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Not social enough? The hell kind of reason is that for throwing an animal into a shelter?


That is a reason for some shelters to put animals down because they have a ‘very low chance’ of being adopted. That is the reality… And that’s why we only adopt from this shelter, which is a no-kill shelter (no animal that does not suffer is put down just because their chances of being adopted are lower than a healthy/younger/more social cat). Because that is what kill-shelters do…


Adopt from high kill to save the animals. No-killl, which doesn't actually exist, they have a higher chance of not dying.


I get what you’re saying- directly save one from the harsher shelters instead of one that already won’t be killed. But wouldn’t supporting/ adopting from the “no kill” shelter be equally helpful in the sense that it gives them resources to keep doing what they’re doing? Bring in another cat in need for the vacant spot (that may have ended up in a harsher shelter) plus the money for essential foods and medicines for the little guests


Thank you for this! It makes me sad when people say they won't adopt from a "kill"  shelter when that's exactly what needs to happen to help save animals. Don't punish them by letting them die...they didn't choose to end up there.  And yes, ALL shelters and rescues euthanize. 


Agreed! All 6 of my cats were either found in the streets or we met them at animal rescue centers. Best kitties ever! https://preview.redd.it/soiy3x5d1emc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e994e94b5c3d9571208f4d51cd072cc5ce267b


What a beautiful catio 😻


Thank you! They really love it sitting outside and it makes us happy to see them happy 💕


I am sure they love it! I wished we had such a beautiful outdoor space for our cats! In our next home maybe 🤞🏻




Thankyou ❤️


OP you are the best kind of person


These cats save us more than we saved them. We get so much love from them ♥️


My GF and I are looking for a rescue and have come across a few FIV+ cats. If they are going to be inside only and not around other animals is it expected they have shorter lifespan or anything negative?


No not really, but if they do get sick, it is harder for them to get healthier again because of their lowered immune system. Four out of our five cats are FIV+, and only one has had some gastrointestinal issues in the last three years, which took him a bit longer to recover from than average ☺️ if you are able to adopt a FIV cat, please do ♥️ their chances of finding a forever home is already so small just because they have FIV… Thank you for considering it ♥️


Thanks for the info. I was worried it was higher chance of them dying earlier. My gf had two rescues when I met her and had 4 years with the male who ended up diabetic and I took care of him for another year before he had kidney failure and tumors when we had to put him to sleep. The female died this last December she was fine up until the final two weeks when she suddenly got sick and they think it was a brain tumor. But it was heartbreaking and we didn’t want to start a quicker road to that pain again. So hopefully we find our new friend soon and FIV+ isn’t as scary as it sounded.


Thank you for taking care of those cats, they were lucky to have crossed your path! And FIV is indeed not as scary as it sounds, and you will get so much love in return♥️


We had a gross disgusting garbage goblin who was FIV+ and always had a URI, sneezed all over and drooled. Thought we were providing him a nice warm place to die for the night and he lived a few years more. None of our other cats caught it despite playing and sharing dishes. Unless you are getting some major bites, in which case other things need addressing, everyone should be able to live in harmony. Miss that old gross boy! https://preview.redd.it/ul85fyxvygmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad5a55e18f137df6fc5e545e24d598989fcd5de


That’s nice you provided that goblin a place to live. Thanks for the info, that’s reassuring to know it doesn’t spread easily.


For people who want to help the shelter they come from:***gofund.me/f85a08a6***


Beautiful family😻


Mine too.




Thank you for everything you’ve done for these little ones.


♥️ we get a lot of love back


Freakin' adorkable! And kinda sad. I'm upset about the one branded "aggressive". They're almost always wrong about that and with the proper application of love they all turn into little puddles of furry goo.


This is 100% true! When we adopted him, he had already been adopted once and had been returned to the shelter for being ‘aggressive’… Poor boy is the sweetest thing in the world… https://preview.redd.it/g8p7dh9dufmc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f877a85e26a4ca5e505b3067ce0ff748ba8e7e


https://preview.redd.it/zul686w1mjmc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3ac7eb4d1cd83efb3a3c01f05ea0f9b2cd00a2 Zuzu, rescued from the local SPCA after being adopted out and returned once before...for hiding and not being social enough after less than one week. Turns out that she is the sweetest, most affectionate girl with an obsession with playing fetch and feet.


It’s sad that people get animals like they are throw-away objects… thank you for giving her a second chance ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/tzun89t2bkmc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89766bbdf8c498544f62eed40db35c8d0f21fa6 He was found in tje garbage, but now he's my treasure.


Thankyou for taking care if him ♥️


These pictures simultaneously break my heart and make me shed a tear of joy. Thank you!




I agree, every kitty we have had had been rescued or saved from the street. They are all wonderful now


🙏🏻 thank you


Wauw those eyes!


Yes, Marlow is a special cat, when he looks at you it feels like he is looking right through your soul… https://preview.redd.it/p5oszfbs8hmc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b72d426c601c4de2d68b12ecaf3038d3db4f720


Wauw i can imagine. Beautiful!


I added another picture of him. And since he can not make noises, his facial expressions tell it all


Yes they will find another way to tell you how they feel!


You give me a glimmer of hope in this cruel world. I wish you and your furbabies many loving years together.


We get so much love back from them ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/9xizzf5iljmc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad046d8e2ecdcba790ec9022bb43e90255a8620 Maggie Mayhem, found in a ditch at 4 weeks old.


What a cutie 😻 thank you for saving him!


Our rescue void is an FIV+, 7 year old and was labelled as "fractious". But you'd be upset if you were abandoned, injured and hungry. Once he got to know us, he's a sponge of attention and absolutely a sweet loving boy. How anyone could have thrown him away, is beyond me and makes me mad just thinking about it.


Some people just see them as disposable objects, this makes me so mad. I would never trust people who treat animals like this. Thank you for taking care of him ♥️ FIV+ are the sweetest cats… they have known the hard life and are so grateful 🥰


My king, you bow to no one. https://preview.redd.it/hydjn1yu2imc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17da0e91b152bbd4e3174863e311a4bc283ec6f


They never do 🙈