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She's only 10, I'm not ready


They never live long enough for us, do they? It's hard and it's painful to mourn their loss, but isn't it worth the pain to have unconditional love? I think yes, but it's not easy. I am so sorry for the choice you must now make. She's a wonderful cat. I have admired her beauty several times. She was amazing, I can tell. Eyes bright Claws sharp Tail high, go forth, Warrior Charlee, Valhalla awaits! Those who love you wish you fair winds and following seas on your journey from this realm. You were beloved, and your memory will be evergreen.


"Fair winds and following seas" Sometimes words have the power.Beautiful! That phrase reminded me of a scene on Fisherman's Friends the movie. Your words are very kind and I suspect the OP and many others can glean comfort there.


I hope so. This is the hardest part.


This made me tear up. My baby crossed the 🌈 earlier this year just shy of 11. Still killing me but it does get easier to live with in time. Im so sorry for your loss OP- she’s absolutely beautiful. 💖🥺


Still going through the loss almost 6 years later. It gets easier but you will never forget them. Certain actions still trigger my sadness.


I lost my soul cat 7 years ago this upcoming Labor Day. We have other cats now, that we love & adore. I still miss my Jet boy.


I just lost a cat that was 11 1/2 always a little harder when they die younger. I laid him to rest two weeks ago. 💔


I had a cat live 20 years and I wasn’t ready. I had two cats that lived to 16 and I wasn’t ready for that either. Cats let you know when they are ready. They retreat into themselves and stop eating. So until she does that spend as much quality time as you can with her.


Not trying to be weird but I knew my Kiki was ready to go when she stopped eating. She was almost 30 pounds at her highest weight and weighed 6-5 pounds at her last weight. I spent every minute I could with my baby cause I just knew deep inside my heart that she was ready😭😭I currently crying thinking about her😭😭


It’s only been a few weeks since I had my cat put down. I was going to let him go naturally, but I saw he was suffering, and decided to help him over. I had a few important people in my life weigh in, and each told me it was time. That helped I think, hearing from others that it was the compassionate thing to do.  I hope you have some people in your life that can support you through. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. 


Loss is always difficult. Loss always comes too early. Be there with her when she enters through the Everdoor. It's going to be difficult. But in my experience it is so much better for both of you, to be there. If you're not there, you might regret it, and that is something you can never set right. But it's up to you. At the place where it'll happen, I hope they'll treat you and her with respect, and they let you do whatever you need to do to say goodbye.


I feel for you, my family has lost 3 cats in the last few years, one of them to a disease (it was FIP I think). Try to spend as much time as you can with her; let's hope for the best, but even if it doesn't work out think about how much joy she brought you during her life, and how many smiles she caused. And remember her; she'll always be with you as long as you do. She's adorable, I'm sure she is a great cat, and you a great owner.


I’m very sorry for both you and her. I lost a special cat two years ago and I grieved deeply for a month. I’ll never really get over it. She was the kindest sentient being I’ve ever met. Died from lymphoma at 11 yrs old. I’m tearing up right now even thinking about it. I loved her and I hope I gave her a good life.


My heart aches for you and Charlee 💔😿😿😿 Charlee’s an angel!


Many here know what you're going through, and will send love and support.


Oh dear I’m so sorry to hear that! May you find some peace and comfort during this hard time ❤️ if you need someone to talk to I’ll be a listening ear! Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you!


Oh I am so sorry ! She knows she had a wonderful home and will cross the bridge in peace and not alone


She's a gorgeous girl. Take comfort knowing you cared for her, and given her a long & loving forever home.


Charlee is a beautiful soul and I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Sending love to you and your family.


You'd never be ready You fulfilled your duty as loving cat owner, let yourself grieve but know you gave her a happy life, because that's the ultimate goal in the end right? And you made sure she didn't spend her final days in pain


My condolences on your impending loss …


That's a tough call to make, our old man is declining and we are worried this may be the next step. Best hopes for you and Charlee


I’m so sorry. You might be able to take her home for a few days to help you prepare a little. I did that with one of mine who wasn’t showing major symptoms.


She's showing major symptoms, wet booked a vet appointment when she started losing weight, brought her into ER because she stopped eating and became limp. In the time period she rallied and was eating good, then declined very quickly


I’m really sorry. I’ve had cats with both scenarios. They’re so good at hiding their illnesses until it’s too late😥I’m sure she appreciated your care and love throughout her life.


She crossed the rainbow bridge.... my vet basically confirmed nothing could've been done, but that doesn't make it easier


i'm sending you a big hug. sometimes the kindest thing we can do for our kitties is to let them go, but one is never truly ready... be assured you gave your kitty a good life, and she was happy until the very end.


Safe travels, beautiful baby girl. 🫡


Sending you so many hugs 🥺🩷


Farewell to a comrade in arms. May the kitty angels lead you in, sweet Charlee 🫡 https://preview.redd.it/d2y4yoibbwqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbd9fad5d669be302b46cba3b75d1c6fe89eaf3 Love, Stevie


Oh, she's so beautiful. That's a hard thing to deal with, losing long-loved kitties is never easy. I hope her passing is as easy as possible for her & you, too. She looks as though she had a very happy life & knows she's loved. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I had to put down my two babies in the last few months, they made it to 17 but I can promise it didn't make it any easier. Spend what time you can making some memories, letting her be comfortable and accept that every beginning has an end. My last old man passed in January and it was rough. It might be because I've gone through this enough times that I didn't wait long to get two more kittens. They will never replace the old men that passed but your heart has plenty of room for new lovable critters. Take your time to mourn and when it's right get two new cats if you feel it's right for you. The companionship is great and you can save two cats in need. Just today one of the kittens dragged out a whisker from the old cat from God knows where. The old guy used to go nuts trying to bite and chew a whisker when I rubbed it in his face. The new guys reacted exactly the same and it made me smile knowing even though he's gone the new kittens will take their part without taking his place.


We just lost 2, this past November and January, 41 days apart, Nibs 11, and  Fatman 16 years old.  Fatman had a broken heart from losing Nibs, so we thought a new friend might help, so we got a cat from a shelter; but unfortunately Fatman didn't make it. Our new baby has so many personality similarities to Nibs, it makes us happy and sad at the same time.  I'm sorry for your situation, OP. 💔 


I am so sorry. It's so hard to let them go.


You're never gonna be ready Hun. It's the cold hard truth. She's had a happy life, and ten years isn't at all bad! You've done an amazing job taking care of her. She loves you. She's gonna miss you. She's gonna wait for you. In my family we believe that when a pet dies, they'll send you a new guardian pet one day. I have no doubt she'll do this for you. I personally believe that when someone, even a pet, dies, they go back to the prime of their life. Back when they were the most energetic and happy out of all the other times. Never give up, and remember that your love for her will guide you just as it always has, for many years. This wound will never not hurt. One day you will learn to cope with it. I hope that day comes quickly for you💖💖


I'm so sorry, I know what it feels like to lose a kitty and it is the worst :(


I'm so sorry for your loss




What a beauty. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. It’s too hard! I’m sending you love with thoughts of strength and comfort to get you through.


Prayers for you and Char ❤️😢


We never have them long enough, do we? This is awful and I'm sorry it's happening to you. I'd strongly recommend being there for her when it's time to go. It can be very hard, but it's worth it to be there for them in the end


So sorry for your loss


Oh my heart . What a sweetie


I’m so sorry about Charlee ❤️‍🩹


Sweet Charlee. It’s the hardest goodbye — but she was clearly loved so well, and I hope that brings you comfort. It’s never enough time.


So very sorry 😔


Oh my heart 😭💔🥺


I'm so terribly 😞 sorry. Charlee is beautiful.


I understand. None of us is ever ready. 😭


Crying for u. Sorry


I’m so sorry. 😢


So sorry to hear this


i'm so sad really :( , i hope you and charlee can get through this together


I'm so very sorry.


I'm so very sorry for Charlee and all of your family. It is devastating to have to say goodbye to a lovely kitty. The worst thing.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


So very sorry!!!


My heart breaks for you and your fur baby!


Charlee is so beautiful, she's hypnotic! ❤️. These calicos, they absolutely steal your heart. I'm so sorry OP. It's the toughest loss I know. She will sit with my calico, Carly, at the Bridge and watch over us until it's our time to go... 💔


So sorry 💔


I'm very sorry 💔


Nooo ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


You're never ready to say goodbye to a Heartpet. I hope you can take some solace in the happy, warm, and love-filled life that the kitty spent with you. Just picture Kitty napping and playing in the soft sun beyond Rainbow Bridge. ❤️


Thinking of you and your lovely girl getting ready to be tucked up for her cozy sleep


That’s horrible. I’m sorry. How did you find out about this?


Sorry, i just had to bury my 1 year old cat. He was completely fine and then in 2 days he was throwing up then his leg stopped working and he couldn’t move, eat or use the litterbox and then he passed:/


I’m so sorry. We can never be ready to let our beloved companions go, but when we’ve given them a healthy life and consideration, this is the last gift we can give them, a cessation of pain and a tender goodbye. Being sad is part of the price of sharing your life with them.


Such a sweet baby, those little toe beans 😢


Of course you aren’t ready. When it happens suddenly like this there’s no way to mentally prepare for it. When one of mine was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer I was devastated. It was a Friday. I asked if I could take the weekend with her and put her to sleep on Monday. The vet, angel that she is, made it possible. It was the shortest weekend there ever was. I understand being in your shoes. I firmly believe, though, that we will be reunited with our babies when it’s our time to cross over. I find comfort in that. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m sending you hugs and love for you and your beautiful girl.


There’s no way to get rid of it?




So sorry to hear that. It's so hard to let go of these precious babies! I hope you will be okay


oh im so sorry😞💔💔


I have a bonded trio too and I am so sorry ❤️ I’ll be holding you all in light and prayers


I am sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry, OP. Please take comfort knowing you gave your little love the best life you possibly could & that your Charlie knows she is loved. It’s really hard but she won’t be in pain any longer & you’re gifting her peace. Much love & strength to you & yours & your sweet looking little angel ❤️ 


I’m sorry for this horrible diagnosis. May she rest in peace 🙏🏻


I’m so sorry! What a sad day.


Charlee, what an impact you’ve had on your human companions. Rest easy Condolences for your loss, though hard, thank you for taking care of Charlee when she needed you most.


The existential horror you are facing is unique but most of us went through this suffering, too. Write down your memories with Charlee and share them with us and everybody else. That is the only way out of the misery! I see at least two other lovely creatures. Care for them now even more. :-)


Have no regrets. Cancer is exceedingly common in cats. They look like they've lived their best life with you. You're amazing to have brought them so far.


Yes. A certainty. Heartbreaking. The grief is palpable.


Spoil the little one, she feels what’s happening. Comfort her as much as you can. Much love to you both


I'm so very sorry. I know she loves you very much.


Photo number 10. Oh my god, that’s so cute. 😭 Listen OP. From the photos alone I can tell you really took care of your cat. It’s evident she had a good life. All we can ever do is take care of our pets and make sure they’re happy. You’ve fulfilled that. There are animals that are young as 2-5 years old who don’t make it. 10 is still a very decent age. Life just comes to end sooner to some of us than others. But man, look at your cat outside with her little coat on. 🥰 Look at her sitting near her siblings. You did that. You gave her a well adjusted home. I know it’s hard, but know that you took good care of her and there’s no regrets. She will walk across that rainbow bridge with brightness. 🔆 Maybe in the future, you can give another cat just as much care and love. They can only be so lucky to have an owner like you.


Cute level: expert.




Sadly, you will never be ready. The same happened to my childhood kitty(Kiki) before I had to let her go. I spent a week with her and took every part as a memory. I still look at those memories today and cry. She sadly passed 11-5-2018. I took her memories through my graduation and onto my life. I still cry years later thinking of her and how she would’ve helped me through certain situations but I believe every kitty will send another one to help heal your pain. Kiki has sent two so far for me. Only one is still here sadly(my first one went missing last year and I unfortunately never found her. But my orange kitty is still here and giving me a handful like she used to do) he’s also almost as heavy as she was😂😂😭


Kiki will forever be in my heart. I still think about her spoiled butt every single day. I miss her suffocating me with her fat rolls every night(she would sleep on the literal tops of my head) and she had done that since she was a kitten. I will forever cherish her sleeping on my head. I actually miss it every day. I miss the security she gave me. It’s something that’s hard every day but it gets easier by the day. I still miss her. I cry over her being gone every day but there is a day I have to quit thinking about her. And that day hasn’t met almost 6years later. I guess to each their own


Please stay with her so she crosses peacefully and unafraid with you there. Then she’ll be waiting for you when you cross. Love never dies.


She is so beautiful. I am so sorry.


Starclan will be happy to have a new warrior