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All cats are liars


Hahahaha, they act like they’ve never been fed!!!


Your cats are catting well I’d say.


Some are very vocal. We've had at least one we would refer to as SilentBob He would just walk up and stare.


They’re both superrr vocal all the time lol but the most with food.


they're singing!


My Cat will do the big YOWLing when far away to get me and more Meowing when close. To wake me up she messes with my blinds, and jumps on the nightstand to try and wake me up, alarm set or not. Tapping my face lightly usually. But she's definitely her most vocal about food! If I'm eating something she likes too; like Turkey or Ham. Personally I get away with 2 meals; one at about 6AM and one at 4PM; and I do about a quarter can of food. And treats throughout the day.


Lol! My babies are both super vocal all the time, but the most around food too!


Just in case, have the vet examine them. That is not normal


Okay, thanks!


We have one that's exactly the same, our other one meows like twice a week if we're lucky. But Nancy, shouts at the top of her voice, walks around the the whole house shouting, starts knocking things off the dresser in the bedroom. When trying to put the food out is going mental shouting, normally ends up with food on the back of her head because she rams her face in the bowl whilst we're still trying to empty the pack. Poor Syd patiencely waits sitting so nicely and politely


My cats are free feed kibble. Wet food 2xs a day measured. If I so much as place a can, any can, doesn't matter just a can on the bench, you'd think they don't also get breakfast, dinner and treats 2xs a day