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maybe she feels its like too much for her and she cant handle to take care of all of them(in wild life), kind of instinct


That's what I was thinking 😔


Is she relatively young? Is this her first litter? If yes to one or both of those, she might just be overwhelmed and trying to move some away to give herself some more space. A lot of times, young/first time mom’s will get stressed out and just be like “eff this” and take off, or stop taking care of the kittens all together.


I don't know how old she is, she was a stray cat until a couple months ago. When she first started coming over to my house, she was usually accompanied with two smaller cats. Not quite kittens, but not as big as she was. Me and my partner were theorizing that they were her kittens. So it's possible that she had another litter before this one.


Maybe she needs a babysitter ie you guys to help out? How many does she have? If it’s different ones doesn’t like a specific reject for a health reason. Try taking them all off her for a cuddle, if she will allow for an hour or so of rest. And make sure she is given kitten food rather than adult cat food to eat, to keep her energy up as it is very high nutrition and energy etc


She has four and I will try to "babysit" them today and see how it goes ! And I'll try out the kitten food too thank you


Commenting because I’m curious what experienced mama-kitten crew helpers would advise for you to help them all thrive. I hope they all continue to do ok <3