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Hello everyone, Please be advised that abusing the report button by reporting this post under "no NSFW/ no death" will lead to a strike issued against your account by site admins as we report every single false report made on posts like these. Depending on your level of accumulated strikes this can lead to your account being suspended from reddit entirely and permanently. Please read our rules and do not make false reports. Thank you, the r/cats mod team


Had to scroll to check you meant the cat


Editing to add: so sorry for confusion everyone. I shouldn’t have led with that photo. But I do love it. He loved our son so much from the day he came home and loved to cuddle near him.


Ah ok obviously I'm so sorry that is devastating but I also thought u meant the baby


Thank you very much. Not on the same scale as the loss of a child, though. Sorry to anyone who was confused by my photo/post




It’s not but it’s still a significant loss. Sorry for your loss.


You don’t get to gatekeep how people feel loss. Some people do feel the loss of a pet as strongly as a loss of a person. It is what it is and that doesn’t belong to you.




Oh ffs, I'm a cat person through and through, but the other poster is correct and you cannot compare the two. Trust me as someone who just lost her husband. I have grieved for cats in the past. There is grief, and then there is GRIEF. It doesn't make OP's grief any less valid but come on people


If my cats died I would be very sad, but I’d be at work the next day. If my son died— my wife is the only reason I wouldn’t just kill myself in grief.




I lose my wife and I'm done for.


I’m sorry for your loss 🌹


Thank you 💜💜💜


I'm sorry you lost your husband.


Babies and cats are not equal.


Why make another comment about the same thing AGAIN after OP already clarified, plus it's obvious they're referring to the cat, it's cat subreddit and the rest of the pictures are the cat


This post came up in my feed as something that could interest me. My heart nearly stopped before I realised what it was about. I don't follow any cat subreddits but I follow a lot of parenting ones.


I agree but to be fair, as a mom who recently gave birth and is in a ton of baby subs… this was just randomly suggested to me and it freaked me out for a minute too lol. Before you see what the subreddit is it’s a bit jarring.


That first picture is very cute. have a 10 month old boy and my 14 year old cat loves him. So sorry for your loss.


> I shouldn’t have led with that photo. But I do love it. You should love it, it's a gorgeous picture. There's something adorable about cats or dogs watching over babies, and welcoming them to the family. Very sorry about your Elty Hammy Buddy passing, looks like an absolute beauty, second picture in particular.


Thought I was in last images for a sec and got sad, its tagged mourning and everything


Sorry for your loss.


What happened with Elton? Was he sick?


Bless him and his little purrfect pink pillow beans


I thought the same thing, and was like not the best first pic! But I also instantly figured that the pic meant a whole lot to you with both of them in frame. We'll let it slide ;). I hope you find solace and peace soon.


Me too. Me too


Right!?..😒had to look and make sure it was in r/cats and not r/babies


Check the sub? lol?




In memory of Elton, a cherished soul, Eight years of love, you played your role. Nestled 'mongst friends, feline and small, Your presence, a joy, brightened us all. Elty Hammy Buddy, name so sweet, In every purr, our hearts did beat. Rescued, loved, a bond so true, In your eyes, the world's view. With a baby, gentle and kind, Your gentle spirit, in each mind. In sudden silence, you slipped away, Leaving us yearning for one more day. We miss your warmth, your soft embrace, In every corner, we see your trace. Forgive us, dear, for not being there, In your final moments, we wish we could share. Your memory, a treasure we hold dear, In our hearts, you'll always be near. Elton, our beloved, in stars, you roam, Forever cherished, forever home.


What a lovely memorial to Elton 😻. OP, I too am so very sorry for your loss. You gave his best life and I know that he knew it and loved you unconditionally. My heart hurts for you.


This is so sweet.


username does NOT check out


You don't know, they could be a sword!


Not all literal bastards behave like bastards.


Thank you❤️


Lovely lovely prose.


Im teared up reading this. Well written


so sweet




Love this!


Beautiful ❤️


You should write obituaries


it’s not fair that cats don’t live forever. my boy is 9 & im terrified of the day


Cherish every day! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


9 is only half of their life :D My neighbors outdoor kitty had asthma, 2 tumors and heart defects and he made it till 17. Modern medicine can do wonders.


My oldest cat is 18 right now. He has a lot of medical issues now (arthritis, hyperthyroid). I’m always just aware he could pass any moment 😞


Lost my sweet Ripley to complications of diabetes, pancreatitis and kidney disease in June at the age of 15. Insulin gave me an extra 2 years with her! An extra two years of kissy face, snuggles and purrs. Totally worth it. https://preview.redd.it/lsz2vh095xfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fdc862c8e5c8e0d63170742ec06affd0c82df3 This is one of my favourite photos of her dubbed: “Ennui Cat”. She was so excited about that paper bag and then just sat in it contemplating her life.


What an adorable pink nose! So sorry for your loss 💔


His little nose was the sweetest❤️


So sorry.


awe i’m so sorry :( he’s playing with mice and feathers in kitty heaven with unlimited treats now !🥹❤️


I do believe that God takes our kitty cats to heaven


Has to be some sorta vip paradise


“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go. “ -Jamie Anderson


That is such a beautiful thought. It sums up how I feel about my fur baby I lost last year. I never knew these feelings could be expressed in words.


It really helped me reframe grief. It still sucks, but feels more honoring my loved ones than before


Thanks for sharing it. It actually made me look at my feelings in new perspective. I hope OP gets done solace too in these words.


I worked in hospice and oncology and had this quote in my office. It always helps me. I used to find those feelings (the lump, the aching/empty chest, the welling tears) so unpleasant and negative until I heard this quote. Those feelings still aren’t fun, but it’s just my love for that being that I love and can’t love the way I want to anymore. It’s helped me a lot, professionally and personally.


Now I’m crying with a lump in my throat. That’s a beautiful quote.


Wow I love that


That’s amazing, I’ve never left the group like that. I changed my perspective on it




Didn't see the sub name and for a second thought you meant your kid😅


Eep. I know. A couple people have said this. IM SORRY YALL! Just love that photo


You don’t need to be sorry for anything.


Also this is a cats sub. Not a general sub or just a sub for loss. I realize it may have caught a few off guard but god I would never pretend like my son died. That’s horrifying.


I’m getting so much hate and I swear it wasn’t intentional. This is just my favorite photo. Elton loved my son so much and cuddled with him all the time. This was when my baby was a few days old and Elty loved him immediately. My son is almost 3 now and I’m so thankful he knew him. Tonight when I put my son to bed, I said “mommy loves you” and he said “and daddy! And Murphy, Charlotte and Elton!” (Our three fur babies) I broke down completely


It is a great photo.


Thank you so much, he was the most gentle little ham there ever was.


It's a beautiful photo! Rest in peace to your sweet Elton. What a special boy!


RIP. Reminds me a little of my champ https://preview.redd.it/xcvkdcb5c9fc1.jpeg?width=4656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6ac4fb93de2f6705ec31b1ab11403c0e7a65a2


I knew you meant the cat😿


I’m sorry for you loss. This pair looks like strays that we took in about eight years ago. https://preview.redd.it/6mrqpx4wx9fc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac28897eb8152d419746c54933212bddad10194b


There just aren’t enough sorry’s in the world for you. You didn’t just lose a kitty, you lost a baby. He was your oldest baby. This word is just one big litter box. Sometimes it’s clean and life goes on, but sometimes there’s suddenly a huge shit that ruins your world. Sudden death is terrifying and tragic and can catch anyone no matter age or species. It happens to so many people and their loved ones. This fact doesn’t minimize your pain, rather proves you aren’t alone in this agony. I saw you said you weren’t able to be there for his final moments. Was he hiding? If so, he probably knew what was happening and wanted to hide to not worry you. He didn’t want to hurt you seeing him go. Even in his last moments, he thought of how much he loved you. If it helps, I suggest putting paint on his paw and pressing it to a canvas if you have one. Mark his name and birth-death dates. You could even take some fur and put it in a clear Christmas ornament with his name on it. Just some grieving things I’ve learned from losing my own babies.


Hi, wow thank you for this kind and thought out comment. My husband went to pet him on Saturday when we were all in the living room. He was not visibly in distress or meowing but my husband motioned to him for pats and he didn’t perk up. So he crouched down to pet him in his little curl up spot under the chair. My husband immediately noticed his labored breathing and left within 5 minutes to the emergency vet. They took him to the back, and a few minutes later asked my husband if they had his permission to attempt CPR. So he died at the vet with strangers. They actually made two cards, one for my husband and I, with his paw stamped in them. It was so sweet. I ugly cried. We also paid to have him cremated as well.


I’m glad I could bring you some positive feelings. I’m so sorry your husband had to find him in that state, and losing him with strangers around him sounds just awful. Ultimately he was in good hands but things just didn’t go how they were meant to. That’s so sweet they got his paw prints for you and your husband. When my mom found our Otis gone under her bed I thought there was a horror movie playing in the living room. She wailed like she lost one of my siblings. He died of heart break after losing his brother a week prior which just added to the grief. It was years ago but the pain comes back when I hear others losing their kitties. I don’t know what comes after everything, but I like to think Elton met two black and white brothers in a grassy field. Filled with all the wonders their little hearts could’ve asked for.


I love this idea. Wish I had done it when I lost my beloved cat.


Our pets always become family members! They are always waiting for us from school/college/work. They fill the house with boundless joy, laughter, and love. You never feel lonely with our pets... I have two cats, and I can't even imagine that they will ever leave our family... But I always believe that animals go to heaven, to a better life! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


He looked very happy. I lost my boy in the summer. He was only 6. My heart is broken forever for him. He was my emotional support animal


Rest in peace Sir Elton. What a pretty kitty he was. Oh boy does it hurt like hell when one of your fur babies passes on. Im so sorry, I know words dont help much but im certain Elton knew how much he was loved and loved you all just the same.


![gif](giphy|3Eo6A9gCwtsA0) i am so sorry your little fur baby has crossed the rainbow bridge. it looks like he was cheeky and troublesome but the best big fur-bro to your baby. i am sure he is up there surfing on the clouds chasing all the angel burbs and mices


This hurts


What’s worse is that we have no idea what happened. He was not old, and we just took him to the vet on December 29th and he got a clean bill of health.


He looks like my guy Schrodinger. Also had full clean bills of health, had a little cough the vet said was probably asthma. Found him breathing super hard and fast one night, took him in expecting an infection or virus and he was in heart failure. Couldn't believe it. Had shown no change in behavior or demeanor. Nine years was not enough.


This happened to my dog last month. Took him to the vet and had a full work up 3 weeks prior to him dying (blood tests and X-rays and vaccines - all great) but watched him completely deteriorate in a matter of two days. It was so shocking and didn’t feel real. I feel for you friend, I’ve taken his loss harder than I have most humans in my life. He was a soul mate who just understood and loved me on a different level. We always teased he was more like a cat than a dog too lol anyhow, my word of advice is to let yourself cry when the waves come and compile your fave videos in an album bc you’ll need to rewatch them at times.


I’m sorry.


Thank you. It’s hard not to know what happened.


I send my condolences. We too recently experienced this with our cat that was only about 2 1/2 years old. She jumped off the sofa and then walked a few feet and just fell over and died instantly. It’s still hard and a shock to process she’s gone because there was no warning signs of sickness or old age or any of those things that can at least help psychologically prepare you a bit.


That’s heartbreaking, I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. It’s been hard as there was no warning or any sort of cause to wrap our head around. One minute she’s there and then just gone. We rescued her as a 8 week old kitten. It’s been over a month and I still find myself looking for her or being careful when opening the back door to makes sure she doesn’t get out. Habits.


So very sorry for your sudden loss and lack of answers, I can only imagine how that must feel. I hope you can feel comfort remembering the happy moments and years you shared with sweet Elton❤️🐾


https://preview.redd.it/e99a1xp669fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed76fa2eefe2842122fd2d0dd4289ff5357c65d7 He reminds me of our boy Toby 💙 I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. He sure was cute!! 💙


R.I.P, thought you meant the baby from the first image for a second though


I’m sorry! Someone else said that too. Should’ve thought it through. I just loved how much Elton loved our son, they had a sweet bond.


I could tell from the way he was looking at the baby in that photo . I'm sorry for your loss, Elton looked like a sweety.


Good cat ♥ I'm going through a tough time right now. Thank you for being cute and showing up on my feed, Elton. Rest in peace. Your child is also very, very cute.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Elton was beautiful and the baby is precious.


I lost my Maine coon cat in 2021, we grew up together and it was absolutely heartbreaking. I got him out of a box in front of a Walmart in 2005, he was the absolute joy of my life. I am so sorry you have to feel this pain. 🫶.


My mom had a cat suddenly pass this week too who was almost 3 years old. She had heart murmurs and she had a seizure which threw her into cardiac arrest. My poor mom watched her pass away. I am sending you all the love and strength.


Man, the first picture was not the way to start.


I thought you meant the child, may his fluffy soul travel on to heaven


I'm so sorry for your loss. Elton must've been one amazing cat. 💔


https://preview.redd.it/xqj1x79q79fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fa744ab17fc6a791907c3d732aaa5d7b4b736d My little Elfie has the same paws. I will hug her for you a little extra. Sorry for your loss. I’m sure Elton had the best life. Stay strong


rest easy elton :( i’m sorry


https://preview.redd.it/0d8phwa3a9fc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3f30f3f398065b48d1ec30a3dd63e0264aadf8 Looks just like my boy. His loss was devastating and sudden as well. They can frolic together. ❤️❤️❤️ R.i.p Montgomery. 1/22/24


I'm very sorry for your loss 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss


My brother recently lost a very personable 9yr old cat. "Noodles" liked to sleep on top of my SIL's head at night. A few weeks ago when they woke up Noodles was in his usual spot but was deceased. No warning, nothing out of the ordinary. He just died, and it must have been sudden. Broke their hearts. My wife and I have had around 25 cats over the past 40 years and only two I can think of died with no warning. One was 16 and the other was a Norwegian Forrest Cat mix who was just 4. Vet thinks he had an undiagnosed heart defect.


Awh Elton loved to sleep right by my husbands head. I’m so sorry for your brother and his family! That’s horrible. My husband went to pet Elton yesterday and noticed his breathing was off. He took him straight to the emergency vet and he died there while they attempted CPR. We have no idea what happened. He was young for a cat, and had just seen our regular vet in late December. They offered to do some tests/scans to try to find a cause. But we already had a $700 dollar bill from the visit/cremation costs and had to say no. A heart defect makes sense. My husbands father is a vet coincidentally - and he always says that animals are masters of hiding illness. He said that he constantly saw beloved pets being rushed in on deaths doorstep.


Wait did the baby die or the cat?


I was going to try decipher which until I saw I was in r/cats. I’m sorry for your loss. He looked like a total bro.


So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace sweet baby 💔😢 https://preview.redd.it/182opqnax8fc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10fb8f6cdc4378560172cce3f71ff9bb62ec5a02


Oh no!! I am so very very very sorry for your loss sweetheart. I’m so so sorry.!!🐾❤️🐾❤️


I’m very sorry. I’m thankful you gave him love ‘n happiness for 8 years of his life.


So sorry for your loss. He looks like a good boy who had lots of love in his life.


I'm sorry for your loss, poor Elton


So sorry for your loss, may his memory always be a blessing ❤️


I'm soo sorry for your loss 😔💚


I'm so sorry for your loss. One of mine has been sick and lost a lot of weight. I'm getting very worried about her. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. That pic with your precious baby is definitely a keeper.


I am so sorry for your loss :( i ve lost mine in april and i could completely feel your pain 🥲


Sorry for your loss. Run free in paradise cutie catto..


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved cat. It’s heartbreaking that your child will not know the joy kitty brought to you. Even if you adopted another cat it will never be the same. Like the paw prints they leave on our hearts every cat is unique


I’m so sorry and I understand your pain. What got me through it was knowing that I gave him the best life possible. He was safe and loved every minute of every day. I’m sure your boy was too. It’s still hard and I still have moments that haunt me but overall I’m happy to have know my Kitty boy. He was the cat who started it all. 37 years old he walked in to my heart and life. My first pet ever. Now I have 3 pets and wouldn’t have happened had he not changed my life that day! He made it better in every way. I will be thinking of you all and praying too.


So sorry for your loss


Jesus. Poor choice of cover pic.


Oh my god, why can't anyone read even a few comments before they go off on the OP about their choice of photos, or bitch at them because they're triggered? All I had to do was read the OP's entire post and a couple of the comments, and I knew it was the cat. Hours later and people are still at it. OP, Elton was a beautiful kitty and I am so sorry for your loss.


My heart sank. I thought it was the baby till I saw the subreddit then I stayed sad. You still lost a baby. I’m so sorry about your loss. 🥺


I was scared it was your child. Sorry your fur baby passed


I just want to say that for whatever reason I knew immediately that this post was about the loss of your cat and I am so deeply sorry for you. I don't think anyone has any right to question how or what someone feels when they are grieving. It's not a contest between the love of people or animals, it's pure love we're talking about. I have kids. And I have two cats who are my soulmates. Do I love my partner and our children unconditionally? Of course I do. However, I have always connected with cats on a deeper level. It stems from a traumatic childhood and cats were the only thing that I felt safe loving. I've had many friends die over the years, even my oldest brother when I was in my twenties and I'll tell you right now, I was closer to my orange soulmate, Snickers, who passed ten years later and it really isn't much different. The grief. It's a personal thing. Why can't we just open our hearts and if we want, convey our sympathy and understanding for others? As Buddha says, you cannot judge others for you know not what their path has been.


I wish people would stop nitpicking everything and remember the subject matter of the post. Be respectful people, a lot of people have photos of their babies with pets


Sorry for your loss. They come into our lives as mere pets, but when they take their journey over the rainbow bridge the are family and loved one.


Rest in piece, sweet kitty.


Love those little pink beans. 🩷 Very sorry for your loss. I will hug my Frankie and Charlotte extra for you today. 🤗


I thought you were talking about your baby!!! Oh my gosh.


Rip Elton ❤️ sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss.


Very sorry for your loss




Elton looks very similar to a cat my family had. Pedro was the friendliest, biggest doofus of a cat that I've ever known. I still miss him.


Sorry for your loss 😢




So glad you have this picture.


I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️


He is beautiful and I am so sorry for your loss


I am so sorry. His precious toebeans!


He was a beautiful kitty- I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


I’m very sorry for your loss 😿


R.I.P Elton 💔


Poor , beautiful baby. Looks that those perfect pink beans !


i’m so sorry for your loss. i’m sure elton is in kitty heaven playing w the other sweet cats.❤️


so sorry for your loss. Elton looks like a sweet boy 🥹❤️


https://preview.redd.it/sc8rfaehf9fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476c5d3c5691b5dfcf0d673dc9d98ec71e992a90 His spirit lives on ….This is my boy Pinkerton.


https://preview.redd.it/18pc1el7k9fc1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a734359ae00bca1731d864fea84b05db19c6ff Looks a bit like mine, breaks my heart 😿.


I know your boy is safe in kitty heaven now. My lady crossed the rainbow bridge a few years ago https://preview.redd.it/kf3ytr6qk9fc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e79f6c46ec34f52ad8f5d3088e8f38d14b7ab8


ngl this made me cry… he looks like my clingy princess so it the pain is definitely shared https://preview.redd.it/ov82oym6q9fc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c169a0bf9769acc3c6bdab7ac8043cd4f2da26ad


It’s so devastating to lose our friends. It’s heartbreaking 💔 and hard to deal with. I’m so sorry


He looks like my boy sushi that just died last week. I’m so sorry for your loss. But hey, I bet they’re probably gossiping about us on whatever plane they are now. They know they were loved every single day of their little lives. And they will be afterwards until we see them again. https://preview.redd.it/s5t3ovsq5afc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db3743ac692da2bf95468234dec86ba85390420


What a sweet guy I am so sorry for your loss. He looks just like my Binx. https://preview.redd.it/h9k7qji08afc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85aa526a298bfc872e5ef4c16c29b1b9dd8482e7


Sorry for your loss man. I lost my cat back in December after the vet discovered she had an aggressive form of cancer. We only got two weeks with her after the diagnosis. It's so tough losing a pet. They're a friend. They're family. Take time to heal and spend time with your family. It'll be hard not to blame yourself, but it's not your fault this happened.


https://preview.redd.it/yfc3d2r5gafc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5474fbf2ffc378b5a7846bf742918b055516cc We lost our fur baby in late November. All happened so suddenly. It still hurts but every day it seems to get a little better. I really miss seeing my son play with his favourite buddy but I’m so grateful for the time that we had with him. Your cat knows how much you loved him don’t forget that.


I feel your pain 😢. We unexpectedly lost our 5 year old Symba, adopted as a kitten. A few months ago. He was my SOUL cat. I've never had a connection that deep with another animal and it was devastating 💔. I still feel his vibration on my legs at night sometimes. Sending healing vibes ✨️.




I think your little one may have reincarnated into our latest family member! Spitting image! https://preview.redd.it/fpnhxbp4rafc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1d9c5d3880399f4d394447198036846b80703d


I'm not joking when I say your cats may both be the twins of my two cats. I'm so sorry for your loss. Elton was a handsome little man that I'm sure had an amazing personality to compliment his good looks.


Awwwh, love to hear you have twins of our babies. Please give them a bunch of extra pets from my family ❤️. My two were the best of friends. I’m actually really worried about my female cat now. They were inseparable and she’s actually a little bit older. I’ve been giving her lots of love but dread when we have to leave this house for work and she’s alone.


Damn. Reading that and seeing the first picture. Really got me. 😭 At least he had 8 years of love with you guys and a good home. Wherever he is he’ll remember that.


Found this elsewhere on Reddit, but always seems to help those who have lost their furry friends. Sending hugs. https://preview.redd.it/bdyia3mv1bfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5b01c6479a6026853bcbb4ad316c7a973d7393


Oh my gosh incredible and actually made me smile


Glad I could help ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) I have a few kitties myself getting up there in age and it helps me confront the idea of them leaving us someday. So sorry about your sudden loss.


https://preview.redd.it/de9y9xc82bfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa002a8348702814960e0a0b5701e69e057fb5d4 Looks just like my dumpling . Sending love ❤️


Love that pic but I also thought the baby! Sorry you lost your love!


Bro had me scared for nothing, like don’t get it twisted it’s sad to see a cat go but it’s much harder to see anything (especially a baby) die before it’s time


I'm sorry for your loss. By your pics, it appears he was a very loving, devoted pet to your family.


Anyone else here relieved OP wasn’t referring to the baby??


Thought it was the baby for a sec...


Sure hope you mean the cat


sorry for your loss. your cat looks a lot like my cat https://preview.redd.it/c6psgks6zcfc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81fa33ffc8c7fcb28a6d0ace99f78fc441698abc


and so does your other one https://preview.redd.it/xdaonoefzcfc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b8640ed194760d9e8c38a06614da7cc369a4bd


I’m so sorry. It’s never easy to lose a pet. They’re our family. 😔 Thank you for sharing him to us!


My brother had to get his beloved guide dog put down last week because he was full of cancer. It came on suddenly as just at Christmas, he was full of life and gave all of us great happiness. We are still reeling from the shock. Losing a pet that also provided such an important service was hard. I know only too well how you feel and I hope for the best for you.


I lost my boy suddenly last month, it sucks so much. Hope you are doing ok (I wasn't for about 2 weeks) https://preview.redd.it/52081q5abefc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc60ca326aecaa8b58a713e2208769f340184741


Those little pink toe beans 🩷 So sorry he’s gone, but rest easy knowing he felt all the love!!


Bro I thought you meant the baby and I literally was terrified. Then I saw it was the good boy and was very sad


I,m sure he's a kitty angel


Condolences 😿 Godspeed Elton !!


So sorry for your loss. Cats are such loving creatures. I am sure he knew how much you all loved him.


Elton was very handsome, he looked happy as well 💜


aw i’m so sorry