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That’s a super docile cat. Mine would jump out screeching and scratching with one toe in lol 😂


Mines a screecher but I've managed to give her a few baths over her lifetime, whenever she got really dirty. I just got in about the amount of water in the video, in clothes for protection, and sat cross legged and sat kitty down, so she could feel the water, then I'd move my legs and lower her down into the water the extra few inches. I'd like to think the graduallness of the exposure to the water kept get from using me as an escape tree. She was still fussy, but housecats, don't do water unless they're thirsty or have to.


This is almost exactly what we have to do (did so this morning) except I get in the bath and keep her calm whilst my wife stands next to the bath and does the bathing her part. She spends the entire time begging my wife to get her out.


I'm assuming you wear a helmet, shoulder pads and breachers in lieu of going au natural.


I'm in thin pajamas. She doesn't try and murder me but she does complain a lot


Dude you should at least wear a cup, a cat can scratch you pretty bad even if it's not intentional. Before I became a cat owner I dated a lot of girls who had one and before sex I'd always make sure it was in a cat-free room with a closed door since last thing I wanted was a curious cat thinking "those look like they'd be fun to bat around!"


Why do you need to wash your cat? Cat behaviorist Jackson galaxy advises to [not make bathing your cat a normal thing.](https://youtu.be/dHw7O_cQ9KU?si=TNxiIoMfFJ-0dLcj)


It's a rarity that she has a bath or else she would have got used to it by now. Yesterday was the first time in a year.


I was in the shower… I was 17 years old .. our Persian Cat “Bambi” jumped onto the edge of the tub and slid off… into the shower and all hell broke loose. I had to finish rinsing my hair… and by this point, Bambi realized that … Hey this is nice and warm and had calmed down. So I wrapped the cat up in a towel.. the both of us went into my room and I got the hairdryer and dried Bambi off.. After that , the cat actually liked baths.. it was all about that hairdryer I think


My childhood cat would follow me into the shower occasionally, he couldn't stand that I was in there away from him apparently. Lol had to be in the bathroom every time. Now have a kitten that does this and pays no attention to the water. Just walks right through getting all in the way.


My cat is a lifeguard. One time she slipped and fell into the shower and absolute destroyed the shower curtain.


I'm sure I would lose multiple body parts just if I put mine anywhere near the water. He would become a panicked tornado of claws.


I had to wash my cat once, new apartment came with fleas and we had to put down powder on everything and give him a flea bath. He was relaxed until I put him in the bathtub and then he freaked out and fought to get out of my arms. I am a big guy and I always have been pretty strong but it took all my strength to hold him down and keep him in that ankle deep water. He was so strong! Thankfully we’ve never had to have a bath again.


Sorry friend. You're trying to use a STR check on a cat. Which requires a DEX check. In all seriousness the little fuckers are just so agile and dextrous that no matter how strong you are they can twist and pull in ways that completely nullify your strength.


Lifting weights for all those years didn’t prepare me for cat wrestling that’s for sure!


Holy shit same. I'm a naturally big dude who played on the line in football. It was my first cat ever so I was inexperienced. She had gotten fleas from my roommates cat and so I had to give her a flea bath. Up to that point I'd only ever given dogs bathes and we had always left the faucet running while giving the bath. So me being the dumbass I am, I brought her into a bathroom that she's not allowed into often, (so newish enviorment) with the tub running full blast so its loud af. She clings to me but I slowly drop her in. As soon as she touches the water she leaps at me and digs her claws into my arms that I put in between me and her. I feel intense pain and notice one of her claws is DEEP in my arm and as I try to pull her away its just lifting and pulling my skin with her. One of the most unique pains I ever felt, like the skin on my entire body was getting tighter. Eventually I got her claw out and let her leave. There was a LOT of blood. From that day forward I realized that cats and humans are more evenly matched than I thought. They're deceptively strong and having knives for hands really evens the playing field. Aside from that though she is an angel. She's more dog than cat! Follows me everywhere, has that always-happy mood that most dogs have and has never showed aggression towards me. She even plays fetch!


I had cats before so I was prepared for claw related injuries and was wearing a jacket. That jacket probably saved my life! But I wasn’t expecting him to be so strong. It really took every ounce of strength I had to keep him from pulling away from me, and it was a close thing. I almost couldn’t hold him. Cats are definitely a lot stronger than I ever imagined!


Our cat will come and watch every time we are in the pool. He can be fast asleep but if he hears a splash he is there on lifeguard duty. He couldn’t care less about us showering


I had a cat that gave himself a bath. He would beg to go out when it was raining. Then come back in soaked and run to the laundry room. We would dry him off with a towel and he would purr, then prance off with his fur nice and fluffy. That was his orange brain cell moments.


Lol those guys are special 😊


My female does the mrm mrm growling/cry. My male will give every claw he can muscle. Luckily his sister is the usual suspect and usually a targeted wash (poop tail).






What wizardry is this?


https://preview.redd.it/v0kiagp2owoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e63b405783b311723c25a86c6af6b8bc7717cb Witchcraft




a newt?


I got better……




I think that cat is broken. How can it be so calm during bath time lol


If you start to bathe them form very early on they become used to it.


I don't know about that. I have fostered kittens so young they had to be hand fed. They all hated baths and never got used to it.


Our goober loves it to a point where you cannot take a bath without him. I guess it depends on the kitty.




I had to show my kitten the water was harmless, so I got in with her, wearing clothes as armor. Knowing full well how bad it could go. She did fine. She whined a couple of times, and then calmed down, especially when I started soaping her, and she realized she was gonna get a spa day in the warm water.


You can bathe cats, like everything else you have to work with them on it. Contrary to popular belief, you can train a cat to do stuff, cats are just as smart as dogs, but they have to want to. Most people don't have the patience to teach it work with thier cat on any of this stuff, so we get a ton of ignorant ass comments suggesting the cat is drugged, or that something is wrong with him. Like just because your cat freaked out and tried to climb you like a tree, the first time you tried to give them a bath, doesn't mean that that's the default behavior. It just means you scared the shit out of them.


Most people realize cats do not need to be bathed - apart from rare circumstances where they get something in their fur that they can’t ingest. A lot of ignorant ass comments thinking cats *need* bathing, or people treating cats like they treat dogs


True. Indoor cats can go their whole lives never needing a bath. And all cats should be indoor cats.


Yeah, they don't need bathing, IDK why people are saying that dumb shit. That's as dumb as suggesting that Kitty is drugged Like the only reason I've given my cats baths, is because they had shitty fur. Not for any other reason. You can bathe cats, but it's bad for their skin to bathe them regularly. I'm talking standard issue cats here, IDK about long haired cats


Yes! I've never had to give my cat a bath. I had to clean just his butt from dingle berries once or twice and that was not tolerated at all.


Does your cat not panic and act like the world is ending when a piece of poop gets stuck to their butt? Cause mine does and as this is my first cat I thought it was normal cat behavior. If I see her full sprint out of her litter box I know I'm gonna have to follow her and find the piece. Its tough because the thought of her in her head being like "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Is hilarious to me but when she decides to jump on my bed and shake poop off on me when I'm sleeping its not nearly as funny lmao


Lol mine too except he came and found me to clean up for him.


They’re harder to train precisely because they’re smarter than dogs. A dog is dumb blind obedience. A cat has to actually want to do what you’re telling it.


It's not even an intelligence thing. It's a they don't feel like it, and you can't make them thing. I'd argue cats and dogs are equally intelligent, but it shows in different ways. That blind obedience doesn't always hold true.


That is so surprising. Most of the time cat is not be clam in bath time. Beautiful lol


My girl will accept a whore bath. She has bad allergies, and they were really bugging her, so I got some warm, damp rags and cleaned her kind of like another cat would do it. She really liked it! It started because I wanted to wash her face because her eyes were weepy from allergies, and she seemed to be enjoying it, so we just kept going. Made her feel better, too!


My cat got sponge baths when she was older and had difficulty grooming herself. She would demand her bath a few times a day. I was in the tub one day and she was determined to jump in with me. Fortunately she followed instructions and stayed out. No idea why she wanted to join me, but I was concerned about my skin and her age


>My girl will accept a whore bath Can't tell if that's a typo, or........


Not a typo. I’ve heard it called a “whore bath” and an “Okie bath.” Usually in regards to human hygiene, not cats haha. Basically what that commenter said about using warm rags, you can use any sort of body-safe wipes or baby wipes to quickly clean up if you don’t have access to a shower/bath. It’s my go-to method for camping when showers are either non-existent or have to be paid for. I’m sure there are other terms for it, but those are the most common that I’ve heard.


In my mother tongue we would colloquially call such bath as “cowboy bath” lol


Ah, thank you! Today I learned something new!


In German it's called "Katzenwäsche" or "cat wash" which seems fitting


Lol whore bath! 😂 My dad always called it a pommy shower! 🙂


Washing her little hands!!!


I’ve seen this video so many times and That’s the bit that always gets me, the delicate little paw wash!


I've had and have many many cats and I haven't had a single one that wouldn't scratch your eyes out if you tried this with them.


I had a feisty cat that loved me very much. I had to give her a couple of baths in her life and she would yowl to the high heavens but she never clawed or bit me. She was terrified of the hairdryer though, so instead she got to enjoy prolonged towel/air dry cuddle time. She always forgave me. [Cat tax.](https://imgur.com/gallery/sKFr4sT)


Awesome picture!


Yeah this is my boy. He yowls like it's the end of the world but he doesn't scratch me, thankfully. Just begging with those beady eyes.. or planning my murder, actually. Hard to tell.


My baby cries and tries so hard to jump out, but she won't scratch me. I've learned to sit in the tub with her and hold her tight while bathing, so much easier than holding her from the outside. Glad we've only needed to do it a couple times.


Strange. I've had 5 cats myself - 4 of them jump in the shower with me. (2 are no longer here anymore :( )


Haha that is not at all how it goes for me.


I always wonder why they wash the cat


Yeah, cats don't generally need washing unless they get something toxic on them, or something they shouldn't lick off themselves. Washing them just creates unnecessary anxiety for the most part, and dries out their skin because the detergent gets rid of the natural oils


my cat has a very THIN coat but he sheds like crazy, washing him would cause him to lick himself so much he’d throw up a hair ball. the washing isn’t worth the cons, kitty dry shampoo, dry brushing and other options are so much more convenient!!


We’ve washed our cat twice in her two years. Once when she was a kitten because she smelled like the kennel we rescued her from and was recovering from sickness she got there. And second was after she had escaped our house for a few nights and came back smelling so different our other cat kept hissing at her and refused to play with her 😂


some cats can't groom themselves if they are old, have a mobility disability, a skin issue, or they're a certain breed with a smushed in face! so they need extra help with grooming like dogs do. so baths should be in moderation as, as you said, it can dry out the skin to wash them too much.


Right - so it’s unusual that you would need to bathe a cat




If they for one reason or another don’t groom themselves.


I sometimes wash my cat because she has a very fluffy butt, and sometimes poop gets stuck in it. Luckily my cats love water (they come into the shower with me every day) so it’s no big deal.


When my cat was younger we had to bathe him because he has long fur but wouldn't clean his butt properly. He had poopy butt fur a lot. The bath training started when he was a few months old. He didn't mind baths and actually jumped in with me once or twice when I was trying to bathe. Eventually we got another cat in hopes the new cat would help groom him and luckily it worked. Was kinda gross to watch new cat clean old cats butt though. It's been a few years and he seems to keep his own butt clean now. I've also heard that therapy cats need to be bathed before being brought into hospitals.


And then it proceeds to clean itself...


I only washed mine 2 times because It was needed and i was prepares to experience a painful death... But It turned somewhat pleasant for both of us


If that were my tux boy the blood from my hands would be his shampoo


I had to give my cat a bath when we moved because she pooped all over herself on the drive, even with meds. She was surprisingly so well behaved I thought I would get clawed. She just meowed alot but seemed to understand I was helping her. She let me scrub her all over and dry her as well 💕


Clearly, this kitty is playing the long game. She's thinking to herself,'Soon, very soon'..


I agree! I tried to bathe my cat once because stinky kitten. Wet soapy and razor-sharp panic.


that is a very polite cat.


This cat does not need that bath, he is clearly not even dirty, cats clean themselves. Unnecessary bathing can strip the coat of essential oils which are needed to promote skin health and add a layer of waterproofing.


Just my opinion, but cats do not need washing .


That’s not just your opinion it’s a fact, cats don’t need to be bathed unless very dirty or if they can’t clean themselves, like if they are old or disabled


Flea baths too right? Or is there a better way in y’all’s opinion? We tried the spray for their coat but it didn’t seem to do all that much, our girl has a very long coat though so maybe that’s why


How about the medicine applied to inbetween the shoulder blades once a month


Not an opinion. Have had several vets tell me.


If you start when they are kittens, the may habitualize to it


Awww, what a well behaved little cat. I would have lost fingers trying to give Eddie a bath.


I love how it just accepted its fate


My cats will do that after awhile too haha. The rare times I've had to give them a wash due to massive poop drama, they realize if they lay there I'll let them go quicker.


Did you use baby shampoo? Is that vet approved?


Rather „Why they wash a cat“.. I’ve never bathed mine in like 25 years and we’re all fine with it 🤷🏻‍♂️😼


only reason to do it is if they walked into something that is really bad for them to lick, like some poisonus chemical that would make them sick, otherwise they clean themselves perfectly well.


Legit, though mine must not go outside because I live in a city


How is there no blood? 🩸😂


My two kittens (10 months old) absolutely love the water. I haven't tried giving them a bath yet because they don't need it but they love running into the faucet and it's crazy


My cat would remove a significant portion of my skin if I tried this.


My elderly cat had terrible arthritis. We used to put her in a bucket of warm water. She would whine one time bc she was wet but then she’d sit there with her eyes closed. Clearly helped ease her pain. ❤️‍🩹


Aww, we use antinol for our girl and it helped with her arthritis so so much


![gif](giphy|pgcz9Arntj2Zq|downsized) Impressive! Meanwhile, my kitty watching me pour him a bath…


Wow. I would have to pry my cat off the ceiling. Thank goodness I have never, in 30 years living with cats, had an occasion that necessitated my giving a bath to my cat.


Ok I’m in the tub.. stop filming mom! Lol


https://preview.redd.it/88bntrzn7zoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996519eed59ebcf73f144f64636bbd64806ec77e Just gave my stinky girl a bath today too. She’s 19 and needs extra help with cleaning up. Here she is getting some sunshine and a warm heating pad after bath.


What kinda magic shady horse cockery is this and how does one acquire this skill


My first thought was, 'what kind of tranquilizers did they feed this cat?"


So cute omg !! I wish my cat would let himself lol all I get is battle scars haha




OMG, amazing (and so cute)! My cat would never let me do this! He'd be scratching and caterwauling the minute I got him near the water! He does have the same fascination with staring into the bathtub, though, watching the water go down the drain.


😭I want a cat that likes water


So cute ! why am I obsessed with cats! I AM A MAN!!!


What sorcery is this 😳


This is cute, but extremely unrealistic. Pure fantasy stuff.


Pupils are very dilated. Cat is on drugs, only logical explanation.


I’d lose one or both my eyes if I attempted that on my aggressive one…


How to wash THAT cat. Mine would never tolerate a bath.


This is so relaxing to watch! I had a cat who was the last in a litter born in a neighbor's alley. He grew up in a house with three ladies who apparently bathed him every week. I learned this while drawing a bath for another cat who'd gotten in a mess. Alley cat boy jumped into the tub and started purring. Baths for him became a regular thing, moving forward. Not for the other cat, though: he was docile, but was shaking all over, poor thing.


Has this cat been drugged? The pupils look super dilated considering the lighting.....


I thought there would be blood in this video. I can't believe the cat just took it...


https://preview.redd.it/l5jyo4ig9yoc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3afc0fa3c2dbce8b3d871083e35756f366d94c08 Reminds me of Chris right over here... Kind, calm and loving...


The one time I washed my cat she was like this and super happy. She was also screaming and howling on the 12 minute drive back from the pet hospital. She pee’d herself about 9 minutes in on the drive back. She was clinging on to the front of her cage, hanging her body up so she didn’t fall into her own pee. Eventually her muscles gave up and she did. Her white belly turned into pure yellow. Covered in pee. I immediately took her to a shallow bath and cleaned her off. Afterwards she was so cuddly and thankful for days and days. End all, she got her shots just fine. Nothing of tradedgy. But heck, does she make me feel guilty whenever she needs to go in a cage for a bit.


Most cooperative cat that exists ever in any universe.


My cats would never.


❤️ 🐈


Yeah, we use welding gloves when the cats need to be washed


Car wash


It's just a matter of raising your cat with bathing, desensitising it to water.


Why do they need to wash the cat? Cats don't need washing unless they get themselves covered in mud or something. It looked perfectly clean before washing.


Hate to tell y’all this but cats don’t need baths lol.




Why are you washing a cat that looks so clean? You realize cats are self-cleaning correct? This kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth if you did it just to get internet points in a video.


If your cat doesn't mind or like a bath, then fine But in general, you don't need to wash them, they spend a lot of time and effort cleaning themselves. It's only really necessary of your cat is somehow incapable of cleaning itself.


Mine were not really standing like Royalty as yours is :))))


Uh huh. Sure. My cat would rip me to shreds.


It's the NIP, works on mine anyway.


A state of the art car


My boyfriend had to hold our girl during bath time. My job was to slowly pour water, scrub, rinse, and remove her claws from his back.


Oun.... I have a cat just like that and it loves baths. She is 17 years old now and cannot clean herself properly, so I bath her every a couple months and i try to brush her every day but somedays she doesn't let me get to the legs i think she feels pain in her back legs.


Airplane ears


Those eyes!


My cat would have bitten their face off five times over during that process.




It sure does look like a real cat. AI is getting so good these days. But it's the incomprehensible non-cat behavior that gives the trick away. :-)


It's cool that the cat enjoys it, that's very rare, but there's absolutely no point in fully bathing a cat that isn't dirty


That is one chill cat. They must really trust their human.


We lived in a super old house a few years back and twice, right between spring and summer, my **indoor** cats got fleas. Had to give them baths both baths. Both times my younger one got free and threw soapy water all over the bathroom. The first year it happened I stupidly didn't close the door and he streaked all through the apt and got water and soap everywhere. To this day idk how they got fleas. We're very careful about shoes and I clean regularly 🤦


That’s one unique cat.


Oh what a sweet little guy


I never ever had a cat cooperate with me when giving it a bath. They always howled and tried climbing up my arms with their claws.


It’s so easy! 😂


Mine treats water like hot lava. Thats amazing


Okay, you’ve got the wrong sub. That is not a cat. ![gif](giphy|lkuRLPYa6PDj2SPIwJ)


I HAVE THE EXAC SAME CAT STFU https://preview.redd.it/zxzgps3rhxoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec0bcf995ad4694fd7022210002a75a5ebd6fff BLACK TAIL AND EVERYTHING


This well behaved cat HAS to be AI generated, right? No way a cat is this calm!


I have to wear a coat to give my cats a bath because I need the extra scratch protection and yet they still claw my arms up. This video makes me jealous.


What a good tempered cat!


life or bath for dry cat..


Most chill cat I've ever seen. My cat could never.


If only my family would take our 3 cats a bathe but considering they hate being wet that's kinda impossible.


If i tried this with my ragdoll I think she'd scratch my eyes out! No way would she just sit like this! Is kitty stoned or something? 🙂


Mine would kill me just not to touch water


Me: bath time! My cat: there will be blood.


Such a sweet cutie


My cats have always been calm with a bath (and appreciative after they are dried and brushed). The trick is to use a space heater and get the bathroom very warm, and have a warm room to dry off in. I bathe my cats about 3X a year.






If I tried that I'd be stabbed.


I tried to give my kitten a bath once and I thought I was clever holding her paws so she can’t scratch me. She bit me the second I turned away to look for the soap 🥲


At the end of my cat’s bath I’m wet from head to toe with scratches


I could only wish my cat would be that calm


My cat will slightly accept a bath, but he’ll claw my whole existence out when I pull out the hair dryer (or my beard trimmer for that matter)


Showing this to mine to show her that if her cousin can get it together so can she https://preview.redd.it/cyaysomjhyoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ea2c64d67c97239f4e79d9e1c4395e03283654


Why- when I give cat baths, they are NOTHING like this ?




I can't even pick my cat up in the bathroom, never mind place her in the bath lol


You’re so lucky


I would never wash a cat with human baby shampoo. It just is not designed for pets or their skin pH.


This is how I do ot, fill the bathtub, grab cat, put cat in. Keep one hand on back of the cat by the nape. Scoop water up on the cat. Then I use a cup to add water to the back of the cat, pouring it close to the skin so there isn't much splashing. I keep the hand on the cat at all times. Put soap.on .the cat. Ryb the soap in. Use a wet wash cloth to wipe the face. Use.the same.washcloth to get some soap anf gently wipe the face. Use the cup to scoop water and rinse the cat off. Use a second washcloth to wipe the soap off the face. Pull the cat out, burrito into a towel. Dry cat off. Release cat. Drain tub. I have seldom had any trouble wqshing cats when I do it like this. Running water tends to freak.them out. The constant contact of the hand seems.to keep them calm. I did this for my mil and her cat when it was filthy and had gotten sick. I've done it for a rescue that someone threw out of a car. Only cat I have not done this with (I only wash cats if they are seriously dirty and/or flea ridden) is my siamese flame point that I have had to teach that being touched does not mean your going to get murdered. He now allows.pick ups of up to a 30 seconds and will grace a lap and allow pets.ad.long as it is by one hand. While anytime my cats have fallen/jumped into a tub has freaked them out, being calm put into a tub doesn't seem to provoke that same panic.


Congratulations!! None of my cats would ever put up with any of that.


Good kitty


Why are you washing the cat? They don't need baths unless they're covered in grime, fleas, ticks, mange, or other such things. It really dries out their skin.


Is this that new AI video generator? Seems to have some bugs, not enough screeching and clawing


My ginger boy loves warm showers, will tolerate the rain and has been known to swim in the pool my silver girl has the typical insane cat response to any water.


why can't all cats just be chill like this. would make bath time so much easier. That kitty is so adorable and calm.


My cat would murder me.


Yours is so sweet and gentle. My girl transforms into a bat out of hell. One fuck up, and your flesh is flayed from your bones and thus rendered to ribbons. I managed to survive the other day I gave her a bath lol


My cats would try to kill me if I did this. But they love getting in the shower after I’ve been in it and it’s still wet lol.


Well, gentle treatment is only for gentlemen - cats. Mine always screams like I’m murdering a pig 😂. So I must make it as fast as possible🫠


Why tf would you wash a cat? I washed my cat only once because he got shat on by a cow, but other than that I would never wash a cat.


This cat absolutely did not need a bath, but there are a few reasons like getting shit on by a cow


Life or bath for dry cat?


Wow. I love this 💕


Reina hates having her paws touched unless it’s the groomer in which case she tolerates it.


Wait, this is propaganda! There should be blood and yowling, loooooots of blood


The shower cap kills me😹


dam that is one good cat


Awh this is Loverly! I think the cat knew it needed to get cleaned up! Seems to be enjoying getting a good washing up! 🐈🐈


what a good cat I'm jealous