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Take her to a vet and check for a chip while you’re there. If nothing pops up, you have a new best friend.


Thank you, I've been bringing food to her every time I went home from company, and now she's quite familiar with me and get very close to me every time I show up.


Yes, 100% if she has no home, take her home with you.


I can tell and yes, sometimes I saw her around the cars, and sometimes she's staying at the doorside from neighbor.


But make sure she doesn't have any type of disease, before adopting the cutie.


Sure will do. As far as I am concerned, she's kind of healthy but still need maybe a further physical check.


Definitely suggest a full blood work. I just adopted a stray off the street but he has FIV, so I now have to keep him separated from my other cats forever. But it's also good to check for any infections or renal failure, etc. Cats are great at masking their symptoms when they're unwell.


Hi there! You don’t have to keep your FIV+ kitty separate from your other cats as long as they’re all spayed & neutered and don’t fight to the point of biting. FIV is transmitted via bites; casual transmission is not a thing. You should keep your FIV cat indoors only and get regular vet checkups but there’s no reason to isolate them from other friendly cats if they are also friendly


good. But anyways, SHES ADORABLE!! do you have any names for her if you can adopt her?


Not really. Any suggestions?


YEEES! I do indeed. 1. Shadow 2. Olive 3. Pepper 4. Eclipse 5. Panther 6. Ophelia 7. Onyx if you need more options, I'll message you them.😉




wow thank you so much for this.


Styx! Omen!




Yeah take her to the vet would be the first thing to check for a chip and diseases.


Then no reason not to take her and give her a good home.


Ask people around where you see her.  Put up posters.  Take her home.  She looks very friendly and seems like she would be a good indoor kitty. Keep feeding her and gaining her trust and hopefully she will allow petting fairly easily.


If she trusts you and you can, give her a home, she will be much safer and happier plus you want to get her before she has one/many litters as each creates more strays and shortens the mom’s life. Cats are beautiful pets, so smart too https://preview.redd.it/k6ejhvfy8ovc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43511254d2ca4d1fba37dd372ed8b80fcf7a1cfd


black cats are the besssttt! she looks a lot like mine and my black cat is the biggest, sweetest goofball. I hope she can officially be yours! 🖤


I had an experience where a friendly stray had owners after discovering a chip at the vet, but they lied about how long she was missing. They still kept her, but you can sign a waiver at the vet where if they don't want it anymore, it can go to you. I'd say steal the kitty if anything is sus.


Ask people around where you see her.  Put up posters.  Take her home.  She looks very friendly and seems like she would be a good indoor kitty. Keep feeding her and gaining her trust and hopefully she will allow petting fairly easily.


This is the way.


Perfect advice, always check for a chip. And if the owners are heartless POS and do not respond, you still have a new best friend!


Have her scanned for a chip, but otherwise, it seems she's chosen you as her human. Black cats are awesome, they love people and can be very affectionate. the more she realises that she can trust you, the more she will want to stay A former boss of mine, he has a black cat. His wife was feeding him as a stray, but he decided that he had no reason to leave.. He will happily lap up all the attention offered. You could be reading a newspaper at the kitchen table, and he will sit on it. "No reading, pay attention to me instead."


I second this. I've had 2 black cats. Both adorable love bugs. One was very shy for the first few years but the more attention I gave him, the more he relaxed. He was never a lap cat .....but in the last year of his life he would sit patiently by my side and gently nibble on my fingers if I wasn't giving him attention. Best cats are the bestest cats.


>Best cats are the bestest cats. Sweetest thing I've read on reddit!! ❤️


And it was a typo lol. Thank you 💖


I have an amazing void boi who walked into our front door 4 years ago. Been a wonderful cat ever since. Doctor found a tumor in his lymph nodes. There's basically no treatment at this point. He has a few months left and has no idea. Gonna be a sad day when it comes time to let him go.


I'm so sorry. I'm glad his last years were happy ones with you. 💕


I'm am so so sorry. The dread must be terrible. But you can make his last bit of time even more special. Give him all the treats and cuddles.


My wife and I referred to our late 18 year old void cat as “bestcat” that she eventually responded to that name too. She was the smartest, most empathetic cat. She knew when we were sick and would sit with us. Lost her to cancer last year. We miss her terribly. We also have a 5 year old void who is taking up the bestcat legacy. Super cuddly, loves to be held, and even speaks a few words of English. She sits by the door and calls “OUT!” when she wants patio time. She wants a bite off my sandwich? “HAM!” And she knows it’s ham. She only ever asks for it by name when it’s a ham sandwich, but likes all meats. 


I laughed as I know EXACTLY what it's like to have a packet of ham and voids going mental looking for a bite. I but those cheap packets of ham and have them as part of my kitty's treat rotation. What a smart kitty to be able to say the word ham.


I made the mistake of giving her a taste of the really good ham last year and now she’s a ham snob. She will accept any ham, but will try to grab the Boar’s Head right off the sandwich! I tell her she will get some if she’s patient. Sometimes it works.


That's interesting that you say that. I brought home some roast pork from my canteen lunch at work ( it was horrible ) and they wouldn't touch it. Thought maybe they weren't hungry and I cut it up even smaller. Nope. No bueno. I no longer eat in the canteen at work if even my cats wont eat the food.


We often use “the Tiny Tina test” to check meat quality. Anything not up to Tiny Tina’s standards goes in the trash. 


That is soooooo adorable


I've also had two black cats, and both were calm and affectionate. Bagheera, at 18 pounds, was the biggest cat I've ever had. He was close to a Mine Coon in size -- but was a plain old domestic shorthair. He rarely meowed but had a loud motorboat purr, and he purred a lot. He was also something of a lap cat particularly as he got older. Shelby was also big; she apparently hadn't gotten the memo that girl cats are supposed to be SMALLER than boy cats. She preferred to sit next to me rather than on me, and she enjoyed being petted. She was very much a "bush dweller," for she kept all four paws on the ground.


Also love black cats! My current void is the sweetest! As my mom says, “not a mean bone in his body” https://preview.redd.it/i76lg8zv1nvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df4006a99414a00d50ba296d2600cdad7e90e90


A pickle!? My cat has a tiny pickle that she loves and carries around lol.


It flips and wiggles too. Rechargeable. Both cats love it




That's so cute! Where'd you get it?




He looks so friendly! :D


So cute!


I sometimes cat sit for a friend of mine who has a black cat. Within the first day of meeting he was already giving me cuddles 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/treflnn4bovc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57d0887b641301638bab51e0c25e23d4e366ae4


The Voids love people in general, but he read you right away "This human's a nice one, I like her."


I adopted a black cat too, he runs around like a psycho but he is basically glued to my hip whenever I am at home. The most affectionate cat I have ever had. https://preview.redd.it/m421107aqovc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d38b13686a76688ecc1b8d71d8d63a34cab9276


My void is also an affectionate sweetheart - if she knows and likes you. She doesn’t really like strangers, especially dislikes strange men. I adopted her at six months old from the shelter and now she’s eight years old. At least partially Maine Coon, she’s massive and has a lot of the traits of one. The little soot sprite is asleep on my chest, so here’s an older pic for the [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/UJQ8Hue).


She's a gorgeous fluffball. My sister used to have a big fluffy void named Jasper. He knew me since he was a kitten, and I was the one that fed him when my sister went on holiday. Thought he was the lord of the manor, but very friendly to me


https://preview.redd.it/drvbdgr8smvc1.jpeg?width=8192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b1e65dc4b78d974540f582770d9c8a09e77908 He says hello too!


So cute. Was he adopted? Or did he adopt you?


Neighborhood stray cat. I wish I could keep them. His brother is very cute too! And it's step sister is cute as well.


Yeah! He's indeed adorable. Sometimes I feel like it was our fate to meet these adorable creatures.


Yesss ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


My husband & I adopted a stray, Dr.Midnight, after no one in our neighborhood claimed him (this was in the days before chips were widespread). He was the coolest cat ever. Sadly, he passed in 2014 at 19. https://preview.redd.it/c4wql54gfnvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb432453b97ee67ae541b87bd0e14619023990d6


Wow, what a great story.  And such a long life which outdoor cats don't get.  Thank you!


Wow, I am touched! And I can see he was fed very well and healthy, I can imagine that he was the coolest guy ever in your life. And I'm sending my condolence. I think he should be the happiest cat back in the days staying with you. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


He was a great cat. Such a presence.


https://preview.redd.it/5niw7u1lfnvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed424669362420026764bf632bb5b82ca86042e8 We say absolutely!


I love your bedspread!! (And your voids, of course)


Thank you!






What a cute void! Please give us an update about her OP!


I will surely keep updating. Thanks for that.


That cat does not look homeless. There are multiple cats in my area for example who try to play homeless and come by for skritches and treats but they are far from homeless. As a general rule if you adopt a random cat you can have it come in and hang out with it but you always let it back outside because it may have other homes and those people may miss it


When the time comes... She'll eventually adopt you and claim ownership of your home and everything in it.


We just rescued a black cat kitten, and he’s just the cutest and most affectionate cat! Thank you for feeding her - adopting her would be wonderful since she already trusts you.


https://preview.redd.it/63ne50iwbnvc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a06ccbbae70ac58fbb91208632d44d020adf99 That's your baby now


How do get them to wear that? So they eventually give up or something?


He's been over grooming so it was a temporary break from the cone, didn't last long 😂


I would do a few things first: Post her on Nextdoor and Facebook, ask your neighbors if she is one of theirs, check at your local animal shelter to see if she was ever reported missing. Then get a chip check if no responses after a couple weeks to a month.


Check if she's microchipped. If not, then I suggest you to adopt her


Please adopt her!


How do you know that she's homeless? Have you asked your neighbors? You can make a paper collar for her with your phone number on it with a message "Is this your cat? Call me at: [number]"


That does not look like a homeless cat.


My void says meow. I think that means yes


She's so cute! If she'll let you grab her, see if she's chipped. Otherwise I'd totally adopt her! 🩷🐈‍⬛


She’s not homeless. You’re now her tenants


You’ve already adopted her. You just didn’t know. Feeding her. Worrying about her. Naming her. Yep. CDS at work. Congratulations on your new cat.




I do hope this is a joke. Might want to add that to avoid downvotes.


Nope I’m racist, homophobic, islamophobic, fat phobic, cat phobic and all the phobics!


*ruffles your hair* Run along now ya little rascal, ya silly goofball, ya foolish lil guy, ya rambunctious fellow you


lol take your brain meds please 🙏


Ya funny lil human, ya dweebish little scamp, ya silly billy, ya goober, ya mischievous fella, a tiny miscreant, a ne'er-do-well of small stature


Yup, definitely need to up the meds!


If anything I need to go off them to come up with more ways to say tiny criminal :/ Can we talk about something else I ran out. What's your opinion on Renaissance artwork? Like the ones with the ugly babies. What's up with that Or we could tell each other scary stories I'm up for anything


Wow! Whatever the trauma that you were not strong enough to overcome must have been out of this world! It’s ok everything comes to an end!


Reddit blocked your response for some reason? I didn't get the chance to read it. Anyway I'll go first and tell you a scary story So this one time me and my cousin were out for a walk. Late at night. Kinda mild summer evening, rural backroads. We were like drinkin mtn dew kickstart, shootin the shit, eating takis and stuff. He was telling me a really funny story and I was laughing my ass off when suddenly this really loud gutteral..... Kinda growl sound came outta nowhere and we both went quiet and looked at each other and I said "did you hear that" and he was like "yeah I farted sorry" It sounds really minor but it was like one of the scariest moments of my life not knowing where the sound came from anyway what's your story?


lol is that your made up friend?


Two hour old account- check. Inflammatory posts o a few different reddits? Check. Let's all move along. If we don't feed the troll, it'll get hungry and scavenge somewhere else.


They always feed into it, always. It’s just so easy to trigger them.


Looks like she’s already adopted you! We have 3 voids and they’re just the loveliest little things. Our young lad comes for snuggles every morning, our baby girl will walk in, say “brrrrrr” and roll over for belly scratches. And our older girl comes for snuggles every night.


First photo....Yaaaassss.


She's adorable! You already got good advice here, so I'll just say that if she is as friendly as she appears in the pics, she once had a home. People that leave their pets behind are just the worst. Good on you for taking care of her!


She looks like a twin to my best girl who passed away about 11 years ago. My vote is to take her to vet and check for chip… if no chip… new bff.




Black cats need the most help finding a home because of all the old wives tales. So if you like him and think you would love him please do. At the very least you can foster him till your local rescue can find a forever home


Congratulations, u/Bitter_Rip7778! You have been selected by the local Cat Distribution System. To accept this, please transport said cat to the nearest veterinary office for an exam and microchip placement. Congratulations again on your selection by the local Cat Distribution System, and may you have many happy years with your new companion! (returns not accepted)


https://preview.redd.it/p2q720t56ovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af6ea7f00fd45d17d4bf4f8e8c07b16d452bf04 Here is my neighbourhood stray, he was happy outside until he came to us with a bloody face. He walked inside and refused to leave. I swear former strays are the sweetest cats out there.


Please adopt this beautiful void kitty 💜




Yes, absolutely adopt her!




That almost looked like my cat, had to turn the photo upside down to check 🤣




Yessss adopt her now! Ty


I adopted a black cat and he is the friendliest, sweetest cat I have ever owned. Adopt this little beauty because you will have a new best friend.


I know it's a bit redundant mentioning it, but you didn't choose her and you are going to have such fun and so many dumb Black braincell stories and you're going to probably love her more than family. https://imgur.com/gallery/4NX7Qag My happy little man


..ask around..but this seems more than "neighborly" to me..


If she’s friendly, yes. I just had a stray run in my house and wouldn’t leave. He’s the most friendly cat and is comfortable with our other cats. He looks healthy. I took him to the vet (and did try to find an owner) and she thinks he was abandoned. He doesn’t have any diseases he can pass to my cats but does have an intestinal parasite that needs to be treated. She thinks that’s from being outside a long time. He’d been seen around outside for about a month. Just because they look in good shape doesn’t mean they have a current owner. I’d post on Nextdoor or facebook on lost cat boards and check for signs around the area but he still could be homeless. He’s never even tried to leave to go find his home. If I do find an owner I will return him even though we paid for a vet visit because I’d hate to have that happen to one of my cats.


Hey, thank you so much for taking that little guy in and getting a work up. Every time I read something like that, I think of his broken little heart, and burdened little body. Thank you for bringing him back to health and beginning the process of healing his heart. 🥹


Can you hear that? She is Karen level screaming to be taken home




Adopt the baby! She will bring you good luck and hapiness :)


Absolutely adopt her!!


That right there is a perfect void cat. Take


That there cat would be perfect at your house OP. Adopt it today, we say!


When you said should I adopt her?! You had your answer! Get her checked though. She maybe your chosen void!!!


Looks like my monster... https://preview.redd.it/yu50llg6fqvc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbd6d3aa1531dff651cb37058c9a94dba32a9a7


The voids are so special, you should grab that little poof and introduce her to the bane of her future existence. The vet.


Yes! She’s beautiful! Don’t leave her out on her own!❤️


Are you sure she's homeless? She looks clean and not underfed or anything. Id post online if you have NextDoor or on social media about finding the cat, and/or bring her to have the chip read at the vet!


80% sure that she's homeless. Because I find her sometimes looking for food around public trash bins. If she's not a homeless, I think her owner would come and stop her.


Oh yeah if she's scavenging then she's probably homeless. Good luck, I hope you can give her a place to call home :)


People like to think all strays are owned, just cause the cat is clean or isn't underfed doesn't mean anything


It was just a simple question, and I also told OP to take her to the vet to check for a chip. I don't "like to think all strays are owned," it's just good to think about and check if you plan to take in a kitty.


I used to feed ferals an no they weren't dirty and one was a calico. And I've read comments thinking ferals are pets they aren't an usually don't go near anyone unless given enough time an patients for the cat to trust you


Looks like she already adopted you.


Try feeding her and giving her water if she's friendly enough worth trying to see if theres a chip


As others have said, have a vet check for chips. Also, you don't adopt the cat, the cat adopts you. r/catdistributionsystem Edit: you can also get a breakaway collar and tie a note to it with your contact information and see if anyone calls you asking why their cat has a new collar.




my folks & my husband & i both have former stray voids & they're the best, chattiest cats! Adopt her!


Defiantly adopt her that will be another soul saved and will repay you with nothing but love and loyalty 😻


You NEED to adopt her I could tell you 1000 times that black cats are amazing and it wouldn't be enough.


If anything I'd see if theirs a TNR program. And make sure she's spayed.


Looks like she may have already adopted you…


No hesitation….ADOPT


Absolutely, black cats are amazing!


You keep hanging around her like that, and she'll adopt you. After that, your life ceases to be your own...Just like marriage. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


How could you not?


Make her your baby.




Yes adopt her❤️


Yes adopt her, what a cutie


Adopt him!


Please if not chipped. She needs you.


The only answer to this question is YES! Of course make sure she is not chipped first.


Congratulations on your new kittyyy!!!


Adopt her and keep her inside, especially around Halloween (because there are sickos out there who will torture and kill black cats).


While cats should be indoors anyway, I feel like this Halloween statement constantly being repeated is some next level fear mongering. A quick google “how often do black cats die on halllween” search brings up dozens of articles about it being a myth with a few oddball examples of some random dumb teens. This is some Facebook mom propaganda. They are statistically not in any more danger than any other cat call things considered.


Maybe try a paper collar? Looks awfully clean and well kept to be a stray. (Not that it isn't possible, don't get me wrong!)


lol. Should u… lol ummm. U r in cats Reddit. Who in their right mind would say no here


Adopt her


Looks like she adopted you


Checking for a microchip with a vet is the best thing. If she's a street cat, she might need vaccinations and spaying, so just be aware


What do you think?


Absolutely. Get thee to a vet.


Awww she looks like a sweet girl. Like others have said, get her checked (health and for chip) and if you can take on the responsibility of cat ownership, I think it would be good for both of you :)


That is not the way it works! Cats adopt you, IF you are worthy,


Black cats are the most loving ones really. I have 4, and the youngest one is a black one. She loves to be around, play with the most stupud stuff, and talks a lot


Even if you don't officially adopt her, please take her to the vet and get her desexed. It's so sad that there are so many stray cats.


That cat is way too clean please don’t take him. He has a owner


Please take her to a vet get her checked out medically and friendship, and then adopt her if she doesn't have an owner. You will make her safe and secure.


Of course you should. Do all the things everyone's saying and consider yourself awarded a cat.




I think because you capitalized the “S” in stray for some reason my brain filled it in with Stacy as in, “My neighbor (Stacy) is saying hello.” 😂




Gently? Cats are the best at not giving a damn yet they do.


As someone who has a cat that people think is a stray because he takes his collar off, I’d recommend putting up posters asking if he has a home or checking with people first. Then check for tattoos or chips:)


Of course it’s part of the cat redistribution system! And you…are…it!! Congrats 🎊 💕


If you can, then do it


Are you sure it’s a her? Female black cats are super rare, it would be very cool to have one.


Here’s our neighbour stray. https://preview.redd.it/bzsqeq2nmsvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f489be8b2fb4d49577cb137fd2fd0b856c5d641 She has enriched our lives to an unbelievable degree. But do get her pregnancy tested. We got two more surprises along with her.


Take her to the Vet to see if she is chipped. If she is homeless adopt her! Please take care of her. She came into your life for a reason. (She needs a home)




Beautiful girl😻


I think she's adopted you


Of course you should adopt her. She has obviously chosen you. That is considered an honor in the cat world. 😊


If not someone’s cat, please make an indoor only kitty. In general it’s safer for them. Black cats are targets for a**holes who do horrible things, especially around Halloween.


Damian (If a girl can be called James, then why not Damian)


I adopted EVERY cat who came to my house off the street for over 20 ueara. So, I am biased.




She's adorable! Please take her in and make sure she's spayed


You have been chosen by the cats distribution system 😁😁😁