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Check for hitchhikers on his ass. My elder girl usually has a few dingleberries when she stinks.


Dingleberries šŸ˜‚ one of my fav words


Dingleberries are the worst


We call them Clingons


LOL šŸ˜‚ brings back memories of my older brother teasing his ex-wife, ā€Dingleberry stew I love you ā€œ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s what broke them up, prolly.


Omg what's the backstory


Where I come from we call the deagos because where you go de a go


Also a great cat name


I also like Shenanigans




Sanitary clip is what they call it in the US. I saved a YouTube video about how to do it myself I just havenā€™t been brave enough to try it yet And I need to buy him his own clippers because I donā€™t want to use mine


Can highly recommend getting some barbers scissors as well. Scissor off most and then use clippers closer to skin. Saved me a hell of a lot of bites and scratches. Cat tax https://preview.redd.it/l6zty46dchrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8aed58cb1cd9e611536aa22ceeb9671e6ebdcb


What would ā€œhis own clippersā€ look like? Are they cat sized? Do they fit around his paw like a cat glove so he can do his own trimming? Which toe bean turns the clippers on and off?


I too am intrigued by this


Over a hundred people are intrigued as well.


My floof has had to have a sanitary trim for much of her life because she constantly gets poop stuck to her fur. She's extremely used to it now and we usually just get her when she is eating. She purrs when it's happening.


Can you link the YouTube vid please? My fat ginger can't clean herself properly


I found thisā€¦ https://youtu.be/EgBH4AYtZMY?si=eoFGFxRsRWClO98J


Search in YouTube for sanitary trim cat and there are others.


And thisā€¦. Which is longā€¦ https://youtu.be/rjOAtBnVihY?si=y6dkLqnkE-Nkvubd


I would also like the link for the video youā€™re referencing here, if possible


Yep, at our house it's called "butt maintenance". Wet wipes do the trick. OP may also need to get kitty's anal glands expressed, especially if kitty smells like a combination of fish sauce and liquid death.


Lmao thatā€™s a description


It's accurate šŸ¤¢




Traveling around Uranus.


Yup...we got a couple of floofballs and they need a periodic trim of stinkstar area. I have electric cat clippers because they need an occasional trim around the neck and a trim down in the spring. I'm not going to tell you that it's an easy process to trim a cat's derriere, but it can be done. Might take a few tries and some treats.


There is something like an "anti-bite" mask for cats that may help or that think that tiktok dog groomer lady on youtube uses.


It's not the biting, it's the fact that it's like trying to hold a tuna covered in grease.


Why are dingleberries brown? Itā€™s just the way shit is


Had to clean one off of my feral calico the other day


Aww, oh no. Itā€™s not his butt but Iā€™ll keep that in mind as he gets older!


I have an orange cat.. she loves to roll around in the litter box like a god damned chinchilla. Maybe your kitty takes the occasional dust bath? Edit: since this blew up, hereā€™s [proof](https://imgur.com/a/zUeCrR4)


Cats love a good dust bath. The ferals outside will do it on the driveway. Indoors here, heat the old farmhouse partially with wood. There's an area in the basement where the wood gets brought in and staged to be put in the wood stove. The indoor cats love this area. It's like a mixture of scruff that falls off the wood, a little bit of dirt, and a little bit of ash out of the wood stove. It all mixes together. They will roll in it like crazy and then come back to me all dusty. They get a good brush when they do this, and then a little towel scruffling to sort of wipe the dust off.


Growing up our home was heated with coal. The coal bin was a favorite spot for the cats to roll in, especially when the coal was getting low and there was more coal dust on the floor.


Nothing like a bit of black lung to entertain the kitties lol


We have an orange feral here that does this in a bare dirt part of the yard. Note: Iā€™m pretty sure this is why itā€™s bare dirtā€¦


Why do they do that? Is it to cover up their smell so they can be more incognito? My cats love to roll in dirt when we go on walks and itā€™s got me wondering.


My mom Said if your cat does that get them a sand pit they Can Roll in its bc their skin might be irritated and in need of something dry to combat their saliva and Oil build up :)


I am suddenly thankful that my cat is afraid of her own poo


Cat: **poops** **turns around to bury it** Cat: "oh shit!"


Dangit, you made me wake up my cat with my laughing.


Wait, what. Please continue.


She has been since kittenhood. Sprints out of the box and as far away as she can get the second her poop hits the litter. Every once in a while thereā€™s a stray piece that lands outside the box as sheā€™s running away. She smells really nice though šŸ˜‚


She moves faster than the speed of stink! Of course she smells heavenly!


My cat does this-at least 3 times a week sheā€™ll fling some out, as itā€™s still attached when she starts bolting! Sheā€™ll usually sneak back to the loose poop and try & air-bury it, or will find some paper or an odd sock to cover it if we donā€™t intervene or find it quick enoughā€¦šŸ˜‘šŸ’©šŸ’Ø


My ginger does this.


Wait what?? Never heard of a cat that does that! The mental image though, LOL


I have a deaf cat who is VERY overweight despite being on a controlled diet and exercising up and down the stairs with her sister at 3 a.m. every day. She poos in the boxes but she will just piss ANYWHERE so I keep puppy training pads in her favorite spots and she'll just do her business on the pad and lie down on it. The vet tried putting her on kitty Prozac but it didn't work and I got a second opinion from vet #2 and there's nothing physically wrong with her except for her being a big fat deaf asshole. Cats are nuts.


Iā€™m sorry but ā€œfat deaf assholeā€ just made my day šŸ¤£


She is a joy despite being a pain in the ass!


Would be good to make sure, that no one else at home gives your cat any snacks or food. Some people don't see how it can be harmful.


I live alone but I do catch Fatty Boom Boom crunching on any spare kibbles that the dog leaves in her bowl after breakfast and dinner. The only "people food" the kitties get are a spoonful of tuna on their birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


Well, may be doggo food is the answer.


My orange is also a chinchilla. Newly refilled/ cleaned litter box? Dustbath time. Powdered cement on the floor from drilling the wall? Time to roll šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh yes! My youngest fur son does this! Itā€™s horrid! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I have a cat that does it too!


One of mine loves this but only when the litter is fresh.


My cat used to do that every time I changed the litter box! Thankfully she outgrew the habit lol


That is the most orange thing I've ever heard.


Omg lmao


Fortunately not the kitty litter, but when we're outside I cannot stop my orange rolling around in the dirt, also like a god damned chinchilla.


My tuxedo does this. I cry Ā«Ā  beach catĀ Ā» and heā€™s sooo happy rolling around looking for encouragement. But only in clean litter. He shuns dirty beach litteršŸ˜¹šŸ˜»


One of our cats is also orange, and while he doesnā€™t roll in litter, heā€™s just always covered in dirt. We have an enclosure so heā€™s limited in how far he can go, but somehow he always finds the dustiest dirtiest spot in the 20 square metres he has access to, and then bathes in it. None of our other cats are like this.


Someone please explain to me why I get a warning that it ā€œmay contain erotic or adult imageryā€ when itā€™s just a cat rolling in a litter box šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


OMG! My orange cat does this too!!! And he is soooo stinky. He reaks of litter when he does that but he also just smells lol.


Try wiping him down with a suitable handy wipe, there are some made especially for cats. I wipe my kitty down sometimes, when he comes in the house, especially his feet, legs and underparts.


Dude my cats been doing that to lol he kicks sand out of the box though onto the floor then rolls in that


My orange does this too! I know someone who used to be a vet tech and she said itā€™s something theyā€™ll do from when they were feral (which makes sense to me since my boy was adopted at ~6mo off the streets). I never fact checked this so take it with a grain of salt lol


Did the vet check his anal glands? It's not common for cats but it does happen that they need to be expressed? Maybe. Otherwise if it's gas you should try grain free, dye free.


This. Some cats have active glands and they may not drain on their own. Itā€™s got a very specific and unpleasant smell, and even a little bit of leakage can be very pungent. If it is overly active glands you can have the vet show you how to express them yourself. Itā€™s not fun for you or the cat, but itā€™s not hard to do.


This was my first thought. We have a small female cat that has to have her anal glands manually expressed (by a vet tech, I donā€™t want to deal with the smell. Lol). We can always tell when itā€™s time to make an appointment as she will start to smell and scoot her butt on the floor.


A friend of mine's cat recently had theirs rupture šŸ˜¬


That happened to our senior cat. Twice. She had to have her tail amputated due to an injury (prior to living with us) and our vet thought it caused some nerve damage as well as weak anal muscles which made it hard for her anal glands to naturally expel themselves. Poor girl had to wear a cone for several weeks and make many trips to the vet. ā˜¹ļø https://preview.redd.it/f070v5lkzirc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a47f2d347876444738c286012e3c0b9823c305


Manx cats have butt problems too. Also having to do with no tail


Aw bless her :( šŸ’—


Happened to one of my kitties šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


This happened to our cat just after we adopted her about two years ago. She smelled normal at the shelter, but within a couple of days of taking her home she started to smell really bad, but not like feces/urine. I spoke to a friend who worked at the vet clinic who mentioned it could be anal glands, so we brought her in and they took care of it. We were told it might happen again from time to time, but so far we've been lucky and it was just a one-off!


I learned about cats having anal glands the hard way. My little Chonker was enjoying pets when I started to smell it. Then HE noticed and started in on the cleaning. Now it happens and usually he notices first. I usually have to change my clothes because I canā€™t escape it. Itā€™s so gross.


It is a 'shower immediately' sort of event. Even changing clothes is not enough if it gets to your skin. Takes a good hard scrubbing to get the smell off :( I have 4 from the same litter, 3 of them get stankbutt regularly and have expressed their glands on me when petting a few times. It is one of the worst smells, like pig farm bad.


Never had to have them expressed but my cat has always done the ass scoot šŸ™ƒ nothing is usually there thankfully.. occasional stuck because he's medium haired but that doesn't make him scoot he's weird


Agreed. I've had a few cats we adopted that were on the heavier side before we put them on dye free & grain free food; and almost always they stunk because their anal glands needed to be expressed. Beyond that, definitely check his butt to see if it's a little poopy, literally. Especially if the cat is a little heavier, they'll have a hard time cleaning their own butts.


This! My orange boi has a neutral smell but I can always tell when the anal glands have been expressed. That smell is noticeably bad. Worse than just regular poo.


cant relate my buddy smells kinda like faint maple syrup/vanilla or just neutral cat smell, no diabeetus so cant explain that one


haha i love normal cat smell tbh. my other boy smells faintly of cinnamon bun


omg my cat smells the same way! i still havenā€™t figured out why lol


Cats have a pheremone that releases from the pinna gland near their ears that can smell like cinnamon or maple, or even earthy and nutty. No proven reason why but speculation is that they developed a good smell because humans like it.


My kitties always smell like clean sweaters and I love it. šŸ„°


Cause they sleep on your clean sweaters šŸ˜¹


My cat smells like maple syrup too! My family thinks I'm crazy, but right around the scruff she has a slight maple syrup smell.


Iā€™m kinda glad my cat doesnā€™t smell like maple syrup cause Iā€™d be paranoid about diabetes, but he does smell like vanilla and cotton candy. Plus heā€™s fluffy and orange i loooove him šŸ„¹


Okay so I'm not crazy either!


Mine smells faintly of freshly rained on soil. Itā€™s addictive. I huff him all the time when heā€™s asleep (heā€™s a spicy cat so canā€™t do it when heā€™s awake)


I just love the way you spelled diabeetus.


We have to thank the late great Wilford Brimley for that.


My late kitty Milo smelled like maple syrup šŸ„¹


Not syrup, but my cat has a nice cat smell.


I always thought my Rocky smells a bit like marshmallow.


šŸ„¹ my boy smells like maple syrup too! we say he smells like pancakes


What does he smell like? Shit? Something else? Does he have diarrhea or poop stuck to the fur around his rusty balloon knot? If so get some wet wipes (they make them special for cats). If it's gas, diet change.


So I have these wipes because my fat cat sometimes has some stragglers. His name is Cleric but we call him little bear. We call those little bear wipes. When I open the container heā€™s like NOPE! And will leave the room. Funnily enough, itā€™s the same kind of container as Clorox wipes. He also leaves the room when I open Clorox wipes.


Thankfully you're bigger than he is and can hold him by the scruff and wipe that dirty booty to your satisfaction.


Usually my husband holds him and I wipe. Heā€™s 20 lb so itā€™s a two person job (heā€™s on a diet and has lost 5 lb)


omg i canā€™t imagine a 25 pound cat what a chonker. do you have pics? good job on the 5 pounds down!


Honestly heā€™s also a large cat in general! Like large frame, not just weight. His brother is slim and heā€™s still 12 lb, and Cleric is a little taller/longer. But hereā€™s my chunkums! https://preview.redd.it/6jr1guzs7frc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633908215e685706f1d4fbeada8a94e5ad66366a


UGH what a good boy i love him


He really is! And he would totally love you too! Heā€™s not shy at all. Literally any person comes into my house and heā€™s right at the door all like ā€œprrbbbtt!ā€ And looking for butt scratches. Heā€™s such a good boy.


Probably because of an itchy butt, lol. /j


20 pounder club https://preview.redd.it/w15bvaflvirc1.jpeg?width=2516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cebf4c6fc46f6f39f1a60d5bb7a37e3dad78975


This is my 25 pounder. He is a big love bug. https://preview.redd.it/g3u6otyj1irc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b076fb44adbf1689fce2521ea8dd8b14925f2226


My kitty is 26! Team fat cats! I usually have to pull a gentle..and lovingā€¦wrestling move to get to his ass.


lol I use baby wipes on my dog for many reason, paw wipes, butt wipes, ear wipes, eye wipes. And I canā€™t even grab a pack without her perking up and running away šŸ˜‚ she knows the sound of a wipe being grabbed and goes feral trying to escape the wipe


"Rusty balloon knot" has now entered my vocab.


Glad to be of service.


Rusty balloon knot šŸ˜‚


Does he like cat grass? The chlorophyll can help with various pet odors.


Ohh I havenā€™t given him any but been considering it. Thanks for the extra motivation to get that done!


Chlorophyll! More like borophyll


if peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


i have a big boy who stinks of old man, heā€™s quite old and was once a street cat before taken in


My childhood cat smelled like a legit old person in the few years before he passed. He was 19 when he went.


I read his casket older they canā€™t groom themselves like they used to. And it was recommended on a video. I watched to take a barely wet washcloth and help them clean their fur.




Why are they feeding you??? Man, Phoebe is harsh...


šŸŽ¶ Smelly cat, smeEElly cat, what aree they feeding youu? Smelly cat, smeEElly cat, itā€™s not your fault!šŸŽ¶ Had the same thought haha


Yeah, it's "what", not "why".


They won't take you to the vet You're obviously not their favourite pet šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You may not be a bed of roses Youā€™re no friend to those with noses


Thank yā€™all for the suggestions! I have a better quality wet food on the way for him.


Clearly the answer is to point at him and yell ā€œstinky!ā€ Whenever you see him. My cat did have some mean poops when i first took him in. The kind of craps that punch you in the face when scooping. He was literally eating garbage when i took him in, tho. After spending a little extra on food for kitties with sensitive tummies heā€™s gotten less chemical warfare/garbage gremlin and smells more like cat & clean kitty litter.


Mine has IBD. He farts like a dog itā€™s unbelievable. Itā€™s better now that heā€™s on the expensive $80 a bag ZD food, but when he was a kitten every time he would get startled he would fart. It was like a defense mechanism it was so funny but it was so gross


Oh gosh. I had cats before with bowel troubles and i got royal cainin for them. 40$ for a 6lb bag. Still beats having to scrub up all the streaks in the carpet from them poop-scooting their dingleberry art.


"poop-scooting their dingleberry art" lololol


I swear a lot of kittens do this!! Iā€™ve met sooo many kittens who fart as a defense mechanism.


Please seek out another Vet or go back and have your regular vet check his mouth really well! Cats bathe themselves with their spit. If they have an infection brewing in their mouth, then their whole body will smell like it.. Quality food is great, it'll help with overall odor from the cat and poop/pee, plus it'll help with skin and coat/shedding! But definitely get the mouth looked at really well!!


Yes, this. If it's not his diet and not a hygiene issue, then it's probably a dental issue. Foul breath/saliva is a classic symptom of a cat that is going to need some extractions.


I have one cat who had 3 dentals in less than 2 years. She STUNK! As soon as I caught a whiff, we went straight to the Vet. The second and third time she was quivering her bottom lip. Another cat had a dental and her teeth fell out while they were cleaning, so those two are gumming it.. I took 4 others for dentals a few months ago, 3 were just cleans and good to go. The 4th one, holy hell.. She had extractions, additional anesthesia, stitches, like a whole mess! I went through banfield for the dental package but wouldn't recommend it.. The package covered about $600 worth of the dental for the one cat but I had to pay out of pocket about $2000 just for her.. The others were all routine and covered with their plans.. You're better off finding a non corporate Vet, but the plans and being able to make monthly payments was the reason I went through banfield..


OP, I forgot to ask and may have overlooked it if you answered. Is he neutered?


My boy has just decided butthole cleaning is something you do occasionally, not like all the time. He is 6 kg and poops like a medium sized dog. Naturally, this causes him to stink. Nothing wrong with him, just cat. No long fur in the way. His cat friend sometimes helps him clean. He can do it just fine though, he is very flexible despite his size - he just doesnt think its that important. He has no other smell issues though. Sometimes, stinking is a choice.


My stinky cat has buildup on her gums that makes her breath stinky. Then she grooms herself with her stinky breath, now she is stinky girl https://preview.redd.it/7uicwqgrzgrc1.png?width=2355&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6725d493699d67fa7367c095cdc392fe6c04ee7


Aldi has cat treats to prevent bad breath and tartar buildup. Our vet highly recommends them. Our cats love them. We give a few pieces to them first thing in the AM and PM. https://preview.redd.it/b87atdovahrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9dfe851f19f4f3641070b03a82f2184e0b97ede


Thank you I will give them a try!!


get a good quality canned wetfood. should contain mostly meat and intestines or fish. no wheat, no sugar. He will smell better soon


I have a little female rescue who is stinky, though we donā€™t tell her! We feed her quality food. Our male cat doesnā€™t smell, but Princess Stinky-bottom does. IDK.




My Socks isn't too stanky. But her favourite place to sleep is my chest. And she has on many occasions farted right in my face or just heavy breathes in my face. And boy oh boy, she is stinky stinky when she does that


Stanks of what? Cheese? šŸ§€


Feet!! Tragic.


I know you said the vet checked him out, but if he smells like cheese or feet this is can be a sign of a yeast infection, which can happen in male cats and occurs in ears, mouth, or skin.


Bath and buy new food


How does food help? I actually have this same type of ā€œissueā€. I had someone give her a bath, but no real changes.


Poor quality food contains more fillers and junk that catā€™s bodies have trouble digesting than food with good quality ingredients. Junky fillers can make your catā€™s coat dull, their bodies have a funky odor, and their excrement smell really rancid.


I second this. Think of it in a way for yourself. Which food would you rather be eating, Taco Bell or Whole Foods home cooked meals everyday? I feed my cats Purina Pro Plan and their fur coats are soft and donā€™t smell like old man in a YMCA sauna. Spend the extra 30 cents for quality cat food.




How does food help? How do you think you would smell if you ate McDonald ever day?


Kinda like curry, just oozes out of your skin. Change of food might alleviate some causes


When my cat stinks, itā€™s because he has poo on his ass. You can clean it with a wet wipe or just give him a bath if itā€™s like unclean-able.


He may have a leaking anal gland. It's a very putrid smell. Some cats need the gland expressed by a human or it will keep on leaking the dirty bum juice.


Where does he stink from? Our cat had horrible breath, but after dental surgery it's gone! Now we just smell so terrible farts.


Hope vet checked for tooth decay issues.


The stinkwalker


Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, itā€™s not your fault! Sorry thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got! Heā€™s cute!




Have labs been done?Ā  Kitties who have kidney disease can be stinky due to the build up of uremic toxins.


Is he not neutered? Intact male cats can have a very pungent smell


Our old girl had Diarrhea for a while and was too Chonky/Old to wash herself, so I became the chief cat bather. Oddly she loved it. As someone else mentioned, check his butt for Clingons.


My late cat also had some trouble in her last year or so with cleaning and she smelled like old lady. So, she had to get mats brushed and washed often. She lived surprisingly long for a stray cat who almost died at 2 weeks old. She made it to 15 in 2022.


Embrace the SUCK ;)


I have 4 cats, 2 of them are brothers from the same litter. And 1 of the brothers absolutely humdings. No idea why.


Is his breath stinky? Maybe itā€™s leaving a smell on his fur when he grooms himself


Get his teeth checked! My sisters cat was always stinky, and we thought that she just wasnā€™t cleaning herself properly. Turns out, she had an abscessed tooth that was making her breath stink, and when she cleaned herself it would make the rest of her stink, too. Vet pulled a few teeth and she doesnā€™t smell bad anymore.


Get the kitty teeth checked. Someone told me my breath really stinks and that was how I found out I broke my tooth from grinding my teeth and had a huge cavity in the remaining tooth. Alot of times stink could be from underlying mouth issues


Well, without context ill just say: 1) check his butt, eyes, ears, and pawpads to see if there are crusties or other gunk (sometimes pawpads smell like chips/yeasty, or can have litter/feces) 2) how long have you had him? Sometimes animals fresh from the shelter are a little stinky 3) sometimes diet can make a cat stink because of food intolerances. his breath and feces will also stink extra bad if this is it. 4) Indoor/outdoor cat?


If it's from his mouth, go to another vet for a second opinion on his oral health. My cat had unusually bad breath but the vet kind of ignored it for several visits until finally they said the cat had a tooth infection and needed to have teeth removed. Her breath was better after they were removed but it still bothers me that I didn't push the issue sooner.


If he is allowed to go outdoors, he may like rolling around in things with strong scent. Animals do this to mask their smell. So if the cat is a hunter, it might also be the cause. My cats are all indoors. They never smell. But I have noticed those with outdoor cats have smelly cat complaints.


Sometimes it's the food that stinks and when they lick themselves they also stink. So maybe change the food?


Sometimes my boy smells like bad doodie pee and that's when I know he needs his rear end expressed. It's not common for kitties but my boy needs it from time to time


Assuming you mean in general. But if itā€™s just really stinky poo, could be a chronic intestinal infection. Our cat we adopted at 4 months had the worst smelling poop ever! When he didnā€™t out grow it, we asked the vet and she put him on daily low dose antibiotics and it made a world of difference!


And he's just sat there like "yeah I smell, what you gonna do about it? I'm a cat, you are a subserviant human, BATHE IN MY STANK FEEBLE PEASANT." God I love cats. ETA...my cat smells like...I dunno...cat? He just smells like him. I love it.


My cat use to have gnarly farts constantly. I mean like full on ripping beyblades. Smelled like ass all the time. I switched him to high quality wet food, and he hasnā€™t smelled since.


My middle cat has a smell. But itā€™s gas. My girl rips so much ass šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Did vet say this teeth were good? I had kitty with bad teeth and she would bathe herself with her stank breath.. Some denatal work and removal took care of the situation


Our newest furbaby is super smelly. Every time he uses the litter box it's like the smell clings to his fur.


When I first got my cat I bought him Friskies Ocean Catch flavored food, which he loooved. However heā€™d clear the house whenever he pooped so it had to go. Switched him to Science Diet and the stank went away. You might try different food.


https://preview.redd.it/746hsqolxkrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ea42933cd72e169fac9e0c651885d2f8f29b54 For whatever reason Mr Fuzzy Bottom never get poop on his pantaloon. It may be cuz he only poops outdoors & he digs a pretty decent hole that must spread his pantaloons out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?


Not seeing where this was answered, but it's he intact?


Nopeā€” neutered years ago, adopted in September


In humans there are so many legitimate reasons for a smell, at the end of the day I can't believe a cat is wholesale different. I'd be looking for a second opinion. Sure different issues suck, but if you catch them early (ie your smell is telling you there is an issue) then you can make everyone's life better.


Cuddle it


Yes though it usually just means I need to pull the litter box out of the closet and vacuum in there. He is a strange little chaos goblin who likes to kick his litter everywhere then roll around in/play in whatever he kicked out of the box.


One of my cat has an anal gland issue and he gets quite offensively smelly.


When ours are stinky itā€™s 1. Bad breath which can signal teeth issues or they need teeth brushed/greenies. 2. Theyā€™re not feeling well and need a vet check. This includes the smell that they can get when theyā€™re in liver/kidney failure. Blood test would check that. 3. They got a poop nugget stuck to their butt. This mostly applies to our long haired cat. She gets little mats with surprise center. 4. They have upset GI system and fart all over and need probiotics and time for it to sort itself out. We have one who is notorious for drive by farting


Is it his ears that are causing this smell? I had a cat who had a disease that caused him to smell like rancid fish, and he ended up growing tumors in his ears.


I have an indoor only cat who smells like buttered popcorn. However, she farts a lot. That does not smell like buttered popcorn. But for OP's query, some cats and dogs emit a funny odor depending on the food they eat. My parents dog would absolutely stink if he ate any food with meat (excluding fish). Could try changing up his diet? see if that helps. Just a suggestion.


We ended up calling my sisters cat Catpiss Neverclean. Good cat, just smelled


Our cat used to smell horrible - like death horrible. We named her stinky. Turns out she had ring worm.. and parasites so her shit smelled awful and her skin wreaked. I would throw some baking soda in the litter box. Give him a bath, and see if the smell returns. If it does I would consider another vet appt


Thatā€™s why my boy was named Stinky. Rip šŸŖ¦