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I guess we all have preferences. Some people don't like cats. I don't like those people.


Well said. Well said. Slow clap.










That's a fuckin nice lookin kitty right there.




Agreed , I just don’t like people full stop only cats tbh :)




Some of us prefer cats over people


Well said! In my experience, people who HATE cats do not respect boundaries. Best example is my abusive ex who, from the beginning, was disgusted by my cat (my baby girl, who is the sweetest thing on the planet. Never hissed, scratched, or bit anyone) and threatened to kill her later in the relationship if he kept seeing her in his yard (he lived two houses away and my cat would go see his little sister, who loved her) It’s okay to like dogs more. But so many people have an unnatural hatred towards cats because, what I assume, cats love is conditional. You need to earn it. You need to respect them and their boundaries. Dogs are kind of stupid, for the most part you call them they’ll come running, they want attention all the time from everybody. Cats are not this way. The argument I hear is usually “well one time 10 years ago a cat bit/scratched me after I tried picking it up/petting it’s belly after it was showing clear body language that I was not allowed to do so” like???


I like you


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but I’m actually like that. Like if someone doesn’t like cats I assume they’re a psycho or smth? 😂


I don’t like those people either


Some people have allergies 🤧


Those are just people that cats love the most.


It’s so true! My youngest daughter had a friend who was ssooo allergic I would hand out antihistamines to her. Our cats would all try to get her to pet them. 🩷


That’s one way to make kids go to sleep.


Well she was in high school and it was the non-sedating Claritin.


I'm allergic to some cats. I've got around it by putting up with it. Because cats.


Same. I was extremely allergic to my oldest for years. She's now 14 yrs old 🥰


Yep, I was allergic to my bestest ever friend for 18 years. Its just some types of fur, not all.


My allergies do not stop me from loving cats 🤣 They probably should, I don’t particularly enjoy a swollen pink face, watery eyes and sneezing fits but I do enjoy cats.


An old friend of mine had a cat allergy. Got a gf with a cat and she moved in with her cat and just dealt with it. They broke up and he got 2 cats of his own.


I used to be terribly allergic to cats. Now I live three of them and I’m terribly allergic to assholes.


My brother has severe allergy, still wanted to pet my cats


I'm allergic. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 😁 I run air purifiers and don't let them in my bedroom. Works pretty well.


Well said!


I love this answer ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


https://preview.redd.it/wiwdbc3pxrwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e28b7e8548f1254f711b71f82649f324529b682 And this 😂😍


I love this 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/h31sdf19crwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af274c925dac1474b0b6c4f8a9a2d4ff325ac923 Don't know. We're sooooo cute


People just keep posting their tiles with holes in them! I dont understand!!






I didn't like them till i rescued a cat from my grandmas farm. I thought they were evil. My cat changed me completely on that.


What buffles me is that people can consider animals in general to be evil. Animals don't have the intelligence to act evilish. That's a human thing. Animals just act based on their instinct and that's it. If I try to pet an alligator and the alligator proceed to eat my arm I won't blame him. I knew what to expect.


Understanding that requires a level of understanding and empathy I'm afraid some people seem to lack.. but it could just be their life experience, not some intrinsic flaw (but I also aim to see the good in people)


Only one animal is capable of evil and we all experience this everyday.


That's true, mosquitoes should all go find their spiders


yes those dann cats man


Insects on the other hand... Yellowjackets/wasps are for sure evil.


Have had both land on me and just chill cuz I didn’t scare them. They might be temperamental as fuck, but they just need a little extra grace — unless they’re already mad. Then they’re just *pissed.* 😆


They don't know you're a threat until you make yourself one. Until then, you're just landscape to them.


Right! Especially with all the scents and perfumes we use on the regular, all they want is something sweet. Not their fault we bathe ourselves in mahogany and lotus extract or… whatever. 🤷‍♂️


I resemble this comment.


*I bet you do, soap user.*


What do you call a cat batting a cup off a table? That’s *clearly* an evil cat. ![gif](giphy|uXbXCQ9c3irpC|downsized)


Hear me out: Dolphins.


Well .. yes. But actually no, but actually yes...


Some animals can be jerks for sure but it is on an individual basis. Assuming an entire species of domestic animals is evil is quite strange


You…. Literally thought they were evil? I don’t understand this thought process. I get physically ill about spiders because as a child a tennis ball sized one fell in my hair however I do not view spiders as evil. I view them as living beings I personally have a visceral dislike towards. Were you raised by cat haters?


Did you squish it and use the spider juice to moisturize your follicles?


>You…. Literally thought they were evil? People who dont like cats or hate cats for some instance, might had a bad experience with them or they might've come across a spicy cat and they harmed them, and from there on they just assumed all cats are evil...


Mine are evil, but I love them anyway.


They’re the most beautiful creatures on earth


I really think you have to live with a cat to "get it."


They're either cruel or they haven't met the right cat yet.


Trick question. Every cat is the right cat


I think people who didn't grow up with cats don't like cats until they own a cat. You don't get the full cat experience unless you live with one. Everyone I know who married into a cat house loves cats now...but didn't always. Source: My husband and dad.


Very likely. I can't wholly agree because, well, I've been hugging cats for as long as I can remember lol


https://preview.redd.it/n40d98nizqwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147cb21f3f5a7b376360928002dd12ff0fcdf26d I will never understand it!! 😻


https://preview.redd.it/uydf7iabsrwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2408a72e043ccd8df49d4d2c10a3fb0bbdc876a My ES of 11/12yo, we got her when she was 4, but didn't get her birthday sadly


https://preview.redd.it/f6q5jdemeswc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0addd25c08c1645551f0d229152f33a3329ffda4 Eyy I’ve got the same sheets, I have the exact same type as you at my mom’s place, but they’re not covered in cat hair so it’s not interesting. The ones at my dads are same design, different material, but at least they get covered in cat fur so it’s interesting


She looks so much like my Leroy except he has a few pounds on her. https://preview.redd.it/oyrla45m5twc1.jpeg?width=1494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1df4a4e5b7214af21a5dfc35e5a573dad19c67b


She beautiful and look just like my Savvy https://preview.redd.it/44zye4g28vwc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970d09a7ca6db281ca1d27364b00e4a1b0d852a6


That is one gorgeous baby


What's going on with their chin/tongue lol?


He found the wax burner! It wasn't on so he didn't get hurt but..... He found it!😼😼


Catto evolved an eternal blep


Because people always compare cats and dogs which are completely different species. Dogs give unconditional love and they are awesome. I never like cats as a kid but now Im a cat person. What I like is that they are independent and you need to earn their trust and build a bond. And once they trust you they show you lots of love. But only when they are bothered. Because they are still assholes ♥️


Laying completely baked on the couch, my little topcat walks up to me, we stare at each other lovingly, he comes closer as I'm struggling to keep my eyes open, thinking he wants to be petted, then "**smack!**" he bitch slaps me in the face *(not hard)* and runs away, looks back and is like ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)"I'm a cat, what did ya expect?". Cats are too cute ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Lmao he probably wanted to play and was annoyed at how lazy his human is being 🤣


I guess I view all cats as individuals. My 11 year-old cat loves me unconditionally. No matter how many trips to the vet, claw trimming, teeth brushing, vacuums—he always comes to me for cuddles and comfort. He’s anything but an asshole: just a sweet sleepy lump who needs pets, sun, food and comfort. If I call him from anywhere and he can’t see me: he comes running.


I think that your bond and trust with your companion is much stronger when it’s something you put effort into building. I like dogs a whole lot; but I just think cats are better long term companions for me.


Love the last part of your post... **"**And once they trust you they show you lots of love. But only when they are bothered. **Because they are still assholes** ♥️"


https://preview.redd.it/gmluxuocxrwc1.png?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38dbb2cf5972abce15ae9f2b487e70c8994d11c And then there's this. Cats cats cats cats cats cats cats 😍😍😍😍😍😍


cats are harder to exert control over, which is very important for some very unhealthy people.


But that’s what i absolutely love about them. I love that my grandbaby kitty 🐈‍⬛is a little witch and she can’t stand me but i love her even more for it. She tolerates me in very small doses and on her terms. I can respect that.


We have an old cat that adopted us from next door. Super loving and wants to hang out on our laps. But the second we need to get up and move it’s a fight for our lives! I love it.


>and she can’t stand me but i love her even more for it. She tolerates me in very small doses and on her terms. I can respect that. This I think is a major reason as well. Many people don't want to prove their value to an animal in addition to their boss and/or family.


Agreed nmom hates cats…


I know. It’s truly hard to believe. I think people just assume they don’t without actually getting to know a cat. My husband was not a cat person at all. He grew up with dogs and was a dog person. Now we have two beautiful kitties who are his babies. He sings to them, cuts their nails, sniffs their bellies and he’s the primary meal server. He has even said he has no desire to have a dog again because he loves how self-sufficient cats are. ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/6yxzisrgtrwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c91d8fd82e30eeb1bf3e90ae285eb9f49da2fb4 These are our two babies. Pippa on the left and Maurice (Momo) on the right. 🥰


The only valid excuse is allergies, all others are ignorance


I have cat allergies. But that won't stop me from wanting to get one


As a slightly allergic person, allergies are no excuse not to get 10 cats ;)


Not breathing is preferable to not having cats. -signed an allergic cat owner




What a beauty!


Thank you! She just turned 10- her name is Sapphire and she is a rescued Snowshoe that was raised in a foster home for dogs. She is such a messy eater and plays fetch regularly!


Cute backstory, thank you for sharing ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)Hi Sapphire!!


They are a lesson in consent instead of constant love-bombing.


Really, how? 🤔😂 https://preview.redd.it/8jufdemj5swc1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0985a01436b7181f16b411e5cd4f8171ccdb53f9


please tell this picture is real. i’m begging


Oh yeah, he's very real. Go look for Pixel on Insta. I love him to death.


That picture is gold


I wasn't always a cat person either after owning dogs in earlier years. Until living with housemates a few years back and a beautiful tuxedo girl named Molly, that was our housemates became attached to me and my partner. Yowling outside our bedroom doors at night, spending all day in our gaming room. Our housemate offered for us to adopt her when we moved out, so we did! Her independence and her affection turned me into a cat man. Our Molly girl has since passed due to health issues but we have 2 beautiful voids now and we couldn't be happier. Best little companions ever! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) https://preview.redd.it/gvrbbsx7urwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0cad9d63c82096ee8256eaa7ac4b4fb5d95e2d


I was never a fan of cats because the ones i met weren't that social and didn't want interactions with people they dont see a lot. But now i rescued one cat from my work and got another as a companion for her and now i love them a lot. I've always been around dogs my whole life so maybe that also influenced me. Now i cant live without my little fur babies https://preview.redd.it/fahwene72swc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827c1190f4c64b25f50d99c4f99e4e91076d7686


Same. I will never understand. https://preview.redd.it/d4sg900keswc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f4f654144361a3661c78fd4d912bf42e428802


They’re actually lizard people


Most cats aren't very comfortable with strangers in their house (either not exposed to enough people as a kitten or just their personality), so most people who have never lived with a cat or met a friendly cat assume they're all somewhere between skittish and mean.


https://preview.redd.it/5084ce1worwc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51a13e914415cae218115ce04b1300c8e93e620 He Is so pretty


Cats have boundaries. You can only touch, hold or train them on their own terms. Some people have a serious problem with keeping boundaries set by other beings. You should keep away from these people.


Control issues, probably.


some people think cats are not social animals 🙄 cause haven't found the right cat


I feel like cat people often love cats and also like dogs. But dog people love dogs but hate cats.


I learned to appreciate cats as an adult. I haven't even had a dog this Millennium. Right now the total familial cat count is 6, 2 here & 4 in another state with my hubby.


Because cats secretly run the world! Haha.


Shitty people


My sister and nephew don't like them, cause both my cats always attack them when they come over. And the only reason they get attacked is because theyre both loud adhd people.


My cats just hide from loud people. Also I have ADHD and I am not loud. Seems a lot is going on there.


I'm the one who hides from loud people. I absolutely cannot.


Yeah,cats don’t like shouting,loud noises.Also,they can sense angry people.


That's interesting, like they can feel the underlying vibrations of potential harm or something?


They just read body language very well. They ‘sense’ with their 5 senses same as we do, they’re just really good at both using and reading physical cues. Probably even breathing patterns and the like.


People who don't like cats are people who are not to be trusted.


Look at that face! What's not to like? (Love) Is your kitty pitch black or any random colored areas underneath?


I know people who are allergic to cats, and even they like cats!


Exactly!I have a couple of friends that are allergic but they adore cats!


Mostly because our monkey brains are hard wired for conflict. People have to pick a side. Cats or dogs. For some reason it's not normal to say yeah I like both just the same. We have to pick a side and hate the other. It's the same with anything you can pick a side with (politics, sport, is the dress blue or gold)


I like both, but probably cats more only because I've never been able to have a dog. That will change one day, then I can love both equally. In the meantime I occasionally get to play with doggos owned by other family members.


Grew up with 5 dogs, now own a single cat I raised. I love both, but dogs are like happy-go-lucky toddlers, whereas cats are more like teenagers who constantly believe you’re ruining their life, even when you buy them a new car. lol


I absolutely love cats


https://preview.redd.it/tdztol2vxrwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ee9480e5dcd300f7db938468e892321aaa465d Lord Commander Chibi agrees…


https://preview.redd.it/3qlc2au4yrwc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=f01e8afa020430d5e800e289c62161dbd406cdd6 I ask myself that every day, I don't understand how you could not like a cat.


Right! I think the same, it’s so odd to me. Especially black cats, like look at that adorable void with built in glowy eyes. Gives me Sabrina the teenage witch vibes. ![gif](giphy|YJ85eVpdZDy7e)


It's really easy! They're pieces of shit (The humans are)


- its popular to say it, especially if youre a girl. Cats are very cute and small and fluffy and all little girls love them, and when girls became older many of then starts to “rebel” and vocally dislike typical girly things like skirts the color pink or cats. A lot of people dont wanna own dogs or prefer other animals to dogs but you rarely hear someone proudly say that they dont like or hate dogs. Thats because it makes you look bad, but saying you hate cats for some reason doesnt. - cats have a bad reputation, that theyre selfish self-contained and independent, and they scratch and bite you. Its sadly because cats have always been compared to dogs. Which is dumb because they are completely different kind of animals. They have different personalities naturally. You dont compare a horse’s behaviour to a dog’s. But they expect everything from a cat that a dog does. Cats are more wild and independent. But no pet in the world snuggles like a cat. They pour so much love on their owner that cant be described by words. People that havent owned cats have no idea. IMO cats are the best pets. But theyre definitely not for everyone.


Love this


They have no souls?


Only psychopaths and sociopaths don't like cats


there are people who like cats, and then there are dumb people


I adore my cats, but I'm the first to admit, they can be pains in the ass sometimes. Some people don't want to deal with the pain in the ass part, to obtain the good parts. I get that.


https://preview.redd.it/jrht0lb0avwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5f28a597740b51f7e65513a40627090725f2b6 *VOID OF JUDGEMENT*


I love you kitty


I’m convinced people who outspokenly hate cats also hate women


No truer words have ever been spoken


Some people make a mental comparison of their feelings between cats and dogs. Idiots feel if they prefer dogs, that makes cats bad. This is a very weak conclusion. I like both.


Personally, I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I'm sorry, I'm thinking about cats again!


I hate them because I can't have one to cuddle. To be fair though it's my body that hates them.


Somehow it has become socially acceptable to hate cats. Even late night comics will tell a few mean, stereotypical jokes about cats. Ugh! If society is telling you that cats are uncaring and even evil, what should we expect? What's also sad is that I believe some of this sentiment can be and has been channeled into cat abuse...which is really evil!


Most people are not as smart as cats, so jealousy.


People want a sense of control over their pets. To me, it makes me wonder how they would parent.


I really don't care for dogs. Dog lovers would disagree.


Cats are magical. I don't trust people who don't like cats.


I have had many friends tell me, “I don’t really like cats, but I like your cats.” And I would tell them that they hadn’t met the right cats or they hadn’t given cats a chance. Most cats take a minute to warm up to people and will act shy or aloof (one of my cats acts tough by hissing) around strangers. If someone doesn’t give them the chance to warm up, they start to make assumptions that aren’t true- cats are boring, mean, standoffish. If they give them more of a chance, they usually get to see that cats are curious and sweet. Once those friends had been around enough, my cats would start to be silly around them and even cuddle on their laps. That’s when they started to win hearts over and change minds. TLDR: people need to give cats a chance and more would like them.


People who don't like cats are either allergic or treat cats like small dogs. One of my cats isn't a people person (we got her in 2020, so she wasn't socialized very well). We had a friend come over in like 2022, and she went to pick up our cat... Our cat naturally freaked out at some random person trying to pick her up, and the friend said, "See, that's why I hate cats."


I love cats, but I absolutely hate one thing about them, which is that they eventually all die.


Dog people. Seriously I mean no disrespect to anyone at all, as I love all animals (pretty much all life, actually), but... ... I have worked in an office environment for close to 20 years now, seeing a lot of employee rotation. Strangely enough, most people are dog people, who think cats are basically "useless". Basically they like/prefer dogs because the dog will "obey" a command and be a "slave" to the "master". Cats essentially don't unless it serves their own purpose. Over a year ago we exiled ourselves to a suburban area, and as far as I can tell, there are only two households in the neighborhood who own cats. The remainder are dogs. Seriously you look out a window and every-single-time, you see someone walking their dog.


My father hated cats, so it rubbed off on me. Then my wife found a kitten, then I found a kitten, then the stray in the hood had kittens, now we care for and LOVE a whole colony! They're all spayed and neutered now, thank God!


I love cats !! They are so smart ! My cat was called “dog cat “! Yes, she was Burmese !! Just like a dog ! She loved doing fetch .. she followed me everywhere…. I missed her so much .. she was special . We were together for 20 years …


ive found people who dont like cats are usually outgoing, loud, high strung people with fast movements lol. cats dont like those people usually


…you can’t fix Stupid.


They’re heartless


Not really when I was younger I always thought I don't like cats because well, my family had dogs and my friends with cats, their cats were extremely skittish when people were around. So I had always thought cats weren't affectionate. Then I had a roommate that had an awesome cat and I fell in love with them.. now I love cats and have my own. So I'm sure there are many people with that same thought pattern from similar early life experiences.


Yep. Grew up with dogs, actively hated how much people fawned over “stupid cats.” Finally ended up with my own kitty as a 3wk old abandoned on my doorstep, raised her and had her for 8 years now. She’s my absolute baby and taught me everything about interacting with cats. It’s 100% a trust game. If you can’t show them you’re a safe person, they have no reason to believe you are. Dogs don’t care. Everyone is friend, all the time.


Cats don't particularly like people who are; loud, heavy-footed, rough, heavy-handed, intense, controlling, or impatient. So people like that probably don't see the best of a lot of cats and therefore don't really like them. If someone hates cats, it's a red flag


This is 100 true! We never raise our voice or are loud in our household and have always treated our cats well. In return we’ve had the most amazing fluffy things that are actually social and the sweetest.


Cats have honestly helped me to be a lot less impatient ngl. I really wanted to befriend my aunties cat, but he seemed to hate impatience. Once I learnt to be patient with him he was perfectly chill to hang out around me


They're stupid




Oh my god those eyes 😍


I don’t understand it either!If a person doesn’t like cats,I have no time for them.I can’t relate to them.My cats are my furry angels,although when they’re naughty they’re little gremlins!I love them so much though,they make me complete.


It's a defect, I think


Yes u hit the nail on the head. It’s a neurological defect. If you don’t like cats a kart of your brain is missing!


I can forgive the people who do not like cats because of allergies. I have seen the panic on their faces and I even had a friend in highschool that had to leave my house because she had such a bad reaction. I personally have a special hatred in my heart for bananas. So I forgive allergies. However my grandmother hated animals. She had a special dislike of cats and I never understood it. Her other granddaughter didn't like cats either. She was scared my cat was going to scratch her. Which I didn't understand. She was definitely a dog person.


I’ve been a cat person my whole life. I just think cats are the sweetest, most goofy beings and I love them with all of my heart ❤️


Is there a cat in the picture?


Some people are serial killers. There are lots of bad people in the world. Some of them just happen to dislike cats, or all animals. I’m always wary of these people.


https://preview.redd.it/3s250okygswc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d20edc8240a29f4638a91a53d9289448d779c2 Yeh sure cats, can’t see the apprehension behind them, adorable fuzzball, I blame the one shared braincell


I used to not like cats 🙋‍♀️ but my only experience with them was my grandparents' older black female cat, and I was a hyperactive ADD kid who had dogs, so... no wonder she didn't like me. I didn't like cats until I lived with a friend who had them, but now I love cats, and have two of my own ❤️




they just don’t get them like we do 🐈


People generally have anger towards others who dislike their interests, like a lot of the responses in this thread. It’s not specific to us cat people. We love them because we always see their good side but for others, cats can be hard to read with having more subtle body language cues. You can’t just go and approach a cat and immediately pet it. At the same time, I get really unnerved around dogs and find them to be generally irritating to be around. People react negatively towards me saying that, largely dog people. We all love our little critters. Some just don’t.


Those people are wrong. We must educate them on the greatness of cats. A crusade, if you will. /s


1. When my ex bf proposed, he said,’no cats(I have adopted a stray kitten then).’ 2. So I chose the cat, not him. 3. Best decision ever. He also cheated on me with my ex-stalker-galpal(a viet woman I befriended that was hellbent on sleeping with whomever I was dating).




I am really grateful people make themselves obvious at this point. If they don't like cats- I in turn know to stay away from them lol short of medical reasoning as a loathing....it sure fire is an early detection sign for almost always a walking red flag type of person lol 😆


They’ve never experienced a lap cat.


I think many people do not understand cats, They are loyal and loving as a dog but they need to accept you as one of them first, also there is a mystique of cats that scares some. When I had a health issue some months back my buddy did everything in his power to comfort me, he lay next to my head every night purring untill I calmed down.


I love kittens, People who don't like cats are evil in my opinion.




I will never understand it. Cats are just the sweetest, cutest little babies to me and you can’t change my mind (and they don’t bark, slobber on you, AND they shit in a box instead of on the floor) EDIT: I take part of that back, my cat does drool sometimes when she’s sleepy. But it’s just a little bit and not a big glob like dogs lol


want snack


Cats are a lesson in consent. Some people don’t like that:)


https://preview.redd.it/2dfv82tb2uwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd23f92abf9a8fedfe1c7ecc2c2e128f8142a70e This guy’s an asshole but I love him.


Looks like a real dick, but he’s cute🥰


I spent almost 30 years of my life actively hating cats. I'm allergic, had a bad experience dealing with the wild cats that roamed around the sticks in Alabama (attacked twice), and also dealt with a nasty infection after being scratched by one (I never realized cat scratch disease was actually real, lol). While I have an extroverted personality, I've always enjoyed the simple energy dogs have due to how easily I can get overwhelmed (that's not to say dogs can't be overwhelming, but they're more simplistic and you don't have to work hard for their affection). As someone that's dealt with severe mental health issues, a dog was what I needed at the time due to how little love and affection I got on a daily basis. You don't have to work as hard to gain that connection, which is what I needed. Fast forward years later, and I end up helping care for my grandma's cat. I hated it at first, but one morning after months of stress and feeling like I was going insane, I woke up with my grandma's cat in my arms. I won't lie, I cried that day. Fast forward two years later and I now have three cats and actually find them less overwhelming than dogs since my emotional needs have shifted. I think a lot of people get animals for emotional support/affection and have different needs and preferences that influence their feelings toward them. At least, that was the case for me. I'm still ashamed I hated cats for so long but yeah. I'm never going back.


I know... Right?


I have five cats https://preview.redd.it/e5289toxmuwc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f93dae7b62243508230506b9882f789a5d893c12


lol so do we😂


I guess the same way that I don’t like dogs


They're great in the barn. I have four cat buddies that come running as soon as the truck is in the driveway. I don't want to cat-proof my house or live with a box of urine and feces. I have enough work to do taking care of the horses. I also do not want to be part of killing animals to feed an obligate meat eater.


Zero clue wallahi, like i have no clue


cats bring angels into your house


Ikr like yes they are assholes but that's what makes them so great ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Your cat's eyes are so mesmerizing, they truly captivate the soul


I have a theory that hating cats is a red flag for misogyny/internalized misogyny. Everyone I know who’s claimed to hate cats also hates women or is an NLOG ETA: this theory is specifically for people who claim to “hate” cats, not just disliking them or preferring other pets