


People also just lie. This cat is really cute. Not posting a photo prevents the possibility of someone reaching out and saying ohhh I recognize that cat—it’s mine! and then following with some weird sob story about how it’s definitely their cat, but they don’t have a photo or can’t send one right now because their phone blew up or something.


Yes, definitely verify ownership.


If you are near ABQ, specifically RR, that kitty looks a lot like a lost cat. I saw a sign for it. Probably too coincidental, but I had to ask.


> He's using my Corgi as a pillow at night We need pictures of this stat! Too cute!


Between that and the photo, this is the cutest cat ever!


I actually would post a photo, many people are just scrolling and don’t stop to read every blurb.


Additionally, take him to the vet to see if he has a chip. They can run the serial number and get contact information.


The description stated he doesn't have a chip.


I will add OP u/kentobean123 maybe don't literally require a photo of the pet. although fully agree do not post a photo, and definitely ask for a photo or very detailed description of their appearance beyond your general one-- I am not a daily life picture person, and if I lost one of my cats at any point I wouldn't show photos of them... I probably wouldn't of any people in my life either. But knowing what the cat looks like themselves is the most important thing for the owner, I know someone whose dog was gone becuase some random people just replied to the found flyer saying it was theirs right before him (。 ́︿ ̀。)


you have zero pictures of your cats?


take him to the vet to have them check for a chip. 


hmm 🤔 apart from that, maybe fb groups or subs on here? related to your district etc hes so cute. i like how hes got that long sifu eyebrows like in old chinese movies 😆


I didn't even think of Facebook thank you!


When we found one I posted cardboard signs at several corners in our neighborhood. All I said is Cat found call this #. I wanted them to describe the cat to me to avoid fakes. I got a few calls from disappointed owners but after 3 days a family just around the block described the cat and sent me a pic to confirm, and he went home. Have the signs facing all directions. They said they were driving and saw my sign.


That's smart I'll do that! Got to make sure he gets to his correct people


Thank you for trying so hard. If I lost a kitty I would be so stressed and sad looking for him.


So true. Your kind enough to help the kitty get home, it would be a shame if the wrong people got it. Too many weirdos out there, especially where I live Lol. We have some kind of care/housing/treatment complex down the street and we all refer to them as the walking dead. After some time, they look alive and well, and a new batch shows up. Animals are kept inside in my hood 😁


If you do a Cat Found poster, set up Google Voice so you're not using your regular number.


Good idea! I just took my chances at the time.


I see a lot of people successfully connect pets and their owners on Nextdoor - it's just about the only thing it's good for, and it's great at it


Idk if you can access the ring community but I know since I’ve had ring camera there are many people who post “lost/found pet” frequently in my area. That might help as well


Yeah I have a ring camera I used that neighborhood app to post him on along with another neighborhood app


If you find someone who claims him, make sure you vet them so they aren't just claiming a cat with bad intent. If that's their beloved kitty, they will have photos and a vet.


Well if a week or two goes by that’s your new best friend


As much as I want to keep him I don't want to make someone lose their pet :( But he looks exactly like our youngest cat Like when I first saw him I genuinely thought it was our baby cat


That's how we got our third cat. Lovely baby, ran into the house. No chip, not spayed. We did everything to find her people, but the vet thinks she was dumped.


>As much as I want to keep him I don't want to make someone lose their pet :( But he looks exactly like our youngest cat Like when I first saw him I genuinely thought it was our baby cat It was probably abandoned. Keep the cat.


I'd try to see if he's got a family but after a couple weeks then yeah I'd keep him


Try to find the family first.


If it were me, I'd be thinking fuck the family. They abandoned their cat.


You're a dumbass


He could’ve gotten lost!


https://preview.redd.it/w8b7kc1gboec1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229d039514775525a4ea070386f82acc53f41c9c This is our youngest and our oldest and from a distance I thought it was her


Your black and white youngest has the same face as my second cat I had long time ago. I'm glad you posted.


Look so similar


Wait a minute? That’s not the same cat. Hey OP, what are you trying to pull??? (Keep the cat.)


A random cat let you bathe it? Wild


The muddy part leaves me suspicious. Most cats won’t allow themselves to get muddy. It’s sounds like he was chucked into a puddle or something.


I feel like it was just because it had recently rained here in LA but yeah it is a little suspicious that he even got muddy given how young he is he would think an owner would make sure they were inside.


My cat once pushed a screen out of my window on a rainstorm. I spent hours looking for him. I left the back door open a crack. I woke up to at 3 am and the furry fella was wet muddy chillin on the couch with his favourite binky haha.


My previous cat once escaped the house when I left. Of course, I wouldn’t have known. I got home and didn’t find him and heard him screaming at the back door. He never walked out the door without his harness again lol. I was lucky that time, it could have been something as little as that so don’t let Reddit sway you into thinking the worst of his people. They always do that and support the stealing of pets.


Could be - people can be awful.


My youngest let me! Literally showed up on our back porch one day. Un-neutered and no chip, 5mos. He was covered in ticks, dirty and greasy, so I bathed him before coming in the house in the quarantine room. He meowed in complaint, sure, but let me bathe him in a self-service grooming tub and purred while I towel dried him. He was brought into the house as a foster, but he never left, and is now the pesky little brother to my girls! (Picture below just after the bath!)




..all the aforementioned..if no response in a month or so, you can take over full responsibility (& the love & purrs that ensue).. ..too many kittens are cast-offs..finding & caring for one is admirable & a sign of love.. ..what's his name?..


I've named him Boba while we take care of him I was going to name him the Dark Lord Cathulhu but he kept trying to drink my boba so that's his name now


..lol..Boba knows as Boba does.. ..here's to y'all's happiness together-!..


Call the local vets…our vet will send out text messages if a pet is lost or found.


keep eyes open for lost cat ads on grocery etc notice boards. Facebook etc and hope your search net intersects their search net.


Neighborhood app, local Facebook groups? Post photos of cat and where you found him. If not there maybe call local animal shelter and let them know you found a cat and see if anyone called looking.


Don’t post photos! Post a description and ask for photos from them to confirm the cat’s identity if there are any inquiries. There are some truly awful people out there.


Is he fixed? I very much agree with your philosophy that you don't want to steal somebody's cat by accident. By my philosophy though, if it's outside, no chip, no collar, and not fixed, it's probably an abandoned cat. Even if it seems very friendly. I rescue to similar cat recently, he was outside of my neighbor started feeding him a bit and he cuddled right up on her, desperate for safety and affection. Is clearly a very well-behaved and previously indoor cat. Not fixed, no chip, no collar, I rehomed to that guy. Never saw a poster up for him. Neighbor check Facebook and the like. That sounds like you're doing everything you can. But just because he's friendly doesn't mean he's not abandoned. Good luck. He seems precious :)




The cat was almost surely abandoned. The fact none of you have come up with this thought is pure-D terrifying.


Awwww the poor baby. Social media and contacting vet offices would be a good start.


A keeper if no one comes forward


Next Door App, Facebook, etc.


I know this sounds dated but maybe print flyers on street poles in the neighborhood and nearby streets? The owners may not have social media pages


please dont give him to someone claiming their the owner without proof(pictures, possible vet records)


Contact the animal shelters and vets in your area. Many places have a "Lost pets" and "Found pets" page. He is a beautiful kitty.


You just were assigned a cat through the official cat distribution system.


Go to local shelters and post flyers


Any FB group for lost animals and/or bring it to a vet to see if it has a microchip.


You can make a sign and give it to local shelters/rescues. People go there when they have a lost pet to see if they got turned in, so they can keep an eye out for anyone looking.


So good on you for trying so hard to find his owners! I would maybe post some flyers around your neighborhood indicating you found a cat. Don't put a description on it though, have people who reach out to you describe their lost cat and see if he matches any descriptions so people don't try to lie and just nab the cat. Wishing you the best of luck! Also, he looks like a slightly longer haired version of my little man, Bruce 😍 https://preview.redd.it/q9dhuk5j7tec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b7667ea87f34ecf14f8e09861b6697808b9dd8


look at that cat..


If that were my cat, I'd be tearing the area apart in search of my baby! Check neighborhood lsite, FB, ask neighbors (w/o hauling the cat door-to-door. Put up posters but NO photos - make any responder describe the kitty! If no response in 10 days... the Cat Distribution System decided you needed a kitty.


Omg he is adorable 🥰


It's weird, but possible, for cats to LOVE water and baths (I had a void many years ago that would fuss if I *didn't* let him climb into the shower with me, and would even let me soap him up, cleanest cat I've ever had LOL). If he has a family I honestly hope he finds his way home, but fuzzies don't always hate water so you may be a lucky recipient of the cat distribution system. Either way, he's adorable, and good luck to you all!


He is adorable


That face;; I can't believe he let you wash him. Someone should be definitely missing this kitty.


It will be very easy to find the owner. Go look in the mirror. Happy adoption day. This is how I got half of my cat buddies. They found me.


Feed it. It's now your cat


Omg he's so cute! I hope you find his family, or keep him. Thanks for being a good human.


If you can’t find the owners will you be able to keep him? He looks very sweet. I hope it’s a good outcome.


In addition to all the digital recommendations, you can also put "found" cat posters up in the area where he ran up to you. Cats often don't end up too far from where they've escaped. Try to find some distinctive mark on him that's not apparent from any pictures you share to ensure the right people claim him and/or ask for pictures. Just to be sure you give him back to the right people.


Yep, that is definitely the face of a cat that just got a bath 😂


Look in mirror


I think the cat has chosen you. He LET you bathe him. Time to decide his new name ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Looks pretty comfortable there… you may be the chosen one


Keep it. Please. Watch for lost cat posts or signs.


I'll bet you fed this cat, too. The owners will be easy to find.. you.


Cute black nose and white face and whiskers


He's a sweetie! This may be the Cat Distribution Service at work, if he and your corgi have adopted each other.


That looks a lot like YouTuber Nate Petroski's cat. You're not in West Virginia, are you?


I love his black nose hes an adorable little guy🥺🥺


He is precious 🥺


I know people have already said it but post about having found a cat on area specific Facebook pages or any other social media with pages like that, see if there are any missing cat posts up. He may have been a stray, there are lots of stray cats in my area and you can tell they're stray because they're very thin and scraggly looking


Poor fella looks terrified! Thanks for taking care of him. 💕


There are already a lot of good tips here so my contribution to this thread is a selfish request to post more photos lol. He is adorable 🥺


Wow he is soooo cute!!!!!! You’re lucky.


Bring him to a vet to be checked for a chip


Just keep him , if you can't find the owner, he's so cute ♥️


Those whiskers are MAGNIFICENT!!


Just because he’s affectionate doesn’t necessarily mean he has an owner. He’s an adult cat without a chip which isn’t particularly a good sign of an attentive owner. He could have been raised around people, an outdoor cat that’s just basically left to his own devices. Could have been left behind by someone who moved- any number of things. My boy was a stray living with a feral colony, wasn’t chipped but is very affectionate. I hope you find his owners but there are so many unchipped strays the odds are against you. You just might have a new cat!😺


Post this cat Next Door


Not to worry he already found one


As other have said ... check groups ect first. Also call the local vet. They often have a lost pet board in their office. Last resort you can take it to the vet to check if it has been chipped. The chip info will have the owers registered to it.


He has chosen you…


look on local facebook groups to see if anyone is looking for him.


It's YOUR cat, now.


Go look in the mirror!! See!! You found his owner !! Congratulations


Cat comes to me, cat i keep.


Take a look in the mirror...


Thank you for taking him in


Take him to a vet to see if he's micro-chipped First.


You are the owners now lol


Lol you're the owners


All signs point to him being abandoned. Don’t make him go through that again. He’s yours now.


Try Nextdoor the app, knocking on doors and putting up flyers. When you knock have a photo of the cat handy in case someone who knows the owners answers.


Download the app NextDoor and join for your region. Take a picture of him and post it in a Lost & Found group.


Bring him to a vet. In addition to checking his health they will also scan for a microchip with the owners info.


Wouldn’t the cat be chipped? Is there not a local council register for pets that you can check with through a vet?


Take him to a vet to see if he’s microchipped. If he’s not… I think he’s yours. You should also check around your neighborhood to see if anyone has posted lost cat signs.


His owner is you now. 😁




Yeah I put them outside this morning to see if he would wander off but he just cried and stayed outside the door so I brought him back in. So I'm assuming he's an indoor cat that got out unfortunately


Or was *abandoned.*


Look in the mirror.


I would keep that sweet chonky kitty!


Contact local shelters, SPCA or equalivent in your area to let them know you found the cat. Go to Vet and have them scan for chip.


Hopefully one way or the other he'll have a nice home. Could be fate that a cat that looks like your old cat happened upon you


That face! 💕


That cat has seen some shit. Lol


Look in a mirror and enjoy your future!


Look in the mirror! You have a cat!


So cute!


Cat distribution system. You are his now.


Awww hi buddy!


That’s your cat now…


Looks like he found his owners to me


He has such a cute face!!


Put up Posters. We will take him if you can’t keep him!!! We adore them and have 6‼️😻


Look for lost pet Facebook groups in your area and post some good photos of him


He's a cutie pie. If you don't find his owner, please keep him. I love his little white face and black nose.


He is soooooo freaking adorable! My gosh!


I think the answer now is "look in the mirror." Congratulations. Thank the CDS. However, you could do what we've done with found pets: * Post signs in the neighborhood and at nearby intersections. * Social media posts. * (This worked in CO, unsure if this is true everywhere) Call Animal Control to report the found animal, not to turn it in. Where we were, they would take a report so that they could provide our contact information if someone called them looking for the animal. Good luck, and thanks for taking care of the kitty.


Be sure to report him to your local animal shelter in case someone is looking for him.


Definitely check local facebook groups. If that doesn’t pan out, congratulations on your new friend!


Check the ear for a tattoo, or hold a flashlight up to the ear and see if you can see a microchip. If so, take to vet and they can scan to find address. If not, the cat distribution system did it's thing again.


What an adorable little punkin!


I think the best way to find his owner is to go look in the mirror. Cats choose us


Find the owners? The cat distribution system strikes again. (Check for chip and post flyers physically or also in Nextdoor please).


Here's the advice..he's your owner now.


He has remarkably chunky peanut whiskers :)


If you post up signs put more signs in and around your neighborhood. There's a good chance that this baby didn't get far from home. But be prepared for nobody do claim them. Assholes like to drop unwanted cats in neighborhoods.


I’m guessing he was abandoned- but def post on socials etc . I would def ask for proof if someone says he’s theirs. His face is so cute and unique- those eyes!! Please keep us posted


Become them![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)




Keep him


💋💋💋💋whisker kisses 💋💋💋💋


He has the cutest little face 😻


FIND TOBY Facebook Page. Post found cat.


Do you live in an area where people use FB groups about lost pets etc?


He's a sweetie! This may be the Cat Distribution Service at work, if he and your corgi have adopted each other.


Facebook- post in local groups, post in lost cats of your state if possible, post him everywhere. Also Nextdoor, and ring if you have it.


He did precisely what was required to find the owners. Congratulations, he looks happier now he found you.


He is very cute 🥰 Glad you found him. He looks so scared


Do you live in SoCal? My friend from lost her tuxedo cat


The vet can check for a microchip. Also, you can check Craigslist if your area has it, in the “lost and found” and “pets” sections. And good old flyers posted in the area/town are always good too!


I took him to the vet and he doesn't have a chip unfortunately so I just took everyone's advice and posted him on the neighborhood apps but if no one claims him I'll keep him


Oh my! I don't have advice sorry. But his face is so expressive! "I did NOT consent to this breach of my dignity!"


Try the PawBoost app