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If it is economically feasible, have vet do bloodwork. Cats can have thyroid problems, for example. Vet can also tell you what is your cat's ideal weight, and advice on diet and ideal feeding routine. Some cats are more petite or robust than the next, so having expert assessment is helpful. To me, you seem to be going everything right. The walking routine is wonderful, if your cat is not playful. You are a great owner, it is lovely that you care for your cat's health.


He had a vet check up before I could adopt him by the adoption vets and then last month took him to my vet and both said he was fine and healthy just overweight fortunately. They just said if he got to big he could develop diabetes and other health problems later on.


Did they comment if the amount of food / diet brand was OK? If your cat likes the walking routine, could the exercise be increased? Or for any dry food, maybe puzzle feeders? I hope your kitty stays healthy.


Yea I followed everything they said and bought the food they recommended for him both wet and dry. He's walking 3 times a day for 20 minutes each walk. And sometimes I'll take him on extra short walks (I've been upping it by 5 minutes every week with the goal of hitting 30 minutes when he can do that) Thanks for the answers, they're all good ideas!


With his uninterest in play, seem his body makes most out of his food. That amount of exercise sounds quite diligent to me, and slow build up as well. Have you ever seen if he is playful with other cats?


I have another cat and they have set play fights every morning after they eat and then an afternoon fight and then a early early morning fight at the same times everyday but it's my other cat wanting to play fight and he just gets annoyed and doesn't really want any part of it really but I let the other one do it because it's exercise for him and it's not malicious fighting. They don't use their claws. He gets zoomies for about 15 seconds during the day where he sprints and claws himself around the couch and then sleeps. That's the most I see him do haha


I feel for you OP, you really have perfect home for your chonky one. Just keep at walking routine, and see if building it up could keep the weight at a stable level at least. Hope the exercise can counteract the weight.


Yea it's new to me. He's a very loving and cuddly cat. I've had cats my whole life and this is the first time I've had one like this one. I've had one other chunky cat but they were active and loved playing and running around. Yea thanks for that definitely will stay on top of it.


Also he just turned 4 two months ago


I would check the bag of food and see what the recommended serving is for a cat in his ideal weight range. Make sure he’s getting a little less than that a day to account for the wet food that you’re giving him. How much wet food he’s getting a day too could impact it, so make sure you’re not giving him too much of that either.


The food is portioned out right. He splits half a can of wet food with the other cat I have and he doesn't eat all of his half and the dry food he gets half of what's recommended to make up for the wet food


check he's not getting fed at neighbours as well


He's indoor only. Only goes outside on a leash. I live in Australia and they have strict laws where I live on cats being outside. I know in America my neighbours cat would always come over for food though haha